The Dark, Demented, and Twisted

Roth's eyes narrow and he pulls a blade from his back. "Never thought I would need to use this blade I was given by an angel long ago...An Archangel." The ancient sword pulses white and red light as it reacts to Roth's energy and the presence of a threat. "And although my powers mainly involve shadows, I can do more. Even if I am a child to you." He gets into a defensive stance and watches Samyaza with a predator's grace. "Also, if your so much more powerful then him, how come you still live in his shadow? I bet you fear him!" Roth has an evil look to his face and he waits for the reaction.
Evil Zaero was walking. He had been walking for so long. The place was boring without the use of his full powers. But, no matter. That witch was extremely powerful, yes, but even the magical arts had boundaries. Those boundaries could only be crossed by angels. Yes, Zaero would soon have his powers back to full, but the goodness would be gone forever. However, for now, sensing a brewing battle, Zaero was content to simply go spectate. Seeing Samyaza, and a demon that looked like Khal, but obviously wasn't, Zaero got excited. But, before settling down to watch the fight, he had one thing to say to Samyaza. "Hey, Samyaza. I don't know if this is Father's way of embedding loyalty in us, but I feel that there is something I should tell you. No matter who you think you are, no matter how strong or magnificent or free-willed you believe yourself to be, know that you followed Lucifer. You are, always were, and forever will be Lucifer's b***h. Of course, that doesn't mean you can't have your fun with Khal's twin. Roth, wasn't it?" Saying this in a mocking voice, Zaero conjured a chair of light upon which he sat down to observe the imminent showdown. Suddenly, Zaero notices Roth's weapon. "Tsk, tsk. That weapon is not for one such as yourself to handle." With a wave of his hand, the blade lost its glow. "Let me tell you something. Lucifer's dog he may be, but Samyaza is still immensely strong. An archangel blade that you shouldn't possess would hurt him, yes, but it wouldn't kill him. No, he's much to strong for you. But, you're welcome to act as the punching bag that Samyaza so desperately wants right now."
Samyaza looked at Zaero with a smile, "Quite the contrary really. He respected me and feared me. I fell of my own accord and he was stupid enough to offer me a place to stay. Yes, I felt happy I was accepted somewhere, but I did not respect him. I did not follow him, I led him. I am the leader of the fallen angels, and they would sooner listen to me than Lucy. He just has his own little hell." Samyaza smiled at Roth next, "Now now little guy, did I attack? Getting so defensive just from a little playing. Tsk tsk. You are much too high strung. Besides, I am happy. If you could only control shadows, I would be bored much too fast. Oh, and by the by, in case you didn't understand, I do not fear Lucy. If you do not believe me, bring him to me and I shall fight him." Samyaza looked right at Roth, no joking in his eyes.

As Zaero messed with Roth's blade, Samyaza sighed, "Do not do that Zaero. This is not your quarrel. At least give him a fighting chance." With a wave of his own hand he fixed the blade and opened his arms wide. "Come at me, bro. As the humans say so often," Samyaza said, grinning ear to ear, not drawing a weapon.
(Samyaza isn't an archangel, so he can't fix the blade. But, I'll have Zaero do it anyway, just to humor Samyaza.)

Zaero chuckled from his seat. "Hey, don't let Lucy hear that. As you said, he may respect you, but it is not in his nature to fear. No, he created the term "fear" as its embodiment. The alternative to accepting the place he offered was annihilation. Even a seraph as powerful as yourself couldn't stand up to his archangel wrath. You would be pummeled. But, I don't want to see that happen, so I shan't call him. Anyway, I suppose this would be no fun without giving the boy a fighting chance. However, I can't restore the blade back to its archangel origins. You see, the poor demon boy would burn up within seconds of striking with it. No, I'll give it back its angelic properties, but only to a certain extent. I have to draw the proverbial line somewhere, you understand?"
"The blade was given to me and so has adapted to my energy. That is why the blade is red as well as white." Roth smiles wickedly and justs stands there waiting. "I know better than that. I may be an agressive, but I know when to wait and stay on the protective side." He thinks for a moment. "Though I would like to see you fight him. Been so long since Lucifer has actually fought someone." Roth keeps his eyes focused and starts to take abilities and energy from Khal in a way that no one except his twin notices.

Across the house, Khal feels a sucking sensation and just shakes his head. "Oh Roth, you will never learn when to just avoid fights." Khal walks towars his twin's energy and enters the room to watch.
Zaero was getting quite tired of the little demon's impudence. "Listen, boy. That blade is not yours to keep, not when it has archangelic powers. You are lucky I allowed you to keep even a fraction of it. Now, if you're serious about fighting Samyaza. Do it. I'm sure both Samyaza and I have places to be after this little.quarrel is dealt with. Go on. Try your luck." Zaero really didn't want Lucifer called here. No, that would cause Michael to intervene, and things never ended well when they involved Lucifer and Michael in the same room. Heck, they'd separated themselves into two totally opposite domains, Heaven and Hell, with an entire other dimension, the current realm, in between.
Usagi heard the voice. He recognized it. He tugged her hair. 'What Usagi?' formed. He jumped down and pulled her dress. She followed her plush. After twisting halls, Usagi collapsed. She grabbed her plush to see two girls. Usagi heard of Litha before. He looked at Reala and Reala looked at Litha. Reala's eyes turned red and her hand moved. A shadow messege was sent to Litha. 'Is that really you?' it read. Reala's eyes went back. 'Usagi! I hate that!'
(Just saying, he was the previous owner of the book of knowledge... >.< Where there is a will, there is a way. I have a method to my madness, I swear. And he is a fallen angel, really powerful by angel standards anyways. There is no reason he wouldn't be as powerful as one.... I think I made my point... sorry)

Samyaza's smile twitched, "I already fixed his blade, why tweak it more? I am not incompetent, I know the ramifications of the blade, but if an angel gave it to him specifically, then he should be ok. Honestly I just want to hand his ass to him on a damn silver platter, thank you very much. I do not like backseat drivers Zaero. As for this divide between archangels and angels, I have six wings, you see? That is commonly an archangel trait. Do you really know so little of me my dear Zaero? I do agree that he and I should not fight here, the place would be decimated, no matter the victor." Samyaza turned to Roth again, "You, boy, if he and I were to fight and you were in a 10 mile radius, there is no chance for survival. I do not fear him, but I have read the book, and still do on occasion, I am not stupid. I made copies. There was no way I would simply let my only other joy in this world just slip away because I wanted to fall from heaven." Samyaza rolled his eyes and looked at the new entry into the room, "It seems we are drawing a crowd. How fun."

Samyaza closed his eyes, only to open them again, his eyes now a deep piercing red color. He darted forward, extremely fast, at Roth. With a half-hearted smile, he kicked at Roth, purposefully slower than he could have, but still too fast for a normal human's eye to catch. "I hate throwing the first hit, but you forced my hand," Samyaza jumped back, bored with the fight so far.
(I suppose. However, you have to defer to Michael. He is the strongest of them all, and he is definitely gonna make an appearance. Not anytime soon, of course, but eventually. Plus, none of the archangels would give a demon a blade, so it must have been a fallen angel, in which case the blade wouldn't actually be as strong as an archangel blade, especially since it isn't being wielded by an actual archangel. Also, seraphs have six wings. Archangels have two. Just saying. That could be the distinction though, the one that classifies Samyaza as just a step below.)
Roth rolls with the blow, knowing it was held back. "If you wish to fight, then dont pull your punches. You will either defeat me and I will return eventually or you destroy me and I die happy, fighting a strong opponent." He jumps forward and slices at Samyaza's chest first, then at his neck and legs before moving away to dodge any serious counter.
(True true. I like the idea of him appearing. And no, archangels have six. Your own charrie has six. I spent like, hours looking this crap up before I even made a fallen angel charrie.)
(Alright, but I'm just pointing out that if Zaero and Samyaza were to fight it out to the very bitter end, to the last dang feather, Zaero would come out on top due to the hierarchy.)
(Oh well yeah :P He is one of the first ones, so I don't doubt that. Samyaza just really thinks of Lucy as a lazy ass who doesn't deserve his title. :3 haha)

Samyaza blocked the first blow with his arm, not even flinching, same with the second. The third he jumped over and was suddenly behind Roth, an annoyed look on his face, "Do you wish to die so swiftly? I do not wish to kill you." Samyaza spoke those words, but his actions played to a different tune. He clenched his hand into a fist and looked Roth dead in the eye, "I will not hold back now." He punched Roth with all of his strength and speed, aiming for his chest.
Roth's body and sword disappear in a cloud of shadows and reappears behind Samyaza. "You can never truly take shadows away from a being of shadows. And this is the perfect enviroment to feed on. Anger, agression, ect. I thrive in these kind of battles." He slices at Samyaza's arm but pulls short and goes to stab through the belly, flames erupting along the blade's edge.
Lilitha Caught the shadow message and saw Reala immediatly she smiled and walked to Reala "Yes it is I the princess of hell I see that you know me but who are you by chance?" Lilitha could understand why anybody would know her but she was interested because of her strange power and she needed an ally here. After she asked her question she felt a surge of angelic power she looked at Reala and asked "Did you feel that?" Lilitha hoped that it would be at least some of the angels getting ready for a fight so she could try her new toy from hell the power transfer module.

Razeal laughed at the question while he buttoned up his shirt "Well yeah I did like it the experiance was amazing and I would not be against doing it again sometime" Razeal winked at Marci before feeling a dreadful power surge one he recognised as Samayaza the other.......Dark Zaero!!!! and one like Khal but different." Razeal looked to Marci and exclaimed "We need to get moving if there is an angelic battle here the whole mansion could go up and especially if it's Samayaza and Dark Zaero." Razeal grabbed the book and his sword and wondered if he was strong enough for this fight. He then looked to Marci and smiled at least he knew he had someone as strong as her to help.

The good Zearo sat in his room looking in the mirror angry. being three feet tall and having hardly any power sucked. He needed to take his body back and soon before the doppleganger wore off Zaero paced before he noticed the power surge "Now is my chance" Zaero flew out the door and down the corridor towards the action.
Samyaza stopped Roth's sword with one finger, and looked him again in the eyes, "I outmatch you. Give up now, or blood will be spilled. Yours. Not mine." The flames bothered Samyaza only slightly before he engulfed them in darkness, putting the flames out with a sigh. He wrenched the blade towards himself, bringing Roth closer, "Give. Up."

Marci tugged at Razeal, "Wait, let us just watch at first." Without another word, she walked out the door, trailing behind the small puppet Zaero as he flew. Her hand was firmly attached to Razeals as she pulled him along. Kiki floated lazily after them, the whole scene looking quite comical.
Roth smiles and puts the sword away. "Sure, we can stop. But only because it seems you and Zaero have more pressing matters to attend to." Roth turns away then whips around and punches Samyaza with full force, the power of two shadow deamons, fire, and shadows behind it. The blow knocks Samyaza into Zaero and they fly though the door out into the hall where the others are starting to show up.
Zaero laughs from behind Roth. "Was that a punch? Really?" He had easily dodged the punch. However, it seemed he'd humored Roth by creating an illusion of him being thrown from the room.
(I disagree with your post... poor manners...)

Samyaza and Zaero made it look like it hit them, but it did not connect. With all of his own strength, he rammed into Roth, a hit that, if it connected, would send him flying into the air. Next, he swinged his leg around in a kick, another hit that, if connected would send the boy flying. Samyaza knew both these hits should connect, and glared at the boy after he did that, walking up to him and kicking him square in the chest, he simply said, "No." Then he walked away, a livid look on his face.
(Not you, I meant Dark. I dislike it when people say something is happening so final like that. Kinda ticks me off. But I know him in real life, so I guess I can't get too mad)
Roth is taken by surprise and is knocked backwards. As he starts to fall, Samyaza kicks him and he gets knocked back up before falling hard onto the floor, denting the wood. "Oww..." As Roth lays there stunned, he gets kicked in the chest. "Well at least I'm still alive..." He just watches Samyaza leave, unable to stop him.
( -_- I will accept that apology. Thank you.)

Samyaza storms past Marci and Razeal, an irritated look on his face. He shoved his hands in his pockets and doesn't care who he runs into. Maybe he would even be nice to Lilitha now, if it meant he could get what he want. He muttered to himself as he walked, "Damn mortals around here have made me soft..."
Khal picks up Roth and carries him to a new, undamaged room to rest. Khal leaves and walks the halls again, heading back to his room where Amber is, is wondering what will happen to him or Roth next.
Razeal and the group ran into Samayza. Razeal saw tried to say hello but it seemed as if he would have none of it. still holding Marci's hand he looked to her and asked "What is up with him" Razeal could tell the fighting was over before they could even get there. he looked at Kiki and Marci "Well shall we start date day again?" Razeal smiled and pulled her close. "I wonder if we can get a normal day around here." laughing he looked at Kiki and asked "Hey Kiki do you have any ideas what to do today" Razeal was worried what might pop off next but for now might as well enjoy the peace.

Liltha ran after the group and wondered what might be happening. Once again she got lost in thought about wreaking havoc among those who were fighting she was so out of touch with reality she ran into Samayaza and landed on her butt "OWWWW" she rubbed her head and cursed herself for getting carried away again. "I think I bruised my horns" She whined and looked up at Samayaza. At first she was mad but she could tell he was a little different "Are you okay?" she asked feeling the power eminating from him was scary and she was worried she got in way over her head.

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