The Dark, Demented, and Twisted

Razeal was till angry and at Marci's request he left to find Kiki She was not far and seeing who was with her he was relieved. "Kiki we need to go we are heading to heaven for a short time Marci needs you to come." Razeal stooped down to pick her up and stood up straight. "You know kiki I don't like this at all but Marci would rather take Zaero's side this time all I know is from what the book has been showing me lately I am almost as strong as an archangel and Zaero is underestimating how strong I am becoming I can take down our enemies soon enough and then finally we can live in peace." Razeal was sounding more and more off and less peaceful then before he really was not paying attention to see whether or not Kiki agreed with his sentiments
Zaero heard his statement. Turning on him, he fixed Razeal with the glare of the old Zaero, the mean, powerful archangel. "I do not underestimate. Archangels are manifestations of God's own will. Do not forget your place, boy." Zaero put a menacing emphasis on the word "boy". While it was true Razeal was strong, he was not an archangel, and he shouldn't delude himself as such. "Let's go. Marci is waiting." He turned and was gone, trusting Razeal to bring Kiki.
Khal watches them leave and he turns on his heel and walks back outside to the tree. Jumping back inside, he fears the effect of what the angels are about to do. Khal also knows he has no way of stopping it nor does he want involved.
Razeal inwardly promised that he would soon confront Zaero and finish this once and for all. Razeal was done with heaven and he was no deal with Zaero's going to deal with Zaero's threats anymore if he could help it the only problem with that was Zaero was stronger then Razeal but everyday the gap closed just a little bit and soon he would not have to worry about any Archangel or even a Seraphim. Once he got back he held Marci's hand and asked "Are you ready to go and get this over with?" For once he let a smile escape him Razeal was not about to laet Zaero ruin his time with the woman he loved.
Marci held Kiki tightly and nodded, "Yes, let's get it over with." She held tightly onto Razeal's hand and waited for someone to make the first move, she couldn't get to heaven by herself after all. Marci didn't want to do it... and she certainly didn't look forward to losing her powers at all. Marci didn't know what no powers even felt like. To be honest she was terrified.
Reala nodded. She kept her eyes open and her feet firm. She took a deep breathe in. She knew what she had to do. She waited until they came at her. The girl thought about the orbs. She could catch them yes but she didn't find that suited for now. She felt the orbs and let them hit her body but instead of falling to the ground, they were absorbed. He said to think of the shadow as an extension of yourself. She reached her hands forward, catching two orbs. She felt around for anymore. With a smile she waited.
Roth, still hidden in shadows, smiles at Reala. "That was really good, I am impressed. Maybe you are worth teaching. Now, the next test." He throws a sword made of shadows at her and then follows up with orbs flying at her from other directions. "Pass this and I will continue to teach you. Fail, then I leave and some of these shadows will hurt you on impact." Roth reappears in his chair in the corner and he sits down, crossing his legs. He is intently watching Reala, waiting to see what she will do. In his lap, Roth is absentmindedly rubbing the shadow book with his hand.
She nodded. She had the will to do great. She did as before and connected with the shadows. This time she grabbed the weapon and made walls around herself with the shadows. She felt so much different. Not once did Usagi come up in her brain. After the orb hit, she lowered the walls. She lowered the sword to her side. "Good?" She spoke out softly.
Roth nods at Reala while he claps. "You pass the basics of shadow defence. Now we shall take a break. Your plush is having an anxiety attack and hating me right now." Roth makes the book disappear back where it belongs and closes his eyes, thinking of the next lesson and when the next lesson should happen. "You can keep the sword by the way. Just absorb it and you can call it at any time." Shadows form in Roth's hand and he looks into it, lost in thought.
Reala smiles as she makes the sword disappear. She walks over to her bag. Usagi is almost off the table. She smiles and puts him on her head. She was happy that she was being taught. Reala liked knowledge. She looked at Roth who seemed lost in thought. She smiled and made her words again. 'Thank you Roth! I appreciate this all greatly.'
Roth opens his eyes and looks at Reala before waving the appreciation off. "Just assisting another worthy shadow user and making sure you arn't defenceless in the future." He notices the plush glaring at him and just smiles before closing his eyes again, as though asleep. His mind is a swirl of thoughts, images, and feelings from himself and others that he must sort through and clean up. Roth opens an eye, still feeling Reala's gaze upon him. "Yes?"
Razeal opened the portal and together Razeal and Marci stepped through and after a rush of light there they were white pearly gates large roman style buildings angels and happy pure souls everywhere. At the sight of it all Razeal smiled and turned to Marci "Welcome to my home love." Razeal found a fountain and sat by the edge the water pure and clear did not have a blemish in it Razeal looked at Marci a little worried and said "I really hope this works out for us we took a big risk coming here" Razeal loved heaven but he knew this place was not his home anymore and that soon the final confrontation would happen Razeal hoped that it would all end well
(I don't know why this got moved to Sci-fi, but I also don't know if we should continue with this. If you wish to then I shall, if not then its ok too. Up to you.)

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