The Dark, Demented, and Twisted

Ari ,new to this area , walked around looking for something to do. she spoted others and casualy walked up waiting to see what to change into a lion or a bear or something else unlike her usualy 'creatures' to turn into
Marci whimpered quietly at the pain and shook her head. Kiki looked at Marci with a concerned yet understanding look, and spoke "You made her forget, she has to remember how to regulate her powers now, it is like losing mobility in a limb for a long time, then suddenly gaining it back. All the resistance she used to have is now weak..." As if to prove her powers were out of control her eyes glowed brightly and her back arched in pain, a yelp escaped her throat with that. Kiki padded over to Marci, talking to her softly, "You have to calm down, your powers... you are letting them get out of control..." Kiki pawed Marci lightly and flinched at the energy of the magic that went into her. The cat's eyes now glowed too and she said in a hurried tone, "Knock her unconscious now! It will stop if you do."

Samyaza looked at Marci, wishing he could help her. Something caught his eye and he looked around the room. Everything light was being whipped around the room with surprising ferocity. He ducked, a pen nearly hitting him in the head with hurricane force. "Knock the damn girl out!" he yelled at Raziel, "Just hit her or something!"
Amber was getting so very tired. It was hard to keep up a seductive front to your boyfriend. She took the now half empty bowl of fruit and layer it on the night stand next to the bed. Smiling at Khal, she crawled over to his side of the bed and curled up to him again. She grabbed the blanket and wrapped it around herself and some of Khal. She shut her eyes. "Even if we get out of here, will you stay with me? You wont leave me will you? I've never felt this way ever and no one has felt the same way about me. It would sick for this to not work out." Amber barely needed the blanket due to Khals warmth and wings. She stroked his feathers, drifting from sleep.
Khal curls around Amber, making sure his wings are wrapped in a way that is comfortable for her. "If we do get out, I promise I will stay with you. And you have brought many new feelings to my life as well, but I am happy you did. It is my hope that this will work out." He kisses the top of her head, feeling her rub his feathers as she fell asleep. He closed his eyes and slept to the best extent that a shadow demon can. As they slept, Shade watches over the room, intrigued by the new person in his master's life.
Razeal was concerned then after hearing Kiki's explanatuion he hated himself "Im sorry I did this to you babe" Razeal felt his holy power grow in his hand and a holy gauntlet fitted over his hand the magic in the room growing more unstable Samayaza yelled at Razeal to knock her out. Razeal placed the gloved hand on her head and told her "Sleep" but the holy rite would not work the magic in the room grew stronger Razeal pulled back and hit her on the temple hard knocking her out. "Sorry my love" Razeal picked up her limp body and laid her back on the bed Razeal asked Kiki "What now?"
Kiki sighed, her ears down, staring at Marci's unconscious body. "Why didn't the sleep thing work...?" Kiki looked at Raziel, sad and confused, but not angry. "I don't... know. Wait until she wakes up, then she will be calmed down. She can hopefully bind herself in some way..." Kiki curled up on Marci's chest, worried for her witch.

Samyaza plopped down on the other bed next to Zaero, ignoring the doll, and staring at Marci. Everything that had been whizzing around promptly fell to the floor making many clanking sounds. "Kiki is right... Why didn't your sleep rite work?" Samyaza glared at Raziel slightly before looking back at Marci.
Dominic was sitting in a chair looking onto his empty new bed. “I can feel all the powers coursing through this place. Its so unsettling Sam, most of them don’t bother me. The witches, nymphs, shape shifters, I’ve reaped those beings before, but the angels and demons scare me. I’m not scared of their power, I’m scared of how their soul, if you can even call it a soul, feels.” Dom’s head sank as a tear fell down his cheek, “I hope you can still hear me.”

Dominic’s ghost companion had disappeared the moment he came through the force field. His now dead husband normally haunted Sam like Casper the friendly ghost, but now he had completely disappeared. “Sam I’m so lost with out you, please come home.”

Silence sat in the room with him, and it was unbearable. He slowly got out of his chair and headed for the door, “I know I’ll see you soon my love.” His hand grabbed the handle and turned. Soon he was in the hallway walking by all the rooms. His fingertips slid across the walls and doors as he sensed the ‘souls’ of his new housemates. Some of them were in turmoil and others were enjoying a sense of bliss. He felt sick and didn’t want to be there in the powder keg but he had a mission... “Baby sitting sucks!”
Razeal looked at his hands and wondered the same question. Why did his seal not work was Marci's power too much unrestrained. Razeal pointed to the end of the room and tried a holy ward but nothing happened. Razeal looked at Kiki puzzled. "My powers are going away quickly hand me the book so I can find out what is going on." Razeal's mind raced as he waited for his love to awaken. Was his powers going because of his sin or worse was something worse about to happen? Razeal placed a hand on Marci's cheek if only they could have a peaceful day things might be different.
Samyaza sighed frustrated, and handed Razeal the book begrudgingly, "I know what you're thinking... something like, 'Oh! Is it because of what I did??' The answer is no. I am a fallen angel, I would know. Powers are usually the enhanced and sometimes the same when you fall. Something different is wrong with you." He looked at Kiki and Marci, and closed his eyes, pushing his anger down, and smiled a tense half-smile. "Ok," he started, "I will kick anyone's ass who tries to screw with you, if that's what happens. But I doubt that too. Angel's powers don't just come and go, if they did... don't you think someone would have already taken mine away? ...Maybe its something Marci did unknowingly? Or...or... I don't know."

As Samyaza sat frustrated on the opposite bed, Marci groaned a little and shot up suddenly, flinging the unsuspecting Kiki off of her chest and to the edge of the bed. "Oww!" Marci said as a hand flew up to her head, "Do I want to know why my head hurts so much?" She lightly passed her fingers over a small lump on her head and sighed outwardly, trying to think. "Ok... so... I lost control...Dammit..." she clenched one of her hands into a fist, and continued, swinging her legs off the bed and explaining, "I suppose then I need to re-do the safety spell. The spell makes it so that my powers don't go all over the place, if they do, and it were to continue, I could be hurt. More than just me, buildings and people could be hurt. You ever heard of Chernobyl? Yeah... immortality spell and safety cap spell. Immortality is.... still on. And... safety cap got... shattered. Must have been the sudden influx of power all at once, I am surprised I didn't notice it immediately, or that I didn't get torn apart." Realizing she was rambling, and not realizing what exactly was going on, she stood up and hugged Razeal tightly, the book pressed between the two of them. "Your power level is so low," she muttered, her face against his neck, "I could try sending you some of mine, if it would help.... I don't even know what happened."
Razeal held her close and kissed her hair listening to her words he realized he was weak but his power was slowly returning. He felt like a drowning victim that had just recovered from rescue breathing letting Marci go he looked at the book reading, Minutes later he exclaimed "Aha it makes sense now" Razeal handed the book to Marci and explained "My holy power is a trigger for an elemantalist witch like yourself." Razeal held her hand feeling his power return from her body. "When you lose control and an angel or a holy spirit is close you take in the power in you're being and become a cataylst a power source of pure energy and if you can harness that power well im not sure what could happen it could heal anybody of illness or it could be a bigger meltdown." Razeal put his arm around her and looked at Samayaza "I guess I am lucky to be alive." Razeal then suddenly realized what he said and asked. "Why are you so interested in helping me? I am pretty sure I never did anything nice to you and I was born to replace you in heaven I would think you would not like me very much but I appreciate you're help." Razeal pet Kiki and smiled at Marci and wondered out loud "Hey love what would you think if we moved in together? I am pretty sure nobody would mind and we need to get to know each other better."
Marci nodded slowly, trying to take it all in, "So... I acted like both a sponge and a magnifying glass? Taking in the power, then making it explode outward? Hmm..." Marci looked at Kiki as Kiki floated up to her shoulder, nuzzling her neck happily. Marci smiled, "Yes yes Kiki, I am fine... Though I should probably put another safety spell on me, yes?" She held Kiki and looked at Razeal, with her familiar in her arms to make the spell more powerful. If she wished to stay around this angel, she needed to take proper precautions. "Should I do so now?"

Samyaza smiled at Razeal, "Your point? If you weren't here, who would I play with? Zaero? He is useless. And regardless, who cares who replaces me? I have already read the book, and I have a photographic memory. And Marci here intrigues me, because when I was the keeper, there was not much in the way of information on her."

When Razeal asked about Marci and him staying together, Samyaza chuckled. Marci's cheeks grew bright red and a few items around began to float. She immediately noticed them, but didn't care. In the middle of him saying that no one would mind, she dropped Kiki and pressed her lips hard against Razeal's, her eyes glowed softly and she brought a hand up to his neck.
Razeal really was not sure what to think of by Samayaza's explanation but Razeal had heard about him he was an angel that took interest in people for abstract reason's but actually seeing it made all the stories ring true. Razeal was worried what Marci's reaction might be by him being so forward in his desire to be with her. The resulting embarassment was cute the kiss was refreshing and the answer he was hoping for. Razeal returned the kiss with ernest and wrapped his arms around her small frame. after a few minutes Razeal broke the kiss and yawned. "It's getting late I might as well grab the few things I have and put Zaero's things in my old room and we can spend some time together finally rather then dealing with some crisis or another" Razeal got up and started grabbing items to take to the other room in no time at all he was finished and he had set up his own bed He realized he would rather hold Marci while he slept but Razeal perrished the thought believing that might be going too fast too soon. Razeal looked at Samayaza and asked. "Hey do you believe that you're sin was worth the fall I mean I already miss my god's presence but I know spending my life with Marci is much more important." Razeal put away the last of his things and sat next to Marci and put his arm around her kissed her forehead and smiled at her feeling like the luckiest guy ever.
At the question Samyaza's eyes burned and he stared at the floor, in a tense voice he spoke, as though he was spitting out the words, "I fell for a mortal woman. You are lucky enough your Marci is a Witch who no longer ages. My love aged and died... many thousands of years ago. I led my little rebellion of the watchers because they too loved. With god's rules they could not." He blinked furiously, trying to keep tears from his eyes, his voice sounding distant and ancient, "You are such a young angel, you do not yet understand the reprecussions of what you have chosen to do. You now have fallen I suppose, yet so gracefully. I do not think you will regret it though, but the longing to be near god's presence never fades... You always hope he shall understand and forgive... and perhaps he will at some time. Your love reminds me a lot of my dead one. But again, so lucky are you... that you will never have to see your love wither away... that your love shall never fear you for what you are..." He looked up at Razeal with dark, tired eyes, "Just be fairly warned, you will not go unchallenged..." Samyaza blinked slowly, looking down at the floor, "But enough of that... you know... I am one of very few who have gotten to know god's true name? Even with that level of trust from god, I still feel as though I was cast out. I have sinned for loving with the body that god so graciously gave to me. Never have I once liked Lucy. Never. Where else was I supposed to go to be accepted though... So much have I seen, so much do I know... but I do not understand why god acts as he does..." Samyaza finished speaking, and sat back in a chair, looking as young as always, but his eyes look tortured.
Razeal thought deeply on Samayaza's words and at once he understood why Samayaza would protect them both but another thing he said stuck with Razeal. "I am fallen that means the underworld is gonna try and recruit me soon to fight the throne and if I refuse they will just hunt me down but I know now that with you two helping me nothing will hurt me." Razeal turned to Marci "Things are going to be hard for us so long as this war continues so what do you think should I join the darkside?" Razeal did have the red eyes but they were always kind and being a devil would mean carrying out his will and that went against what Razeal stood for.
Rin was outside with Skit,He was squatted down with the ball set on the ground in front of him. Skit stood beside him looking down at what he was doing,what did he think he was doing?Skit wondered as he watched until Rin looked up at him and asked."You think they'd let us have a lighter?"He was answered with a look from Skit that obviously said 'there was no way in hell that was going to happen',why on earth would anyone give the one who always caused trouble a lighter?"Do you have a lighter?"Rin asked and Skit just sighed."Does it look like i'd have a lighter?..."Rin stared silently at him for a moment and Skit didn't even let him speak,"Nevermind....No,I don't..."Rin sighd and sat back on his butt,"Darn."

He thought for a moment then he remembered and looked at his hand."Oh yea,"He chuckled."okay we're set.Now we wait for it to get really dark."He smiled and Skit stared at him confused."Dark?....Ohhh."He got it now.
Samyaza shrugged, his usual nonchalance back, "I guess... by coming here in the first place I have kind of disbanded from Lucy. He is so annoying, Lucifer that is, he tends to complain a lot. However, they don't bother me anymore, they respect me too much, and in some cases fear me. So... no. I think you should stay neutral if you can. It is what I consider myself, though I do enjoy bending the rules." He stood and looked at the door, "Unless you want me bedding with you, I suppose I have to find another place to sleep. I wasn't given a room though... considering I came here by force."

Kiki hopped onto Marci's lap, and Marci leaned against Razeal, "So... you never answered my question Razeal... Should I put another safety spell on now?" She looked up at him, waiting patiently for him to answer.
Razeal thanked Samayaza and wished him a good sleep but he was worried for his new friend breaking from Lucifer was dangerous but he was sure that the underworld will be too afraid to come after him at the question he forgot Razeal told Marci. "Yes for now we need to use you're best binding spells maybe even to the point where it limits what you can do with your magic. Which begs the idea that we put limiters in the spell that can be broken by a trusted person. For example if we put four levels this person can break the weakest level to give you an added boost as they count down to one the limiters will be stronger we should only ever unlock one in an extreme emergency because then you are fully unrestrained that way." Razeal was a little worried about the next sugestion since he already sealed her power once but then he realized there was one person that loved Marci just as much. "I think Kiki should be in charge of the limiter unlock incantations so in case you need the power Kiki can give it to you" Razeal was pretty proud of his idea "So my love what do you think?"
"No," Marci stated simply and sternly, standing up, and holding Kiki in her arms, "I am not power crazed... but I cannot just give control away like that." Samyaza was laughing like a madman at Marci's 'no' until Marci glared at him, her eyes beginning to glow. Samyaza stopped laughing and held up his hands, still very amused, then left the room.

Marci looked back at Razeal and sighed, "The safety spell should make sure I cannot lose control... which is good enough for me. Why try to fix what isn't broken? I am the new Merlin, and there is still so much yet to learn. To hinder that, the only thing I have ever felt comfortable with in life... it may as well be torture." She stepped back slightly and began reciting something, her eyes glowing bright as she spoke, "By the line of my will, as I sit still, protect my body, mind, and soul, now give me control. By the line of my will, as I sit still, protect my body, mind, and soul, now give me control. By the line of my will, as I sit still, protect my body, mind, and soul, now give me control." Saying three times over, then she smiled big, "There. Should be stronger than last time I did that sort of spell..." She sat down on the bed next to Razeal and leaned on him, "I am so tired now though... it has been a long day.."
Before Razeal could protest Marci called forth her spell Razeal was worried that it might not be enough but that was not his concern. Marci's powers were her own and he could not tell her what to do with them Razeal placed an arm around her when she leaned on him and placed his cheek against hers before saying "It's late we should change and head to bed tomorrow is a new day and there won't be anymore headaches to deal with." The thought of a peaceful day was so good it gave him an idea. Razeal stood and turned to Marci "Hey tomorrow let's have a date I know leaving the compound is forbidden but this place is huge we find plenty of things to do." As he talked Razeal pulled some clothes from a drawer and walked to the bathroom. Moments later he emerged wearing comfort clothes and walked to his bed. A final twinge of regret hit him since he wanted to hold her tonight but he was not so sure that sleeping in the same bed was something Marci was comfortable with. Razeal decided he would try anyway and asked. "So would you like to sleep together love or do you wish for some privacy?" Razeal fumbled his words worried that the witch might find this too objectionable it's not like he wanted to try anything on Marci it's just the young angel wanted to be as close to her as possible.
Marci smiled at the idea of the date, and nodded before going to change as well. From the restroom in the room, she could hear Razeal asking if she wanted to sleep with him. She blushed and didn't answer, instead she came out wearing her sleeping gown. The purple lingerie draped over her loosely, clearly silk. Though the gown was loose, it showed her figure none-the-less, and her slender frame wore it well. "Like it?" she said timidly, moving over to where he was and laying on the same bed he was standing in front of. Her hands grabbed for him, trying to pull him down to her.
Razeal had a crestfallen look about him not getting a response untill he saw Marci. At once he lost any ideas of tomorrow her nightgown showed the form of her body as it swayed in her movements toward him her question almost slipped by him as his mind and heart raced. He tried to think of a good answer but the word that escaped his lips was. "Beautiful" Nothing more he could say but soon he was snapped back to reality when his button up shirt was tugged on hard. Almost in an instant Razeal was looking Marci face to face as he was laying on her. Razeal was struck by the fullness of her lips and her soft skin. Razeal tried to speak but instead he kissed her deep with passion. Razeal pulled back after the long kiss and moved next to her. He knew that it could not go any farther even though everything in his mind said otherwise "Marci you're too perfect for words I hope one day we can leave this place and I won't be a fugitive because of the book and maybe......" Razeal blushed as he blurted the next words out "For the longest time I wanted us to be together and now I have you but I never want that to change once we get out let's marry and have a family and be happy but for now while we are here let's enjoy our time dating you and me well what do you think?" Razeal felt dumb saying it and yeah now he was sure he was moving way too fast but he never felt so sure about anything in his life.
(Sorry if post is kinda short, I am on my phone)

Marci blushed brightly, her eyes wide as Razeal was on top of her. Most thoughts stopped in her head when he kissed her, once he plopped down next to her, she spoke, "I... take it you like it then..." Marci cuddled up against him, her heart beating fast at the next question. She didn't answer, but instead clung to his shirt and pressed her face against his chest, hiding the emotional tears welling in her eyes.
Reala held Usagi in her arms as she sat in the room. She sighed and sat Usagi in front of her. She then flicked her wrists a bit and used the shadows to spell. Usagi turned his head. 'Usagi...why am I here?' it said. Usagi stood up and hugged her leg. She began to cry. She clutched the plush doll to her body and cried. Usagi patted her head in comfort. She stood up and took off her shoes. Usagi's little hands wiped her tears. With an exchanged smile they decided to explore.
Khal wakes up and untangles himself from Amber. He kisses her forehead and lets her sleep as he walks out of his room, Shade on his shoulder. Khal's eyes shine a weird silver color as he walks through the shadows in the hallways of the house. Walking outside, despite the rising the sun, he goes the the edge of the barrier and looks out. "One of my brothers is in trouble...," Khal is fighting the urge to just leave through the shadows and to go help the other demon. "But what about Angel...," he mumbles to himself. As the sun rises and some of the light hits him, he continues staring out of the barrier as his body disappears to a different set of shadows.
"See told you!"Rin laughed as he jumped up and down,running around outside happy.Skit just watched,"So that's it,it was a lot quieter then i expected though..."Rin nodded,"Well it wasn't real,I have no way of actually blowing it up so I had to think of something else.It work at least and was better then the other idea i had,right?"Skit smiled,"that's true."That night,Rin had showed Skit what that ball was.A firework. It was silent but was very pretty in the sky during the night time,he used what he could get his hands on which was nothing dangerous thanks to his record. He simply had to light a small fire in a little hole on the side of the ball,through it up which he used himself as a catapult,and it set off. Simple but probably something he wouldn't be able to do for a while since he probably wouldn't be able to find the stuff he needs to make it again."Now you think we can find my charm?"Skit asked,hoping they would now and was replied with a nodded from Rin."Sure,have you checked the grass you ran around in before?"

"No..."Skit had completely forgotten about that,well at least now he knew one place it could be.

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