The Dark, Demented, and Twisted

"If you call lividity coursing through my body, then yes, I am amazing," Samyaza said sarcastically, sticking out his hand to help her up. "You, Lilitha, I still don't like your grandfather, but you I have no quarrel with. I would like your help though. I am sure you have noticed the little witch in our midst here. I want her. I am guessing you are still good at manipulating women, so please help me." At first Samyaza's voice sounded terse and like he was trying to hold back his anger, which he was. Then his voice turned a bit pleading by the end of it.

Kiki sat atop Razeal's head and spoke, "Well... no more of what happened before... Zaero and I were stuck in the room.... oh the noises..." Kiki sounded scarred for life, a wide-eyed expression donned her face. Marci blushed, "Well, it doesn't need to be a date... but we could brush up on our powers. That could be fun." Marci smiled sweetly at Razeal and kissed him lightly on the lips.
As much fun as it had been watching the fight between Samyaza and Roth, Zaero had more important things to attend to. The seal he'd placed on his "good" form's temporary body had formed to the point that all he had to do to get his full powers back was touch the temporary body. Luckily, the witch and the book keeper took it with them wherever they went. Quickly, Zaero began to follow Marci and Razeal.
Good Zaero saw his evil self as he was following the book the miniture angel climbed to the back of evil Zaero's head and cried out "Get me in his head I want my body back" Zaero struggled useing deft moves to try and not get swatted off while he clawed at his dark side.

Razeal turned at the commotion and was shocked at what he saw he turned to Marci "We have to help the little guy" Razeal tried flipping through the book to find a binding seal to get Zaero inside the dark Zaero and found one. Razeal pointed his holy sword at Zaero and said "What was one now two make back to one" at that the little Zaero was gone and now inside the big one trying to wrestle control of his body. Razeal ran at Dark Zaero with his short sword and small shield yelling "Lets's keep him busy so Zaero can get his body back. Razeal hit Zaero in the face with his shield trying to stun him.

Lilitha liked this Samayaza. He was like the stories before a mad angel that lusted for women and he apparently wanted this Marci. Litha thought back in her head the report she got was there was a powerful witch her by that name and one of her objectives was to take the witch's soul the source of her power. Smiling she told Samayaza "Sure I will help you I can get any woman under my power with the mind whip of lilith." Out of her backepack Lilitha produced a whip of black that glowed a purple hue. "Just remember Samayaza this is a deal I help you and you help me with something I need you see heaven recently asked for a joint mission they wanted the witch taken care of and the angel Razeal captured now I can get you the girl and you just have to make sure she is never seen again by anybody that works upstairs and I take back all fallen angels minus you of course." Lilitha grasped his hand and as he pulled her up she asked "So do we have a deal?"
Marci looked at Zaero surprised, but then focused and her eyes started to glow. She pointed a hand at Zaero and spoke, "They shall pay for what has been done, With the power from the sky, the earth, the sun. I use my will for all their trouble, from now on they shall receive struggle." Her eyes grew bright for a moment then dimmed, she cast a struggle spell specifically on the evil Zaero.

Samyaza debated for a long while at Lilitha's proposal, then finally spoke, "I have no issue at all with making Marci seem as though she disappeared. The fallen angels however, are under my control, so you may not take them back. You can, however, have Razeal... and I will help you get him if you wish. With that small change in mind... deal?" Samyaza looked at the whip as he waited for an answer. Somewhere in the back of his mind, a tiny voice screamed at him that what he was going to do wasn't right, but he didn't care.
Lilitha was esctatic her plan was perfect and now she would knock out two birds with one stone. She smiled a shark toothed grin and shook Samayaza's hand and hissed "Deal Now let's get to work You injure the angel and ill use my whip on your soon to be slave." Lilitha let out a cackle that filled the air and broke off at a sprint she happened upon the two in a battle with Zaero. Quickly Lilitha unfurled her whip as Marci was incanting a spell. "Child of eve know what it is like under the power of true woman" Lilitha's whip smacked Marci at the base of the neck and the poison entered the wound making Marci's body in a matter of moments under under Lilitha's control. Liltha called out to Samayaza "She is still in there but now she gets to watch as I know control her body." Lilitha walked in front of Marci and looked into vacant eyes "Hey just watch because here comes the best part.

Razeal turned as he heard the whip and cried out loud "NOOOOOOO" Razeal ran toward Lilitha who stood in front of Marci his red eyes glowed enraged at what was happening.
Marci stared at Lilitha, terrified but unable to move or even speak. She had managed to get the spell out before she got hit with the whip. Marci had no idea what was going on, and her eyes darted around, they were about the only things she could move. She saw Razeal run towards Lilitha, but suddenly there was Samyaza in between. Marci whimpered a little in her frozen state, wondering if the sound even escaped her lungs.

Samyaza blocked Razeal, a determined look on his face but his heart was not fully in this. He felt like something was not right. Samyaza pushed into Razeal, keeping him away to the best of his abilities as Lilitha did her thing.
Razeal looked confused at Samayaza "What about all those things you said about making sure this would never happen were those lies?" Feeling the push Razeal launched himself at the older angel "You liar" Razeal swung his sword hard at Samayaza tears in his eyes.

Liltha turned around watching the scene unfold. She grew impatient and demanding. "Remember our deal Samayaza Defeat Razeal by any means and you get Marci the woman you love remember if he is in the picture she will never care for you never." Lilitha spun around and taunted her captive. "Oh just think girly im doing you a favor here Samayaza can do so much more then this pipsqueak and besides in a few day's once I transfer his Butt to heaven custody they will execute him for mortal sin's and misuse of that pretty little book." At that Liltha shook here hips and waved a finger in Marci's face "And it's all your fault because all his sin's are because he fell for you" She turned and yelled "Now Samayaza clip those pretty wings and finish the boy." She laughed loudly licking her lips this was just too fun
"Lilitha, I said I would help you with Razeal. Not defeat him, or kill him," Samyaza called to her, dodging Razeal's blade with a little difficulty. Seeing Razeal cry, Samyaza had lost nearly all his resolve. He got behind Razeal and pinned his arms behind his back, speaking into his ear, "...I don't think I have ever said I would stop Lilitha from happening. She doesn't wish to recruit you, and," his voice turned into a whisper, too quiet for Lilitha to hear, "I don't plan to let her take you... I only want Marci."

Kiki clung to Marci's back, making sure to stay out of sight, no matter how much she wanted to hiss at Lilitha. The small animal stayed on Marci's back and her eyes began to glow brightly. Kiki transferred her own magic into Marci, something she did normally, but not to this extent. Marci's eyes glowed brightly and with hatred, she knew she could move for a short while and that it would surprise Lilitha, "Protection on my thoughts and mind to those who are so unkind darkness and pain you shall feel till you leave my head in order to heal." After casting that spell, which she knew would give her a little more time, but not much seeing as it is particularly weak, she spoke more, her eyes glowing more, "Lord of Life, Lady of Light - Join me here for this rite for my protection according to ancient ways and tradition. Direct all harm sent my way - To this grave I make today. Return it three fold to the send - And let my life ever be better. Open my ears to hear and my eyes to see As I will, So Mote It Be! Deus me de cunctis malis benedicat mihi placet protet meorum confiteo tibi deus meus a me abesse enemes." She huffed out a breath, knowing that should stop the whip's power over her, then spoke one last spell, her eyes glowing even brighter, "Power shall be mine for i am the wielder of the elements!" A seemingly simple spell, the wind whipped up around her, and she forced the wind to whip up Razeal, Samyaza, and herself. They appeared in the middle of the large magic Labyrinth outside, and Marci collapsed, Kiki hopping off and wobbling before collapsing as well.
Once Lilitha realized what was going on it was too late the fallen angels and the witch were gone and worse Samayaza did not have his heart in pulling off the betrayal Lilitha fell to her knees and screamed out of frustration a primal and wicked sound. "I hate you Samayaza" She sat there and sniffled at her tears fearing she would fail her grandfather. She noticed something had been left behind though and one thing that made her laugh in joy. "The book the book Razeal must have dropped it and now all knowledge in the universe is in my hands" She got up and laughed before producing her whip "Now my toy point me in the way of the witch Marci I have to take her heart." She began walking once her whip pointed outside the house.

Razeal heard all of this and was angrier and then all of a sudden they were in a magic labyrinth Razeal elbowed Samayaza and broke free running to Marci and held her tight looking at Samayaza with hate. "Stay away traitor the reason why you can't have Marci is because she does not feel that way about you and she never will you can't force people to be with you love can't work that way as long as the two of us are alive we will always love each other now leave us!" Razeal looked down at Marci who seemed exhausted from the whole ordeal "Marci are you hurt I was so worried that we would never see each other again." He held her tight and never wanted to let her go
Samyaza looked around at the tall walls of the labyrinth and sighed heavily, ignoring Razeal, "Well great... I really pissed off Lilitha... Even this far out I can still feel her anger." Samyaza tried simply flying out of the maze, but promptly hit an invisible field and got badly zapped. He fell to the floor, slightly singed, and looked at Razeal, "Well... I suppose I deserved that little zap... I never planned to let you be hurt Razeal. As for the reason behind that little... mistake... you know I have never been good at controlling my emotions. I acted out. The small tiff with the shadow demon, added to the hurt caused by you two... playing around... I snapped." Samyaza growled a little at his own actions, "I am sorry. But I know that is not enough. I need to let go of the skeletons in my closet."

Marci was out cold, but Kiki shook a little, and shakily padded over to Razeal, too weak to even float, "That girl... she was strong... I don't even think her affects are completely gone... Marci will be out for a while," Kiki said, and leaned against Razeal, almost passing out herself.
Razeal nodded to Kiki and comforted her "Don't worry we are okay now" Hearing Samayaza give excuses though was not comforting. Razeal walked up to him and told him coldly "I may have sined and I may deserve to be punished but even though I was selfish in building this life with Marci it was her choice to make and besides listen to yourself do you honestly believe Lilitha Devil was just gonna let you keep me from getting hurt I know you cannot be that dumb she gave you what you wanted and she planned the whole time to stab you in the back and you fell for it and lookw what happened Marci is laying there broken and wore out and you have nobody to blame but yourself for that." Razeal turned and walked back to Marci and cradled her limp body useing his healing power to try and revive her but he knew that only time and rest could truly help. He looked to Kiki straining to put out more power. "Touch me Kiki and get healed yourself thank you for your help today little heroine." Razeal sat there and looked stricken caring for his love.
Samyaza frowned, his eyes glued to the floor, avoiding eye contact, "Fine... I was stupid. I was wrong. I am a horrible person. I cannot change what has been done. If it consoles you, I swear to you on my angelic birth that I shall never betray you again." Samyaza hit his fist hard against the wall of the labyrinth in frustration, only leaving a small dent, then plopped down onto the floor, and rested a hand against his head.

Kiki leaned against Razeal, feeling the healing power, "Thank you Razeal... Do you by chance know how to get out of this maze? It could take a very long time to find our way out on our own..." She looked up at him, then to Marci and sighed. "At least she is safe and ok..."
Razeal looked to kiki and smiled "Don't worry I will check the book" only in a matter of seconds he realized the terrible truth. "It's gone the book it's not here" He quickly realized that he droped it being transported here and only Lilitha could have it now. "Well we to confront Lilitha now and get the book back and get out of here. Razeal picked up Marci's limped body and carried her before leaving he looked to Samayaza "I am not the type to stay mad so how about you help redeem yourself and get the book back then when Marci wakes back up we can get her opinion on the whole thing it's her life so she can decide who she loves." Razeal started walking not realizing just how big the labyrinth was.

Lilitha grinned finding the maze she used the poison from her whip to create a hole in the maze. She walked a while before having a great idea "I should read this thing and see if I can increase my power." she sat down and leaned against a wall and started reading about Lucifer and Lilith's powers
The maze quickly re-grew the hole, and rumbled, a growl-like sound. This Labyrinth was alive, and learned. It immediately made its walls thicker. Samyaza, on the other side of the maze, hit the wall again in frustration, only to pull away his hand bloody and in pain. He looked at Razeal and nodded, "Ok. But first, follow me. I have been here before, when the maze hadn't made its little shield. It should be near here I think, I can feel it." Samyaza walked a small while, then stopped, and took a brick out of the wall, exposing a small hole. He reached in, and took a book out, an exact copy of the book of knowledge. Samyaza flipped through it without even looking up to see Razeal's reaction. He cursed after a short while, and looked up at Razeal finally, Kiki sitting atop his head, "There is no knowledge here about the maze... I had forgotten that was why I hid this here. The book simply does not know of this Labyrinth." Regardless of his irritation, he held the book close, so happy to be near it again.
Lilitha sat there reading further more about her granparents exploits and the powers she might inherit and she was enthralled reading further until she sneezed and dropped the book the pages splayed open on the chapter of lovers documenting you would bewith whom and when in history. Being a hopelss romantic she quickly flipped through pages to find her own name and finding it the name she found next to hers made her rethink the plans she had. "This changes everything I cannot allow things to continue the way they have especially if he is mine" she stood up and with book in hand walked the maze.

Razeal laid Marci down and continued his healing of her. He ondered how the book could have been here and how Samayaza knew it the angel just plain had too many secrets. He quickly decided in his mind that he could not leave Samayaza alone anymore that he needed to be watched no matter what he said about his alliances He turned to Kiki and asked "Well do you have any ideas girl?" Razeal just wanted out of here now they had the book and to get Marci medical help soon what else could he do for her. Razeal kissed her forehead hoping she was okay.
Marci woke up with a start, screaming, "Get away from her!!!" Before sitting up fast, slamming her head into Razeal's. "Oww..." she said, scooting away a little before rubbing her head. Marci looked around, realizing they were outside, "Wait... it... it worked? And I am still alive??" She looked at Samyaza, who looking upset at himself and also surprised Marci woke up so jumpily like that, "What are you doing here?! Freaking traitor! Why did I take you with us!?" She tried to stand and nearly fell over, then leaned against Razeal again.
After a long time of seclusion in the dark room, Roth finally wakes and gets up. "Note to self, try not to fight angels again." He is sore all over but still leaves the room and walks outside. On the way he runs into Reala. He stops and figures out her species and personality in a look. "Now what have we got here. Nice to meet you, I'm Roth."
Pricip is led into the house by the guards, looking down all the while. She wonders where or what everyone else might be. The guards leave her, she had given them no trouble, and she finally looks around at the bleak room. Dark shadows cast over a corner of the room, the rest fairly well lit, enough to read by. She fiddled with a piece of her white hair and adjusted her dress and her boots, wondering what to do now. Pricip tried the door, "Locked..." she muttered quietly, a frown on her face. She could break it, but that would be unnecessarily rude, so Pricip decided to simply sit on the bed and wait.
Walking to his room, Khal suddenly feels a brand new person in the house, a being with immense power. "Hmm, this may be interesting." Khal steps into a shadow and immediatly appears in the room the new person is locked in. "Hello there," he says as he bows, "I'm Khal. And you are?" He looks around the room and wonders why someone this strong was able to be captured and why she didnt just leave, the lock would not stop her.
Pricip nearly shifted when Khal appeared in front of her, "Oh my good goddess! Do not do that to me! I nearly tore your head off!!!" She huffed and calmed down, then blushed brightly, realizing she had yelled. "Sor-sorry," she said a little quietly, "I just got startled by you... My name is Pricip Kelp. Pric for short(pronounced Priss)." She watched him bow and look around, still blushing brightly, and she giggled a little, the man Khal seemed confused.
"Well I am glad to still have my head attached to my body. I apoligize for startling you Pric." He turns back to her and notices the blush, but does not react. "May I inquire as to why you are here? You seem smart and strong enough to avoid the mortals and to get out of here. Why stay?" Khal is rather confused on the subject.
"Well, I don't want to hurt them! And I figured it would be rude to knock down the door... Though, I suppose they are used to it here... I heard a guard talking about someone named Zaero breaking walls and such..." Pric smiled awkwardly at Khal and stood, then walked to the door and shrugged. She didn't shift into a dragon, but her eyes turned icy blue and like cat eyes. She pushed on the door with a finger and it creaked under the pressure, falling down and splintering a little. Pric looked behind her at Khal, wondering what he would say.

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