The Dark, Demented, and Twisted

Amber nodded as he responded to her. He was very interesting. "Hey have you met Rin or Skit yet? I've ment to say high to them." Amber was so stressed from the day. "Hey... why are we here? I mean don't they know that there are people who can leave at any moment? We are much stronger than humans." She realized the importance of that question which no one had asked yet. Amber rolled over onto her stomach and tilted her head to Khal to continue there conversation. She ran her long fingers through his wings and felt the feathers. "Id like a blanket of this stuff. I could always murderer and angel... just kidding." She got serious again. "I don't make you uncomfortable do I?" She felt like she was asking to many questions.
In the shadows, mere Zachary crouched, peering only an eye at the winged-creature before him. It was now dead, motionless on the fetid ground. Slowly, almost sliding toward the dead angel, the large beast simple crouched, and watched those piercing eyes. With a tear shed, Zachary remained silent, watching, praying that the angel would maybe flicker a wing, maybe stand to his feet once more. But it was not so; rather, the celestial being laid in silence, dust and filth falling on his face and body. His tear, falling to the ground in a silent pwip, only furthered the sadness that consumed the beast. Rubbing a monstrous hand around his lifeless face, the corrupted giant only whispered two, simple words; "Rest Well."

With the pitter-patter​ of feet nearby, the monstrosity had no choice but to melt into the shadows once more. Hiding in the darkness, he makes a point to cover his face, hoping that he will not frighten any of those who look upon him. With a quick step, he crouches behind a nearby pillar, trying purely to hide from the others. Although broken, the pillar appears tall enough to hide his face. With another step back, he almost completely falls into darkness; the mere glimmer of his eyes being the only thing visible to anyone besides himself.
Valentina sighed, pushing herself off the wall behind her and striding down the halls. She kept her blue gaze downwards, as if something had been bothering her. She stopped by a broken pillar, lifting her gaze and glancing around a bit. She felt as if someone was watching her..

Turning her gaze into the shadows, she spotted a pair of eyes hiding in the darkness. Who ever they were, they must be pretty shy..

"H-Hello?" She called out into the shadows softly, tilting her head and taking a few steps behind the broken pillar. She spread her golden wings slowly, a sign that she was beginning to get a bit nervous.

Once she saw a faint figure in the darkness, she stopped in her tracks.

"A-Are you lost?" She asked, tilting her head again. She seemed a lot more curious than nervous.
Razeal responded to the kiss well his heart changed as he fell for her. He looked back into her eye's and whispered to her "Don't cry my love no matter what may happen I am happy to be with you at last this is a dream realized for me." He stood feeling stronger and wiped the tears from her eyes. Then opened the door turning back to Marci and asked. "Are you ready to end this my dear?" The sword appearing in his hand the shield in the other.
Samyaza and Zaero were having a pleasant chat. "I have to tell you, it is much more enjoyable to talk to you than to constantly hear Zaero's self-righteous bullsh**. And... ah, it seems we have some visitors outside the door. That witch is back up to full power, and I am bound, unless... Samyaza, do you think you are on par with Metatron? Besides Michael, who you could never match, Metatron could get me out of this seal. Now, if you release me, there is less of a chance that the witch and that annoying angel will defeat us."
In great fear, the crouching monster continued to melt into the shadows, pure anguish masked on his face. Although he believed he was completely concealed in darkness, he was still quite afraid that this winged-woman would see his fetid appearance. Straining to have his voice heard, he only managed to push out a few words, but each were garbled and caught in his throat. He croaked; "D... d-don't come any closer, ah-angel. Leave this pruh-place." Struggling to get even those simple words out into the air, Zachary became careless, allowing himself to forget about his position in the shadows. If he overextended himself, he did not know, and so once again slouched behind the pillar.

Breathing heavily now, he waited, praying that she would leave him. Praying that she would not see his horrible, horrible face.
Marci's eyes glowed, but she frowned, "We can't... we can't beat them. It is Zaero for pete's sake.... Speaking of which, what is the puppet doing? I know his soul is in there," Marci said and glanced behind her at the puppet she had made, then continued speaking, "We cannot drag everyone in the house into this either... It would destroy everything, and not just in the vicinity of the house. You know that. As soon as the puppet speaks, maybe we can think of a way, a spell maybe, to end the evil side of Zaero. Samyaza, however, hasn't really done anything that I know of..." Marci pulled Raziel away from the door, she was afraid they were being too brash. "When one rushes a spell, they get hurt. Do not rush things."

Samyaza looks at evil Zaero, mildly annoyed, "First you insult my ability with seals, and now you ask for my help? Forget it. Besides, even at the witch's power plus the angel, I stay out of conflict like this. How do you think I have lived so long as a fallen angel? Yes, I could fight, but my fun here would end. It would end either by death or by me leaving this place in rubble. I am not done playing with the super mortals here." Samyaza finished speaking and cracked his knuckles, the irritation showing in his voice. "No one here seems to understand how much I do not care."
The evil Zaero glanced at Samyaza. "Very well. Do as you wish. However, think about this when you leave. I'd like to become a fallen angel. Think, Michael's little archangel, the Divine Wrath of God, a fallen angel. Of course, I wouldn't serve under you, but I with you, as equals. Remember my proposition." With that remark, the evil Zaero snapped his fingers, returning to his room.
Samyaza shrugged and walked to the door where Marci and Raziel were. He opened it, none to gently, and smiled, "Well hello there little ones! How are we today? Plotting?" He turned to face Marci, "Ah, and Marci! Your head is all better now! Good good." Finally his eyes came to rest on Raziel, a smirk on his face. "And Raziel! You seem so hostile. So... raring for a fight. Want to hurt little old me do you? That wouldn't be nice."

Marci jumped about a foot into the air when the door slammed open and Samyaza stepped in, acting all high and mighty. Kiki curled up on Marci's shoulder and hissed at Samyaza, who stared straight back at Kiki with a smile. Kiki shut up and nuzzled Marci's neck. Marci pet Kiki and sighed heavily, hoping that Raziel wouldn't do something stupid. However, her eyes still glowed in defense, ready to strike if Samyaza did. "Oh so powerful," Samyaza began again, "And cute too! I hope she isn't taken." Samyaza smirked at his own asshole nature and stole a glance at Raziel.
@everybody Maker now has permission to post as Zaero untill a permanent body has been established.

Razeal raised his sword his eyes glowed as he chanted "Divine wrath I send you to the pit Samayaza" Razeal lowered his sword but nothing happened. "Cancel" Razeal called as his mind felt Samayaza thinking. "So you want a truce then don't you" H stared dagger's at the original keeper of the book of the secrets of the universe. in the background Zaero shifted standing a little coughing "Razeal you fool you know you can't make deals with fallen angels if you stay on this path of sin I will have to punish you myself with the death penalty." Zaero remained defiant even a bit ungrateful for his life since he felt doing his duty was far more important.
(hehe, ok :3)

Something switched with Marci and all seriousness went away, she looked behind her at the small, doll-sized puppet body she had made and grinned. "Oh my gosh it is so cute!" Marci squealed as she ran to it, picking Zaero up and squeezing him in a hug. She turned back to the others, Zaero still in her arms, and blushed, "Umm... sorry...." Samyaza burst out laughing at the small Zaero, after a small while of loud laughter he stopped, coughing a little. Samyaza looked at Raziel and spoke, "A truce? What fun is that? I wasn't going to start a fight right now or anything, so lets leave it open. As for Zaero, I like him better like that. Can we keep him??" Samyaza burst out in another fit of laughter.
Razeal put away the sword and crossed his arms leaning back against a wall and yawned "Well Zaero is a bit more managable and there is no war between us for now so I think I can relax." It had been a while since he could rest so Razeal found a seat on a couch in Marci's room and sat down. He wondered what might happen now that Samayaza was not a threat and asked "So what did you mean by fun?" He asked the question while replaying the past couple of minutes in his head especially the kiss with Marci at the thought he looked at her letting a smile come to his face. "Yeah you can keep Zaero just so long as I get to keep you Marci" He looked to Kiki and laughed "I guess we are a little family now huh" Razeal felt tired he stretched his wings and looked back to Marci to see her answer.
Samyaza ignored his question and leaned against a wall in Marci's room as Marci strolled over to Zaero's bed and placed him down softly, Kiki leaping down and sitting next to Zaero, pawing at him. Marci walked over to where Raziel was sitting and stood near Raziel, petting his wing softly before speaking, "I don't mind you keeping me. And, yeah, sort of, a dysfunctional one." Marci winced slightly out of nowhere and hoped Raziel didn't notice. She shot him a half-smile and kissed the top of his head.
Zaero tried batting away kiki's paws with great annoyance. "Stop touching me you unclean furball if I were my regular size I would smite you" He continued the pawing match with kiki. Razeal thought about tossing the book but instead put it on a table by the couch saying "Be nice to kiki Zaero because it might be a while until you're in normal form" He turned to Marci pulling her to his side looking down at the book. "Keep it Marci until all of you're power returns and then I will have to get rid of it since the book is probably the way heaven will track me down" grabbing her soft hand he held tight. "Marci I don't need the universe's secrets I have all I want right here" He looked into her eyes and smiled before giving her a slow kiss.
Khal loooks Amber in the eyes as they talk, "No I have not met them but I know of them." He also knows of the new person but he doesn't say that to her. "Yes, many of us could just leave, but what then? they will catch us again or forever hunt us. Some people have no place to hide out forever like demons and angels do. And some stay cause there are things...or stay for." He looks at his wings. "I guess they could be compared to angel wings. But I rather you share mine rather than kill an angel for their wings." He smiles down at her, "Do I look or seem uncomfortable?" He hugs her tight.
Valentina took another step towards him, sensing great waves of fear coming off him. Stepping into the shadows in front of him, she extended her hand towards him and smiled sweetly.

"There's no need to be afraid.." She said softly, her blue eyes glowing in the shadows around them. Even though she had seen his face, she really didn't care. She was not the type to judge, and always accepted people for who they were.

She continued to smile towards him, tilting her head a bit in curiosity.

"I'm Valentina." She said quietly. The golden butterflies swirled around her, lighting up the area eerily. She wondered why he was hiding right here in the first place. There was nothing in this asylum he needed to be afraid of. Well, except for the guards..

"Were you given a room?" She asked, wondering if he was going to speak to her at all. He seemed reluctant to talk to her earlier.

(Sorry that was so short.. I'm out of it right now x(
As the small insects fluttered about, illuminating the darkness, the beast took another step back, trying to shield himself in the darkness. "I am not afraid of m-myself. I fear that you will see my face in the light, and that is s-something I cannot ah-allow." Zachary enunciated, only stuttering slightly as his words become much more fluid in his mouth. However, they still come out in forced croaks and coughs. Taking another step back, he waited for her response.

As she declared her name, the insects once again pushed through the darkness. Again, the monster reeled back, not wanting his face to appear in the illumination. Now taking a hand to cover his face, he heard he say if he was given a room. She was getting closer, and Zach became most uncomfortable. In a eruption of rage, he barked "A monster such as I should not be given a room. Nay, a face such as this deserves nothing. Step away from me; I wish you not to look upon my face in disgust. Look away, beautiful creature. Look away!" He concluded as he took another step back, extending his hands out to block the light from showing his face. Nearly trembling, he slouched down, afraid that she had already seen his corrupted face. A face that no one should love or desire.

As his back pressed against the wall, he waited, waiting only for her to go. A beautiful woman such as herself should never see his face.
Valentina retracted her hand back to her side, silently calling the butterflies back. They fluttered to her slowly, flying behind her and away from Zachary. Her eyes grew soft as he spoke to her. He seemed so afraid of her.. It almost made her feel bad for bothering him.

"If you think I'm going to judge you for what you look like.. You're wrong. I'm not that kind of person.." She said softly to him, folding her golden wings carefully on her back.

She took a few steps back to give him some room, but she didn't leave.

When he began barking at her in rage, she cringed a bit, not meaning to make him angry. She was just trying to help.

"Of course you deserve a room. Don't be silly.. " She declared quietly. Without thinking, she stepped closer to him, standing directly next to him now.

"Please. I'm not going to judge you for what you look like. I would never do such a thing" She said with concern edging into her voice. Slowly, she reached a hand out, taking his left hand in hers. She carefully brought his hand away from his face, a little bit worried he was going to push her away or something. When his face came into her view, she simply smiled. She didn't cringe or look away in disgust. To her, he seemed perfectly normal.
His entire body shivered as she approached, and, as a reflex, he once more took a step back. However, when she grabbed his hand, he did nothing but shiver. When it was removed, he knew that she saw his face, and he slightly turned away. Sighing, he decidedly took a step forward, no longer slouching, no longer crouching in the dark. Standing his full, almost monstrous height, he revealed himself to her. One half of his face corrupted by scars and bulging mutations, his eye appears completely white, with almost a glow. On the other side of his face, it appears much darker, as though it recedes; falling away from the other side. Each side different. Each side hideous.

At his full height, he possibly covered a decent foot or two over her head, his back still arching from the curse. Although one arm appears normal, besides the scars, the other seems slightly larger, and seems to be missing a finger; although it's quite difficult to determine which finger it is. His legs, like a strong pair of twisted hind legs, bend dangerously forward, although it appears quite normal for him to stand with them. The feet extend themselves slightly, talons shooting out from some toes, and normal toe-nails remaining on others. His entire body seems to be a disturbing combination of a sickly green and the human skin tone. Only a mere foot from her face, he whispers, simply; "Tell me again how you will not judge me, angel. And this time, I want an honest reply." The words, seeming more straight-forward then before, still croak as they strike your ears; however, a small taste of menace seem to grow behind them. A long forgotten emotion of rage, anguish, and vengeance, locked up and kept deeply within this fearful beast. An emotion that he will surely not reveal again, unless the situation demands it.
Valentina just smiled at him again, her eyes still glowing.

"To be honest, I've seen worse.." She said, looking up towards his face. There was a slight flicker of emotion in her eyes, as if he reminded her of someone.

"It's nothing to be ashamed of.. I've been judged before to." She tried reassuring him, continuing to smile. He really had nothing to worry about. She wasn't that kind of person at all. She wondered why he couldn't understand that about her..

Looking down, she realized she still had his hand in hers. Blushing slightly, she let go.

"I'm sorry." She said in a soft voice, glancing towards the ground. After a few moments, the blush faded from her cheeks, and she looked back up at him.

"Like I said before, I'm not that kind of person.. To me, your look completely normal. I-I'm telling the truth.." She said quietly, taking another step towards him and making sure not to break eye contact. She was telling the truth. Even if it didn't sound like it.
"I pity the one that looks worse than I." The beast muttered, looking down upon her. Flinching slightly as she removed her hand, he began to long for the hand to return. A longing that he quickly removed from his mind. A feeling that he should not have, lest it be taken from him. As she stepped away, he faintly noticed her blush, which rather took him off guard. Moving his hands ever so slightly, he nearly shivered at her approach. Her eyes locked onto his, he could do nothing but look away. However, he would find himself looking back, if only for a moment at a time.

He clenched his fists together as he decided to completely lock eyes with her. She appeared to be telling the truth; that she really did see him as normal. However, Zachary knew the truth. He was a scar on the earth. People have cried and have ran when they saw his face, even when he tried to make peace with them. Even when he tried his best to hide his hideous form.

With a shiver, he merely stated; "Why are you doing this?" His voice partially cracked as he said this, causing his final word to sound more devious then he wanted. From this accident, he sighed, noticing that he was letting his feelings get the better of him. Feelings that he thought he discarded long ago. For what would feelings do with a man that will never be desired?
Rin ran into His and Skit's room only to run right back out with a small,metal,pitch black sphere in his hands.His attitude had changed quite a bit from sleepy to childish as he walked back down the hallway.This wasn't the first time Skit had seen him so happy but there's only two reasons why he would be,ether he's got a crazy plan to get the people here mad again or he's having one of his 'lost his mind' moments again.At this time Skit couldn't tell which it was and didn't have a clue on what he had with him,but he didn't and just continued to follow Rin like he always did. Now he knew it was a type of bomb because he had been talking about one,of course the people here made sure Rin had no access to anything deadly after one incident a while back so it was nothing major.At least that's what he thought,Skit shook his head trying to get off the thought and trying to get back to the 'I don't care' but he was curious.

Skit sighed after getting a strange look from Rin after shaking his head out of nowhere,sometimes it was really hard to see who was the oldest out of the two.Skit knew he had his child moments but he figured it was normal since Rin,who is older than him but not by much,still has them every now and then. But it was strange to Skit, he still remembered when Rin acted older than his age,before they came here. Rin was normal then,after they came here he just started losing it. Of course then Skit never got to see Rin since they were kept apart most of the time,and Skit never knew what they did to Rin during the time they were separated.He wondered if they went back to the way things were would Rin go back to the way he was,though would that really be what Skit would want?
Valentina tilted her head slightly when she saw him shiver. Was he still afraid of her? He didn't seem to be.. She shook the thoughts out of her mind, watching him look away, and than suddenly look back to her. She noticed he was clenching his fists, and she wondered if he still longed to go back into the shadows and disappear.

When he asked her why she was doing this, she froze.

"I.. I don't know.. I just felt like I needed to.." She murmured quietly, cringing in fear when she heard a loud door slam and heavy footsteps.

"Damn. Where did that b*tch go off to now?" She heard a man mumble to himself angrily. Than she heard more footsteps, and they were getting closer.

She flashed Zachary a fearful look before suddenly stepping out of the darkness and into the open. A guard came around the corner, stopping when he saw her. A look of fury flashed across his face, and he stormed towards her.

"You're in trouble now.. Do you think we wouldn't notice you're little escape?" He snapped, grabbing her wrist and squeezing it tightly with a strong hand. She winced, trying to yank her arm away.

"I don't want to be locked up anymore.. I-I'm not going to hurt anyone!" She pleaded, her voice completely filled with fear. The guard clenched his jaw in anger, slowly rising his other hand and slapping her hard across the face.

She froze in her place, her hand beginning to shake as she lifted it to her stinging cheek. Tears welled up in her eyes, and she immediately looked away from the guard. She hated crying in front of people..

"Please.. Stop." She whispered quietly, but his grip only tightened on her wrist. He seemed to be amused at her pain and suffering,
Silently, as the man approached, Zachary fell into the shadows. He had nothing to do in these affairs, and only believed that he would make things worse. However, as the man approached her in furious anger, the beast became angered; pacing himself, he moved carefully through the darkness, as he has done many times before. With his size, it has always been difficult to move through the shadows, but he has begun to grasp the concept. When he opened his hand and struck her across the face, he turned, looking directly to them both. He was harming her. Trying to shake his feelings of pity, he took another step away. But then, he heard it. A minor chuckle, perhaps? A snicker, a sigh. Be it what it may, he heard it; a simple sense of pleasure. The gentle sound of amusement, and it came from the guard. Came from the pain that he placed upon her. This simple, simple action, this gentle breath, caused the monster's anger to spark. His emotions finally alight, he silently moved towards the guard, concealed by darkness.

When he stood directly behind him, he stepped away from the shadows, now revealing his horrid face. The face of a monster.

In simple words, he stated simply. "Leave this place." Again, his hands clenched together, rage biting at his reflexes, his nerves. Although he did not want to harm the man, the evil inside of him drove Zachary to strike him if he must.
The guard snapped out of his amusement, looking up at Zachary. His eyes widened slightly, but he kept his grip on Valentina's wrist.

"Filthy beast.. Don't tell me what to do." He spat, staring at him with pure anger in his eyes. Than a wild grin spread on his face, trying to make him angrier on purpose. Reaching behind him with his free hand, he slid a taser out of his back pocket, and switched it on. It made a soft humming noise as the electricity ran through the device. He held it close to Valentina, making her begin to shiver in fear as she watched it inch closer and closer to her.

"I-I didn't do anything wrong.. Please.." She murmured in a small, sad voice. Her hands shook violently, and her bright blue eyes were wide with fear. The guard simply chuckled at her, shoving the taser closer to her.

"Your pathetic.. I can see why your parents beat you in the first place." He snapped to her. Immediately, tears began falling from her eyes. That completely caught her off guard.

Her sad blue eyes glanced behind her at Zachary, who seemed to be about ready to harm the guard himself. She didn't blame him.. She flashed him a miserable look before glancing down back at the floor, a few more tears running down her cheeks.

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