The Dark, Demented, and Twisted

This was enough. Using his rather larger hand, he reached out and grabbed the taser, directly where the electricity erupted from the device. His arm, partially shaking from the abrupt force of electricity, remained stalwart as his fingers enclosed around the device. With a squeeze, his hand crushed the device, causing a large electrical pulse to extend from the taser. Reeling his hand back, he moved his fingers about, noticing the black char that now appeared on his palm. Bringing the hand back to his side, he used the other to grab his neck, still standing directly behind him. Harming someone for pleasure is simply something that Zachary could not allow. Moving his hand from his neck to his shoulder, the beast quickly turned the man around and looked him directly in the eye. Zachary wanted him to know that his words were true.

"Leave this place, evil man. You have no purpose here." With a push, he moved away from the guard, allowing him to escape if he so wished. A monster would know the worth of a life, even if it was corroded by evil and anger. Outstretching his arm, Zachary made a simple motion with his forearm, showing the guard which direction he wanted him to leave. The other, a fist clenched beneath it, was prepared to strike him if he decided to do anything foolish.
The guard winced a little bit when his taser was suddenly crushed in Zachary's large hand. He took a step back, but was stopped as he felt a strong hand wrap around his neck. He tensed up, freezing in his place. A flicker of fear appeared in his dark brown eyes, but it quickly vanished and was replaced with irritation.

When Zachary turned him around and gestured for him to leave, he cursed under his breath. He had no choice but to listen. He shot both of them a nasty glare, than walked around Zachary and stormed off down the hall.

Valentina was slumped against the wall, her eyes directing towards the ground. Her face was blank, but her eyes were filled with nothing but sorrow and fear. The guard had really scared her. More than it looked. Her heart felt like it was practically going to burst out of her chest.

She glanced over to Zachary, stepping towards him slowly.

"Thank you.. I-I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't been here." She said softly, meeting his gaze, but than quickly looked down as another tear dripped down her face. The comment the guard made about her parents really hurt her. But it was the truth.

"What the guard said is true.." She murmured, a few more tears slipping out of her eyes.

"I am pathetic.." She said it so quietly that it was barely a whisper. Her fists clenched, and she looked away from him. The golden butterflies that floated around her began to move slower, and the eerie light that surrounded them was growing dim. It was as if Valentina's pain caused them to suffer as well.
The beast sighed at her remark. It was true that everyone locked up in this horrid place had a nasty history; some worse than others. Hers seemed truly awful, and Zachary could not help but feel sorry for her. She seemed so weak, so vulnerable. She has obviously been through much, and it caused the monster's anger to slowly fade. Wanting to comfort her, he took a step forward, but realized what he was doing once more. Emotions were to be eradicated from his mind, and he could not feel sorry for her, in fear that those feelings would be diminished; betrayed and forgotten.

"Have more than thou showest, speak less than thou knowest." Zachary remarked when she stated how pathetic she was. The words, although spoken by a beast, were stated in an attempt to be kind. "Shakespeare." The monster said with a smile. Although his mouth was cracked and distorted, the smile did appear rather friendly. However, it did not appear normal, surely.

With a nod, Zachary took a step back, beginning to leave. He did not want to stay any longer, in fear that he would in fact fall for this girl.
Valentina wiped her tears away, letting out a deep sigh and leaning against the wall once again. She glanced towards Zachary when he began speaking to her, and a small smile appeared on her face as she recognized the quote he had just said. She noticed he was smiling as well, and that seemed to immediately cheer her up.

She stopped leaning against the wall, turning towards him. She stared at him for a moment, but quickly looked away when she realized she had been staring at him for quite a long time. Once again, a faint blush appeared on her cheeks, and felt her face grow hot. She wondered why she was acting this way around him..

When he began leaving, she found herself behind him, placing a hand on his shoulder. She surprised herself, beginning to blush again.

"You never told me your name.." She said softly, her blue eyes glowing curiously. She remembered telling him her name, but he never said what his was. It made her wonder..
When the hand was placed on his shoulder, the beast could do nothing but shutter. Hearing her talk of his name, he remained quiet, collecting his thoughts. Thinking of his next move. Turning around to meet her eyes, he simply stated the name; "Zachary." Planning on walking away after saying those words, he realized that he could not. The beast he was, he knew that no one could love him, and thus he should love none. But this girl... she seemed to care for him, not to care what he appeared to be. Amazingly, she was not afraid.

Trying to move his unflinching legs, he found himself coming only slightly closer to her, encasing her hand with his. It was apparent that she was blushing, a bright red crossing her face, as she stood still before him. Retreating as he wished, one leg took a step behind him, and his hands let go of hers. He sighed, deeply, the breath seeming to collide in his throat, causing it to sound more like a deep grumble. Wanting to outstretch his hands once more, he knew he could not, and so left them by his side. However, paralyzed, he found that he was unable to move. Standing still before her, he urged himself to leave, but try as he might, he could not. Not just yet.
Valentina removed her hand from his shoulder when he turned around and said his name.

Zachary.. I like it.. She thought in her mind, tilting her head at him. She smiled, the blush that remained on her cheeks beginning to fade. She had thought he was just going to turn around and leave after he told her, but he didn't. He stayed.

When he came a bit closer and cupped her hands with his, the blush returned to her face. She stood completely still, just staring straight into his eyes.

When he retracted his hand from hers, she seemed to be able to breath again. Once again, she expected him to leave. But he stayed where he was. She wondered if he was upset or something..

"Zachary.. Is something wrong?" She asked concern filling her voice as she took a step forward, appearing closer to him. Her eyes widened a bit when she realized there was only a small gap that separated them now.

Should I step back? No.. I'm fine where I am. She thought in her mind, sighing a bit.
Shivering as she approached, every fiber of his being told him to run. He flinched when she said his name, but he then started to feel at ease when her face became a gentle red. Mustering his strength, he tried to say only a sentence. A small compilation of words, that he hoped would suffice. "Being the monster that I am, I have learned that it is hard to trust." His face became solemn when he said this, disgusted once more by his own appearance. His mind started to wander, hatred started to grow from what he has become. His hands, clenching in a tight fist, quickly released as he noticed his proximity to her. Her hair, although tattered from possibly years in this horrid place, strangely smelled of dew. It was calming, but the thoughts quickly rushed back into his mind. He was close to having a war, or so that is what the scientists called it. It was when his conscious mind would separate himself into two, clouding everyone else out except for themselves. On the outside, it would appear he was going mad; bantering with himself back and forth. But it was truly two sides of him fighting; the Curse, and the man.

However, just before his mind felt like it was to crumble, she sighed. Amazing, how minor a thing can draw one's thoughts from one thing to another. How powerful the small things truly are. It was short; brief, and yet relaxing as it barely pierced his ears. Without so much as moving, he sighed as well, letting out the stress that was building up inside of him. Although impossible, it appeared that his subconscious was perhaps, finally at peace. At least, he was at peace with her.
Valentina listened to his words carefully, her bright blue eyes still filled with a mixture of concern and worry. He seemed to be fine.. But you could never tell. She saw his fists clench, and than slowly loosen. That's when she began to convince herself that he was not okay.

Taking a small step, she inched a bit closer, hoping he wouldn't step away as she did this.

"Hey. Are you sure you're alright?" She asked worriedly, hearing him suddenly sigh. She wondered what was wrong. Did she upset him? Was it the guard from earlier? Her mind continued to ramble on and one about the many possibilities that could have made him feel bad. Deciding those probably weren't the reasons, she shook her head slightly, continuing to think.

As much as she tried, she couldn't figure out anything that could have possibly upset him.. Blinking her blue eyes, she blushed a bit again, glancing away from him as they locked eyes for a few moments.
Zachary tensed when he saw her approach, his reflexes still telling him to flee. By now she was only a few inches away, her hair brushing against his torn white shirt. After stating her words, Zachary thought for a moment, contemplating his actions. Am I alright? He thought, not daring to move. After realizing that truly, he was, he looked at her, their eyes meeting for a moment. Her cheeks were a light pink as she turned her glance away from his eyes. He sighed, believing that her constant glances away were of anguish; that she was afraid of his face, and she desired to turn away so that she would not see his corruption any longer. Noticing this, he turned his own face away, wishing her to fear no longer. However, he did not move from where he stood.

As he turned back to her face again, he merely stated; "I am alright, now." He nearly whispered, the words coming out in a rustic sigh. With the opening of his hand, he brushed his fingers against her arm. How he has longed to feel the smooth skin of another person. Years maybe it has been, that he has felt a girl's arm, in such a gentle matter. Again, he sighed, pushing out breath to relieve his stress.
Valentina looked up when Zachary turned his back to her. She had a confused look on her face, wondering why he had done that. Had she made him angry?

Without a second thought, she entwined her hand with his, squeezing it tightly. This gesture surprised her a bit, and the blush in her cheeks increased to a bright red.

"Good.. I was worried you were upset about something.." She murmured quietly, still holding his hand in hers. She was a little worried that he would pull her hand away.. Or even walk off without saying a word. She didn't want that.

The thought made her squeeze his hand tighter. Once she realized what she was doing, she immediately loosened her hand, a little embarrassed.

"Sorry.." She whispered, looking back towards him. And this time, she didn't look away.
Sage glanced around the empty hallway. She hadn't found or even seen a single person since she'd left Khal. Of course, that was likely because, at the moment, she happened to be lost. She figured that she was the only resident of this asylum that would be the one to get lost. She sighed and created an astral projection. Creating an astral projection while she was active meant that a little more than half her concentration was would be gone. But two people meant finding someone twice as fast. They both started walking at the same time and then turning in different directions. Sage stared off at the wall, trying to concentrate on one thing and failing.
Rin now stood in the middle of the hallway,staring down it with a annoyed look on his face."Come on Skit!"Skit had to grab something from there room also so he had gone back to get it and asked Rin to wait.Well he waited,but now seeing it was a bad idea cause Skit was taking forever.As he waited though he listened to all the voices around the house,pin pointing where they were and sighed."He takes too long...."He said staring down the hall still.

Skit actually had already looked through there room and now passed it and went else where,he had lost what he was looking for.He could have sworn he left it in there room but it wasn't there so maybe he dropped it before,though it could be anywhere by now.
"Wasn't my own power the problem before? But regardless, thank you, there are some spells I can get from there I would like to study," Marci commented with a half-smile. "Besides, they will probably find you either way. It is hard to miss your energy." She stopped as he pulled her into a kiss and blushed, kissing him back softly.

Kiki leapt onto Zaero and pinned him down, and spoke with amusement, "How much can you do in this form, huh?" She pawed at him again as Marci looked over, pulling away from Raziel. "Kiki...." Marci started slowly, her eyes glowed for a moment, picking Kiki up out of thin air and placing her on the other bed away from Zaero. She giggled and smiled, turning back to Raziel and leaning towards him for a kiss. Before their lips met again, she winced and grimaced, putting a hand against her head and closing her eyes tightly.

Samyaza rolled his eyes, still leaning against the wall. He was about to leave when Marci was obviously in pain. For some reason he didn't understand, he felt concerned and was almost instantly next to her, his brow furrowed. "What is it?" Samyaza said, trying to hide the concern in his voice. Marci just shook her head and leaned into Raziel, her eyes still tightly closed, obviously in pain.
As Khal hugged her she felt a tingle. She finally realized that this was real and he cared for her. Sitting up she looked at him and down to her stomach. She hadn't eaten anything all day. "I'm going yo get something from the kitchen. I'll be back." She swiftly slid off the bed, tiptoeing from now on since it was night and others might be asleep. Her legs were even longer now that she was on her toes.

She silently closed the door and looked out into the hallway. She saw Rin in the middle of the hallway. Smiling, she walked up to him. "Hello. Ive been meaning to say hi. I'm amber." She then continued to the kitchen, saying excuse me as she passes him. The kitchen was stocked and large. This was expected. They would be there for who knows how long and she was sure they wouldn't want to restock. She gulped a glass of water and prepared a bowl filled with apples, pears, and grapes. Back to her room she went, as swiftly and silent as before. She grinned as she entered Khals room. "You like fruit right?" She bit into a pear walking over to the bed and sitting down. She took out a small vine of grapes and dangled it over his mouth like they did in Greece. "My king..."
At the moment she grabbed his monstrous hand, her gentle fingers barelly stretching around his, he waited, allowing her to bring him in to her. As a stern blush crossed her face, her hand slowly loosened, but Zachary's hand tightened. As she looked back into his eyes, she did not look away. She did not look away. Fighting his thoughts, his emotions, the monster could not help but to slowly bring himself closer to the beautiful girl. Slowly leaning down towards he, he reached, bringing his face only inches away from hers. With his other hand, he brushed her hair behind her ear, it then nestling away from her face.

With a sigh, he held her there, fear seemingly escaping for good. His emotions were finally at peace, or so it seemed. Feeling the need to do nothing more but embrace her, he slid his arm around her waste, feeling the cloth that brushed through his fingers. It was all so much; her hair against his face and chest, his hand enclosed around hers, his other feeling the texture of her dress. He was completely immersed in the feeling of serenity and bliss; a feeling that he would not soon forget.
Rin stared at Amber confused yet surprised when she came to him and said hello then left,he remembered her voice but never thought she'd talk to him.He sighed when she left and smiled,happy she didn't stay or he'd probably say the first thing that popped into his head at the moment.Which it wasn't the greatest thing he could say at the time,like always.He stared down the hall and noticed Skit finally walking back looking completely lost as he looked around."What are you doing?"Rin said crossing his arms in front of his chest as he watched Skit,Skit looked up at him with slight worry in his eyes."I lost my charm..."This just made Rin laugh."Oh,that's what you were getting.Don't worry I'm sure we'll find it,I mean it is bright green right?"Skit nodded as he walked over to Rin still looking around,Rin pat his head when Skit got close."I'll be fine okay?"He smiled.Skit just sighed and nodded again,figuring he was right and they'd find it later.But Skit still wanted to find it very badly,since it was very important to him.
Valentina watched as he slowly stepped towards her. Her heart was beating rapidly, and she felt as if she could no longer breath as he leaned his face closer. When he wrapped an arm around her waist, she began to relax, letting go of any stress that was building up inside her.

She lifted her other hand, gently sliding it on the side of his face. As he brought his face closer to hers, she did the same, closing the gap that separated there faces.

"Zachary.." She whispered before softly pressing her lips against his. She held the kiss for a few moments, than slowly pulled away, reopening her eyes and staring into his. A small smile spread across her face, and she was still blushing slightly. She felt.. Different somehow. Being around Zachary made her happy, and she knew why. She loves him. She didn't know why she hadn't realized it before.

Her heart continued to beat rapidly, still only about an inch or two away from his face. She noticed he seemed happy and relaxed. The smile on her face widened. He truly did make her happy.
As their lips made contact, Zachary became ever more excited with the girl before him. In a pure action of bliss, he lifted her up, placing his partially larger arm underneath her to keep her up. With the other wrapped around her waist, he gently placed his lips against hers, holding her completely in his arms. The amount of happiness that pierced his core was astounding; someone actually loved him. Squeezing her closer to him, ever so gently, he refused to let go, for the time being. It has been ten years since he has been changed into this horrid form, and now he had someone to share his pain with. Someone at last.

Holding her tightly, he allowed his feelings to finally release themselves from their confinements; he did in fact, love her as well. Her insect wings, glowing slightly on her back, illuminated the room as the two remained in the center, so close together. He could do nothing but hold her there, loving every minute that they were together. Loving her, loving her. The mere concept of that struck Zachary's mind as odd; that he truly loved someone, when he had so valiantly suppressed such feelings. And that she too, loved him back.
Khal watches her leave, waiting a little impatiently for her to return. He looks around his dark room and thinks how weird it is, him feeling happy and caring for once in his existence. Shade is watching Khal, smoke drifting from his nostrils. The familiar is confused by the actions and feelings that his master has been showing recently.

Amber walks in and Khal's eyes again follow her long, soft, and agile legs. "Welcome back love," he lays down and smiles as she treats him like a Greek king. He takes a couple bites of the grapes then pulls her down with his wings and gives her a deep kiss. "I prefer your lips to the fruit." Khal looks her deeply in the eyes, his red eyes piercing into her soul. "What do you prefer my little nymph?," he asks mischievously.
Amber was surprised at this sudden move. she was planning to bend down and softly kiss him. She wasnt complaining though. She liked the sudden, forceful kiss much better. Staring into his eyes, she had a mix of emotions. The red had frightened her but at the same time it exited her. She felt a loyalty to him as though she was his slave. Of course she was nymph and was no ones slave but that is what she felt. She felt as though it was all moving so fast. All in a single day. Slowing down was not what she wanted to do though. "I prefer anything about you over anything." she reached down to the bowl of fruit and plucked out a dark red, juicy apple. she held it to her lips and bit it, creating a perfect bite.
(hi i will just re post my characters info here and begin when you say i can)

Name: Ari

Nickname(if any): Air

Gender: female

Age: 16

Species(Any supernatural creature within reason, you can be a neko even if you want!):Human/Animal ( * means my characters can shages from a human to any animal existing*)

Abilities: flight, strength, flight, telepathy, everything else

Pets(if any): None ATM

Personality: intelligent, careful, kind, loving ,

History: don't wanna talk about it

Other(if any): nothing

Looks: * no picture available at the moment *

Light brown hair

Green and Blue eyes (they change from green to blue to green to blue and so on)

Tan skin

Long dark Blue dress *human form*
Razeal looked down at Marci seeing her pain. He was a little annoyed at Samayaza's concern but he turned back to her. The pain looked worse by the minute and he had to ask. "Marci what's wrong?" Ignoring Samayaza's own question his concern growing wondering what to do. Razeal picked up Marci and laid her on her bed. Feeling her head she felt hot almost as if she could burn to the touch at once he shot a glance to Kiki demanding "What is wrong with her Kiki has she ever goten this sick before?" Razeal looked back to Marci hoping that his punishment had nothing to do with Marci's sudden illness.
Khal's face turns a little red at her response. He was enjoying being with and around her, but he was worried she may get bored with him. It was moving a bit faster than he has seen before, which he doesn't mind, and she is a nymph. He smiles at the thought, thinking, "I'll take what she will give, I am happy with her." Khal watches Amber take the bite, wondering what she will do now.
Valentina smiled a bit when he picked her up, wrapping her arms around his neck. She continued to kiss him, holding it until she finally had to pull away to regain her breath back. She panted heavily, the wings on her back glowing a little brighter with every second he held her.

She stared into his eyes, another smile forming on her face as she pulled him closer to her. Pressing her lips against his again, she kissed him more passionately, her grip tightening on him. She noticed how exciting he was getting, and she was feeling the same.

"Zachary." She said after pulling away again. Her bright blue eyes flickered slightly with emotion.

"I love you.." She said in a whisper, blushing a little bit as those words came out of her mouth. She wondered what his reaction was going to be to her saying this to him.

After a few moments, she leaned her head against his shoulder, simply hugging him. She hoped he would say it back..

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