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Realistic or Modern The Dead Have Risen (Always Open)

Name:  Brendon Becklehem

Age: 25

Appearance: (realistic description or picture only please)

Weapons: (I am not putting direct restrictions but please be reasonable)

A fire axe

A ar-15, 2 15 round magazines

2 alarm clocks in his bag. 

Other equipment:


2 cans of Beans

A bottle of whisky. 

A grooming kit for his beard.

2 spare t shirts and a pair of pants

Matthew looked at James with a look of annoyance and distrust " can I talk to you alone James" he said walking off a bit James followed hanging his head knowing that the next part was not going to be fun Matthew turned to James crouching down to eye level "you tell me how right this is" Matthew obviously angry at the situation " I am guessing you ran off she ran after to make sure you were alright and you got into some trouble with walkers and decided to come back here hoping to make it back before us am I right" he said starring into James' eyes While some detain ls were a little off James figured their wasn't much point in arguing such small things as it wouldn't matter anyways so he simply nods   "alright we'll talk about this later" he said with a smile standing up grabbing the things they found on the run

James sighed and walked off and up to Beth "C'mon lets go" James said grabbing Beths' hand pulling her along he lead her back over to the wall " show me how you did that" he said with a forced smile 

@Yappi  looks good 
Name: Liadain “Lia” Fulgora  (Lee-ah-dane “lee-ah” full-gore-a)

Age: 21



Six throwing knives that she wears on her belt at all times

Other equipment: 

* Has knowledge of healing herbs and basic medicine.

*A backpack that contains extra clothes, and whatever food she can steal
Lia ran through the surrounding woods, her breathing heavy and her footsteps light against the Earth. A group of other humans had caught her going through their stash and who knows if they were still chasing her. She turned on her heel and see's a chain link fence up ahead, she throws her bag over the fence and then begins climbing it herself, but before she can jump down her jeans become entangled in the fence and she falls to the ground, hitting her elbow hard.

  She exclaims a few vulgar words and stands up, nursing her elbow gently.
Max helped matthew bring in the stuff they got.

beth smiled back james "Ok so ya jus run at the wall then around here" she made a mark in the ground with her foot. "ya jump then put your hands on the wall using it to push off landing on your feet"  she said putting on her mask demonstarting it. She put on her mask when ever doing anything remotely dangerous.
Lia walked a bit further along the inside of the wall, holding her elbow against her chest. She had hurt it pretty badly. "H-hello?" She calls out, desperate for anyone who could help her.
Max was closely watching Beth as she demonstrated he had plenty of formal gymnastics training but very little experience in parkour only ever adapting his gymnastics to the situation as best he could when he had to run " ok...ok ..I think I got it"  he said and just as he got ready to try it out again he heard someone in the distance he didn't recognize the voice so he quickly drew his bow knocking  an arrow he headed in the direction seeing a girl he drew his bow pointing it in the direction of the unknown girl "Stop Right their!..what are you doing here" he demanded  
"Please, I'm hurt. I fell off the wall." Lia grips onto her elbow, but is ready to reach down for her knives at any second. The throbbing pain her elbow, dulled when she saw a bow pointed in her direction. "C' mon, kid, I'm not gonna hurt ya. I just need some help." She takes a step towards the two kids and smiles.


beth looked at the girl taking her tiny gun from her sleave aswell as a ziplock from her pocket . "Hands behind your back now!" said beth watching the girl ready to shoot at a moments notice .her voice changer in the mask made her sound robotic.
"I- I can't, my elbow is busted." Lia says but slowly puts her good hand behind her back, 
Beth walks around the the back of the girl ziplocking her wrists "nothing personal just protocal hope you understand um james could you go open the gate ill bring her around?"

said beth looking at the girl she seemed nice but better safe than sorry.
James moved towards the gate keeping an eye on the girl at all times he opened it quickly before picking up his bow again 
Lia swears under her breath as her elbow bends back, and she follows the kids through the gate, trying to keep her wits about her.
Beth walked straight towards matthew "broken elbow"  she explaned bringing the girl towards the medical place "Whats your name anyway?" 

Max ran to james "What happend??"
"I'm Liadain." Lia says and then quickly looks around, "I need a sling, and maybe some twigs to set my elbow, and elderberries if you have them, for the pain." Lia explains quickly.
"we have proper medical supplies here" said beth putting a couple pain killers in water "im not good at meds your gonna have to wait for someone else" she hands her the water "im beth by the way" she says taking off the mask with a smile.
Lia smiles, and then grimaces in pain. "I'm pretty educated in basic medicine, enough to where I can probably figure this out." She says and looks around the tent, "My father was a doctor."
Matthew nods heading over to the medical tent with the two walking in he looks at Lia "well fixing your own broken arm isn't such a good plan lucky for you I was a corpsman in the marines" he said smiling as he washed his hands and put on gloves "Beth grab the wrap and some braces from that shelf please" he said as he sat down looking over her arm cutting the zip and cuffing her right hand to the bed they had inside " well nothing broke thru thats good" he said with a reassuring smile  before setting her elbow without warning 

James looked over at max " umm Not really sure she just showed up said she hurt her elbow" he said obviously confused "but she did look like she had been running from something" he said before running the direction she came from "c'mon" he shouted not knowing if their was something or someone coming  
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"Oh you little-" She cuts herself off and refrains from swearing, "yeah, uh thanks for that." She mumbles as the pain begins to dull down. She glances to the cuff around her right wrist. "What's with the five star prisoner treatment here dollface?"
" Trusting people gets you killed" Matthew replied very bluntly. that was pretty much all their was to it in his mind it was a rather simple way of looking at it but it kept people alive 


Appearance: (realistic description or picture only please)

Weapons: (I am not putting direct restrictions but please be reasonable)

Other equipment:

Feel free to add any other information you want 

Name: Aaron Ferndrum

Age: 24



Other equipment:Slim backpack with an extra set of clothes a box and 2 extra mags of ammo for his handgun

extra mags of ammo for his handgun food and water in the back of his car as well as a running suv (Now crashed at the start of the rp where I start out if that okay with you guys)
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