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Realistic or Modern The Dead Have Risen (Always Open)

Name: Ed

Age: 32

Appearance: Black hair with a short pompadour, a slightly gray skin, wears a yellowish camisole, a dark blue varsity jacket (with the arms being white) and suspenders, dark gray pants and spectator shoes.

Weapons: Knife, a mauser c96, axe, and makeshift grenades.

Other equipment: Beer. Lots of beer. And a book with 101 jokes (plus one free!).
" Yeah we are running a little low on feed we better stop by" he said as he finished brushing his sons horse putting the saddle back on he waved James over who was making his second round on the camp in an hour. This again saddened him as he saw the other kids playing and just wished his son would join in but no time to dwell he needed to get ready for a run 

James was making his rounds on the camp as his dad waved him over him over James sighed and walked over to his dad putting an arrow back in his quiver which he had knocked just in case anything happened as he got over he saw Max stood their he knew most of the time if they were talking it was either to go on a run or something else important. "hey dad we going on a run? I'll get my stuff ready." he said as he began checking the saddle on his horse.

"Actually bud I was thinking you would sit out on this one we can handle it why don't you try and make some friends" Matthew explained to his son expecting an angry response but he made up his mind  

"what no I don't want to stay here... What if something happens out their I want to be with you." James contested in anger knowing it would probably get him nowhere as his dad was just as stubborn as he was.

"son I have made up my mind your going to stay here where its safer and thats the end of this conversation" Matthew snapped back knowing that he shouldn't have replied in such an angry was but it just came out 

"Fine whatever" James said in anger as he walked away knocking an arrow again before drawing and shooting at the target he had setup on almost the other side of the camp (the target was a moc Walker which he had nailed in the head  )  

Matthew turned to Max "alright get ready lets go" he said as he mounted his horse after checking over the saddle "You can go on foot or Take James' horse up to you" he motioned to his sons horse

@willingsas looks good 
"Can i go?" beth asked max hoping he would let her 

"i dunno...mabey you should stay woth james" He replied looking around "please" "....should we let her?" he asked matthew. "dont you dare say im too young " said beth glaring at max.

@Cal Rader
Mathew looked in contemplation "in my opinion I don't care but I would appreciate if you stay here keep an eye on James he'll probably try to follow" he said looking over at James with a look of sorrow "and try and talk to him please he hardly talks to me anymore he needs someone" he said realizing at that moment that he couldn't be their for his son the way he needed 

James wondered off annoyed and upset his father treated him like a child and he didn't userstand they had survived in this for two years now and had done a lot to survive it was very upsetting to him his dad just simply didn't understand him and was never their for him always worried about keeping him safe and nothing else 

"Fine....fine" she said running after james. "hey james it you want go play eith the other kids ill look after this...."

"Thanks" said max to matthew before climbing  onto the hourse.
"yeah no problem" Matthew said as he began heading out " I'm good at being the bad guy just ask my son" he said attempting to joke about it to lessen some of the pain the situation caused him "so Max I was thinking you take the lead on this one" he said as they left the camp slowing down so max was beside him "where to?"

" really!!" James shouted angerly " its bad enough he wont let me leave camp but now hes having some...girl babysit me" he exclaimed furiously clearly more upset about the situation then he should be "look I don't need some chick watching over me i'm fine ok...I got this" he said finally turning to actually look at Beth to speak before turning around to continue his walk. it was clear their was more going on than it seemed but regardless of the reason he was upset very upset 
Max laughed "uhh im pretty sure theres an apartment block just down here some ""it might not be looted" he said going down a left road.

Beth knowing something more was going on followed him "ya dont like me?" she asked trying to get more out of him

(just so u know beth  talks with a county like accent but max talks with a city accent with a hint of county)
(cool both the boys speak very country)

Matthew nodded "Sounds like a good plan" he said knowing he and James had passed by that block on the way in but they didn't have time to stop and loot "so have anyone special before all this" he said trying to start some amount of a conversation to break the lengthy awkward silence that clearly didn't trust each other but tried to be polite to each other anyway  

"what...?" he exclaimed only now realizing he had just been taking his anger out on someone who had no connection to the problem "oh..oh no I'm sorry i...i didn't mean to" he said desperately trying to save the situation awesome James you did it again making this poor girl feel bad  "no I don't have a problem with you honest...scouts honor" he said with an awkward smile raising his hand as he did " It's just... really i'm just upset with my dad ever since this camp he treats me like a child...he's always talking about keeping me safe.. b...but what if I want to keep him safe" he said as anger turned to some amount of sorrow "I was to much of a baby to protect my mom and now... now I am being held behind these walls like a prisoner forced to watch what happens with no power to change it" he said loudly as a few tears rolled down his face before he stopped with a look of surprise/embarrassment as he realized he just told an almost complete stranger everything that was going on inside not to mention that most of the camp probably heard him. Before anyone had time to react James grabbed his things and ran for the treeline vaulting over the wall using other object to get the height he needed 
"I didn't but beth did ......" he said with a eeree shadow falling over the top half of his face. As they neared the apartment block.

Beth grabbing and putting on her mask and her gun and knife she ran after james she was a good tracker so it was easy to follow him. "James i swar if you die ill kill you" she joked trying to lighten the mood not seeing the walkers coming behind her.
As they approached he got off his horse loosely tying it off to a post just so he new to stay but if anything came after him he would run " alright your run you lead the way in" Matthew said merely wanting to see how Max did in a leaders role "don't get us killed now" he joked checking his weapons  

James looked back as he realized Beth was following him, and not a moment to soon as he turned he saw a pair of walkers coming up behind he he turned grabbing his bow knocking an arrow as he began running towards her he drew and fired as time almost seemed to stop the arrow flew right past Beths' head and into the first walker as he reached her the second was moments away from grabbing her, panicked for a moment James grabbed her throwing her to the ground away from the walker. However he slipped allowing the walker to fall right on him he scrambled for his knife trying to keep it from biting him  
Max tied up his horse "...Okay..." Max walked around to the side door smashing the lock with his axe pushing the door open and ran in killing the two closest walkers before moving to the next one.

Thinking fast Beth scrambled to her feet stabbing the walker in the back of the head and pushed the corpse off him "Lets go" She said to him pulling him up by the shoulder running not letting go. She was suprisingly fast and strong for her slim build.
Matthew followed Max in watching him dispatch the walkers he moved up grabbing his knife kicking one walker back as he pinned another to the wall stabbing it he moved on to the next looking around as the immediate area was clear he nodded his head " Nice work kid" he said he said with a smile 

" Hey let go" James contested as Beth dragged him along " I got this" he said finally breaking free of her grasp stopping dead in his tracks he looked around the empty area " why'd you have to come running after me in the first place" he shouted knowing the answer was probably his dad 
"Kill first ask questions later" replied max breaking into an apartment rushing straight to the kitchen killing a child walker.

"Well.... do you want to die?....you have next to no food and no water the camp is safe and by doing this you putting people in danger are peoples lives really worth a tiff with your father?" Said beth trying to make him see it from the camp point of view.
Matthew and max cleared several apartments gathering what supplies they could focusing on food first and other essentials after Mathew was decently surprised by Max he knew how to handle himself pretty well his teamwork could maybe use some work but then again so could Matthews' its hard to trust others with your life nowadays you never know who will stab who in the back 

" if you would have just let me leave then I wouldn't be puttin anyone in harm... besides I have nough for me"  He said contesting in anger his country accent  and slurs becoming more noticeable as he got angry... then he realized she probably had some good points " look I just wante' some time alone that was rather embarisin what happened back their" he said not realizing how much his accent had taken over he usually tried to hide it cause everyone always made fun of him for it and said it made him sound stupid " I don' expect you ta understand...but" he stopped not wanting to go any further as a single tear ran down his cheek 
Max walking around turned to matthew "Should I  of let her come?" He asked sounding worried.

"If yur mad at your dad fo babyin ya than jus show em why he shouldnt act responsable and dont run away from anythin....unless ya dont have a weapon" Said beth knowing how he felt max always babyed her since there perants died. "Now lets go back before they come home" 
Matthew didn't exactly know hot to respond to Max but he tried his hardest to some up with something " look I don't think I am exactly the best person to answer that question but...if your worried about her I am sure she is fine safer at camp then it is out here" he said wondering similar things about his son " well thats an hour" he said looking at his watch "won't be long till sunset we should head back but at least we know a decent place to get supplies now" he said packing the last few things in his bag before they headed out 

" yeah your right" he said joining her as they waked back. when they approached camp James nudged Beth playfully " Thanks " he said with a smile as he blushed a little  
"Yeah okay" Said max slining his bag over his shoulder 

"No problem but just so ya know next time ya go running off im leavin ya for the walkers " She says nuging him back "Race ya back to camp" She said before sprinting off
The two headed back after a pretty successful run givin how short it was getting on his horse Matthew looked to max " Bet you James isn't their when we get back" he said used to the fact that James ran off almost daily " Not that I hope he's gone of course" he said more reassuring himself than anything  

James Chuckled at Beths comment then before he knew it she was racing back to the camp "oh your on" he shouted as he took off after her jumping and vaulting over some obstacles to catch up running as fast as his legs could carry him he vaulted over a large rock almost running into the wall on the other side he thought he one but he noticed at the last second Beths hand reach out to touch the wall at the same time "Damn Tie" he panted 
Max got off the horse "i bet beths tinkering with her gun" said max smiling at the memory of the tiny gun bet made.

beth smrked "bet you cant do this" she said usung the wall and as a vault to do a front flip lading on her two feet.
" probably" Matthew replied as they tied their horse back off at camp he looked around and couldn't see Beth or James little did he know they were just on the other side of the wall out of view. Matthew nuged Max " I'm not seeing either of them" he said worried where they could be or more importantly if they were safe 

" oh yeah bet I can" James replied trying to sound confident but he had never tried that before still he tried running using the wall to vault himself up he slipped as he went to flip falling on his ass with a thud "umph" he exclaimed as he hit the ground before busting out in laughter "wow..." were the only words he managed to get out while laughter at his failure overtook him " I can't believe that If Miss Jolee was here she'd have me on the rings for hours after such a poor display" He said as his amusement came to an end 
Max becoming instantly worried shouted for beth "BETH?!? BETH?!?!" 

Beths giggling soon came to an end she hear her brother screaming for her "Im in so much trouble...i should go....see ya!" she said before running off
"James!!!!" Matthew yelled as worry overtook him both Max and Matthew stood their with god know what terrible thoughts going through their heads as the two were nowhere to be seen 

"Hey wait up" James shouted running after Beth " we are both ganna be in trouble might as well meet our'fate tagether" he said catching up to her still out of breath from running and then immediately getting the wind knocked out of him from falling barley able to keep up 
Max seeing james and beth in the distance ran over too that "Don't you ever run off!" 

"I didn't " lied beth "promise "
"then where were the two of you" Matthew questioned worried and a bit upset 

"it's no Big deal" James said with an innocent smile "we were just over their on the other side of the wall talkin" he lied not wanting to get Beth in trouble even tho frankly he didn't care about himself "just keeping an eye on camp"

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