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Realistic or Modern The Descendants of Fairytales


The Mom Friend
The Descendants of Fairytales

Once upon a time, in a magic kingdom. Or an ancient one. Or even New Orleans, there lived an assortment of princesses and princes. All from different backgrounds and time periods. However, as these families started having children, they were put in danger. While they had children, the evil villain were also having children. So, in order to protect themselves a fairy god mother put a spell on them, transferring the family into a parallel universe. This Universe allowed them to grow up as normal children without any dangers. They didn't even know they were royalty to completely different universes.

However, they didn't realize their supposed fairy Godmother, was actually evil herself. She put the same spell on the Villain's families, placing them in the same parallel universe but one town over.

All these children are now teenagers and in highschool. So what happen's when Fairy Heights rival school from the next town over burns down? The students from Maleficent High now must attend Fairy Heights. While these grudges are being held, they also have to figure exactly what this storybook is.

*~*Please check Overview for many more details!*~*
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Early Spring

8:45 am, beginning of school

First day for the new students (All the Bad Kids)

@xX AeRo Girl Xx @lazyings @The Sparrow

Last week Maleficent High burnt down. It was Fairy Height High School's one and only rival, however, the school board ruled in favor of allowing these students to now join the school. Even the parents of Fairy Height's students didn't like this idea. Apparently, the rival went all they back from when their parent's were is highschool. Today was the day these students were joining the school. All classes have been canceled, the school board hoping a relaxed day will help these students interact with each other.

Frostlyn White was getting ready of course. She stood in her bedroom, struggling to zip up the zipper to one of her favorite dresses. It had little bird's all over it, for she always had a thing for birds. She then slipped on her knee high combat boots, falling onto her bed to lace them up. Once she was finished she carefully applied her eyeliner into the perfect wing. She then grabbed her lipstick, leaning into the mirror putting on her signature color. Blood red. Her mother always used to wear red lips and Frost admired it. Now as she was older she wore it herself. She leaned back, smacking her lips and she fluffed her messy hair. She hadn't even brushed it yet and she wasn't going to. Frost walked over to her bed to grab her leather jacket, only to find it missing. She tilted her head slightly, narrowing her eyes. It was just there this morning.

"Mom? Did you touch my jacket?" She called out. No reply. Frostlyn sighed and walked out of her room. She looked into the living room and kitchen, stopping to fix a off centered jar. "Mom! Where's my leather jacket?" Still no reply. With that Frostlyn decided to check her parents room. She was always told not to be in there. That room was off limits. And Frostlyn was a "good" child and she never went in there. But she was going to be late if she didn't find her jacket.

Frostlyn was on the floor under the bed when she noticed a loose floorboard. Frost tried ignoring it, however her mind kept bringing it back up. He hand traveled to the board, pulling it up. "Weird..." She whispered, pulling out a large, dusty book. Sitting up, Frostlyn blew off the dust, coughing slightly. "What is this...?" She mumbled, reading the title which was simply 'Fairy tales.' Frost narrowed her eyes, opening to the first page. 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarves.' Why was her mother's name in this book. Frost read the pages, noticing that this book was apparently written almost 100 years ago. With that Frost flipped another page. Right there was her mothers face, smiling with red lips, and skin as white as... snow. She read the first line. Frostlyn looked up, shocked as she dropped the book.

"Frost? Are you okay?" Her mother's voice called out. Frostlyn quickly stood up, grabbing the book and placing it behind her back just as soon as her mother walked in. "What are you doing in here?" Her mother asked hesitantly. Frost gripped the book, hopeing her mother didn't see it. "Oh... Um, i'm looking for my leather jacket." She explained. Snow White eyed her daughter, wiping her hands on her apron before turning around. "It's in the laundry room, i wanted to febreeze it. Also, i made cupcakes for the New students, so make sure you take them. But please listen to the rules and stay out of your father and i's room." Frost nodded, walking out and shutting the door behind her mother. She tried her hardest to stay out of her others view at all times, grabbing the basket of cupcakes and her leather jacket. "Bye mom! I'm leaving early!" She called out, shutting the door behind her. Frostlyn placed the book and basket in the basket of her bike. She swung her leg over, struggling to touch the ground to push off due to her short structure.

Frost was quickly walking across the courtyard, avoiding people when she could. "Anaëlle... Anaëlle..." She mumbled to herself, looking for the book smart girl. If anyone knew what this book was it would be her. Frost spotted the older redhead and called out her name loudly, jumping into the air "Anaëlle!" Her small voice echoed. Frost broke off into a run, trying to meet her only to be stopped by the Principal, Mr. Geppetto. "Ms. White! Hello!What's that in your hands?" He asked, looking down. Frost squeaked slightly, pushing the book behind her back once again. She held out the cupcakes. "For the new kids." She smiled sweetly. Mr. Geppetto let out a hardy laugh before patting her on the head. "Oh they will love those. You go have fun then. I'm sure it'll be easy to spot the new students." When the man left Frost rolled her eyes, pressing the book to her chest again. Of course it would be easy. They haven't had a new student in who knows how long. Frost looked again, only to realize Anaëlle was gone now. Frost sighed, taking a step back. However, as she did so she rammed right into someone. "Shit!" She girl squeaked out. "Watch where you're go-" She was turning around to confront the student only to realize it was someone she never seen before. In that case, someone from Maleficent High. (Can be anyone of the Villains.)
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The alarm clock on her bedside table went off and Kalina Jinni stopped it. She sat up in her bed then yawned before getting into her bathroom and start getting ready. After she finished her shower, she pulled one of her favourite outfits and put it on. She applied the eyeliner and mascara then a little bit of lipstick. Once she was happy with her look she exited her room and walked downstairs, into the kitchen.

The smell of her mother's cooking made her stomach growled loudly. Her mother turned away from the stove and smiled at her. "Why don't you go and wake your brother up? Breakfast will be ready soon," her mother told her and she nodded, going up to her brother's room and knocked on the door. "Raj! Breakfast is going to be ready soon!" She looked at the clock on the wall, "and we're going to be late!"

She rushed down stairs and ate her share of breakfast. "So the new students will be coming to your school today?" Her mother sat down opposite of her with her own breakfast. Kalin nodded. "Make sure you be nice to them alright?" Her mother looked at her. She signed then mumbled, "I'll try mum."

Light seeped through the window, lighting up the bed upon which Rajeel Jinni slept. The boy blinked a couple of times, a yawn bubbling from his lips as he allowed brown eyes to attach to the clock, taking in the time of 6:05. Just one more hour. He allowed his head to rest back on the pillow, dreams of desert's, and magic carpet rides claiming him once more. A knock on the door stirred the young man into to full wakefulness. A soft yawn bubbled from the boy's lips as he pulled himself up out from under the safety and security of the red covers. His sister, Karina's voice rang out, alerting him breakfast being ready soon, as well as them being late. Had a lot of time passed? He remembered only laying his on the pillow some time around 6:00, and now it was almost 7:00.


He called back down, a stressed groan bursting from his lips as he hurried towards the bathroom, showering and dressing within 15 minutes. Hurrying down the steps as he hastily finger-combed his hair into a style appropriate for school, he almost crashed into his dad, who let out a soft chuckle as his papers fluttered to the ground. Allowing a slight smile to knit his lips upward, he bent at the waist, retrieving the paperwork from the floor and placing it back into his father's hands.

His father had barely even gotten a thanks out before Rajeel was hurrying by him, scooting into the chair beside his sister. Removing a piece of turkey bacon from his plate, Rajeel hastily crammed into his mouth, grabbing his sister by the arm and practically dragging her out of her seat. Checking the watch that sat upon his wrist, let outa moan of frustration upon seeing it was almost 7:30.

"Sis, c'mon, we're gonna be late!"


Al Weiss Ash Leaf Beauty

Beep, beep, beep, beep, BEEPPP

Ash Leaf groaned at the loud noise and shifted in his sleep, pulling his blanket up from his waist to his head. "Mmmm..." he cracked one eye open and sat up as he stretched his arms and legs in unison and then cracking his knuckles afterwards. Ash yawned and rubbed his chests drowsily, "Nnnn, now what time is it?" he asked his self as he looked at the thing causing the beeps, which was his alarm clock. He stared at it for a good minute thinking about the good sleep he had. Until his eyes almost popped out of his skull when he realize that it's only a mere 15 minutes before the class starts.

"Mom! Why didn't you woke me up, you know how long I sleep!" Ash dashed towards their unoccupied bathroom as he called out his mom. "Son, be quiet you mom is still sleeping..." Came his father's voice who is currently reading a news paper, "I told you to stop relying on your mother to wake you up. You know how she sleeps." the middle-aged man continued. Ash Leaf let out a frustrated sound as he finished his 2-minute shower and rushed to his closet and changed to his school uniform.

"Bye, dad. Tell mom thanks for waking me up!" he bid his dad a farewell before exiting their house and proceeding to his school with his bike.


Anais Queen

Anais woke up early as she was looking forward to mess around with the 'good' students. She took her one hour bath before sitting in front of her mirror to comb her hair and adore her own beautiful face. She winked at herself before combing her dark locks and applying her make up. Once she was satisfied with her looks she stood up and proceeded to their dining room only to find her dearest mother there.

"Hey, mommy." she sat down beside the middle-aged woman who only smiled and rose a single brow at her. "Hey, kitty." the older woman replied as she took a sip of her tea, "Looking good, anyways make sure you're the most beautiful girl at your new school." she continued as she stared at her daughter. "I don't have to make sure, mommy." Anais playfully rolled her eyes as she decided to skip her breakfast, "Anyways I should be going now. Bye!" she smiled and kissed her mother on the cheek.

Anais arrived at her new school, the Fairy Heights High School. She smirked at the sight of the gigantic school as she walked down the hallway. She also noticed that every students that she passes through gasps and stares at her, she smirked at the realization before taking out her handheld mirror.


She stared at her own reflection, "Mirror, mirror on my hand, who's the fairest of them all?" she asked the material on her hand as if it will reply back. She was so busy examining and adoring her face that she accidentally bumped into someone.

She winced at the sudden contact, "What the hell!" Anais cursed as she tried to even her balance to avoid falling down. She glared at the stranger afterwards as she frowned, "Are you blind! Can't you see me!?" she began as she dusted off her clothes.


She examined the other girl's face, hair as dark as the night sky yet messy, lips as red as a petal of a rose, skin as fair as snow and eyes so blue. Maybe she needs to reconsider her mother's words after all.

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Frostlyn narrowed her eyes and let out a huff. "I could have gotten hurt. You really shouldn't be drooling at yourself in the middle of the courtyard." (i now you said hallway but Frost was in the courtyard) Frost pulled at the lapels of her leather jacket, the book tucked under her arm and the cupcakes in the crook of her elbow, rocking back on her boot's heels. She turned her head slightly, still looking for her book expert friend. Her eyes scanned the crowd only to notice that girl was still standing there. Frost looked at her eyes for a moment before letting out a grin.

"You're cool." She spoke, her high pitched airy voice contradicting the way she looked . She liked the way the girl looked so punk rock yet gorgeous at the same time. Plus she loved the fact that the new student had a bad attitude. Frostlyn grinned and pulled out a cupcake, holding it up to the girl. She wasn't sure how the girl would react. She seemed like one of those chicks that always worried about her weight and such. Frost didn't mind though, holding the cupcake up to her nose. "Come on. My mom made them. She's the town baker so it's all good." She eyed the girl as though she was testing her.


The sound of trumpets drifted through the green and white room. The slow tune reached the ears of a teen girl who sighed, shifting in her bed for about five minutes before finally forcing herself to sit up. With a loud groan, Evangeline Žaba forced herself to get out of her bed. She could hear the music of jazz downstairs and the voices of her parents. A small smile came to her face at the sound of her mother’s annoyed tone and her father’s amused one. That was how it was. Everyday. She loved it.

Hopping out of bed with a sudden burst of energy, she made her way to her bathroom- quickly getting ready for the day. She enjoyed her bathroom time. It was always something she thought of as her ‘me time’. Her privacy. Her relaxation. But every peaceful moment had to come to an end sooner or later. Getting out, she dried off before slipping back into her bedroom. It took her a few minutes before she found her outfit. It was one of her flirty, preppy dresses- one of her favorites. She put on her sandals and grabbed her hat as she made her way out the room.

“Oh!” She exclaimed, whipping around and running back into her room to put on the necklace that held importance to her. Humming, she finally left her room and went downstairs, @lazyings
Kalin and her mother continued the conversation happily, even after her brother had sat down next to her and ate his breakfast. She gave him a small smile, "morning Raj, you'll choke on your food if you eat that fast you know." As she was bout to continue the conversation with her mother, Raj grabbed her by the arm and dragged her out of her seat. She frowned, "now you decided to hurry."

"Wait," she told her brother, "I need my bag, be right back." She dashed upstairs into her room, grabbed her bag which were on her bed, then ran back down and opened the door. "Bye mum! Bye dad!" She shouted to her parents as she hold the door open. She gave her brother a mischievous grin, "I'll race you to school."

Morgan felt that the change to the new school was more of an annoyance than anything, while others hated it she just felt it was far too much work to care about. The biggest annoyance was the need to get others to know that she could get things and find people in the town to help her get these things, but that could honestly wait not being asked to get a keg, or tickets for a concert would be nice in its own way. She did have a long list of books to read that she had been far too busy to read and catching up on them would be nice. Still Morgan did wonder if What she wore was a little out of place in this otherwise bright school. Morgan wouldn't call herself a goth as in truth she found their attitudes funny but she did like their style there was just something about it that was her or so she felt even if it was annoying to wear clothes that quickly got warm, but such where the sacrifices of any fashion.

looking into the courtyard and saw that Anais was talking with or rather was being talked to by one of the local students. While Morgan had always know that Anais was very pretty and rather attractive this other girl might just be her equal if not slightly her better perhaps, the red lips did make all the difference in this case, though it was hard to tell. Morgan found a shadowed corner of the courtyard, there was no way she was going to fry just to spy on two beauties .

((Yes. Anais walked from hallway to courtyard

xD ))

"T-thanks?" Anais stared at the weird girl in front of her. Just a second ago they were bickering about that little accident and now she's being nice all of the sudden. Even though, she smiled when the girl complimented her. But her smiling face quickly got replaced by that of a confusion when the other girl almost shoved a cupcake to her face. She took it from her hand, "Thanks." she repeated the word. Her mom is the baker? Anais heard that her mom and the baker had some previous run ins but she wasn't sure.

Her mom told her once to not accept accept any of the baker's cake because maybe it's poisonous. Especially if it's apple flavored. Anais looked at the cup cake as if it has a head, 'There's no Apple here, right?' she shrugged her thoughts and took a small bite of the cake. It tastes good like chocoloates, "Nice." she muttered a bit after swallowing it.

Anais felt someone staring so she looked around, she then noticed a familiar figure. She knitted her brows together to make sure that it really is her. She waved at the white haired girl, " Sup, Morgan!" Anais called out to her while smirking.

@Halcyon @Karcen


Ash Leif arrived at the Fairy Heights High School on time, fortunately. He walked through the grass fields as he silently hoped he will not meet any new students on the way. And by new students, he meant those troublemakers from Maleficent High. "I wanna take a nap." he muttered under his breath as he laid down the grass and used his bag as a pillow. He stared at the clouds, "Geez, that one looks like a spinning wheel." he frowned at it bitterly as he closed his eyes and succumb to sleep.

How sad aside from a cupcake it seemed that little would happen, as Morgan couldn't help but want a little more to have happened, but that was just her and not to mention she doubted Anais would have been interested in what Morgan had been interested in seeing, well there was always the internet. Then there was the being called out into the sun, really it had been a very bad idea to wear a jacket even if it made the outfit today as she felt that she would surely melt the second she stepped out.

Morgan to have to shout and cause some kind scene walked to Anais despite the melting sun " I see your getting along well with the locals Anais" Morgan said squinting slightly now what she was out in the full sun.
Rahul, having been drinking the night before, wakes up in an atrocious state. Any other week day, the male would have decided to stay in bed all day, but today is not an average day. Today is the first day in a new school with new students to discover...new places to explore...new rules to break. Plus, his father had found out, through his connections, that the school board was practically begging for the new students to walk all over them. They had even paused class schedules, so the kids could spend some "quality time" together, or something. They is interesting to Rahul, but not exciting; he was planning on skipping all of his classes anyways.

After realizing today is such a day of victory for the male, he actually rolls out of bed. His room is covered in clutter, but he manages to find some dark jeans, and, after no luck of finding a clean shirt, he throws on a black, pull-over sweater. He doesn't look fantastic, but it is better than showing up at the building wearing only his boxers. Besides, he had no one to impress with his looks. Rahul spends exactly three seconds ruffling his hair in some sort of fashion, and then he walks into the kitchen, not bothering to brush his teeth or trim his facial hair at all. The real golden rule in life has nothing to do with behavior or looks; it has to deal with gold. As long as the teen has money, he sees a low chance of something going wrong in his life; money is power.

A taller man is seated in the kitchen, mumbling about wanting to "rid the world" of a high-ranked politician, and this causes the teenager to smirk. His father was always so dramatic about anything and everything; even his clothing seemed to mock everyone else with its unnecessary spunk.

"Good morning, Father."

Rahul bowes slightly to the man before walking to the counter to pour two cups of coffee. He sets one in front of his father and sits down to drink his own. No cream or sugar for either of them, of course. The teen sips his coffee, trying to prepare his dizzy head for an exciting day of drama. After a while, Jafar speaks.

"Don't let those teachers do anything out of line, boy. You make sure they allow you all the rights you had at your school. This new place is full of ignorant people, my boy. They think kindness will get them to the top, but they no not of the truth," explains the man, though he continues to face away from his son.

Rahul nods, only listening partially, before getting up to leave. He leaves his mug at the table, never minding to clean up after himself, and gets his backpack. He is mostly bringing the bag for show, as it only holds his food and cigarettes, but he makes sure to toss a pencil in, as well, feeling rather studious. Maybe he'll even pretend to like school, just for today. The male then leaves his house, driving to school at whatever speed he pleases.

It feels off to drive into the new parking lot, so Rahul wastes a few extra minutes by lighting a cigarette and staring out his window. Most of the other students are already on the school property, and it is easy to spot those who don't belong. For a teenager who never gets anxious, Rahul is very confused by his nerves. To keep them hidden, he lights another "cancer stick" and strolls towards into the building, as if he has went to the school his whole life. He waves at random students sarcastically, and, to his delight, some think he is sincere and wave back with confused expressions.
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Frostlyn tilted her head and let out a small laugh, rolling her eyes. "Funny you should ask that. I'm actually allergic to apples. So, none anywhere near me." She shrugged, smacking her lips. As she did so she noticed another girl coming out from the shadows. She was dressed in all black, with white popping out. Frostlyn smiled slightly tilting her head. The girl had on some killer boots that made her taller than she actually was. Although she figured that even with out the boots the girl would still be taller than Frost.

"Nice jacket." She laughed, pulling at her own. She then reached in the basket and pulled out another cupcake. "No apples, if you care about that too." She gave a playful wink, holding up the cupcake. She then realized something.

"Frostlyn White. You can call me Frost. Welcome to Fairy Heights. A school full of happiness that is probably fake." She rolled her eyes. She realized it was a horrible habit of her along with nicknames. But she didnt care really. It was a way to let out her feelings. Frost then looked around and noticed another new kid. "Oh. Another one." She spoke softly, eyeing the boy with hair just as messy as hers. She looked back over at the girls and raised her eyebrow at the way he waving at people already. "What's with this guy?" She raised an eyebrow, pursing her red lips.

@Ravian @Karcen @FrankieLynn
Anaëlle Bella

Full Name

Anaëlle Bella

{ An-El, Bell-Ah }




The Courtyard

Interacting With

No one

Anaëlle was sleeping, body sprawled out on her large bed. Her reddish orange hair, covering most of her face and the rest making a pool around her head. The covers were probably going to be kicked off the bed, from Anaëlle's dangerous legs when she would be woken up because of her father's deep voice whispering in her ear and still scaring her to end. As, if on cue Anaëlle's father had whispered in her ear. " Wake up, El. " Her father's voice had made her eyes snap open and kick the covers of her body, but not before she had fell off her bed, which was opposite from where her father stood standing up know as he had a look of pure worry and concern for his daughter as she laid on the wood floor with her hair in her face, breathing heavily and looking disheveled and sleepy as hell. " Are you alright, El? I didn't mean to scare you, I'm sorry about that. I never meant for this to happy, I was only trying t-. " Anaëlle's father continued to ramble on, before she stopped him mid sentence. " Dad. I'm fine. Stop, worrying so much. I'm not your fragile 5 year-old daughter anymore. I'm 17, in high school. "

Anaëlle's father had sighed, and scratched his head as he looked at his daughter. " I know, I know. I still get worried about you. But, get ready for school now. I heard new students are coming. Good luck El! " Her father said, before exiting the room and closing her door for privacy. Running her fingers, through her messy hair in a attempt to get it out her face and get a few knots undone that had been created as she slept last night. Getting up from the floor, Anaëlle went to her closet and picked out a outfit before heading to the bathroom to began getting ready. Wrapped a towel around her drenched body as she exited the bathroom, she then began to really get ready.

Anaëlle stood in her bathroom looking in her mirror hanging on the wall, as she did her makeup and hair. Her outfit overall was quite simple, nothing really special. Sure, the heels at first glance looked hard to walk in but to Anaëlle it was a piece of cake. Dusting, her outfit off a bit Anaëlle exited the bathroom and opened her bedroom door making sure not to forget her bag. Quickly heading down the stairs, she saw her father drinking his cup of coffee and her mother reading a book like always. Silently, walking into the kitchen and grabbing a book from the kitchen counter. Anaëlle then successfully slipped away from her parents that were in the kitchen and quickly yelled a goodbye before hurrying out the door hearing her father's complaints, as she dashed out the door with her book in her hand as she made her way to school.

When Anaëlle had arrived to school, she decided to roam the courtyard and observe some of the new students. Anaëlle hated, the idea of his these new kids join the school. Sure, there school burned down. So, what that doesn't mean anything. Sighing, Anaëlle had opened her book in a attempt to make her irritation disappear so she didn't lash out on anyone who talked to her. As, the 5'3 girl roamed the courtyard absorbed with the book in her hand she heard her name being called correctly by a familiar voice. Getting, the book out of her vision Anaëlle had looked around with her eyebrows furrowed in a confused manner. Before, she didn't hear anything else. Shrugging, she put her book back in front her face and continued in the book where she left off.
" It would be if it wasn't trying to make me melt, leather is not a bright idea on a hot day" Morgan said in a matter of fact tone, meaning for the casualness to hopefully make it a joke.

Morgan did take the cupcake, and she would have to remember this girl as even a gift for her meant she would owe the persona favor, which was something she did like to return, it was something her mother had stressed along with holding up a contract and Morgan felt it was for the best to always repay favors quickly. Still despite that she had no real way of paying Frostlyn back right now, so she would just have to watch and wait till something could be worked out. Morgan then looked back to see who Frostlyn was talking about .

" That is Rahul he is an… intresting fellow" Morgan said interesting in this case being both and insult and a complement.

"Not really, Morgan." Anais rolled her eyes at the white-haired girl, "They just couldn't help but notice my beauty." she continued narcissisticly. She watched as the stranger who calls herself Frostlyn gave a cupcake to Morgan. She took out her mirror again and stared at herself until the baker's daughter looked at someone. Anais turned around to see whoever it is she's talking about.

She rolled her eyes as she saw another student at Maleficent High, "Ah that guy. Go near him if you like." she smirked at the thought. If ever Frostlynn did near him, she will surely be in big trouble...she thinks. Anais haven't really interacted with that guy but rumors are enough to describe him. "I think his name is Raul? Rahal? What was it again, Morgan?" she asked the white-haired female as she knitted her brows together in confusion. "Oh yeah, Rahul!" she snapped her fingers when Morgan said his name.

@Halcyon @Karcen

Junjie was woken up by the loud sound of his horse...yes he has a horse outside in his stable in the backyard. The light shining in through his bedroom window thought it could wake him up but it failed miserably when with just a toss of his plush basketball the blinds made the darkness reign victory. He groaned sitting up in his bed then heard small feet from a distance get closer and closer to his door until it was opened and a small girl came in climbing up on his bed, or at least she tried to. He shook his head chuckling and picked her up. "Good morning Meixiu" He told her the smile never leaving his face. "Good Morning Brother!" She said smiling as she is still being held by him. "I'm doing great!" He told her then kisses her head getting out of the bed. "Go tell mom that I am getting ready ok?" He asked her putting her down on the cool hardwood floor. She nodded smiling then ran out his bedroom. He loved his baby sister so much. He sighed stood up stretching a moan escaping his lips when the bones in his body popped back into place. He scratched his back then walked to his conjoined bathroom getting ready for his first day back at school.

He finished getting ready then headed downstairs towards the kitchen. When he entered he saw his grandma and mother cooking breakfast while his father was outside in the backyard with his grandfather and great-grandmother. His younger brother and baby sister were sitting waiting for breakfast to be done.
"Good Morning everyone!" He said smiling. After talking for a few minutes while eating he looked at the time and got up grabbing his things having to leave for school. He said goodbye to his family then hopped onto his motorcycle and rode off to school.

Arriving there he parked his bike turning it off removing the helmet from his head. He sighed looking at the school he's been attending for 3 years this year being his last. He hopped off his bike the took out his skateboard which was his second transportation throughout the school. He hopped on riding through the high school campus entering the entrance building. The music that was flowing from his headphones through to his ears blocked out the annoying sounds out the students complaining when he almost ran them over with his board.
"Hey! Watch it!" Some yelled "What the hell man?!?!" Some blurted out at him but he wasn't listening he continued riding through the halls passing some students that he actually knew. He was too deep into his music to see them.

Although the silent greetings do appear, here and there, Rahul is frustrated no one dares to speak to him. His father seemed to be mistaken; this school is lacking the amount of kindness it is supposed to possess. Having no choice but to grow bored and regret getting out of bed or to walk up to said, tacky students, Rahul chooses the second. He notices two girls from his own school and walks towards them to meet their new acquaintance. It wasn't as though this one girl was chosen because she is standing by familiar faces; no, Rahul heads towards the female for one reason: sweets.

In the girl's hands is a decent collection of cupcakes, which the teenager intends on claiming for his own breakfast. She seems to be handing them out to the new kids, proving to the male that she had a weak heart. Oh, how she would love to give a hungry boy all her cupcakes! Rahul grins at this thought and waves directly at the girl as he grows closer. When he is only a few feet away from the trio, the male begins to speak.

"Hello, dear....Hi, Morgan...err, and you. Yes, a cupcake would be wonderful! Two? Oh I couldn't.... okay maybe I can.... Oh, I'm Rahul...yes, Rahh-ull. It's okay; don't hurt your poor little mind with such confusion. I am only a stranger, right? Ah, but I'm so hungry! I must have another....thank you. Call me Arby if your must, yes like the letters: RB. Think you got that? Yes? Good. Good... Just one more, for the road, Eh, my dear? Ah, Yes! Delicious! Thank you! I wish to have another, but, alas! Rahul must save some for the others! Taking what's not his would be terribly rude... Yes, Yes..."

Rahul has a whole conversation with himself, speaking for the girl before she can utter much of anything. While he rambles on, he takes four cupcakes in all, eating each in three bites without missing a beat in his one-person talk. He grins, as though he sees nothing wrong with his behavior, and he bows slightly towards her, hoping she only grows surprised and embarrassed. Seeing her in a troublesome state would amuse Rahul for the entire day. Either way, the male slowly backs away, slightly hiding behind Anais, as if she could protect him from being cursed at.
If Morgan had to describe Rahul she would have to like him to a dust storm. he blew in with little warning generally took over whatever was being done then he quickly backed off. Really Morgan didn't know if that was good or bad as well at least he knew what he wanted to say and said it, but still he silenced all others till he was done. The biggest complaint Morgan could have about him was his smell as no matter what the stink of smoke was always about him and that was something she like many others really couldn't stand.

" As pungent as ever Rahul have you ever considered those e-smokes they have these days it might help' She said in a rather neutral tone to the retreating man.

Anais couldn't help but roll her eyes when Rahul approached them. "Speaking of the devil..." she muttered under her breath as the guy began speaking. Seriously, she bet this guy doesn't even know her name. Anais frowned a bit as he continued talking and she decided that she will just busy herself by looking at the mirror- yet unfortunately this Rahul guy's talkativeness won't let her adore herself in silence. "Seriously? Why don't you just take all of the cupcakes then." she began as she raised a single brow at the male then to Frostlyn who wasn't even saying anything.

As the man took four cupcakes from the baker's daughter, he hid slightly behind Anais. The narcissists girl only shook her head in disbelief as Morgan said something about e-smokes. Anais nodded her head in agreement even though she doesn't have a single idea of what the white-haired girl is talking about before going back to showering herself with silent compliments.

@FrankieLynn @Karcen @Halcyon

Vinicius Deville


“Vinny, let’s go!”- “Get your butt down here! I don’t want to be late!” His older brother wick shouted from downstairs. The young male groaned quietly, trying to figure out the time without being flashed by the light of his phone. Vinicius rubbed into his eyes before he decided it would be nice to get on time for his brother. Honestly he didn't care if it was 'the first day' or not because they wouldn't make a good impression anyway. They were from the rival school so they were 'bad' automatically. That's how it goes in this world. But even though that was his small theory, he was still a bit excited to figure everything out in the new school. And again- he simply didn't care about what people would think, that was only going to hurt anyway so he blocked that out.

"I'm almost done!"

He stumbled through his room, grabbing the first clothes that met his hands and made his way to the bathroom. There wasn't exactly time left to jump in the shower if he wanted to make it on time so instead of that he just washed his face. His clothes turned out to be a simple grey t-shirt, black jeans that was only ripped on his right knee, and he just wore his black sk8-hi vans with it. He quickly brushed his teeth and fixed his hair for a bit before he ran downstairs to grab his backpack and get in Wick's car. "Why are you grinning like that?" He asked as he saw the look on Wick's face, pushing him with a light chuckle.

"You remember the rules"- "We have to be on our best behaviour" Wick said as the car arrived at Fairy Heights, the school they would go to for the couple of weeks. Vinicius wasn't going to change his way of doing things for a simple school- no way. He used the moment of peace to film the building with his camera, not sure why though.
"We will see." he mumbled quietly before he got out of the car and hung his backpack over his shoulders. "Goodluck with getting girls dude, i'll probably see you later today" He said as he shook his head with a light laugh, seeing that Wick was distracted already by a girl. And with that he closed the door and made his way into the building,

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Isabelle "Ellie" Waters

Beep. Beep. BEEP. BEEP.

"Oh shut up already." Ellie threw a lazy hand across her bed and tinkered with random buttons on her alarm clock until it finally shut up. She rolled over onto her side and blinked away the drowsy look in her eyes, a faint smile tugging at her lips as she heard the wonderful chirping of birds outside her window. Today was the day that all the new students came to Fairy Heights. Mixed emotions emitted from Ellie as she dragged herself out of bed and into the shower, taking about 15 minutes out of her morning already. She then proceeded to dry her hair to its natural loose and curly state before throwing on an outift.

As she made her was downstairs, she knocked a few times on her brothers door, which was close. "Nate, get up already! You're gonna make me late and you know how much I hate not being on time!" The intriguing smell of breakfast led Ellie downstairs where her mom was cooking up a storm and laughing at something her father had just said. Her mothers beautiful red hair shimmered in the light and Ellie found their happiness contagious. "Morning Mom, Dad." She announced her presence as she sat down at the bar. "Morning Ellie!" Her father replied as he hooked his arm around his wife's waist and slipped a plate of bacon and eggs in front of Ellie. "Eat up, today's the big day!" Ellie laughed and dove into the food eagerly.

"Nathaniel Waters! Don't make me come in there and drag you out of bed!" Ellie called up at her brother, glancing down nervously at her watch.


“I need to get this done before that class starts… Eh, maybe I’ll finish it during lunch? Speaking of lunch, who is that with the muffins? Where are they getting them because I want one…” Evangeline mumbled to herself, glancing around the hallways as she continued to meander with her locker. She didn’t really know what to do now. Maybe she’d head back to the cortyard since that was where everyone seemed to be. But then again, she didn’t feel like it.

“I’ll go hang out in the cafeteria and bother the lunch ladies again. Big one knows they need my help when it comes to cooking.”

Ever since her freshmen year, Evangeline had snuck her way into the cafeteria to help with making lunch whenever she could. She was sure at first they didn’t mind it but now they hated seeing her. Though they would never tell her that. She was the daughter of the town’s most famous restaurant. Her mother was a legend in the cooking world and Eva knew she would soon be one as well if she were to keep herself on the right path.

“I wonder what Dolores will drop me on today.” She mumbled aloud as she turned, shutting her locker. She rose her hand which held one of her mother’s beignets before yelping when a blur quickly flew past her. Her hand was hit and the beignet fell to the floor. Her eyes widened and a twitch came to her right eye at the sight of the beautiful piece of food on the floor. “…My beignet.”

Angry eyes flashed up and she watched Junjie skateboarding past. Without a second thought, Eva grabbed her lightest book and hurled it at the guy, smirking when it hit him. Pain for some pain.


Wick glanced back at his brother, a snarl on his face as his cheeks turned a pink shade in embarrassment. “Shut up!” He called back though he couldn’t help but laugh at his brother. The brat. Of course he would shout something like that Always trying to ruin his vibe. Despite that Wick still loved his little brother.

He continued walking through the courtyard and despite really realizing it, had pick pocketed some unsuspecting idiot already. When he was a few feet away, he held out the money, counting it quickly in his head before stuffing it into his pant’s pocket. No use trying to give it back now. What was done was done.

His eyes roamed over to where Rahul was standing and smirked when he noticed all of the girls around him. Of course Rahul was near the girls. He had a knack for that. But then again, two of them were Morgan and Anais. There was one unfamiliar face. Must have been someone from the new school. Eh. He’d bother with them later, maybe even bum a cigarette from Rahul.

He continued walking before taking notice of the beauty that was walking around the courtyard. Her outfit screamed good girl and book in her hands screamed bookworm. A smirk came to his face. This would either be a challenge if she had the spunk some bookworm girls did or an easy catch if she was that shy good girl who always fell for the bad guy. Either way, Wick knew he’d have some fun with her. After that maybe the other girl he’d sen before? He didn’t know. It depended on how well this one were to entertain him.

He walked up to her and smiled, adjusting his hold on his bag. He waited and stepped forward just in time for her to run into him.

“Oh, my apologies!” He said, taking a hold of her arms if she were to fall and helping steady her. “I didn’t see you there.” He cleared his throat, sending her a smile. “I assume you are one of the regular students of this high school and not a new one such as myself? I would certainly have noticed a beauty like you if you did attend my school. My name is Wick. Do I have the pleasure of knowing yours?"

@Stoked911 @Fingertips
Anaëlle Bella

Full Name

Anaëlle Bella

{ An-El, Bell-Ah }


A bit Irritated


The Courtyard

Interacting With

Wick - @JujuBee

The sun had shinned brightly, despite it only being early spring. Then, again you can expect various things from Spring especially in New Orleans. As, Anaëlle wondered the courtyard with one her favorite book in her hand, she heard a sound that reminded her of skateboard wheels. Marking her page, with her thumb and putting the book out of her vision she had saw Junjie in the distance riding his skateboard looking like he was heading to go inside the school. Lost in thought for a bit, Anaëlle shook her head in a attempt to get out of her thought world. Realizing she was going to crash into Junjie if she didn't get out the way, Anaëlle had quickly backed up a bit only for her back to hit someone. " Sorry! I guess. " She said, mumbling the last part to herself than to the random guy.

Sure, she crashed into them. But, they could've seen her and warned her that she was. Scratching her head a bit, Anaëlle decided to continue reading and observe some of the new students along the way of reading. Maybe, it could help her in the future. For, all she knew she could find out information about them and even use it against them if they do something bad to her. Anaëlle, knew her mother certainly wouldn't approve of this. Her father? Maybe, depends on his mood most of the time and what exactly she's using against them.

Putting her book, back in her vision. Anaëlle began to read and wander the courtyard more, observing the new students along the way. As, she walked around the campus multitasking she had abruptly crashed into someone. Though, as if she was going to fall or stumble back they had took ahold of her arms. A look of bewilderment was on Anaëlle's face as she furrowed her eyebrows, as her book now laid on the floor. Peeling the guy's hands off her arms, Anaëlle dusted herself off along with her arms, before quickly grabbing her book.

Looking up to the source, who made her drop her book. Anaëlle's had erased the look of bewilderment off her way and instead has a look of annoyance on her face. Sure, he was way taller than her by a lot but Anaëlle wasn't going to be coward and not give him a piece of her mind. He bumped into her, not her. He doesn't even have anything to distract him by a lot. Sighing, the guy's voice had broke Anaëlle out of her thoughts. " Sure, your sorry. Don't act all innocent. " She said, responding to his apology.

But, Anaëlle wasn't buying any of it. Except, the part where he said he didn't notice her. How could you? She was only 5'3 and wearing heels only made her 5'5. "
I'm not surprised. Your a giant and I'm like a midget, I swear. Curse, my mother. " Anaëlle, said in response to his second comment. Except she muttered the last part more for herself than the guy. Looking up from the ground, she noticed he was offering a smile to her. As, if she was actually going to smile back. Rolling her eyes, Anaëlle crossed her arms with her book in hand. Deciding not to say anything else, and let him continue talking. Anaëlle waited somewhat patiently for him to finish talking.

After, he finished talking Anaëlle decided to answer his questions. If, she did she knew her mother would scold her if she found out how she acted towards the guy named " Wick. " " I'd refer to myself as a intelligent student and not regular. As, I'm not stupid as some people here are. But, that doesn't matter at all. " Anaëlle said, sure that was a bit rude and cocky. But, it was true. Some people here were to good and stupid for their own good. Like, inviting these unpleasant Maleficent High kids. Rubbing her forehead, in a attempt to calm herself a bit. Anaëlle, then answered his other question finally. " You don't have the pleasure to know my name at all. But, my mom says it would be rude to not introduce myself to someone who already introduced themselves to me. Moving on, the names Anaëlle. Don't wear it out, but I guess it's nice to meet you Wick. " Anaëlle said as she looked up at Wick.

The smile on Wick’s face turned into a grin when she first began to speak with him. So she certainly wasn’t the shy type. Oh no, far from it. This one was feisty. Someone not afraid to speak her mind. He certainly wouldn’t grow bored with her and even if it didn’t go where he wanted he wouldn’t mind having her as a friend. She would certainly keep him entertained.

“Innocent?” He asked, tilting his head at her. “There’s no acting here. I simply am apologizing for colliding with you. I should have been looking where I was going.”

Despite her try at an insult, Wick couldn’t help but chuckle. “A giant? Are you sure I’m a giant. I don’t think I’m that tall.” He said with a grin. Though he had to admit he was tall. Standing at 6’1 he certainly wasn’t a short guy. Maybe she did have some truth to that. Though he wouldn’t admit. Certainly not. He noticed she wasn’t smiling back and figured she wasn’t planning on it. That was alright with him. She was still pretty despite the small frown on her face.

“I apologize once again if I’ve offended you. Intelligent young woman instead of just another regular. I can get with that.” He said, nodding his head a few times. A small chuckle left his lips. “So you think there are people who are stupid here? Not something you usually say to a person who is supposed to be your rival.”

“Anaëlle.” He said, letting her name roll off his tongue. “It’s a pleasure meeting you."


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