The Dark, Demented, and Twisted

Marci saw the bruise and all anger vanished, it felt like her heart froze in her chest. She followed him, her voice a whisper, "I... I am so sorry... I was just upset at you for even thinking of leaving me..." Marci started to cry, her eyes not glowing at all anymore, she was so upset at herself. "I shouldn't have done that... please forgive me..." She stopped, looking at Razeal with a fearful expression. She seemed completely helpless, the exact opposite from before. Marci didn't care if others saw her so feeble, she just felt so guilty. Marci hadn't meant to lash out like she did, and she felt like dirt for it. Samyaza turned to Lilitha and whispered quietly, "What do you mean by bad?"
Lilitha whispered back to Samayaza. "Jeez you old angels don't know anything about slang she's bad, tough, dominant, I bet you when they are all alone she whips him and puts cigarettes out on him you know some people are into that stuff" Lilitha once again was letting her imagination take her overboard and she was lost in space. Trying to keep up she wanted to hear more on this juicy relationship but she did not wanna get too close or she would get figured out.

Razeal was still angry and listening to Marci explain herself did not help either. H continued to walk not looking at her. "Marci I want you to live a happy life I would sacrifice myself at a moments notice for you because I love you I really can't think of what else to do to stop all of this" as he talked his heart started to soften. "I just wanted us to spend everyday togetjer make each other laugh and love and eventually marry and start a family but if we have to fight off heaven and hell what kind of life would that be." Razeal really was not sure what to do so he turned and pulled Marci against him to comfort you "I will never leave you but I need you safe I can't imagine a world without you." Frustrated he yelled "And I want out of this Labrynth." After that the walls shifted and opened a hole outside Razeal looked at Marci and blinked "Well that was easy"
Samyaza looked at Lilitha with a blank stare, "That's...odd. Why would someone say someone is bad when they mean tough? Just say tough... leads to less confusion..." Samyaza looked up ahead at the hole that opened up in the Labyrinth. He got happy for a moment, then the hole closed and the Labyrinth shook like it was laughing. A stone on one side moved and began speaking, the stone moving like eyes and a mouth, "Ha! Did you really think it would be so ea-" Marci had let go of Razeal and glared at the stone, her eyes glowing bright again, she waved a hand quickly to the side and the stone crumbled apart. Marci looked at Razeal, "As long as you don't hate me for... that... that bruise... I will forget about it." Marci made a ball of water appear and quickly healed the bruise before Razeal could argue, not caring to use an incantation. "I am not a weakling though. Remember that please my love. A little war, what does that matter? I will summon god here himself if I have to, to talk to him. I want to fight in this war if I have to. I want to be useful and not dead. If we stay in the middle like this... we will surely die." As if to prove her power, Marci kissed Razeal lightly, then backed away and walked towards a wall, "Let us out now, or I will destroy you Labyrinth. It would be as easy as a few sentences." Power glowed from her like she was the sun, and it was still obvious that, even now she was holding back some power.
Razeal knew she was right and when the Labrynth closed up and mocked them he became angry again. standing next to Marci he outstretched his hand at the wall. "If you think she is the only powerful one here labryrnth you have another thing coming. Razeal started a holy chant. "Limits of power for my own safety remove thyself for I demand this power." Razeals wings grew longer and he seemed a bit stronger in his outstretched hand a ball of light formed "Death is painful creature especially now that you taste some of the universe's hidden power." He continued to speak. "Im choosing a side I stand with Marci and im not allowing things to be pushed on us anymore. From now on we take destiny in our own hands." Razeal put more energy out and spoke softly to Marci "I forgive you love" and then he turned his attention back to the wall.
Marci looked at Razeal surprised, her brow raised and her eyes wide, "That's hot love." Marci loved not being the only one with power and balls. The Labyrinth grumbled and dropped the walls in front of them, showing the back of the house in the distance. "Thank you!" Marci called out sweetly in a high voice as she entwined her fingers in Razeal's. She walked out of the Labyrinth with him, a smile on her face, "So, love, you want to stand with me? Where do you think we should stand?" She brought Razeal's hand up to her face and smiled, a little turned on by his display of power.
Razeal looked into Marci's eyes the looks that Razeal gave her on his previous form were soft, these eyes were hard and cold. underneath his shirt and sleeves were muscles and his hands were not as soft as before touching her cheek he answered gripping her hand tight. "We stand for equality for living in peace and harmony. No more should any peaceful person have to take a side or be with their own kind we follow our hearts and we defend that right." walking back to the house they walk back in the direction of their room. "From now on im not just another angel and your not just a witch. I am an adam and you are an eve we will start a new they will have a mix of elemantal and holy power and we will call it white magic." Razeal stopped at the door to the room and took a hand and ran it through Marci's hair "Well do you like where we stand my sweet love" Razeal still looked intense but smiled at her knowing this was right.
Marci blinked, staring at Razeal, "That was both deep and utterly ridiculous. I don't want to be Eve, she had to have sex with so many of her own sons... And besides, white magic already exists. I am personally considered a grey magic user. Though the muscles are cool and attractive, I don't like how intense you are though..." Marci frowned, conflicted. She liked the power he put off, but the personality that came with it made her feel awkward. Marci opened the door to their room and stepped inside before turning to look up at Razeal. She kissed him lightly on the lips, hoping he wouldn't seem as tense, "I stand where you do. I think we should fight for what side we think is right... though I hope we can get you back in heaven, let me keep my powers and my life, and stay together." Marci leaned against Razeal, "Razeal I love you, as long as we are together, it will be ok. That is why you cannot just go to heaven's jail or whatever, I wouldn't be able to handle being apart, even if it meant safety."
Reala knew he was right. Usagi wasn't always going to be there. She nodded. She cleared her mind. After a deep breath you could see the dermination in her eyes. "Again." She gained a stance and looked away from her bag. She waited.
Roth puts the book down and turns back to her, eyes red with power. "No holding back this time then." He disappears again and 20 orbs are thrown. She must either catch, absorb them into her body, or block them with shadows to pass. He is making her finally prove she has what it takes to be taught by him.
Razeal sighed a little and laughed how serious she was. "Marci I was not eaxactly referring to what happened to humanity when it comes to you and I. I was referring to holy power mixed with magic that has never happened before and with that is where I stand." Razeal held her tight and kissed her head before speaking again. "You are right white mahic exists but magic has never had light energy mixed with it the results from that will one day be our offspring and Marci I don't car about going back to heaven. I just want you and them to be safe and I will accomplish that mission." Razeal let Marci go and appeared softer butthe intenseness seemed to be the new norm. Walking to his nightstand he pulled new clothes and called to Marci "Love I am gonna shower then we can eat and relax since our date was interrupted I guess we can try again later." Razeal took his bundle of clothes and walked in the bathroom the sound of running water was soon heard in the background.
Marci blushed a little at her own silliness, and sat on the bed as she waited for Razeal to take his shower. Kiki had slipped outside of the room meanwhile, to find Samyaza and talk to him. Marci twiddled her fingers for a bit, then laid down. Although she didn't mean to, she fell asleep quickly, stretched out. Her tank top pulled downwards from the way she stretched, exposing her chest quite a bit. And her shorts pulled downwards, revealing a little too much of her undergarments.

Kiki looked around, padding down hallways, peeking in rooms for Samyaza. She wanted to talk to him. Instead a guard scientist found her and quickly scooped her up. Kiki could feel that Marci was asleep, and just hoped that someone would help her as the man took her into a medical looking room.
Khal wakes up, the shadows having informed him that Kiki was in distress. He appears in the hall and obstructs the man's path. "You have something that belongs to my friend." Khal's eyes are gold and his black wings appear as he glares down at the man. "I would think it best to give her over now. Or I will have fun with your soul. Been a while since I last fed on a soul, it won't be pleasent for you." He tastes the fear from the man as he releases Kiki and runs in the opposite direction. Khal laughs at the man as he turns back to normal and assists Kiki. "You okay?"
Razeal finished his shower and appeared in the room again. Buttoning his shirt up he rolled his eyes at how Marci was laying and then looked around the room. Razeal called out loudly. "Where is Kiki Marci?" Razeal started calling before opening the door and called again. "Kiki where are you?" Razeal cursed himself for letting a member of his new family get lost he turned to Marci and demanded. "When was the last time you saw her" Razeal looked fierce but he really was not mad at Marci but more concerned about Kiki
Kiki looked at Khal with wide eyes, "Umm... thank you..." she said quietly, in a bit of shock. "You actually remember me? T-to be honest I don't remember you much." Kiki tilted her head to the side, feeling bad that she couldn't quite remember this man. He seemed familiar, but Kiki couldn't quite place it. Samyaza walked into the situation, having previously gotten away from Lilitha, "Kiki? I heard from a little bird you wanted me. For what might I ask." Kiki smiled and sat on top of Khal's head, "Well, there you are Samyaza! I was looking for you 'till some brute picked me up. Khal here was nice enough to save me. I am still pretty wiped from before magic wise, you see. So. What are your thoughts? On this whole arms race deal?" Samyaza frowned and looked at Khal, "Let him explain. He is a demon, after all." Kiki looked down at Khal, "Oh yeah... that would explain the whole black wings grrrrrr thing earlier. Can you explain then Khal?"

Marci woke up slowly, her clothes fixing themselves, "Huh..? What? Kiki probably just took a walk or something..." After taking a moment to wake up she stood and closed her eyes, feeling for her familiar. Within a matter of moments she could sense her and she shrugged, "Well, she is ok now. Somewhere in the south wing of the building. A little while ago she was startled and scared, but she seems fine now." Marci smiled and walked towards Razeal, opening her eyes and giving him a soft hug filled with affection, "You know something Razeal? It makes me really happy to see you first thing when I wake up. Regardless of your mood. I just love being near you."
Zaero began to move towards Marci's door, brushing of Pricip's protests. He knew Michael wouldn't agree to any of her suggestions. No, he'd simply ask Marci to borrow the power. As it was, Michael didn't really want all the power he had. In actuality, the reason he'd released some of his power was to sustain himself. Essentially, he was overloading, so he permanently gave power to the humans, hence Merlin's lineage. Now, he needed his power back to fight Lucifer at full power and beat him back into the depths of Hell. Then, Zaero could return Marci's power. Zaero reached the room where Marci was and walked right in, intending on explaining this all to Razeal and Marci.
Pricip followed Zaero grumpily, not happy about the situation. When he walked into the room, she slipped in behind him, hoping to go unnoticed. Pricip knew, however, that it is hard to not notice a dragon, even in human form. Marci jumped and let go of Razeal, looking behind him at the door, seeing Zaero and Pricip. Marci sighed heavily, "Now what Zaero? I finally got my power up, almost to where it should be, and Razeal and I finally get to relax. What can you possibly want now?" She frowned and looked at the new girl, feeling her immense power, "Hello there, I am sorry. I don't mean to seem rude. You are... incredibly powerful... what is your name? Mine is Marci..." Pricip smiled apologetically at Marci, "Pricip... But you can just call me Pric..." her voice was quiet and shy. Even though she wanted to help this Marci girl, she stuck to Zaero's side, making sure she was touching him.
"Unfortunately, there is a slight problem." Zaero began. Then, he stopped. "Actually, it is a slight inconvenience. You see, Michael requires his power back, temporarily. You see, he gave Merlin's lineage, your lineage, his power because he would literally overload if he held onto it forever. However, he needs to borrow it to beat Lucifer back down into Hell. It will then be returned to you. However, this would leave you powerless for approximately 2 days. In that time, Razeal, Pricip, and I will be more than happy to protect you. Plus, Samyaza would protect you anyway, so there is always that. Bottom line, Michael is going to need to borrow his powers back. Otherwise... he's going to pull me back to Heaven and keep me there, away from everyone, forcibly." he finished.
Marci's expression dropped, she found this almost humorous... in an infuriating way, "Zaero... That bloodline... It has been ingrained in our lineage. Skipping generations, becoming stronger and stronger. It is ten times stronger... at least... in me than in Merlin. It is in my DNA. I would die without it. I will, however, come with you to heaven to fight. Should you wish it." Pricip looked terrified, she didn't want Zaero to have to go away, so she silently prayed to god that he would accept this. Marci saw Pricip and frowned, conflicted, "I want to help... I really do... But I can't give away my powers like that... Even to borrow... I will help you in any other way..."
Zaero shook his head with frustration. "No, that won't work. Only Michael can fully utilize the blood. It was originally his. No matter how much stronger it is in you, the fact is is that Merlin couldn't unlock the full power of the blood. Eventually, your lineage will unlock the full power, at which point it won't increase anymore." Suddenly, a thought occurred to Zaero. "Perhaps... yes, that could work... okay. I have an idea. Michael will take his powers back, temporarily. However, I'll take you to Heaven so that you don't die. On top of that, the latent witch blood combined with the holiness of heaven means you won't be powerless, just a lot weaker. Still, you'll have magical abilities. Plus, it is within my powers as an archangel to bring anyone I want to Heaven" Zaero looked pretty happy with the idea. He knew that if Marci refused... bad stuff would happen. He sincerely hoped she'd agree. "So, what do you think? Please, agree to this idea." he said with a pleading look on his face.
Marci smiled a little, trying to make a decision. She smiled because Zaero seemed a lot nicer, a lot more sincere. Marci thought for a bit, then decided. "Ok. But," she began, and grasped Razeal's hand, "Only if he can come with, and be forgiven. Oh, and the blood isn't getting any stronger Zaero. I already looked that up. I am the strongest... I am just a novice. Scary thought....huh?" She laughed awkwardly, trying to lessen the stress. Pricip smiled, and clung to Zaero happily, not wanting to leave his side ever again.
Razeal shook his head at Zaero, and hearing The proposal name set him off. "No Zaero you and I both know that angels no matter the rank are allowed to take back power from humans given to them by the lord." The moment they had would give the new Razeal a chance to state his position on the matter. "Zaero the heavenly hosts can never have anything from us after my little arrest warrent. I know that despite Micheal and Metatron's difference's that they work closely together and Micheal had to have known about the arrest on me so if you think that Marci is going to give heaven more power to tear us apart you have another damn thing coming." Razeal lifted his wingspan further and pointed at Zaero. "Remember this archangel my book and I don't work for heaven anymore and if you take that side against Marci and I then you become our enemies and I am not afraid of any archangels power anymore Zaero I have changed for the better and the line of merlin is not heavens to claim it's Marci's to give and for good reason because heaven has lost the faith and I don't betray humans so you might want to turn around if you don't want trouble." Turning to pricip he still scowled and asked. "So are you on his side as well dragon I know you have visited heaven before I just ask because I don't plan on dealing with heavenly agents with mercy." Razeal started to raise his power he was tired of interuption's and even more tired of heaven it was time he made a stand he looked at Marci and asked "Are you really going to bargain with them after the crap Lilitha pulled? Remember that heaven had a hand in that after all."
Zaero was a bit surprised. By his calculations, the blood shouldn't have reached full potential yet. Of course, it was Michael's blood, so regular angel rules don't apply. Zaero was visibly happy. "Great, let's get going." He turned and tapped the air. A golden portal appeared in midair. Turning back to the group, he continued. "So, each of you, besides Razeal, needs to hold one of my hands. That way, the portal will accept you. By the way, Razeal, you were always forgiven. It has been recognized after Samyaza's tenure as Keeper of the Book that all who bear the sum knowledge of the universe will give into some temptation. Plus, the fact that Marci's blood is Michael's blood is a plus as well." Zaero smiles and holds his hands out for the two girls to grab onto. He looks on as Razeal's power level rises. He sighs. "Please, don't do this, Razeal. It doesn't matter to me if you don't fear my powers. I am the Wrath of God, and if I must, I'll invoke Father himself. Even the Book can't stand up to it. Stop this foolishness. Listen to Marci. She has already agreed." Just to make sure, Zaero raises his power along with Razeal, although he stays a tad above Razeal's level.
Khal just shrugs off Kiki's apology. "It fine, we never really got to know each other. We just had a pass and go meeting." He looks up as Samyaza shows up and smiles as Kiki lands on khal's head. "Comfy up there?" His eyes go wide and he gets cautious at the mention of the race for Marci's power, having heard rumors about it. "I may be a demon, but I am not evil like the others and I do not wish to be involved in this war. That display back there was just to help Kiki. But from what I have heard, the side that gets Marci's powers is almost assured victory of the war. She is that powerful once her powers are fully awakened." He shakes his head carefully, making sure not to dislodge Kiki from her perch on top of his head. "I wish for an end to this fighting, but I fear for the side she fights against and I fear she will lose control of her powers."
Pricip had already hugged him tight, ignoring his hands happily. Marci looked upset and tilted her head, "Razeal... love... do not be so difficult... Lilitha tried forcibly gaining it. Zaero merely asked..." She was about to grab onto Zaero's hand but jumped, "Oh! Wait! I can't go without my dear Kiki! Zaero or Razeal, can one of you help me get her before we go? She is in the south wing. I need her with me. She would be so worried about me, and me of her, should we not be able to sense one another." Marci smiled expectantly at Zaero, and hoped in the back of her mind that Razeal would understand.
Zaero was impatient to please Michael, but he knew of Marci's bond with the interesting feline. "Of course. I'll retrieve Kiki. Although, I'd rather not get into an altercation, so perhaps Razeal would accompany me?" He looked to Razeal for his response.

(Sorry for the short post. I'm kinda waiting for Razeal's response to launch into a longer post about retrieving Kiki.)

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