The Dark, Demented, and Twisted

Razeal started to mutter something about how Marci did not have to make a decision till she was ready but he fell asleep holding Marci. For the first time everything felt right to him and he slept and dreamed dreams of a future with her Razeal would hope for.

Early in the morning as the house slept she was escorted onto the asylum grounds. Reddish brown hair and blue eyes and a teenage look and attitude were the only normal things about her. The horns and red skin and long pointed tail told the tale that this girl was no girl but a demon. Lilitha was confident her plan would work the only hitch was to seem as if she was just the sweet and innocent granddaughter of the devil forced to be here by these human maggots what nobody would know was that she allowed the humans to capture her bring her in and confine her here in this mansion. She could create a portal to hell and complete all of her objectives and at the same time have some fun with the people that lived here. Being escorted to her room she unpacked her things and walked the halls looking for someone she could have fun with.
Samyaza appeared in front of the new girl, "Hello Lilitha. Lucy isn't missing you at all? You are awful far from home." Samyaza was tired looking and emotionally upset, but he hid it as well as he could, wanting to not think about Marci right now. "Also, did you miss little old me at all?"
Mercedes woke up in an odd room, confused and scared. Where was she? She turned her head, and groaned painfully as one of her snakes hit her in the face. "Sorry Lu, didn't mean to squish you..." She sighed and got up, studying her surroundings...which weren't much. She tried to open the door, but it appeared to be locked. She frowned and crossed her arms. Why had she been locked in? She wasn't much of a threat. She couldn't even petrify at will! She carefully selected a small strand of hair and passed it through the lock. "Come on, Coco. You can do it." She waited patiently for her hair to work the pins of the lock, but finally, it clicked open. She concentrated to make all her snakes turn back to regular hair and walked out of the room. Where on earth am I...? She started to aimlessly walk around, trying to find out more about this strange place.
Lilitha was playing out her plans in her head her triumphant return to hell meeting a cute boy and torturing hapless souls well......okay maybe the cute boy thing was not going to happen in hell and human boys don't really like the whole horns and tail and. "Ahhhhh. Oh it's you Samayaza and don't you bad mouth my grandfather or do you forget that you work for him fallen angel." She mocked him with a sly smile leaned in close got on her tip toes and whisperedin his ear. "And that means you work for me and I have a few things planned for you or have you forgotten how late you have been to report in from your last mission to earth" Lilitha was not scaredof Samayaza as almost all other demons and she knew that Samayaza did have some weakness to exploit Liltha just needed to find it.

Razeal woke early in the morning and moved cautously as to not wake Marci. Quietly Razeal got up and showered and started making a breakfast for her. Razeal had some trial and error before he finally got the breakfast made right. "Man these humans have it tough down here" Razeal set up a place for Marci at the table and dressed in his normal clothes before walking out the door getting one last look at her before heading to the garden.
Reala held Usagi close. She looked at the door. She frowned. Usagi's stiched mouth turned up and he slipped his hand inside. She heard the clicks before it opened. She smiled and hugged Usagi. She then trotted out in her dress and stockings. She was a bit bummed at the lack of shadows. Usagi pointed out some. She flicked her wrists. 'I need more Usagi.' Usagi nodded and they started hunting for poorly lit areas. The bunny eared girl skipped along with her possed plush by her side.
Khal appears back inside the house, still conflicted on what to do. He walks the halls, creating shadows as he goes and strengthing those that already exist because of his mood and energy.

Finally deciding, he disappears from the house grounds in search of his twin who is in trouble.
Samyaza grimaced at Lilitha and slapped her hard, clear across the face, "And you seem to have forgotten that I am your superior, and that I don't care about Lucy anymore. I do not wish to go back, and nor will I. I led more angels to fall than your granddad ever had. So shut your mouth before I shut it for you child." He left her then, a large red mark forming on her face, and walked away.

He reappeared in Marci's room and yelped slightly at the clothes she had on. The nightgown she had on was tweaked slightly, nearly showing everything. Trying not to have a nosebleed, he sat on the other bed, and stared at her. He felt bad about staring, but couldn't help it.

Marci woke up at Samyaza's yelp, and first wondered where Razeal was. She sat up slowly, rubbing her eyes, and looked over at Samyaza and shrieked loudly.
Razeal was almost done completing a bouquet for the breakfast table he had set up for himself and Marci when he heard the scream. He sprinted before leaping into flight down the corridor he was flying fast almost flying into Mercedes he dodged real quick and called out "Sorry for almost running into you." Razeal flew further and landed in front of the door to Marci's room. Razeal burst into the room and saw Samayaza. confused he asked "Uh Samayaza was hat you screaming?" Razeal looked around the room before locking eyes on Marci and saw her again the nightgown tweaked being more revealing then he Remembered and his nose started to bleed. Covering his nose he looked to Samyaza. "Hey whats the big deal Samayaza what would make you teleport into our room so early in the morning?" Razeal tried to sneak over to the table and place the bouquet in the vase wthout Marci yet noticeing.

Lilitha grabbed her cheek suddenly alone and screamed in anger "That angel will pay for this" Lilitha quickly lost her anger as she saw shadows suddenly appearing and quickly became determined to find who was behind them. "Helllo? Lilitha called is there a fellow demon I Lilitha princess of hell would like for you to appear" Lilitha started to feel dark power grow as she drew closer.
She stared at the guy who had just almost crashed her into the wall and then had taken off running. "What is this place..." She shook her head lightly and she felt her snakes insisting to remain in their form, so she simply sighed. Whatever this place was, she would feel safer with an extra pair of eyes behind her head. Tired of wandering, she called out. "Hello? Anybody here? Help!" Hopefully that would do the trick. She sat down on the floor, leaning against the wall, and waited.
Samyaza looked at Razeal and then back to Marci, then back and forth a few more times before giving up, "I-I um.. I just wanted to get away from Lilitha... So I- I came here and... she... uh.... You look beautiful Marci... more than that... just... stunning really." He finished speaking, and looked more innocent and fragile than ever.

Marci, still groggy from sleep just blushed, rubbing her eyes some more, "Well... thanks I guess..." She looked at Razeal and stood, her nightgown catching against her underwear, causing it to ride up. The top button was also undone, causing more cleavage than there had to be. She yawned, completely oblivious, raising her hands up and stretching, and was only making the situation worse.

Samyaza pinned himself against the wall, a small nosebleed occurring. Being someone who was in hell for such a long time, he was very sexually charged, and gazed over at Razeal with pleading eyes. He really didn't want anything... disagreeable to happen.
Liitha continued to walk untill she happened upon Mercedes sitting against the wall she walked up with a big grin on her face and looking sweet and innocent to try and befriend the girl. "Hi im Liltha whats you're name you don't seem lke you have been here long I just got here today how about we go explore around the mansion." Liltha held out her hand and smiled How lucky could she be? Liltha was sure this girl was a Medusa and her skills would be fun to have at Liltha's disposal.

Razeal's eyes grew wide and his mouth dropped open seeing Marci the way she was. Hearing Samayaza's words Razeals ear's were burning he snapped at Samayaza "Hey maybe you should go cool off Samayaza I need to talk to Marci" But there was something else about what Samayaza said. who was Lilitha and why was Samayaza trying to get away from her. Well no matter now was not the time for talking about some new girl Razeal moved to Marci and lifted her chin and gazed into her eyes a moment before kissing her.
Samyaza was out of the room before he even said that, he immediately went outside and leaned against the wall. "F***," he cussed slightly, leaning over to calm down. He was surprised that he could control himself at all.

Marci kissed Razeal back, her hand moving up to his shoulder, the other moving into his hair. She parted from him for a moment, blushing brightly, "What did I do?" Her nightgown was raised up, and her cheeks flushed, a surprised expression on her face.
Razeal stammered almost unable to control himself. "Marci angels are tempted far more easier then humans are. We see beauty and we can't control ourselves and you not noticeing the way you looked well it had an effect." Razeal could hardly hold himself back so he stepped forward and pulled her close. "Marci I made you that breakfast on the table and picked that bouquet but I don't care right now all I care about is spending some time alone with you but lets save that for tonight." Razeal backed away from her and said. "Maybe you should change before I try something I can't take back" Razeal sat down at the table and waited for Marci now he completely understood why Samayaza fell and why he is so sad at losing his love. Razeal would have no idea what to do with himself if he lost Marci he could not live another second so Razeal knew he had to protect her. "Marci at this rate by this time next year the next resident of this house will be half angel and half witch." Razeal thought about it and liked the idea but he quickly lost that thought since he smelled the food he made and was hungry hoping Marci would hurry and change so they could eat.
Marci nodded tiredly, she was not a morning person. She went over to him and bent over, giving him an innocent kiss on the cheek as her billowed downward, revealing more than should have probably been shown. Marci didn't know the difference right now, she was pretty much brain dead at the moment, waiting for herself to wake up. It was like booting an old computer.

She went to her dresser and picked out a tank-top and some short-shorts from her drawers. She moved groggily back over to near the bed and started unbuttoning her nightgown, not thinking about the fact that there was another person in the room. Kiki was fast asleep on the bed still, the opposite one from the one that Marci was standing at. She was halfway down her nightgown when she paused to yawn again.
Razeal felt the kiss and stared at her his emotions at the breaking point as she grabbed some clothes and Razeal started to calm down untill she was changing in front of him. Razeal stood up and walked to Marci grabbed her wrapped his arms around her and laid her down on the bed and soon his shirt was about as unbuttoned as her's. At this point Razeal had nothing in his head he felt hot all over his heartbeat felt like a drum and he did not regret a thing about what they were about to do." Hour's went by as the culmination of the relationship unfolded there. About midday Razeal laid there holding Marci he felt tire happy and satisfied kissing her cheek Razeal had a thought occur. "Well so much for waiting untill we left this mansion but I guess I could not hold myself back Marci" Razeal laughed at himself knowing that Marci had such power to make him break his promises to himself and she dd not even try to seduce him.
(Me in real life: twitch My charrie in my head: Umm... umm... wha-what do you want me to do? Di-did we really just go there? I-I think we just... um...)

Marci was at a loss for words, her body a mess of tingly reactions. She rested her head securely on his chest, "I...didn't really want that to happen... so soon like that..." She was struggling internally with her own moral code of conduct. "Won't god think I have sinned or something...?" she murmured, really not worried about it much at all, just curious. Marci wondered if that sin counted for angel-witch couples or not. "I'm sorry... I didn't even try to have anything happen... I wasn't thinking... I was just tired....," as she spoke, her voice grew softer and softer, not sure what to do.
Razeal chuckled a bit and stroked her hair. "Well if you want to get technical a witch and an angel should not fall for each other in the first place so really this was just iceing on the cake. Razeal continued to stroke her hair trying to comfort her. Whether it happened early or not im still happy it happened I mean I feel closer to you then ever before Marci." Razeal pulled her tightly against him. "I love you Marci and I don't feel wrong or bad about this and I don't think negatively about you for what happened and why should you." Razeal looked into her eyes and kissed her forehead "If you regret what happened then im sorry and I will do my best to wait untill you are ready" Razeal could see thatbshewas conflicted and it pained him that she felt wrong about herself doing this so soon but Razeal could only try to console her. Razeal looked at the table. "The only sin here was the breakfast was wasted."
Khal appears in an empty room of the house hours after he had left. On his shoulders, another creature is hurt and out cold. Khal lays the other shadow demon down on the bed and then leaves so his twin can heal. Shaking his head as he walks back to his room to watch Amber, he thinks about how long it has been since he has seen Roth, and how they had went seperate ways because of a disagreement.

Roth's mind is swimming in darkness, having been hurt badly by being left chained in the sunlight. He had gone to feed for the first time in many years and was not aware of those hunting his kind. This mistake almost cost him his life if not for his brother. Laying in the dark room, the shadows are drawn into his body and start to heal him. Hours later, his eyes open, the shade of blood red roses and a surge of energy goes through the house.
Samyaza had regained himself, a slight grimace on his face. The whole house probably knew what Marci and Razeal had done. He sighed inwardly, then froze and smiled as he felt a new presence. He appeared in the room of Roth, and looked down at him, "Well... Hello there shadow demon. I think I have seen you before. You know me right? Samyaza. If not it is nice to meet you. Want to cause some trouble?" Samyaza had a crazed smile on his face, his irritation about what had happened between Marci and Razeal clear as crystal.

Marci smiled a little at his joke about breakfast and stood up, giggling a little, and spoke quietly, "Well... did you like what happened?" She moved and picked up the clothes she had dropped on the floor, and changed into them. A loose tank top and some jean short shorts. Turning back to look at Razeal she spoke again, "Well...?"
"I can't say I can remember your face, and it would be hard to forget one as ugly as the one you have," Roth remarks with a rude grin. "Tho I may seem familiar because you have probably met my twin Khal." He gets off the bed and looks around. "This place seems dull, what kind of trouble did you have in mind?" He stretches his arms and wings and feels rather energized. "So many dark emotions to feed on. I don't know where I am, but I like it here." His gaze then lands back on Samyaza. "And you are just gushing with dark emotions."
Samyaza muttered to himself, "I can make you gush with something a bit more painful than emotions..." He smiled sickly sweet at Roth, "Yes. Your twin. But I meant you. I am a fallen angel. My power is above your own." Samyaza made sure to make the word above more than obvious. "Would you like an example?" Samyaza continued, making his energy hidden then, forcing it to seem like that of a human's so that Roth could not feed off of his. "If you want a fight, I will say, I am quite rusty. Maybe you wouldn't get killed then. You could call your brother over too if you wish, give yourself more of a fighting chance, little one." Samyaza desperately wanted to show the boy to respect his elders.
"Your power still is limited, otherwise you wouldn't have a master. Oh yes, I know how much you hate to hear that word." Shadows are drawn into Roth and his body changes into the shape of Samyaza's master. "And hide your energy and emotions all you like, this place is full of the stuff for me to absorb. You have no power over me, I am not weak and kind like my twin." His body returns to normal and he has an evil glint in eye. "But, if you would like to make an enemy of me, then lets fight."
(I feel so epiccccccc)

Samyaza chuckled deeply, "Master? You clearly think I still work for Lucy. No no my dear shadow demon. Lucy is just a pawn for me. I led more angels to fall than he ever did. My power is greater than his. Just because his name is so well known, everyone thinks he is so powerful. Who do you think acted as his chief bodyguard and also his Commander for his little army of fallen angels?" Samyaza disappeared and appeared behind Roth, "You... little one... are at such a disadvantage. I have been controlling not just shadows, but darkness itself for millenia. You are but a babe to me." He moved to in front again, and put a hand up lazily, making all the shadows around Roth avoid him instead of stick to him. With a slight flick of his hand, Samyaza made the darkness billow out from him as he unfurled his wings.

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