The Dark, Demented, and Twisted

Pricip stopped crying and nearly fell asleep against Zaero. The gentle landing made her look up at him and blush a little, "I should be apologizing and saying thank you, not the other way around. But, sure, you can cook for me. Would you allow me to help cook?" She hopped down out of Zaero's arms and grasped onto his hands with a smile, no longer blushing, "Oh, and we will have to race again. But this time I will pay attention and you will need to not hold back if you want any chance of winning." She came closer to him and pet one of his wings, "That means you will need to use all of these beautiful wings of yours. There is a reason no one sees dragons anymore, and its not just because some of them go to heaven so often." Pricip smiled wider, she was basically a creature of heaven, created directly from gods hands, no, what someone would think of as a normal, mother and father. She decided that she would have to visit heaven again soon, she missed how beautiful it was there. Her mind wandered, and wondered if an archangel was allowed to have a relationship with a non angel... as long as they were a heaven based being. Pric threw the thought out of her mind fast and blushed, still with a smile on her face and still holding onto Zaero's arms. She felt she should have thoughts like that for Zaero, what if he didn't agree?
(your avatar picture fits with Usagi and Reala lol)

Roth justs waves off Reala's apology. "It fine. Now, if you would put the bag across the lounge from us, I will start your teaching." The book reappears and Roths opens and and looks for where to start as he waits for her to get ready.
Reala nodded. She found a good spot and walked over. She set the bag down and Usagi popped up. She patted his head. He frowned and slippd back into the bag. She headed back over to Roth and smiled. 'All ready.' She slipped her hat back on and waited for further instructions.

((You think so? xD It does!))
Zaero held Pricip's hand and replied to her question. "Of course you can help me cook. But remember, no eating the lamb before we cook it. I know you can eat it raw, but you know I like to show off." he said, raisin his eyebrows suggestively while his eyes were alight with mirth. He could only get this way around Pricip. She was truly something else. Seeing her interest in his wings, he plucked a single gold and silver feather from one of the wings and put it in Pric's hair. "There. Now, you can carry around a piece of my beautiful wings." Smiling and tilting his head, Zaero continued, "Although, my feather looks a little ugly when compared to your stunning beauty, but I guess it'll have to do." Grasping her hand a little tighter, Zaero led Pricip inside. "You know, it has been a while since you've been to Heaven, and I've missed it as well. We should take a short trip there sometime soon, and then, we could..." Just as Zaero was about to finish speaking, a golden light shone down from the ceiling. However, it was clear that it didn't originate from the ceiling; it had an ethereal quality to it, almost as if it was from Heaving itself.... "No. No. Please, not right now. Why does it have to be now!" whispered Zaero. Suddenly, the light was gone as fast as it had arrived. However, Zaero had disappeared too. In his place, a single feather from his wing. Pricip should have recognized what the light meant. Michael had just recalled Zaero, forcibly.
Laying the open book down on a table, Roth leads Reala to center of the lounge, away from the shadows. "First, you will learn to draw the shadows to you. It is always possible in artifical light, but don't expect it to always work in the sunlight." He steps away and watches her. "Try to sense the shadows that are around the room and call them to you with your mind, sort of how you use them to write. You can use hand motions if you would like."
Reala nodded and closed her eyes. She usually didn't need to concentrate to make the words but she was drawing shadows to her. She put her hands out in front of her and felt the room with her feet. She concentrated and started to try and draw them near. She opened her eyes and the concentration was lost. She sighed and decided to try again. She did it again, opened her eyes and a few seconds after they were gone. She began to get frusterated with herself. She went to grab Usagi for comfort but he was't there. She sighed. She was determine though. A word slipped out from her mouth. "Again." She tried once more.
Roth smiles as he watches. He notices her speak again and understands that she needs to learn to speak and want to learn, something she can't do with the plush hanging on her every move. He is also happy with her progress, although she can't keep control after her eyes open. "Try to think of them as part of you, something that is attached and can't leave your body."
She nodded and closed her eyes once more. Think of tehm as Usagi. She concentrated and felt them. She began to draw them near to her. Slowly she opened her eyes and saw her progress. She smiled but kept focus. Reala was happy with what she managed to do. One thing that bothered her was the nergy that Usagi was giving her. It was faint but it was distracting her. She decided to try again. This time with eyes open. She stared at the bag and drew in teh shadows. She imagined them as Usagi. She now did not feel Usagi's power at all.
Watching the shadows almost reach her then fall bck, Roth applaudes. "Good job Reala. You almost absorbed a shadows by pulling it to you. Now....Catch!" He throws a shadow ball at her which she will either catch, or it will disappear just before hitting her. He is testing her reflexes and on the roll ability control
She smiled and was about to bow when he asked her to catch. She was caught off gaurd and went to catch the ball but it disapperead. She sighed and looked down. 'Retry?'
"Sure." This time he throws two and one of them won't disappear before hitting but Reala doesn't know which one. "Good luck." He watches to see how she handles this test now that she is expecting it.
Reala watched as the shadow speheres came to her. She closed her eyes and put her hands up. She imagined teh spheres as Usagi. She smiled and caught them both. She opened ehr eyes and looked in her hands.
"What do you see when your eyes are closed?" Roth has noticed how much better Reala does when her eyes are closed, but this is dangerous if she needs to use the shadows to defend herself. He is getting frustrated and thinks on how to make it so she can focus while her eyes are open.
'I imagine Usagi.' She smiled and looked at Roth. He seemed a bit frusterated. 'I know how bad it is but its how I concentrate.' She looked down and put her hands behind her back. She looked up and looked at Roth. 'Can we try again? I want to try something.'
Roth calms himself with the shadows and looks at Reala. "Sure, I'm curious." He throws another two just like the last set then lobs one up so it will fall on her head if she doesn't catch it.
Reala watched the spheres come at her. This time she kept her eyes opened and repeated Usagi's name in her head. Catch Usagi. Catch Usagi. She caught the two but wasn't aware of the third one. Reala looked up and put her hands together. Catch Usagi. She closed her eyes and waited for it either to hit her or not. She opened them and saw she caught it.
"Nice catches. But that last one you closed your eyes for. What if it had moved and went around your grasp when you couldn't see it?" Roth shakes his head, hoping Reala will learn the one important rule of defense: keep your eye on your target and your surroundings. "Try again, but eyes open and watch for an attack from anywhere." Roth disappears into a shadow and suddenly five orbs are speeding at Reala from different directions.
Pricip looked at the feather on the ground in surprise and ran her fingers along the one in her hair. She sighed, closing her eyes, and teleported to the only place she could, heaven. She appeared outside of Micheal's house in heaven, a slight look of irritation on her face. Still in human form, she knocked loudly on his door, "Micheal! I know you are in there! Not cool! I was having an interesting discussion with him, and you poofed him away." As she awaited his answer, she looked around at the brightness of heaven. Beautiful light seemed to glow from everywhere, and a few people flew around. This wasn't a heavily trafficked area of heaven. She yelled again, "You know, by soon, I don't think we meant now!"
Reala sighed. She kept her eyes open and looked around. Five different spots. She put her hands out and stared. Catch Usagi. Catch Usagi. Catch Usagi. She caught the first two and barely caught the last three. She almost fell to the ground. She opened her 3outh. Nothing. She sighed. This time the words just sprung up. "Not...enough." She sounded frusteratd with herself. She was. If any of them were Usagi, he would have been hurt. She sighed and looked down. She began to feel defeated.
Roth appears with a look of disgust on his face. "Giving up? Maybe I shouldn't of tried to teach you. You depend on the plush too much to truely learn to fend for yourself." He goes and closes the book. "If you still wish to be taught, you have one chance to prove it to me, otherwise you will need to find someone else to teach you." He has an evil smirk now. "But think of this, what if the plush needed you to save it but you couldn't because you needed him to do it?"
Michael's voice boomed from withing his house. "I have permanently pulled Zaero from his mission objective on Earth. You, however, are free to return at you prerogative." Then, Michael was silent. Inside, Zaero was seated at a chair, fuming. "What do you want, Michael? First you send me there, and now you pulled me out before I did anything? What are you doing?" Michael responded by kneeling next to Zaero, just like he did when Zaero was young, so that Michael could look into Zaero's eyes. "Lucifer is growing stronger, and I fear that a battle between him and myself is imminent. However, to fight him fairly, I must recover all of my power. Even the power I bestowed upon Merlin and his bloodline. Thus, I need you to retrieve the power from the witch named Marci. I will return, but only after Lucifer is beat down once more." Michael's eyes and tone of voice confirmed the truth of his statements to Zaero. Michael stood up. "Oh, and one more thing. Unless you complete this objective, I'm afraid you'll never see Pricip again." Just as Zaero was about to shout in protest, he was back in they house, along with Pricip. However, there was a determined look in his eyes. He knew what he had to do.
Pricip had heard the whole conversation, and her brow was furrowed, "That is messed up! This Marci girl. I have heard of her somewhere, back in Merlin's time actually, she was foretold. You can't hurt her, taking her power... it would kill her!" She pouted, completely and fully upset, "By retrieving her power, can't you just take her into the fight?! You know God... she would never want Marci hurt! The Merlin bloodline has only grown stronger through the years, she could hold her own fine! And, I will help too! Why not speak up against Micheal? Take it up with father, or mother, or whatever!" Pric hugged Zaero tightly, refusing to let go even if her arms had to be ripped off, "You can't hurt an innocent!"
Lilitha hearing all that the book had shown her felt humiliated. Marci's power growing through rage because the way Lilita treated both her and Razeal beacuase of a mission she really had no interest in made her frightened. Being surrounded by her enemies and leaning up against the wall of a living maze made her lose it Lilitha fell to her knees crying showing her immaturity "I just wanted to make my family proud you all have no idea what it is like to be told you are not good enough to be a devil to have to be bad all the time I just want to be a girl at times im sorry I posessed you Marci and im sorry Razeal that I tried to arrest you I won't be a little snot again" She wiped her tears and stood up suddenly remembering how much danger they were in. Liltha looked to Marci "Listen you don't know this but there is kind of a big spiritual arms race going right now. Heaven and Hell both are going to try and take your powers Marci." Lilitha turned to Razeal "And you Heaven and Hell needs soldiers they wanted you to fight for each cause Heaven wanted to forgive you on the condition you fight and hell would offer protection and power." Looking at them both "Either way if you two wanted to stay together you need to be extra careful from now on" Lilitha bit her lip looking nervous hoping they would believe her change of heart.

Razeal was ready to get his shots in on the Devil girl untill she broke down and cried. Then he just felt sorry for her being so bratty she was acting like a petulant child confessing she was wrong to her parents which made Razeal blush because it reminded him how much he wanted to stay with Marci forever. Then she went into her story the more that was told the more Razeal feared the worst he grabbed Marci's hand and squeezed it then after all was said he asked Marci "My love my heart aches it seems every new day my existance in your life causes you pain and grief I think I should turn myself in on the condition that you would be protected I want to be with you forever but I don't want you hurt please let me do this." Razeal squeezed her hand tight and looked in her eyes hoping she would understand.
Marci glared at Razeal and slapped him clear across the face, leaving both Samyaza and Kiki wide eyed. "Let them just try," Marci said, her voice dripping with lividity and her eyes glowing a bright blue, "They will not get my powers. It would kill me if they did, and I am not one for dying. I would sooner fight for heaven than for hell. If they just let me fight with them, I think I would be an asset." She clenched her fists tightly and they caught on fire, not harming her or Razeal. Marci let go of Razeal's hand and walked up to Lilitha, "If your grandfather doesn't believe in your abilities, make him. Simple as that. So not cry, it gets you nowhere. And, you act like I have no idea. I was no good from birth. I was abandoned. I can no longer make my parents happy, you can still make yours proud." Power flowed off of her in waves, and she knew all there could feel it. She blinked and looked at Samyaza, completely serious. Samyaza looked downright terrified of her.
Razeal grabbed his cheek. The slap was not a reaction he expected and it angered him that Marci would strike him. Razeal listened to her speech and let her finish before grabbing her shoulder. "Well whatever happens lets just focus on leaving this place and don't worry about helping the biggest brat in the underworld Razeal started to walk and went a few feet before turning back to Marci still angry and hurt. "And don't hit me again Marci people that love each other should not be raising their hands at one another and besides when this much power is going through you, your more poerful then you know." Razeal removed the hand that covered his cheek and revealed a good size bruise that looked like he was punched rather then slapped. He then turned and walked not really caring at the moment who followed.

Liltha was extremely frightened by Marci and wondered if she would die cowering the whole message she realized the witch was right and got up dusting herself off she was going to say something smart and bratty even though she appreciated the lecture but Razeal showed his bruise and she bitt her tounge instead she went to Samayaza's ear and whispered. "Man she's pretty bad" and realizing that they were about to leave she started to follow Razeal down the corridor.

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