The Dark, Demented, and Twisted

Lilitha skipped and finally found her target she tackled Samayaza nuzzling him like a lovesick girl which she happened to be. "Destiny finally revealed my love to me and it's you my Sama" She giggled and buried her face in his chest not paying attention and poking him with her horns "I read the book and it told me that you were my destined man for me." she giggled more and hugged him tighter.

Razeal laughed looking at the sight before letting the cat out of the bag. "Sorry Lilitha but the book lied to you people who are evil only see lies from the book it is a failsafe I put inside the book just choose him to trick you" he lookeed at Marci and looked back to Lilitha "Oh and Marci probably will want to settle the score from you're little play at being a heliant to us earlier." He smiled and saw the book and jumped at it knocking the book from her hands. He got his hands on the original and laughed "I got it let's show this girl she can't mess with us" Razeal got up and produced his sword.
Zaero winced a little when Pricip began to heal him. However, he didn't want to inconvenience her. "Don't worry about me, Pric, I'm fine. The only thing that matters is if you're okay. Honestly." Then, he noticed her silent crying, and his insides twisted. Zaero turned, the bubble of healing water burst, but he didn't care. He wiped the tears off of Pricip's face. Holding her shoulders and looking into her eyes again, he said, "Please, don't cry. I hate it when you cry, especially knowing that it was my fault. I just... I..." Suddenly, he embraced her again. This time however, he pulled her right into his chest. He put his head on her shoulders and closed her eyes, using his wings to keep them warm like a fluffy blanket of feathers. "Let me just hold you for a few minutes." Then, Zaero let all of his problems out to Pricip. "I just haven't known what to do. Michael sent me here while he commanded the rest of Heaven's Army against Lucifer. I don't know what my purpose is if I can't help him. But, now that you're here, I want to protect you. You are giving me a purpose again, and I want it to stay like that. So... let's just stay like this. Let me just hold you... I don't want to lose you. What would I do without you?" he asked. So, they sat there, held tightly in each other's embrace. Zaero felt Pric's heart beating against his chest, not noticing how fast it was beating. He just enjoyed the feeling of having such a close... friend.
'Ok,' Marci thought, standing up with a forced smile on her face as she walked over to Lilitha calmly, "I do not care who you are. I do not care what you are. I do not care what you want. Leave us be. All in all just leave us be. You have no idea how much I hold back my powers and I mean it. Even Razeal probably doesn't know. So, turn your tail and go, before I make you. Now." Her eyes glowed, hatred pouring from every word. She meant it all too. Marci was confident in herself, even though she was exhausted she would beat Lilitha down if she had to.

Samyaza jumped and pressed himself tighter against the wall when Lilitha hugged him, her horns pressing into his chest uncomfortably, "Umm... Lilitha... do you even know how much older I am than you? Wouldn't that be kind of.... odd? I'm not saying I don't like you... I am just... really really confused." Samyaza looked at Razeal as if he were holding a sign that read, "HELP ME!"

Pric leaned into him, pressing her face against his chest. Her heart really was beating fast... for one she really wanted to finish healing him, but she thought about how he is an archangel and probably already healed. Mostly he heart beat so fast because Zaero wanted to hold her. Pricip had always, loved, Zaero. To have him want hold her was almost as good as a confession of love. She spoke shakily, "I-I would like that..." She whimpered a little, crying again, tears rolling down her cheeks, but Pric wasn't upset this time.
Reala watched in amazement. She smiled but Usagi clung to her. Usagi never moved in front of strangers. Ever. Reala shook her head and slipped him in her bag that hung by her side. 'Well anything you want to tell me. I respect boundries.' She scratched behind her ear then moved her wrists again. 'Well my teacher died. She was murdered.' Reala didn't want to say that her teacher was actually her mother. Also...she didn't want to say Usagi made her do it either.
Khal waves goodbye to Pric then walks to a tree and jumps into it where there is a hole in the trunk. He climbs in and lays down, just relaxing in the shadows of nature.

Roth justs shrugs. "I'll let you ask your questions. I don't know what you would like to learn after all." He watches her put the thing in her hand away and watches her face as she mentions her teacher, noticing sadness and emptiness in Reala's eyes as she brings it up. "Now I wonder what she is hiding," Roth mumbles to himself. He absorbs the shaows back into his body and leans against the wall. "You want to keep talking here, go outside, or go to the lounge?"
She shrugged. 'I don't like asking too much. It's not my thing.' She smiled to hide her feelings. 'Hm...I think the lounge. I've been exploring.' Reala pulled Usagi out because he was complaining. She rested him on her shoulder and he clung to her rabbit ear. 'Lead the way!' She wrote out. Reala was happy to be with someone besides Usagi the criminal. Usagi still felt uneasy but if Reala was okay then it was all that mattered.
Roth shrugs. "You never learn unless you ask. That is how the world works. Even for shadows." He smiles at Reala's weak attempt to hide her feelings from a creature who feeds and senses them. As he turns to lead her, he notices the thing she put on her shoulder move and hold onto her ear. "So where have you explored already?" Roth walks to the lounge and hears Reala follow.
She smiled. She continued behind him. 'Just the halls. I'm still trying to figure out how I got here.' Usagi frowned. He knew why. He made her do it. If she found out then he'd be dead. Reala shrugged. 'Said I murdered some people.' She didn't get it. She never would hurt a thing. This time she thought. The only violent one she knew was Usagi but he is trapped in a bunny plush. She wanted to know but at the same time, it didn't matter.
"You don't seem the dangerous type. Your plush however is rather evil, and strong enough to influnce others." The halls are covered in shadows and they follow Rosh. In his hands he is making a sphere of pure shadow that can cage entities. When finished, he hides it in his wings. They arrive and he sits in a chair in a corner. "So, no questions at all?"
'Usagi? I mean yea he is violent but that's why he's trapped.' She watched him and wondered what he made. She sat across from him and set Usagi on the table. He frowned. 'Not really. I think.' She smiled and took her cap off. She let down her long white hair. 'Why are you here?' She asked. Something to break the ice.
"Trapped? Perhaps, but I doubt he is without power in that body." Roth looks across the room at Reala and contemplates his answer. "I am here because the mortals fear me. And they should, I'm not kind like my twin. But why do I stay here? I am not sure, I am able to leave at any time thanks to the shadows." He thinks and juat watches Reala.
She nodded. 'You have a twin? Interesting.' She patted Usagi's head. 'Man. Why not just leave? I mean I like it here but if I didn't then I'd leave.' She shrugged and her ears twitched. Usagi stood up and turned around to look at Roth. Usagi didn't want Reala hurt. Suddenly Reala's eyes turned bright red. A male voice came from her lips. "Listen. I don't really like you but can you not give her ideas on who got her here? It was me okay but please. She's fragile." Her eyes turned back to white. 'Oh Usagi.' she smiled and patted his head. When Usagi took over, Reala's world paused. All she sees is a snapshot. It was weird.
"Yes, my twin is Khal. He brought me here to save my life actually. Mortals were killing me." Roth looks at the plush and sends it a shadow message that Reala can't see. *You better have a good reason to have caused her to be in this place.* Roth turns back to Reala and shrugs. "Some have no where safe to go if they leave here." He plays with some shadows in his hand.
Zaero recognized the tears of joy running down Pric's face, and he wiped them of with one of his spare wings. Without opening his eyes, he said, "What did I tell you about crying, Pric? Don't cry, even on my account." After holding Pric for what seemed to be hours on end, he unraveled his wings and his arms from around her. "Thank you for this. I am afraid I needed someone like you, someone that loved me to peel away the layers Michael had put up." Smiling at her, he continued, "However, unfortunately, we didn't quite catch that lamb you wanted. But, if we head back now, I can probably make a pretty good lamb kabob. I have had a lot of time to practice. How about it?" Noticing that she didn't really want to move, he proceeded to pick her up bridal style, still holding her close to his chest. But first, he had to shed his shirt and gt rid of it. Angel blood was a powerful catalyst for magic, and Zaero didn't need some wandering humans to find his blood. So, with Pric's face and body now held close to his well-muscled, warm bare chest, he took off for the complex, again leaving only a slight gust of wind to mark their passage. Zaero flew directly through the portal he'd created in the force field, and it closed after him. He landed and looked down at Pricip in his arms. She looked very peaceful, and Zaero was glad that there was something happy occurring in the chaos of all that had happened earlier.
Usagi frowned and grabbed Reala's hand. Reala nodded. 'Ah. That is true. I was constantly being harassed. I didn't really get it. Then I ended up here. What happened inbetween is beyond me.' She smiled and put her hair into a bun. Her bunny ears stuck up and she smiled. She watchd the shadow. This time she opened her mouth. Something came out. "" She looked at Usagi. Usagi looked at her. Reala never spoke. Ever. Reala covered her mouth. Her voice was so tiny and quiet. She was so suprised to find out that she just spoke. She almost started to cry with joy.
Roth looks knowingly at the plush at the mention of no knowledge in between points. Then he stares at Reala when she speaks. "I thought you couldn't speak." He watches her intently at her question. "Teach you what exactly? And why have me teach you?" Roth crosses his legs and wonders what thoughts are running through Reala's mind.
Reala tried to speak again but nothing came out. She sighed. She moved her hands. 'Teach me about what you can do with shadows. I wanted to learn but as I mentioned, my teacher is dead. I don't want to be caught off gaurd and unable to defend myself.' She sighed. She spoke though. She still wasn't sure what to think. Why now did she speak? She knew that she wanted to learn more about her potential. Was it will that casued her to speak? She just smiled and hugged Usagi. Usagi was still in shock. He smiled though. ((blockish...))
"So you wish for me to be your teacher of shadow control?" Roth is contimplating his answer if she says yes and why she could speak that once but no more. He creates a book from the shadows and opens it, looking through a book he once was taught from. As he reads, he wonders what control the plush has over Reala.
She nodded. 'If you don't mind.' She smiled. Usagi sighed. He was going to be closer to this guy now. Usagi slipped into her bag and pouted. Reala just smiled and looked at the book. The things he could do that she wouldn't. She scratched behind one of her ears and watched Roth.
Roth nods. "I will teach on one condition, the plush is not to be around during the lessons. He doesn't like me, nor do I like him." He closes the book and looks at Reala. "Do you accept my terms?"
Usagi poked out his head. Her eyes turned red again. "Who are you to tell me to stay away from Reala? Without me...well she is defensless." This time, Usagi stuck around longer instead. He wanted to talk to this Roth dude.
"You don't wish to be near me, she wants to learn the shadow art so she won't be defenseless, and I said only when we are training should she be away from you." Roth stares at the plush, eyes red with power. "You fear Reala being away from you at all, why is that?"
Reala's face stared at Roth but Usagi spoke from her mouth. "Because. It's part of my sentance. My real name is NOT Usagi. I am actually one of the most feared criminals ever heard of. Well finally they caught me. Instead of sentancing me to death, they trapped me in this plush doll and forced me to protect Reala. For a while I hated it but this girl...she is a trooper. She watched her parents die. And it was by my hands. I had gotten mad at them. I had caused her to kill not just them but a whole lot of other people. I am the reason she is here and we both know that. I really care about this girl though and I feel so horrible for what I had done but if she doesn't know, it doesn't matter. When I'm away from Reala, well my being seems undefined. Meaningless. She...completes me. You could say I am in love with her but that's an understatment. She is my blood. Every second I spend away from her seems like a millenium. She doesn't know that but ther is never a way for us to be together. S until that happens well...I'm her plush sidekick." Reala's face looked down but to Usagi, it was him. He had control of Reala's body when he did this.
Roth shrugs and the book disappears. "Then I shall not teach her. You may 'love' her, but when you take over like this, you are degrading her, treating her like a puppet." Roth leans the chairs against the wall and his eyes turn back to normal. "When you are near, she is not fully there. Therefore she would not be fully concentrating and you may interfer. So think on that, your wanting to be near her or her learning the art of shadows for at most, a couple hours away from you each lesson."
Her eyes turned back to normal. 'Oh. That one hurt Usagi.' She sighed and looked at Roth. Usagi frowned and crawled back into the bag. 'I want to be taught. I agree to your terms.' She smiled. Usagi sent a chill up her spine. She sighed. Usagi just wasnot agreeing with her at all today. 'Oh and if Usagi said anything...I'm sorry.' She sighed.

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