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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Realistic or Modern The Descendants of Fairytales

Junjie was struggling with the locker combination. He tried three times before it finally worked he basically cheered but inwardly. Right when the locker door opened he heard a loud thud hit the locker door which caused him to almost fall from being startled. "What the hell?!" He paused his music pulling his headphones around his neck then looked around trying to figure out where the noise came from. He looked down seeing a small book on the floor then picked it up. He found out the book was the cause of the noise and inwardly growled. Someone threw a book at him! That was rude on so many levels. He looked around for the person who threw the book but had no luck. Then he had an idea...just take the book with him and once the person realizes they need it that's when he finds out who threw it. He smirked at the idea then shoved the book in his backpack, put his headphones back up to resume listening to his music and got back on his board. He closed his locker door shut getting everything he needed out and resumed riding through the halls until his first class started. He was going to find out who wanted him dead and he might return the favor in the worst possibly way ever.

Evangeline's smile faded as she watched him pick the book up. No! No! He was supposed to leave it! Not pick it up! Evangeline let out a groan at the senior before storming after him. Thanks to Junjie the lunch ladies won't be bothered by her. She walks through the school, moving her hat out of the way as her dark brown eyes roam around the halls. How had he disappeared like he did? It made no sense!

"You stupid guy with your stupid skateboard. Making me drop my beignet..." She muttered, pushing her way through the crowds and not necessarily caring if she upset anyone. That was her food. You didn't mess with her food. That was for sure. After about twenty minutes of searching the halls, she finally saw him, skateboarding. Without really thinking, she ran his direction. Jumping in front of the skateboard, she glared at him.

"Stop!" She demanded, holding a hand up. When he was close enough, she poked him with her finger.

"You-" Poke. "Took-" Poke. "My-" Poke. "Book!" She poked him again, pouting. "Give it back! Now!" She rolled her eyes. "Please and thank you."

Frostlyn turned on her heels watching as the girls discussed what his name was. While they said stay away, she made a mental note to watch him for the next few days to see exactly what was up with him. He had a weird aura to him, confidence pouring from him. Right then she noticed he changed his direction and was heading straight towards the group. Frost raised an eyebrow and took a small step back as he waved directly towards her as though they have been friends for some time now.

Frost opened her mouth to speak only to realize there was no way for her to mutter a single word to the Arabic boy. Each time she tried to say something about the cupcakes he kept taking, she would only be interrupted by him again. And it wasn't even like he was having a conversation with her. No! He was talking to himself. It was like Frost wasn't even there. Like it was just Rahul and the basket of cupcakes. Once he finished his fourth cupcake he simply stopped the conversation and hid, yes, hid behind Anais.

Frost's red lips formed a little 'o' shape, staring at the male with large blue eyes. What just happened? She blinked as the other two girls made simple comments, as though this behavior was normal. Not for Frost it wasn't though. The girl narrowed her eyes, glaring at the taller male. Frost took a step forward. and weaved behind Anais, stomping on Rahul's foot with her combat boot. She then reached up and grabbed his ear, pulling him down so they were eye level.

"Look here 'RB' ." The girl emphasized the nickname he told her to call him. "I don't know who you think you are to just come and take as many cupcake's as you wished. How do you think the other new students will feel when they don't have a cupcake to snack on because Mr. Greedy over here just had to have four? Just because i'm small doesn't mean i'm not willing to kick your butt." She growled at him, anger filling her slightly at how selfish he was. Frost felt intimidating and powerful, although she didn't quite look the part. Frost then let go of his ear and backed away, taking a breath. "Greedy." was all she said. That's it. He would no longer be called Rahul or RB. He would forever be know as Greedy to Frost.

@FrankieLynn @Ravian @Karcen
Junjie stopped abruptly on his board when a really short dark-skinned girl just jumped in front of him. She then proceeded to poke his chest or at least try to, she was so short compared to him. He was 6'5 and she was probably around 5'4. He then smirked when she told him to give back her book. So he found the culprit! He grabbed her small hand before she could poke him again and covered it with his giant one. "So you...are the one who threw that book my way...you know that is a very rude thing to do..." He told her as he got off his board and moved closer to her.

"I gotta tell you shorty...It's impolite to throw things at people you don't even know...you don't know what they would do...you should think before you act..." He told her as he eventually had her up against the lockers with nowhere to go. "And for your precious book...why did you throw that one? You thought I was going to leave it? Should have thought bout that before throwing it at me...so what to do for your...punishment...since this is clearly your fault..."

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Evangeline’s glare turned into one of surprise when he grabbed her hand. She finally took notice of his height and felt slightly intimidated at it but kept her guard up, refusing to back down.

“Yeah, well you made me drop my beignet!” She replied, glaring at him with a huff as he got off of his skateboard. She yelped when he came closer, causing her to stumble backwards. She looked behind her in surprise before looking back up at him in surprise as he continued to push her back. A small blush came to her face in embarrassment. Okay, so maybe she should have thought better of her actions. Throwing the book at him wasn’t a good idea. She realized that now. Especially with his height.

When he back pressed against the locker she looked around for someone she knew, hoping they could help her out but saw no one. She looked back up at him.

“I threw it because it was the best thing I had at the moment.” She retorted. “Unless you wanted me to throw food? I’ll remember that next time.” She gasped. “Don’t you there! You made me drop my breakfast and I got revenge by hitting you with a book! No punishment! No punishment what so ever! It’s your fault because you started it! Who in the world rides a skateboard through the school hallways?!"

He chuckled when she tried to tell him what he was doing wrong. "...you want to know what is worse than riding through the halls on a skateboard? Eating in the hallways...leaving crumbs and other food related stuff in the halls...and you decided to take out your food and it's not my fault you weren't holding it right and it fell out your hand...you know...you really do suck at trying to put the blame on people..." He told her. "And you would rather waste food than give it to someone who needs it...sounds pretty selfish to me...anyway...this conversation is over...might wanna learn to control your outbursts...other than that...later shorty..." Junjie put his headphones back on resuming his music and continued riding through the halls.

Evangeline’s surprised face slowly turned to anger with each word he spoke. Her food? Her food was the problem here? That was a lie. A lie she was ready to slap him for. Waste food? She hadn’t even wasted it! It was going to put to use being inside of her stomach until he’d run into her!

A growl left the girl as he skateboarded away. She huffed, wanting to stomp a foot but decided against it, opting to glare at his back.

“You jerk!” She shouted at him, frowning before her eyes widened. “Wait- my book!” She shouted, raising a hand as he continued to ride off. She groaned in annoyance, leaning back against the locker with a sigh. Even after all of that, the freaking jerk still had her book. Of course it would be her cooking book. The one she wrote down all of her recipes in.

Turning away, she vowed she’d find him again later in the day and get it back. “I swear, if any page in that book is messed up I’m going for his throat."

Okay, so maybe he should have hid behind Morgan; at least she wouldn't be so easily distracted... Rahul frowns like a child as Frostlyn approaches him, but he takes the moment before contact to acknowledge Morgan's complaint about him.

"But, Morgan! How else would you know I was coming? If I smelt like daisies, you would be so shocked by my sudden presence that you may faint on this very concrete. Besides, I like the classics," he exaggerates.

Although the cigarette has almost burned up to his fingers, the male shakes it to emphasize its natural beauty, something maybe only he could see. Before he can inhale its fumes one last time, however, pain shoots through his whole right leg and the butt falls to the ground, dead forever. Rahul quickly turns his head towards the female perched on his foot with all her weight, and, as quickly as she had stepped on, she was off, causing a wince from the male, as well as a dramatic left-legged hop, in hopes that the cartoon healing method would work. It doesn't. Those boots were made well. Then, before he can get over the first cause of pain, he is pulled, by his ear I may add, down to the small girl's eye level. This pain grows numb quickly, and the teenager can't help but smile as the female's face grows angry and upset.

He allows her to say anything she feels, knowing his moment to shine had past after the cupcake consumption. He listens intently, while trying to think of a way to get yet another sweet. It seems impossible now, as the girl tries to cover him with guilt. Why should he care about the other "new" students? This story will probably be more amusing than eating a cupcake would ever be. She should be thanking him for the fresh dose of reality. The new kids are not going to be won over by food. No; they needed something interesting to happen. Food is available any place one goes, as long as he or she has fast reflexes and an inability to feel remorse. After her rant is said, his ear is let go, and the boy immediately cups it in his hand, hiding its new red pigment from the world around them.

"Well. I'm glad you got that off your chest, Miss Blue. I am going to change my ways; no doubt! Perhaps, I can even aid you in handing the other desserts out. It would be a pleasure for me to earn your respect, Bluey. If I am Greedy? Can you be Bluey...? Or, wait, I guess we are going with personality adjectives. Very well; you shall be.... Happy? No, you look quite flustered... How about: Bossy? Touchy? Flirty?! Oh my; are you flirting with me?! This is all so much! This school is just so romantic and beautiful; don't you love it, Anais?!"

The male grins broader as his rambling continues, staring at Frostlyn right in the eyes. Her eyes, of course, spark his lame idea of the color-hued nickname, and as he notices them, he stares even more. Despite her sudden attitude, he could see the joy and kindness in her eyes. She couldn't possibly hate someone...even someone as dirty and wretched as he. He looks back at the other girls, as he accuses the smallest of having a crush on him, making sure to let Anais know he does, actually, know her name. He always tries to give the vain girl extra attention, knowing that's what she needs to get through the day. She needs attention; he needs smoke in his lung; Morgan needs honest trade, and Rahul has a feeling this new girl needs some type of independence. Going to a school with perfect people being perfect while making perfect grades and driving perfect cars and eating perfect food would surely have broken him down over the years. He had to respect the fact that she wasn't showing absolute, "perfect" behavior.
Morgan watched with mild amusement at what transpired in front of her, she didn't try to stop anything after all every action had a reaction and who was she to keep someone form experiencing the effects of their actions, not to mention it was Rahul so he would be fine and most likely would do something to deserve any punishment he got at one point or another. Still there was the whole matter of nicknames that the two brought up, that was something she could help with or rather she just wanted to mess with the two one time before she left as she was at her limit of people and heat for now.

" Snow would be a better nickname it matches her lovely skin Rahul " Morgan said her voice sounding a bit tired " Well I am going to get into some Ac before I melt if you need me I'll be in the library" She said already starting to walk off the idea of cold air making her want to run.
"I feel like a wall!" Anais complained when Frostlyn weaved and took Rahul by the ear behind her. She took a step to the right so she's not blocking the bickering two. She was finally keeping her mirror inside her bag until the male grinned and started his annoying talkativeness engine, her pupils almost disappeared to her eyebrows. Until he mentioned her name and the school, "Finally somebody asked me about my opinion of this school!" she blinked and then took a deep breath.

"This school is full of kind and not-as-lovely-as-me-seriously students, they are so welcoming and innocent too it almost hurts! So anyways just now I walked down the hallway and then they kept on staring at me as I stare at my fancy hand-held mirror and I walked towards the courtyard but then BUMP! suddenly I bumped into Frostlyn White here and she gave me a cupcake. And Morgan arrived and you arrived and then we're here. Hey Morgy, where you going? I'm not yet finish with my story! My face is better than the library!!!"

Anais then took another deep breath as she finished her paragraph and called out to her friend using a nickname she just invented that day. "Oh well, you're gonna regret not hearing my story about myself. And we're just about to get to the good part, so you guys want me to continue?" she smiled again making her dimple shows up as she hoped for a positive response from the remaining two people.

@Karcen @Halcyon @FrankieLynn
Junjie continued riding down the halls of the high school until his stomach growled . He just had breakfast this morning but his stomach was being greedy this morning. He stopped at a vending machine and got him an energy bay along with bottle of orange juice. He ate the bar in a matter of seconds and drank some of his orange juice to wash down the rest of the taste. He continued riding through the halls still waiting for the class bell to ring. He must have came here real early if the first bell to get to his first class didn't ring yet. Since he had some time to kill he decided to go to the high schools gym and shoot a few hoops. Once inside the gym he took off his backpack and put it on the bottom bleacher along with his skateboard. He grabbed an orange ball from the rack that was oddly placed on the side lines and just started shooting some hoops. He was glad he bought those beats wireless headphones or it would have been harder for him to shoot.

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Frostlyn took a step back, watching as the boy went back to being just as animate as before. He spoke continuously, seeming to not take a single breath the whole time. The way he did so amazed her since she would think his lung capacity would suck due to smoking. Frost let out a huff as he went on talking about nicknames. Happy? More like forces happiness. She was only ever happy in the woods or with her bow. Bossy? Maybe slightly but she still listened to everyone, always doing whatever anyone needed as long as they asked politely. Touchy? She only touched his ear. Was that really touching? The last name caught her off guard. She looked up again, cheeks pink as she became flustered. "I don't flirt. If you thought that was flirting, you must have a weird thought on relationships." Morgan then butted in, telling him to call her Snow. "Don't call me Snow. It's Frost. You can call me Frost." She mumbled, checking the cupcakes.

Frost held the book to her chest and looked down, counting the cupcakes to see how many were left. She realize that there was an odd amount of the treats. She was about to rant to Rahul and scold him again, when she realized that he had taken an even amount, which meant there was an odd amount of cupcakes to begin with. She suddenly got really upset with her mother, trying to figure out why her mother would make an odd amount. To most everyone else it wouldn't have mattered. However, due to Frost's chronic OCD she couldn't stand the idea of odd numbers. As she vaguely listened to Anais she had a little break down. Her mind filled with bad things that could happen with odd numbers, although, her mind was slightly exaggerating. Frost couldn't help it though. She reached in and pulled out a cupcake, handing it to Rahul. "Take this Greedy." She practically shoved it in his hands, relief filling her. She looked up at the group again, giving a smile.

"Oh! Library!" Frost called out, remembering the book and her original objective. "I'm sorry Anais. I would love to hear the rest of it, but i actually have to head to the library myself. I have a few question about a book." Frost tilted her head slightly, letting out a soft laugh that seemed to float on the wind. "I'll see you all later? Unless you want to come? I mean, the library isn't too amazing or anything." She explained, backing away slowly. One step at a time. She didn't want to be rude and just leave them, but she really wanted to know why the hell her mom was in a book that was written before she was even born. Granted she might not find Anaëlle. She was almost positive she wouldn't find her because she was probably somewhere else with a book up her nose. However, she could search the systems for any other book that was like this one.

@FrankieLynn @Karcen @Ravian
Rahul listens to Anais, though he is quite bored with her opinions. Why should he care who finds her attractive? Besides, he was sure he had heard similar stories from her lips dozens of times by now. He pretends to care though, for his foot's sake. If he wasn't careful, any girl could easily take advantage of the faint pain still stinging in his toes. He focuses his attention on overly-stomping out his cigarette, not wanting this school to suddenly burn down, as well. It was a nice looking school, despite the odd range of students within it.

The male is so busy thinking and stomping that his mouth forgets to move. Suddenly, though, his concentration is interrupted by a cupcake. No; he hadn't taken another one... He follows the hand reached out towards him and discovers the nervous wreck he will now call Frost. She is still blushing, but Rahul cannot determine if her flushed cheeks are the aftermath of his lame joke or if the female was overwhelmed about a completely different matter. As he takes the dessert from her palm, the girl relaxes, and he assumes he had gotten grass on it, or something of the sort. He examines the sweet, looking only out of curiosity, not worry. Everything seems fine about the icing and cake, alike, so he shoves it into his mouth, enjoying the sweet taste of victory. Maybe she actually wanted to be his friend.

After he manages to swallow the sugary treat, the mention of a book gets Rahul talkative, once again. He simply walks away from Anais, not bothering to bid her farewell or add on to Frostlyn's library invite. He follows his new acquaintance around like an overgrown puppy, questioning her as they go.

"What's the book? Is it like missing pages because I swear I have never been in a school library, ever. Honest. You can probably get another one, huh? Like don't you people love to read here; there are probably lots of different things to read, besides one old book... Hey, Morgan, do you know about the book? Frosty over there won't tell me about the book...!"

He crosses his heart with his finger, promising he had not destroyed any books, yet, and loops around the two girls, wanting attention like Anais, though his is more childish. Rahul wipes his face with his sweater sleeve, wanting to look like he hadn't eaten five cupcakes in a matter of minutes. This backfires, though, as the icing from his lips now stain his shoulder, but the male doesn't notice small details like that. Instead, he digs in his backpack as they walk, retrieving a plastic bottle that may-or-may-not be filled with water and washes down the cupcakes with a mouthful of liquid.
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Why did that bloody school have to burn down...? Ophelia thought bitterly as she watched the scenery pass her by from the passenger seat. She hated that she had to change schools in the middle of her high school career and start over, just when she thought she had found her niche in Maleficent High. She'd probably graduate when she would finally be comfortable in her school. Hopefully I don't stick out too much...

The car came to a stop in front of her new school. The first thing she noticed about her new school was how much brighter it was, and it caused her to slightly narrow her eyes for she wasn't a fan of bright colors. A cough came from the driver of the car, who was none other than Mr. Smee, her babysitter, as well as her father's best friend.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm going, I'm going..." Ophelia rolled her eyes and grabbed her bag, exiting the car to head to the doors of the school. They had been running rather late, having woken up a bit behind schedule, not too mention a little argument that she should just skip today, but Mr. Smee was not having any of it. Ophelia didn't bother looking behind her, knowing that Mr. Smee would be watching her until she entered the school for sometimes she had a tendency to play hooky.

The only thing Ophelia was grateful for that the school had sorted out her schedule and other things so there wouldn't be a hassle when a crowd of Maleficent high schoolers swarmed the office. With that, she ventured off to find her locker, wherever that was, trying not to make eye contact with anyone.

Anais Queen

"Pshh...Fine go away." Anais said as they left her alone on the courtyard, 'Library? What's so special about library anyways? I'd rather wander around this boring campus.' she rolled her eyes as she merrily skipped to who knows wherever she was. She entered a building that seem's like a gym, "Oh it smells like dead rat here! So gross!" the girl pinched her own nose as the stench of sweats entered her nostrils. She took out a perfume and sprayed it on the air. Because of her lack of attention towards her surroundings Anais was hit by an orange ball straight to the face thus she accidentally dropped the perfume.

"Ugh! My faceee!!!" she screamed in panic and cupped her injured face as she felt blood trailing down her nostrils. Her whole body went pale and she looked like she will faint any minute now as she looked at the Asian boy with headphones on whom she assumes that owns the ball.


Al Weiss Ash Leaf

Ash Leaf finally woke up and realized that he was fortunate and the bell hasn't rung yet. He quickly stood up and picked his bag up from the ground, he proceeded to his locker to get his book. He was trying so hard to avoid interactions with the students of Maleficent High that he hung his head low. He knew that once you talk to them, surely you will get in trouble. Because they're the exact living definition of mean and trouble itself. 'Man...curse whoever burnt their school down.' he gave out an exhausted sigh.

On his way to the locker he accidentally bumped shoulders with a girl whom he never saw before, he gasped in panic as he stared at the black haired girl. "Oh gosh, I'm sorry." Ash Leaf grasped the strap of his backpack nervously and swallowed the lump in his throat, "I was distracted." he continued as he rubbed the back of his neck. He silently cursed his luck for giving him this situation.

@The Sparrow
"Shit I am so sorry!!" He yelled as he was making his way over to the girl. He was lost in his basketball and music not knowing when someone entered the gym. He was trying to perfect a basketball trick when he lost control and the ball disappeared from his hand. When he finally found where it was there was a young girl cupping her face and screaming. So that meant one thing...the ball hit her square in the face.

He looked down at her then saw blood seep through her finger onto the gym floor. "I'm very sorry the ball slipped out of my hand and...why does it smell...like...sweet pea in here?" He sniffed the air then looked back at the girl. "Anyway let me see how bad it is..." He told her as he removed her hands from her face.

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While company wasn't unwelcome Morgan would honestly rather be given her space in the library not constantly bugged by others, but at least one of them had a valid reason to go there, as for the others Morgan had no idea why Rahul would want to go to some place like a library really he seemed more like the kind to be out and about at least trying to hit on girls or finding the nearest party. Morgan in truth had already started heading out before the invitation so to her it was just several people heading to the same place. Rahul however it seemed felt that she was the expert in all things book related.

" How could I know the book if have not seen it " She said in a very neutral tone simply stating facts.

Anais Queen

Anais only stared at the cursing Asian boy as he approached her and asked why it smells great in that area. If her nose isn't bleeding she will certainly roll her eyes at him and tell him that's because she's there and cause she smells great. But she was too nervous and concern about her face that she just lets him take her hand and put it away from her nose. Thus revealing her nose that still haven't stop bleeding.

"Does it look bad?" Anais asked with her voice mixed with uncertainty and nervousness. Seriously, if ever her nose got deformed she will also break this boy's nose and each of his fingers in addition. One by one. And that hurts like hell. "Tell me I still look beautiful." she silently waited and hoped for a positive response from the stranger who have caused her injury.

209… 212… 216… Ophelia was counting down the numbers in her head when she passed the lockers, trying to find the locker she had been assigned. Her eyes were fixed on the numbers on the silver plaques on the tops of the locker, looking in front of her for only brief moments. At least I’m in the two-hundreds. So that’s-

An oof sounded from her as soon as her body collided with that of someone much taller than her. Her arms had to splay out to her sides so she could regain her balance and not fall on her bottom. The papers she was holding in her hand had fell from her grasp and onto the floor.

“Oh gosh, I'm sorry… I was distracted.” Ophelia heard as she quickly bent to retrieve her papers. Her natural reaction was to glare, especially when it was in the morning since she surely wasn’t a morning person. When she looked up, the glare dropped from her face and she looked at the tall boy with darkish brown hair with a bit of confusion since he was apologizing, especially since it was coming from a Fairy Heights student and to a Maleficent high student like herself. Are all Fairy Heights students this nice? Weird…

“Yeah, yeah, I wasn’t paying much attention either,” she said as she stood up, fixing the straps of her bag and not looking much at the boy. It’s too early for this. “Well, if you can excuse me…” Ophelia slipped around the dark haired boy and walked away as quickly as she could. The exchange was already awkward enough and she had to find her locker before classes start anyway. Luckily she found her locker, 223. Now to have fun with the combination…


Ash Leaf

"Okay, it's your fault because you're not paying attention." Ash glanced sidewards nervously still avoiding the girl's eyes. He knew that going against Maleficent high's students words is a bad idea so he just agreed at the girl blaming herself. The last thing that he needs is lack of sleep- and the next last thing that he needs is getting into trouble. He backed away slowly with a small awkward smile, "Erm, goodbye." he politely bowed his head as he dashed to who knows where.

Later on, Ash found his self inside the library. He looked around to see Frostlyn White inside. "Frostlyn!" Ash Leaf called out to the girl as he approached her. Then he quickly realized that there are two students from Maleficent High around her. He gasped and quickly thought that Frostlynn was getting bullied, "Are you okay?" he asked the girl as he stared at the new faces- from the male to the female.

@The Sparrow @Halcyon @FrankieLynn @Karcen
Junjie carefully removed her hands away from her face. When he saw the blood it didn't scare him one bit, riding and falling of his skateboard he's had cuts and bruises all over his body. He reached one hand softly holding her chin up then uses his thumb and index finger and softly touches her nose. He sighed when he felt nothing was broken. "Good news...your nose isn't broken..."

He looked at her nose again seeing all she had was a bloody nose. "Yeah nothing is broken it's just a bloody nose...now let's go take you to the nurse before class starts...that sound cool?" He asked letting go of her hands walking over to his backpack and skateboard picking them up. He turned back around and placed a hand on her back guiding her to the nurses office. "Again I'm sorry about your nose..." He told her holding his board with his free hand.

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Frostlyn turned on her heels and started making her way to the library, Rahul in tow. She hurried up, practically jogging to meet up with Morgan. She slowed down quite a bit when she finally stood by the girl's side. Frost shifted the book and basket, allowing her to hold the book with both hands now. She looked up, slightly rolling her eyes at the childish manner of Rahul.

"Morgan's right. She know nothing of the book. Which im not sure is missing pages or not. I kind of only look at the first few pages before i decided i needed to do some research on the book as a whole.." She explained. She thought her a moment, wondering if she should tell them or not. After a few moments she decided to keep it a secret a little while longer. The door to the library was just up ahead and Frost did a little jump skip to get ahead of the group, holding the door open. As they walked in Frost followed, making her way over to the computers. However, the group was stop by another male.

"Sleepy!" She cooed his nickname. She then realized the concern on his face and raised an eyebrow. "What? Yeah i'm okay?" She questioned that fact. She lifted up her hand and placed it on her face. "Why? Do i look sick?" She wondered out loud, trying to feel if she had a fever or not. Normally one could tell right away when Frost was sick due to the red flush that would fill her face. However, she didn''t feel the least bit ill. "Anyways Sleepy, this is Morgan and Rahul. They're new." She explained as she weaved around him and made her way to the computers again. She sat down, placing the basket on the table and the book in her lap. She then pulled out a handkerchief from her pocket and wiped down the keyboard.

@Ravian @Karcen @FrankieLynn
Rahul instinctively stares right back at the other male, daring him to do anything out of line. Although the male is slightly taller than the other, this "Sleepy" guy is certainly stronger. Fights are not something the teenager likes, but he isn't afraid to start them either. However, the other student has soft eyes of genuine concern for Frostlyn, so Rahul takes a seat at another computer and pretends to be messing with his hair, as if he actually cares about it. It isn't like Frost actually needs Rahul's protection or anything; she barely knows his name.

The male listens to the two interact but grows bored in a matter of seconds. Without the ability to stay still and quiet for long, Rahul turns towards Morgan for entertainment.

"Psst... Hey, Morgan. Wanna play a game? Let's see how many computer backgrounds we can change to my face before anyone notices!"

The teen grins at the idea of his harmless prank and waits for the girl's answer. If she doesn't agree to this plan, he decides he will leave the library all together. Having fun alone isn't possible.
Anaëlle Bella

Full Name

Anaëlle Bella

{ An-El, Bell-Ah }




Inside the Library, looking for books

Interacting With

Wick - @JujuBee { For a bit }

It seemed like Wick, had his own responses to Anaëlle's quite rude comments. But, this is what you get from Anaëlle. She wasn't perfect, at all and anyone could tell that. Sure, she was quite intelligent and to into books for her own good. But, she had her flaws and so did everyone else. As, she thought these quite deep thoughts Anaëlle had heard Wick saying her name making her eyes slightly widen from coming back to reality before they went back to normal as she looked up at Wick. "It’s a pleasure meeting you." Wick said, as Anaëlle had narrowed her eyes slightly at him as she looked at him. As, her eyes were narrowed at the boy her mother's voice had rung in her head almost like angel telling you to do the right thing.

Which is literally what it felt like in
Anaëlle's opinion. Sighing, and scratching her eyebrow as she looked at the ground for a bit. Anaëlle decided to be a bit more nicer, he was new and sure he was from Maleficent but it wouldn't hurt to be a teeny bit more nicer to him. Besides, he didn't show any bitterness towards Anaëlle so it was worth a try. " It was a pleasure to meet you to Wick. I guess. " She said slightly mumbling the last part to Wick as she looked at the ground still before looking up with a stoic face. " I should get going. See you around Wick. " Anaëlle said waving at Wick, before she offered a small smile to him and headed off to the Library to get a few books as she had read and reread almost all her books at her house at least 3 times by now.

Anaëlle had entered her school and headed to the Library she passed a couple people she knew that were from this school and a few that seemed like they were from Maleficent. Finally arriving to the Library Anaëlle, began to go in a few of her favorite rows of the Library and began picking out books.
Morgan actually wasn't all that interested in frost's book, though compared to what Rahul wanted to do it seemed like a good use of time. both were not what she came for in the first place , she came to read and that was no waste of time for her. Morgan actually wondered why Rahul was sticking with her right now there were quite a few other girls in the library and some of them were rather good looking. Really Morgan did think perhaps she might want to try her luck good girls liked bad boy maybe they might like a bad girl as well. Still this was a request and while it wasn't getting something Morgan expected compensation.

" And what will I receive in return for helping you have fun?" She said her tone rather flat but showing she was thinking of helping at the very least.

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