The Dark, Demented, and Twisted

"If they get hurt, it is on them. They hunted and captured us. Now we are locked up, though a few of us can leave, and most of us won't stay quiet about being in here." Khal watches Pric removes the door with a single finger and his jaw drops. "I guessed you were powerful Even Zaero can't do that with one finger." He realizes he is staring and looks away, a slight blush on his pale skin. "What are you exactly? Sorry if I'm blunt, but I'm curious."
"Dragon. Water one, to be precise," Pric said, looking back at Khal, "Zaero is.... what? Demon? Angel? Usually they are not as ancient as dragons. If they are older, then they have limitations put on them when they are on Earth, dragons do not." She smiled sweetly at Khal, "Shall we explore? I have been dying to stretch my wings or play with some water.... or... just a glass of water from the kitchen would be fine... know where that is?" Her eyes were still an icy blue, and her pupils still in slits like a cat's. She realized that Khal could see that and blushed a little, changing her eyes back to their normal teal/green color.
When Reala was greeted, her ears stood up. She held Usagi close. Usagi didn't move but sent an uneasy chill up Reala. She looked around for shadows. She flicked her wrists and the words appeared. 'I'm Reala. Nice to meet you. Usagi says hello.' She smiled. Usagi didn't like him or the feeling he got.
"Zaero is an angel. And can't say I have ever met a dragon kin before, this is a rare experience." He steps out into the hall and looks around. "I'm afraid you won't fit in a dragon form unless we are outside. However, I do know where the kitchen is." Thinking, he decides to lead Pric outside to the back of the house. "Nice eyes by the way." Khal smiles at seeing another blush.

Roth notices their glances to the shadows and laughs. "Those won't help you much, I'm a shadow demon. But I am not here to fight or attack you." He stretches out his neck. "I'm rather tired of fights right now. So, what are you up to? You seem slightly lost." Roth is showing a rare bit of kindness to Reala.
In all the confusion, the bodies and mentalities of Zaero had melded back together. But, something was missing. He was no longer evil,.... but he was no longer as conditioned as he had been when under Michael's influence. This was a new Zaero, a more laid back, sociable one. His true personality had been released, the one that was repressed by millenia upon millenia of training and holy conduct. But, most importantly, Zaero was back at full power. Figuratively, of course. He still had a heavenly limiter.

Zaero stretched his six wings as he sighed. It had been a stressful day, and he was hoping something interesting would happen. Interesting as in pleasant, mind you. It was then that he sensed the presence of a dragon, a water dragon to be exact. Eons had passed since he'd met one in person, so he decided to go introduce himself. He walked off in the direction of the aura, noting that Khal was there as well. Perhaps now would also present itself as an opportune moment to apologize to Khal.
"Dragons are rare... just our fate I suppose..." Pric said, looking forlorn, "Well, thanks for leading me to the outside of the house. Don't be too startled." Pric looked up at the sky and smiled, then turned to Khal and winked before closing her eyes. She opened them again, her eyes an icy blue with cat slits. Pric smiled at Khal then shifted, something that took very little time, into a ten or so foot tall dragon. Her scales were an icy blue color like her eyes, and a snowflake-like pattern adorned her chest. Pric flicked her tail around and breathed out from her nose, causing steam to rise from them like smoke as she looked down at Khal.
Khal is rather used to beings changing shape in front of him and just shrugs it off although he is interested in the dragon. He points to the west. "There a small body of water inside the barrier of the house, it part of why I brought you out here." Khal's eyes travel along the majestic body of her dragon form, taking in all the scales, the coloration, and the way ice and water formed around her. He is fighting the urge to let his jaw drop again.
Reala nods. 'I dont fight. I'm mute. It's how I talk.' She smiled. Usagi's mouth frowned. She shook her head and patted the doll's head. Reala felt no threat but a common ground with this fellow. Why was Usagi being weird? Reala shrugged. She looked at the shadows again. 'Shadow demons interest me. Tell me more?'
Roth tilts his head and looks at her. "What do you want to know? I won't tell everything, so keep that in mind." He watches Reala use the shadows to talk. "Interesting adaptation. Though it would work better if you could create your own shadows like me and my twin can." He gives an example by having layers of shadows flow out and off his body, covering the area around the the of them.
Zaero finds Khal and the water dragon outside, which was understandable since there is a body of water near that location. When he sees the majestic beauty of the dragon, he gives a little wolf whistle to announce his presence. "My, my. What a grand picture. It has been a while since I have met a dragon. I'm Zaero, the archangel. What is your name, ancient dragon?" When introducing himself, he bows deeply, opening his six wings as a sign of respect for the dragon's age and experience.
(Changing her age on the charrie sheet, so it will make more sense.)

Pricip tilted her head to the side and spoke into both their minds at once, Thank you Khal, for the body of water. As for you, Zaero, hello. I am Pricip kelp. Perhaps you have heard of me? I have it in well with heaven, they seem to like me. If she was in human form, she would have blushed, but, in dragon form she merely bowed her head at Zaero slightly in respect. Pric turned her head to the water and blinked, the water rose and came to her, swirling around her, twinkling in the light. She sipped from the water then, her eyes locked on Zaero.
Khal is caught off-guard by the mind-voice of Pric. "You are quiet welcome." He watches her control the water then, remembering they have company, he turns and faces Zaero. "Hello again." Khal is on edge and cautious after his last encounters with this angel. He does not trust him and expects the worse of Zaero. "May we help you?" Khal is talking in a kind voice, trying to act civilized, which is more than Roth would do in this situation.
Zaero heard Khal's question, but he couldn't respond. Zaero's face was visibly surprised at Pricip's introduction. "Pricip? Is that really you? My god, it has been a while. Actually, I suppose it is my Father, but anyway. How many eons has it been since we last met? Perhaps you don't recall, but I was present at your very creation. I still remember the day well. I was a naive, young archangel, still completely under Michael's tutelage, awed by his holy majesty. Then, I attended your creation as an example of Father's will, and I remember that we had quite a good time together. I specifically remember that I was mesmerized by your beautiful scales. Of course, my awe devolved into competitiveness, and I recall the flying race we had. Honestly, I was quite angry when you won. Michael had to assure me for days that the reason I lost was because dragons were natural born fliers, and I hadn't yet practiced my flight.Now, what was it that I called you... I know you had a nickname..." As he said this, Zaero's face was alight, glowing happily with the memories of the past. Then, he turned back to Pric, a sheepish look on his face. "Pardon me if this all seems a little odd. You were only a few days old when all this occurred. You may not remember it. In any case, it is a pleasure to see an old face." Then, a mischievous look appeared on Zaero's face, very uncharacteristic of the stoic form that Michael had taught him. "Not that I'm calling you old... or am I?" said Zaero with a musical laugh. That laugh had not been heard in millenia, and it sounded like the bells of heaven were playing a heavenly chorus. Every creature that heard it, of dark origin or not, got a warm feeling from hearing it. It was obvious that this was not the same Zaero, and the change was definitely for the best.
Pricip laughed, a deep sound in her dragon form. She kept the water up just barely, the swirling water quivering a bit. She shifted into human form and burst out laughing, "Zaero! Now I remember you! Oh gosh, what was it I used call you? Zay? Oh I was such a little thing." She ran up and hugged Zaero tightly, knowing his body could take it. The water fell like rain to the ground, "Call me old or call me young, I do not care. It is so good to see you again. Oh, I remember god, or goddess. I think that he just loved to mess with me. You remember, he was in his female form around me. I can never think of him as a he. I will always see god as a goddess." She laughed, a sweet little sound, and clung to Zaero, "Oh, and that race, it was so fun. You threw such a tantrum!" Pric cupped his cheek with her hand, and looked up at him, "I think you called me Miss Prissy, or something like that. It used to drive me crazy!"
Zaero continued to laugh, still embracing Pricip. "Yes, that does sound like me. I was quite the precocious young archangel. Do you remember when Michael scolded us for trying to spy on Metatron when he was writing the Word of God? I think he almost had an anyeurysm, even though that would be physically impossible! Although, perhaps the best time was after we were all done playing. I remember we snuck back to my home. We were so tired, but we still fought over who'd take how much of the comforter. If memory serves, we both tried to convince the other to take it to prove our toughness. In the end, we were found with our wings wrapped around one another. It was truly a funny sight... or so Gabriel told me." Zaero gave Pricip a friendly squeeze. It had been a while since he'd seen a true friend. "Come, let's go inside. I'll take you to the kitchen. You must be hungry, and I know that I'm starving. I'll explain a little about the goings on here in this crazy house." As he said this, he broke off the hug and motioned inside with an "after you" gesture.
Pricip laughed again happily, "Yes, poor Michael. He had to deal with so much from us." She blushed a little, "You're a warm person. I haven't had just my wings out in so long. It is a lot harder to do than just shift." She smiled and shifted just her wings anyways, flapping them a little, a childish grin on her face. Pric kept them there for the time being, too lazy to make them go away. Instead she just folded them against her back and walked inside, waving goodbye to Khal as she did so. "I am pretty hungry. Know if they have lamb? You know me, big scary dragon and all that." She walked backwards a little, sticking her tongue out at him before stopping and waiting for Zay(I like that nickname :3). "Can you believe so much time has passed? I am so lucky God granted me with immortality like you, else I wouldn't have seen you again! I have missed you too much, there are so many years to catch up on!"
Zaero smiled, amused at Pricip's antics. "Gosh, that is just like you. Anyway, there is quite a lot that you've missed. I'm sure it'll make for a great story. However, since you're a... what did you call it?...ah, yes...a big, scary dragon and all that, I think there is a little secret I can show you." Smiling, he lead Pricip to the edge of the visible force field around the complex. "Now, I was sent here by Michael to observe the happenings, so I made sure to make a little "hole" in the force field so that I could free the others if he deemed it necessary." Saying this, he taps the force field, and a man-sized opening appeared. "So, let's go get that lamb, shall we?" he said with a cocky smile. However, before he stepped through, he put a hand on Pricip's shoulder. He unfolded one of his wings and wrapped it around Pricip in a warm embrace that pulled her close to his chest. "And, never worry about being cold again. Even if you can't shift you're wings, I'll always keep you warm. Always." he said while looking down into her icy blue eyes with his deep, golden ones. Zaero was very protective of Pricip as she was his closest and oldest friend. He wouldn't let any harm come to her.
Pricip blushed brightly and stared at Zaero's chest trying to hide it, avoiding eye contact with Zaero. She leaned against him a little, him being quite warm as always, "...Let's go get that lamb..." Her voice was quiet, and she dashed out of the hole in the force field. She looked out at stretched her wings, still blushing obviously, but she gave up and looked back at Zaero, "Are we going to fly? I bet I can beat you again... I have been practicing."
Zaero laughed a light laugh. "Well, you know, I haven't spent eons walking everywhere. I'm pretty fast, especially since my wings have fully grown in. I even beat Gabriel in a race... of course he told me he lost on purpose. Although, you know how Gabe reacts to losing, so I'm not completely convinced that he threw the race. But, if you want to race, then I'm game." Intentionally, Zaero unfolded his wings with an exaggerated flourish. "Tell you what, to make it fair, I'll only use two wings." To illustrate his point, he unfolded one pair of wings, shaking them a bit and smirking to indicate that he'd still win. Gold and silver feathers from his wing swirled in the gust that resulted from his wings, and that, coupled with his natural beauty and suave suit and fedora, made him quite the sight. Any female would swoon, but then again, Pricip wasn't just any female. Still, Zaero hoped that his childhood friend got a little "hot and bothered". After all, it would only help him win the race.
Pricip blushed more at the way Zaero looks then stared forward, she could smell the lamb from here. She looked at him and said, "You better not look up my dress! Now, go!" And she took off, fast enough to leave a little indent in the ground. She was still in her human form, just with her wings out and her icy blue cat-like eyes. Her white hair whipped around and she knew her dress blew around a bit in the wind. She looked behind her for a moment to see Zaero close by, and nearly ran into a tall tree. She swerved out of the way then flew forward again. Pric knew she couldn't win in this form.
"Here we go!" shouted Zaero, and he was gone. Unlike Pricip, although he launched with just as much force, he left no indent in the ground. In fact, the only sign of his passage was a slight gust of wind. He easily kept up with Pricip, who turned around to look at him for a second. "Oi, watch out! Keep in mind that running into trees won't make you fly any faster. Actually, according to Father's laws of physics, it would slow you down." he said with a hint of humor. However, in the back of his mind, he readied himself to catch her in case she did hit anything. Noticing her low speed, he shouted up to her, "Hey! You know, I think it would be best for you to shift. Like I said, we aren't little kids anymore. You can't just rely on your pretty face and girlish charm to win, ya know. It might have won me over back then, and it might still affect me now, but that doesn't mean I'm going to let you win." To show his point, he accelerated until he was a hair's breadth in front of Pricip.
Razeal was happy that Marci was concious and pained from the accidental headbutt and her anger at Samayaza was justified but Razeal just wanted her to rest and that sentiment only increased as she leaned on him "Easy Marci don't over do it baby now can you tell us the way out of here I have a feeling that some powerful people are coming and I have no idea if it's friend or foe." Razeal was so happy and the events of almost being arrested and Marci being used and taunted by Lilitha. Razeal held her tight a tear in his eye and whispered in her ear "Let me just hold you I almost lost you today and I don't ever want that to happen.
([MENTION=3762]maker[/MENTION], I think you mean taunted by Lilitha :P )

Pricip stuck her tongue out at Zaero, "I was just going easy on you, but fine." She smiled and shifted. In her dragon form she darted quickly forward, way far in front of Zaero, and glanced back at him. A bad idea at the speed she was going. Being so low to the ground and flying so fast, Pricip's loss of concentration for a moment made her slam hard into a tree. The poor tree got knocked over from the force of it, and Pricip fell with it. It was hard for her to focus on forward, being so near to him after so long, at least all he had to do was look forward.

Marci clung to Razeal and closed her eyes, "I don't know right now, hell, I don't even know where we are... I just made the wind take us somewhere. And, apparently that 'somewhere' ended up being in some odd maze..." She sounded confused, then the Labyrinth creaked and groaned, shifting a bit, and Marci yelped, pressing her face more into Razeal. Samyaza watched and sighed, pushing down any sense of jealousy. When the wall shook a little, he didn't move, but just made a groan noise back at the maze.
Zaero was amazed at Pricip's speed. While it was true that even when he only used two wings, he was holding back a little, he was impressed with her real flight capabilities. Just as he was about to congratulate her on her progress, he saw her hit a tree, and she hit it hard. Zaero's protective instinct kicked in, and he immediately unfurled all six wings. Now, with all his wings, he was there in an instant. He caught her, but Pricip had been flying so low to the ground that there was no time to slow down. Instead, he used his angelic magic to convert her back into her human form and wrapped his soft wings around her. They fell at a fast velocity and hit the ground hard enough to make a substantial crater. Zaero took the brunt of it, protecting Pricip from harm. She lay there, wrapped in his arms and wings for a few moments. Then, unfurling one wing and keeping the other one around her, Zaero said, "I'm pretty sure I told you running into trees didn't make you faster. That was too close." He sighed and leaned back to lay on the ground, wing still wrapped around Pricip, breathing a little harder due to the excitement. Zaero sat up after a few minutes of laying there. Suddenly, he doubled over in pain. It seemed a particularly hard rock had pierced his back on the way down, and his golden blood was dripping from the hole in his otherwise pristine suit.
(Ok... I am pretty sure someone would think I was completely nuts. I just read that, then waved my arms frantically at the computer screen like, no don't be hurt Zaero!)

Pricip had been blushing at her stupidity, and was going to make a comment about how a fall like that wouldn't have hurt her, then she saw that Zaero was in pain, leaning against her. Pric had never seen Zaero like this, and she was freaking out in her mind, "Zay...? I- I am so sorry... I will heal you." She kept Zaero against her and glanced at the wound, wincing a little inwardly. Pric looked around quickly for a source of water and saw a small stream nearby. She took the water from the stream using her magic, and made a good sized ball of water press against the open wound. She focused her attention completely on healing the wound, both her hands and her ball of water glowing as she slowly healed him. She was crying a little, gulping to try to keep her cool, she knew she had caused the pain for him with her foolishness.

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