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Realistic or Modern The Descendants of Fairytales

"Just don't get caught." She warned the two. "Oh and no sex on the tables." She grinned to herself as she looked at the computer screen. Frost typed into the computer system 'fairy tales'. The system brought up the page that said no results found. She sighed slightly, leaning back in the chair. She wasn't entirely sure what to do. This book didn't even seem to exist. The pale girl looked down at the book in her lap. Reaching down, she slowly ran her hand over the cover. "Fairy tales..." She whispered to herself, opening the cover of the book. Once again the title page jumped out at her, turning the next page and focusing on her mothers face. Frost shook her head as she hesitantly flipped through the pages, not bothering to read the story. Even her father was in the book. She had no words.

She then heard another person enter the library. She looked up just in time to notice Anaëlle. The girl tried scooting out of her chair, only to end up falling on the floor. She was almost certain if anybody was watching they just got a nice view of her lacy underwear. She didn't care though. "Anaëlle!" She shouted, getting up and dusting off her dress, slightly running over to the girl, grabbing her wrist. "I have a book. You need to check it nowwwww." She spoke urgently, pulling on her wrist slightly. She really wanted to know what this thing was.

Wick couldn’t help but chuckle at the young woman before him at her reply. She guessed? She truly was something else. That much he was sure of. She didn’t seem to truly think it was a pleasure either. He simply smiled at her, taking note to remember that the next time they’d run into each other. Wick had a way of remembering the bad things anyone ever did. He enjoyed bringing it up the best and worst of times. The worst times for them- The best time for him to watch them break even further.

He waved back at her and was slightly surprised when she sent him a smile He brushed it off, figuring she was just trying to be ‘polite’. That’s how the students at this school were supposed to be. All light and preppy and just so damn happy. It sickened him if he were to be honest over it. But he was stuck here so he’d most certainly have to stomach it. Turning back around, he continued walking through the halls. Boredly, his eyes roamed from one side to the other. Eyes flickered over faces of those he knew and those he didn’t. For now he figured he’d just make his way to the office to grab the rest of his papers and go look for his class. Whistling, he continued to walk, his hand slipping professionally into the pockets of the victims who had gotten a bit too close.
"Rayver wake uuup!" A voice called out. The teen opened his eyes and quickly sat up on his bed only to feel his tired eyes shut close again. He involuntarily fell back onto his mattress before falling back asleep. "RAYVER WAKE UUUP!" Rapunzel excitedly exclaimed as she rapidly moved her hands through his already messy hair. "Gaaah! Geez!" Rayver sat back up then looked at his mother. "You know, I don't see why you can't immediately just jump out of bed and rush to school. Would you prefer to be locked up in a tower?" Rayver's mother asked looking off into the distance. "I would have loved to go to school . . . " She continued. Rayver just stared at her with a raised brow. He shook his head and stood up, "Yeah yeah I'm gonna get ready". "Breakfast is at the table!" Rapunzel called out.

Rayver walked into the restroom and did his usual morning routine before walking out and getting dressed. "HELLO son!" His father said barging into Rayver's room. "AH!" The teen yelled slightly jumping up at his father's sudden entrance. "How can this face . . " Flynn gestured to his own face. ". . . scare you?" The man continued. Rayver sighed then resumed fixing his sleeve. "Get your eyes checked son" Flynn snapped two of his fingers then exited the room. This was just another average morning at the Fitzherbert's place. Nothing really new. It was normal right? "OH!" his father popped his head back in. "WHAT?!" Rayver answer shifting his gaze back to his father. "Have a nice day!" The man said finally leaving again. No way am I going to the kitchen. Hm just gotta make the most of what I have. Rayver thought to himself before climbing out his window and dashing to school.

He felt as if he was forgetting something. There was some kind of special news that day. What was it again? . . . ah whatever. Rayver walked onto the campus and headed to his favorite place, the library. A new book had just caught his attention lately. It was called The Tales of Flynnigan Rider. It was all about a pirate going on various adventures. Really interesting. Rayver thought walking into the library and going to the shelf he had found it in.
Anaëlle Bella

Full Name

Anaëlle Bella

{ An-El, Bell-Ah }


Neutral, though a bit Irritated


Inside the Library

Interacting With

Frost - @Halcyon

Anaëlle had found five books, at the moment all from the Library not including the one she got from home. " I honestly, think I love books more than I should. Though, it can't be helped. Instead of living alone and having a obsession with cats. I will have a obsession with books. " As, Anaëlle had thought that a picture of a 80-year old had popped up in her head with stacks and stacks of books all around her house in neat piles and in the most perfect angles because of her slight OCD. Sighing, and slightly smiling at that thought .Anaëlle's name being called quite loudly in the once quiet Library had caught her attention making her stumble a bit and almost hit her forehead on the bookshelves.

Putting her 6 books in one arm, she looked in each direction before seeing Frost dusting herself off before slightly running over to Anaëlle and grabbing her wrist making her stumble a bit once more. " I barely talked to you today, and your already giving me bad luck with these heels. " Anaëlle said mumbling under her breath, before she looked at the book in her friend's hand. Grabbing it with permission, Anaëlle had wiped the light coat of dust before gently opening the book. " Seems like it's some ancient fairytale book. " She said as she gently flipped through the pages of the book. " Though, what's so special about it. Despite, cover of coruse. " Anaëlle said, slightly smiling in a way that made both her dimples show.
Isabelle "Ellie" Waters

No answer from Nate. "NAAAATE." She sighed loudly, today was not going well already. "Okay, fine. Find your own darn ride to school!" She yelled up to her brother. "Bye Mom, bye Dad." She nodded slightly to them as she grabbed another slice of bacon and hopped out the door into her car. It was a baby blue 2011 Volkswagen Beetle Bug, but Ellie loved it dearly. It was something she was extremely proud of. As soon as she turned on the car, she cranked up the radio and rolled down the windows. Gotta arrive in style, right?

The crisp morning wind shimmered through her hair as she made the short drive to school and pulled up into her parking spot. Today will be a good day. It will. With that burst of optimism, Ellie Waters exited her car and walked up onto school grounds. Smiling at some girls she knew, Ellie felt her confidence being renewed with each step. This isn't so bad. I got this. I totally got this. Just make sure you don't make any enemies. Make a good first impression.

Walking into the library, Ellie immediately took note of Frostlyn falling off the chair. She stopped in her tracks for a moment but was relieved to see that her friend was okay and watched as she walked over to another girl, Anaëlle, that was her name, right? "That was quite a fall there, Frost." Ellie joked lightly as she made her way over to her friend. That's when she noticed the crowd of other students near her. Ellie didn't recognize them, which was extremely rare considering the fact that Ellie prided herself in the idea of knowing as many people at the school as she could. "Oh, hey. You guys must be new. I'm Isabelle, but everyone here calls me Ellie." Her face beamed with friendliness at the new, her charming grin engaging them as she made eye contact with them. "Sucks about your school. You'd think that they'd give you a week off or something, but no, they just shoved you right back into different classes." Her voice took on a sympathetic tone as she spoke again, shrugging a little at them.

@Halcyon @Ravian @Karcen @Fingertips (Mentioned)
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Frost pouted slightly, rolling her eyes. "Sorry Smarty. But this is important." She held up her book, allowing the other girl to examine it. After a few moments Anaëlle made a comment. Frost looked down at the book, giving a nod. "Well, yeah, i knew that but..." She looked back and forth, making sure not a teacher was in sight. Frostlyn reached up and grabbed the book and pulled the girl to a table by the others. She then grabbed another chair, making it a total of six chairs at the table. Once again, odd number's were a big no no.

Frost sat down and looked over at Rahul, Morgan, and now the overly happy Ellie, she blinked nervously a few times before focusing back on the task at hand. "Open the book. You'll see why i'm freaking." She nervously tapped her fingers on the table, waiting for the other girls reaction.

@Fingertips || @Ravian @FrankieLynn @ShatteredSoul (Mentioned)
After fumbling with the combination lock of her locker, Ophelia finally managed to get it open. She placed the unneeded things she didn't need to carry around the whole day inside before closing it, putting the piece of paper that had her locker combination written on in her pocket before turning on her heel to walk down the hall. She had some time to kill before classes started, she figured, and decided to scope this school out. Since this was going to be her new school from now on, or else it was home school with Mr. Smee, she had to know where some places were located.

As she walked down the hallways of the school, keeping close to the wall and her hands on the straps of her backpack, she noticed some students that had attended Maleficent high with her. She didn't mind some, but there were some she wanted to keep herself out from their sight, even if they were her fellow classmates. She quickly turned into a different hall and sped down it.

She then found herself in front of the library, she assumed, and decided to enter it. Reading was one of the things Ophelia enjoyed doing and libraries were known to be void of any student, well almost. Slowly walking up and down the aisles of bookshelves, she was looking at all the different titles, stopping once to view a title of a book she found interesting when she heard voices. Putting the book back in its place and curious, Ophelia walked in the direction the voices were coming from.

Keeping out of sight and close to the bookshelves, she saw the voices belonged to a small group of students, discussing some sort of book that was placed on a table. Are Fairy Heights students always this weird...?
Ready for chapter 8 son! Rayver thought to himself as he finally arrived at the shelf then scanned the area for the book. The teen slightly furrowed his brows before double checking the whole shelf. Seriously? Just when I was actually going to check it out. He narrowed his eyes then scanned the people in the area. His eyes paused at a few new people he had never seen before. Right, that one other school was now at the same high school as them. His heart stopped when he saw one of the new students place the book back into the shelf and walk away. Of course the teen felt so strongly about this book! It was his way of having an adventure. He had tried various times to do so around the campus, but usually got in trouble for being too "extreme" or blah blah blah. Rayver quickly snatched up the book in his hands then turned to walk away. Something stopped him though. The teen looked back over his shoulder to see the new girl . . . spying? He slowly walked up behind her, " . . So you think you're sneaky huh?"

@The Sparrow
Rahul begins to click his tongue obnoxiously, thinking over what Morgan says to him.

"You know I'm not big on promises, and.... well, it seems Frost just ruined my idea!"

He shoves a thumb towards the red-lipped girl, implying that 'sex on the tables' was going to be the payment, but he also grins, so the female knows he isn't that perverted. Though, he could be tempted with more alcohol in his bloodstream. The male then pulls his backpack onto his lap and begins digging through it. He tosses out some trash and starts laying his few belongings onto the table, including junk food, his clear-liquid-filled bottles, a couple of canned sodas, and, of course, his infamous Camel Lights, some in packages and some cut into halves. The halves were made by Rahul himself, when he was trying to stop smoking, but he stopped trying, finding nothing more relaxing. He is taking out his trusty lighter when Ellie walks towards the group, mentioning the fate of their school. He sparks a flame, and holds it towards the new girl as he speaks.

"Ah, yes... It's such a shame that things can't be done right...the first time."

The male grins at and lets a brief laugh escape his lips, and the flames flickers out. He turns back towards Morgan, but his mind isn't in his actions. With so many people around him, Rahul grows excited and curious, glancing at all the Fairy Heights students while he attempts to wager with the white-haired girl.

"So, anyways. I have some chocolate bars, Little Debbies snacks, and like some soda....Hmm...I know you don't smoke, but lighter can be used for so many interesting things! I have a couple more at home, but this one is beautiful, huh? Beautiful..."

Rahul hands the lighter to Morgan, but his eyes turn towards the table, as the book is finally exposed. He concludes it is for some type of history project that she is doing with the red head seated beside her. He focuses on staring at Ellie for the time being, as his deal is being decided. Honestly, he didn't even want to lose his lighter, and he guessed Morgan wouldn't want it anyways. How else would he be able to smoke before going home? The male places his chin in his hands and resumes clicking his tongue, attempting to form a tune but failing horridly.
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Ophelia had to bite her tongue to prevent herself from making a sound when someone had walked up behind her and suddenly speak to her. She turned around to see a boy much taller than her. More tall people. She slightly narrowed her eyes up at him and said quietly, "No, not at all. I'm not spying if that's what you're thinking." She didn't like when people thought her observing was spying.

Her eyes looked to the book he was holding, seeing that it was the same book she had picked off the shelf not only moments ago. "Good choice..." Was all Ophelia said before she turned back to the scene she was observing, hoping the tall boy would walk off to read his book or something and stop bothering her.

Rayver smiled a bit and lightly leaned against the shelf. "Ya know, you have really nice eyes. Too bad you had to turn away so quickly" He stated before running a hand through his hair. "Even if I did think you were spying, other people walking around here might just think you're stalking them. Now that's not the best way to start out at a new school. Am I right?" The teen questioned slightly raising a brow. "Anyway, I'll leave you alone now. See ya" Rayver turned around, but pulled out another book before taking another step away. All these adventure books were really interesting. He might just read every single one of them in the section. His hand placed the book back in the shelf. Eventually. Maybe he would even show the book to his parents. Nah, they wouldn't care.

@The Sparrow
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Ash Leaf

Ash looked at Frostlynn and her book with confusion before sitting with her and Anaëlle. The book looks so antique and old like it was already made a hundred years ago. What's so special 'bout that book? he asked his self when he felt something odd about it, like it's calling for them to open it. Seeing Frostlynn White this interested and curious only means this book is really special. Maybe curiosity is contagious because even Ash himself is being curious now. He waited patiently for them to open the book.


Anaëlle Bella

Full Name

Anaëlle Bella

{ An-El, Bell-Ah }


Neutral, though a bit Irritated


Inside the Library

Interacting With

Frost - @Halcyon

Isabelle - @ShatteredSouls { Mentioned }

Curly -

Ash -

It seemed like Anaëlle only got a few seconds to investigate the book before it was taken out of her hands, and was pulled yet again but instead to a table with other people that Anaëlle had yet to learn about. Other than Isabella and Frost, Anaëlle didn't know anyone else at this table sadly. But, that didn't matter at the moment. The girl was sitting at the table for almost a minute and already had a crusty thumb that people refer to a finger pointed at her. " I'd like it if you don't point your crusty little thumb at me Curly. Thank you very much. " Anaëlle said rolling her eyes, before she looked down at the book that was situated in front of her. Just as Anaëlle was going to open the book, the guy had opened his backpack and began to literally dump his stuff on the table like it was a garbage dump making Anaëlle cringe. This mess was irritating her, and if she didn't fix it she might go insane and probably rip her hair out stand by strand.

" You people are so. " She said, before cutting herself off with a irritated groan. Slightly standing up above the table, Anaëlle had quickly organized this guy's stuff in neat piles so they were separated in drinks, food and such. Sitting back in her seat, she flicked and dusted off everything invisible piece of dust and such of every part that touched the things she organized. Sighing, Anaëlle had ignored the guy even though she wanted so badly to take of her heel and smack him in the head with it repeatedly. He was driving her insane, and she barely knew him. Stratching her eyebrow, Anaëlle had slowly yet gently opened the book to see a table of contents. Looking at the titles she came across bizarre titles for fairy tales. But, Beauty and the Beast intrigued her quite a lot. But, that story could wait.

" These titles sort of remind me of the fairy tales I had heard as a kid. " Anaëlle said mumbling, which was no surprise as her family was filled with bookworms left to right. Flipping the next page, the first story was " Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. " As, Anaëlle had flipped through the pages reading bits and pieces of it she noticed that Frost's mother was in the book. " It's almost as if, your mother was apart of a fairy tale. Which seems like the case. " Anaëlle said, noticing that someone had joined the group. Looking up from the book she noticed it was Ash. " Welcome to the group Ash. " Anaëlle muttered loud enough for him to hear, before continuing to investigate the book.


Junjie looked down at yet another short girl. Man, he was probably like a giant compared to all the other people in his school but he didn't care, the height helps when playing basketball. "Ok one..I doubt you'll make me kiss the floor, you're so short it's crazy and two my name is Junjie Li...nice to meet your acquaintance..." He told her as they both entered the nurse and quickly told the nurse what happened. The nurse quickly nodded and helped Anais onto the bed removing the handkerchief. She started cleaning the blood away from her nose along with checking to see if it was broken. When she finished in half an hour, she wrote down an excuse note and sent them on their way. The bell already rang so Junjie was late for his class. He sighed inwardly and looked down at the short girl he was next to. "Now that your nose is not bleeding nor broken...what's your name...I already told you mine now its your turn..." He slipped his hands into his pockets his toned frame towering over her small one. This is why he liked short girls...and guys too...yeah he was bi-sexual but his parents don't know yet. "And take your time...I'm already late to my first period might as well skip it..." He spoke sarcastically.

Morgan honestly would have helped Rahul for the lighter as she felt it was a little more important than he let on and therefore it would be an equal trade and she ignored the implication of more carnal reparations as she was sure they both knew that was one payment she wouldn't accept. Though now she had the lighter and something more interesting came up , well she always kept her word and she wouldn't lose that on the first day here.

" I hope you brought something to upload your face to the computers then Rahul "[/color] She said " Or I would if not for the chance being gone " she finished handing the lighter back to Rahul " just be glad I don't really care about others air quality "

Anais Queen

"Number one, I'm not short- you're just tall. Number two, please don't underestimate short people. Number three, thank you for helping me with my nose even if it's your fault and last but not the least number five- my name is Anais Queen, thank you very much." Anais wiped her nose one last time before keeping her handkerchief inside her bag and taking out her mirror. She stared at her face- making sure that every angle of her nose is alright. "My face is still perfect." she sighed in relief as she poke her nose. Thank goodness because if it weren't her mother will be soooo disappointed and she can't have that.​


Al Weiss Ash Leaf Beauty

"Uhm, alright- thanks I guess, Anaëlle." Ash Leif nodded his head, he wasn't sure if the girl is being sarcastic or kind o what, "As perfectionists as always huh?" he continued and looked at the stuffs she just cleaned up.

As they opened the book, the boy quickly realized that it's a book about fairy tales. "Fairytales, huh?" he tapped his chin thoughtfully. When he was just a young boy his mother always tell him a story and he will always whine because he says it's too girly and she kept on telling the same story about a sleeping woman. I mean who wants to hear a story about a sleeping woman anyways? Especially every night. Hm, what was that fairytale's title again? Sleeping... woman- oh Sleeping Beauty!

And then Ash saw Frost's mother, the town's baker in the book. His eyes widened, "Wow. Did they model a fairytale character to your mom? Now that's cool." he grinned as he looked at Frostlynn and Anaėlle who were both invested to the strange book. Now he couldn't help but wonder if the story Sleeping Beauty is also there.

@Halcyon @Fingertips
Vinicius Deville

Vinicius decided that it might be a good idea to explore the complete campus for a bit. Every place has rooms where only a few amount of people are allowed to go to, so probably Fairy Heigts too. He didn't think that he would find one on the first day but maybe later in the weeks he had to spend here. At least he could give it a try to wander around for a bit right? With the filmcamera still in his hands he started to make his way to the top floor of the building, through the hallways to the main stairs. It wasn't that special though. Just a normal school but then with a bunch of good kids instead of bad kids. He went with his hands through his hair as he stood in front of a window for a moment, enjoying the view of the district. The light blue eyes noticed a bright yellow sign, attached to an arrow fence. Going to keep that place in mind.. he thought by himself as he zoomed in.


The other floors weren't that special, mostly classrooms and toilets. He took different stairs to make his way back down but these guided him to a different place. Another sign really? were his thoughts as another sign showed up. This one said that it was only a door for staff but as usual he didn't care about it. New school or not he wasn't going to change his way of doig things. The male clenched his jaw before he slowly pushed the door open, following the way of the hall. A few minutes gone by before another door appeared. For a moment he held his ear against the door, listening closely. It sounded like a public room since there wasn't just one person talking. No deep voices of adults either. "Come on.." He mumbled quietly before he pushed against the door, light coming through and the sound of people coming closer- a library. Suprised was the best word to describe the look on Vinicius' face. The only thing he was hoping for now was that no one had seen him coming out of that door.
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Zephyr pulled into the school's parking lot with his motorcycle, glancing up at his new school. Going from homeschooling to a brand new public school was a little bizarre to say the least, and he knew he couldn't get away with as much as he could if he was at home, even with his disciplined, military-oriented father. "Be on your best behaviour, Zephyr. And DON'T do anything reckless." He remembered his father telling him as he wolfed down his breakfast and sped out the door. His nerves were shot already, but thankfully his mother stopped him right at the door with a croissant and a few friendly words. "You'll be just fine, Zeph, your father is just being nervous for you. Have fun!"

Zephyr grinned at this, and parked his motorcycle, surprisingly next to another one. "Well, that'll be fun. I've already made a friend." He thought to himself. Slinging his bag over his shoulder, he tramped up to the entrance of the school, entering its vast halls.


Frost gasp gently as Rahul dumped stuff on the table. She looked up at him with wide eyes, questioning his behavior. As if on cue, both Anaëlle and her stood up, organizing it. As Anaëlle put everything in groups Frost would go back over and then organize them by height. She flinched slightly as two over the groups had a odd number. The Chocolate bars and sodas. Frost stood frozen before grabbing one from each pile and handing them to Rahul. "Have these first" she comanded, holding them out to him

When Anaëlle opened the book Frost sat back down. She played with the hem of her dress, eyeing the girl as she spoke about what she thought the book was. "That's the thing Ash... This book was written almost a hundred years ago. And it's not only my parents." Frost explained standing up and leaning across the table as she flipped the page to 'Beauty and the Beast'. She looked up into Anaëlle's eyes. "That's your mom." She spoke softly, moving away and sitting back down. She ran a hand through her messy hair. "My parents were hiding it. Like they didn't want me to find it." The girl shook her head, unsure how to feel.

@Ravian @FrankieLynn @Karcen @Fingertips ((Sorry for the length and stuff. I have the flu!))
Zephyr wandered through the halls of the school, already deciding that there wasn't a point in going to his new classes, and that he would want to explore. Especially since he couldn't find his bloody locker. When he finally came across the rows of lockers, he also saw a lovely, dark-haired girl in a light green dress with an irritated expression on her face. "Finally, someone to talk to." He thought. He approached her from the side, and tapped her shoulder. "You know, it's a shame to see such a pretty face with an inverse smile." He gave her a lopsided grin. "I don't suppose there's anything I could do to help you out, is there?"

At first Rahul doesn't notice the commotion he seems to have caused, and he ignores Anaëlle's complaints about his behavior, as he merely does not care. However, when he breaks eye-contact with Ellie's nose and reaches down to retrieve his flash-drive, he picks up a can of soda instead. Suddenly, he is aware that his messiness is frowned upon here. This is concluded by the angry way the two females are pawing through his things, sorting them in groups about the table.

"What the...?! Why are you touching my things, girls? I'm not allowed to freely take your snacks, but you are allowed to go through mine?!"

The male jumps up and snatches the two items from Frostlyn's hands, trying his best to prove a point. He doesn't actually give a hoot if strangers touch his belongings, especially not cheap food items, but laying their small, snobby hands on his cigarettes did drive him a bit mad. He sweeps all his things back into his bag, destroying the organization. To finish his childish temper-tantrum, Rahul opens up a soda can and turns it over, so the sticky liquid pours in a steady stream onto the table.


With that, the male doesn't even feel up to downloading his face to computer screens, and he falls back into his seat. He huffs angrily, curls his grown body into an awkward ball, and pulls out a cigarette. The teenager lights the paper and watches the liquid drip from the table's edge. Why did he bother to get out of bed again? He doesn't leave, though, knowing his presence is frustrating enough for the other students to deal with. Despite his immature behavior, Rahul focuses on blowing the smoke down, away from people's faces. Oh; how he does so much for others. If only they paid attention... Rahul smirks, considering himself a saint.

(Oh, and I hope you get well soon, @Halcyon )
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Evangeline had spent her time, walking around the halls as she fumed in annoyance. That stupid jerk and telling her that it was her fault in the first place. He shouldn't have even been that in the hallway in the first place! With a sigh, she stopped walking and rested her back against the lockers. Mama wouldn't like her all upset the way she was and Evangeline certainly didn't want her mother called if she did blow on someone. A mad mom was a mom she didn't want to see.

She felt someone tap her and turned her head in confusion before her eyes widened just a bit. Who was this guy? She would surely have remembered someone like him. She made sure to remember most of the school.

'He must be one of the new kids coming from the other school...' She thought. They were supposed to be bad. The evil kids who did nothing but cause trouble. But then again, Eva got in trouble a lot as well. She wasn't too different from them.

Breaking out of her reverie, she shook her head of any thoughts and looked back up at him. A smirk came to her face at his small compliment. Quickly changing it to a small smile she rolled her eyes. "No I don't suppose you'd be able to help me with this one. This jerk stole something of mines that I need before I even step out of this school." She said with a shrug before looking up at him. He really was tall. Were all the Maleficent High guys this tall? "But then again, I'd much rather know the name of someone who is willing to help me." She said. "My names Evangeline but you can call me Eva. You are?"

Zephyr raised his eyebrows. "A thief, huh? Well we oughta pursue him! I shall have this knaves' head for infringing upon your honour!" He pumped his fist into the air with a chuckle, then awkwardly lowered it. "Ah, sorry. But seriously, we should find this guy. What'd he steal? Gold? Jewels? Oh wait, this is high school. Your lunch maybe?" He teased her gently, and when she asked him what his name was, he gave a grandiose bow. "Zephyr de Châteaupers, at your humble service. Just call me Zeph." He grabbed her hand. "C'mon, let's go find this guy! Which way did he go?"
Raymond shook his head at the thought and checked the book out. He exited the library carrying the book under his arm. There really wasn't much for him to do at the moment except to continue reading the book. His gaze shifted around the halls from person to person. Most of the people seemed to have some sense of direction. Others on the other hand, were just like him. They had no real need to go to a certain place within the campus or do something specific before class started. The teen paused in his tracks for a moment. Was he encountering boredom? No! Raymond thought to himself as he walked around the campus looking for anyone to prank, talk to, or help. His eyes shifted downward. Raymond turned the book around in his hands and thought to himself. When would I even get to experience something even close to this?
Evangeline watched as he got excited over the their and couldn't help but let a small laugh escape her lips when he raised his hand in the air.

"It's alright." She said. "He stole my recipe book... Well-" She bit her lip, looking away. "I kinda gave it to him if we want to be technical here. I threw the book at him and he never gave it back- But I had a good reason to!" She said quickly.

She smiled at him. "Nice to meet you Zeph." She said with a grin before her eyes widened in surprise when he took her hand. "Whoa! Um. I have no idea where he went to be honest with you. He was riding a skateboard through the halls and kind of just slipped away from me."

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