The Dark, Demented, and Twisted

Khal looks a little uneasy, being in an unusual position of getting hugged. "Your welcome." he just stands there as she answers the door and then looks up at her words, "I don't really have a prefrence where we go, I just can't be where the sun hit the ground." Walks to the door and waits for her to lead.
Amber links arms with Khal and begins to lead him off. That's when she notices Zearo in the hall and the destruction around him. Her first reaction was shock and surprise. Then he remembered how much she disliked Zearo. She put her nose to the air. "Come ln Khal. I don't even want yo deal with that self centered creature. She navigated around the debris and led Khal back to the lounge.

Once there she released him and smiled. "Thank you for talking to me." She wanted to take a walk in the garden but remembered that he didn't do sunlight. She frowned. "Well what if you had an umbrella?" She realized that might of been a stupid question but looked confident. "I would love to go outside..."
After being lead to the lounge he looks out the window and sees there a some shadows around edges and the trees. "I could just appear in the shadows, but if light lands there I will have to move elsewhere." He thinks of her reaction to Zaero, "Sadly me and him already met. Didn't really make a good impression. And your welcome again." Smiling, he beings to disappear from the room, "See you outside." Khal is now outside in the shadows.
"Yay!" Amber runs to the back door. She bursted out of the door with excitement and joy. It was in her DNA yo love the outdoors. She ran across the lawn, spinning and turning, do leaps into the air and even bringing her legs up into a split leap. She collapsed with laughter under a tree. "Maybe I will like it here." She rolled over onto her stomach waiting for Khal to appear in the fully. Amber, using her forest nymph abilities, manipulated the the tree branches to create more shade allowing for more movement.
Khal walks out of the shadows towards Amber. "The nymph is back in her element," smiling. Khal's eyes are rather dull, his powers weaker outside during the day. Shade decided to stay back in the house. "So then, what shall we talk about or do?," leaning up against the tree trunk, his wings wrapping around it.
"Well id like to know more about you. How was your child hood. How old are you? Where are you from?" Amber lowered a rather thin branch to the ground and sat down. Crossing her legs and laying back on the branch, she then lifted the branch into its natural position. She was no elevated high in the air. She looked down at him. Her body felt refreshed. She felt powerful. The nymph in her was coming back. Her eyes had gotten there devious twinkle back. She smiled at him. "Your kind of cute." She giggled and sprang up to the next branch. People weren't very fond of any type of nymph for obvious reasons. They were an acquired taste.
"Hmm...can't say I really had a childhood. I am a demon after all. And that should tell you where I came from as well." His wings unwrap from the trunk and Khal jumps up to join Amber, careful to avoid sunlight. "Is that you talking or the nymph talking?," he asks politely in reply to her comment. He noticed the rejuvination of her powers and the glint that showed in her eye. "I have heard that nymphs like to play tricks too. My kind of creature," mischievous smile as some shadows drop some water down Amber's back.
"Oh but you have it wrong," she said playfully. "The nymph and I are the same..." that's when she felt the cold trickle of water down her spine. She gasped and playfully hit him. "You know a lot about nymphs. Its the sea nymphs that are the worst by the way." She quickly noticed something though. "Wait... so your from hell? Your not like... bad, bad right?!" She really didn't mind all that much anyway. She just didn't want a satanic version of Zearo. She got close to him with worry in her eyes. "There only like, two people in this house that I like and your one of them. Tell me that your not like Zearo or a satanic and creepy!"
Razeal watched as Zaero stumbled towards him as he fell Razeal caught him cradeling the archangel in his skinny arms. Hearing the words struggle to come out of his mouth Razeal knew that Zaero was in a weakened tempted state. "Damn that fallen one this must have been his doing" Razeal looked up when Khal and amber left her room laughing and smiling untill they saw Zaero, thats when Razeal noticed her scorn for the angel coupled with the earlier slight of just leaving Razeal made him jump to the conclusion that Amber was an angel hater.

Razeal pessed his head against the archangels forehead and telepathically reached him. "Zaero......where are you I know you are in me what is tempting you" Razeal closed his eyes and pressed deeper into his mind since time was a major factor not since the time of Enoch was an Archangel fallen and if Zaero tasted the pleasure of sin it could mean a new age of slavery for mankind.
In the darkness of his mind, Zaero awoke, bound in a pillory. "No, this can't be happening. Why now? What did I do to make this happen?" he said into the darkness in desperation. Suddenly, a copy of Zaero walked out. However, this copy was dressed differently, and his eyes showed his true malice.

(He looks like this:

His eyes are like this:

"Oh, this is certainly happening. It has been a while, hasn't it. However, I think it is due time for your new "friends" to meet me. And, I have to go have a conversation with Samyaza. He really was the only one I ever truly liked, although he never did know his place... under me." said the copy. "I'll even leave you conscious this time. All the better for you to see what a real archangel should be like." The copy sensed Razeal's presence and said, "It looks like someone's delving to save you. No matter. They're already to late. Time for you to wake up. Or should I say... me." As Zaero faded into black, he heard the copy's wretched laughter. He was sure that the others were doomed.
"Yes I am from hell. But no, I am not evil. I rarely show my true form anyway." Khal makes a annoyed look at the mention of Zaero's name. "I doubt me and him are anything alike. And I bet he would hate anyone who would say that we are." He then looks at himself and then back at Amber, "Do you really think me as a satanic demon?" Khal has a little hurt showing on his face. "I'm not a bad person. I just feed on negative energy and emotions."
Amber slumped over. "I'm really sorry... I totally didn't mean it like that. I guess when people hear the word hell or anything close to it, they make I just did." She put her and on his chest. "You are a person regardless. Do you feel that? Your pulse? Your a living creature and I love you for that. Your are handsome and kind and I wouldn't change you for anything." She pulled her hand away. "Im going to give you another hug now!" She said with an ear-to-ear smile. She wrapped her arms around him much more forcefully and much more friendly. She jumped up another branch and grinned at him. "Catch me..."
"Hmm, I didn't know I had a pulse," he smiles, a little surprised. "And you are forgiven." He looks down at the hand then is hugged. "I am so awkward around these...positive energies," Khal thinks to himself. He watches her take off and smiles wickedly at the challange. "Bring it on." His wings open fully and he jumps up after her, moving unnaturally fast. He is glad the sun is hidden behind some clouds as the branches get thinner and less abundant. Appearing in front of Amber, he grabs her and lands back on the ground, her trapped in his wings. "Hehe, caught you," he lets her out of his wings.
Amber was laughing hysterically. "You beat me!" She loved the feel of wings. So soft and she loved feathers. She rocked back and forth smiling at him. She didn't want this day yo end. She had completely forgot about everyone inside. She grabbed his hand and led in to the base of the tree. She sat down and pulled him down next to her. "I want to know more about you. What do you like and dislike? What's hell like? Tell me something about your family. Do you have a family?" Amber rested her head on his shoulder. "Oh and you never told me if I was cute..." she giggled. "Ever had a girlfriend? Are you allowed? I'm mean like since your from hell. That didn't offend you did it?"
Khal smiles, "It good I am older, I have the ability to keep up with your questions and not be offended by them." He sits down, one wing wrapped around her. "Yes you are cute. As to my family, I guess it could be said that all demons are related." He shrugs as he thinks about it. "And obviously i dislike sunlight and like darkness/shadows. And I like you although this feeling is rather new to me." He watches the sun go down, his power growing as it does. "No, never had a girlfriend, and there is no real saying it forbidden that I know about. Then again, other demons do it all the time so I doubt such a rule exists for our kind."
Razeal made contact with the Zaero that was losing off in the distance of Zaero's mind he saw the darker side reveal his plot. Razeal returned to Zearo's side

"It's too late to put you back in control im no doctor hold on to me I will take you back to my mind untill we find a solution to this."

Razeal picked up the injured Zearo personality and walked towards the evil Razeal rarely used his strength he hated fighting and he knew he could not defeat this evil but he did have an idea that would work. Looking towards evil Zearo Razeal's eyes glowed he placed the Archangel on the ground he extended a hand and appeared the book and he extended the other and appeared a short sword with a small round shield attached. Pointing the sword toward the Evil Zaero Razeal opened the book the chapters flipping as he cried "Heavenly hosts all that is good and fair lend me your son of light strength" The pages stopped moving and Razeal read the seal. "Creature of the mind sin of the heart listen well as I start. You're power bare you're sting is true yet the creature I bind is you!!!!!"

At that moment a seal of light wrapped around the evil Zaero binding him where he stood Razeal shouted to him.

"I can't beat you unbound but this way you are managable with enough help I leave you now you may have won this fight fallen one but most of your powers are sealed and even though I can't fully bind you that seal cannot be broken unless myself Micheal or the Metatron himself unbinds you"

Looking at the beaten body of good Zearo he shouted to the evil one.

"You are only the temporary master of his body soon I will return him after he has heald and exile you to hell"

Razeal held onto Zaero and stepped out of his mind. Running towards the lounge he thought "I have to make a doppleganger body for Zaero so he can heal while staying away from the evil one so I don't get killed myself."

Running further he thought more.

"I need a powerful priest or witch to create a body before too long or Zaero's mind will clash with my own for control of this body as he heals he will become a bigger presence it will get cramped before too long."
Amber looked up at Khal. She was nervous to say what she was going to say. She took a breath. "What if I said I liked you?" She curled her legs up and bunched up even closer to him. "Because... I do like you." She rested her head on his chest and pulled his wing over her like a blanket. "I think I might stay saine here." She let it all go. Her poised and playful attitude. She was putty in his arms. He made her weak in a good way. She wasn't an independent b*** anymore. She felt like a regular 17 year old girl with a crush and she liked it.
Khal holds her close with his wings, seeing her give in to her feelings. "I am unsure what to do. This is new to me...," he looks down at her. His shadows whisp around the edges of her body but don't fully cover her. He looks at the sky as his eyes glow with power again, the sun having finally gone behind the horizon. "I am willing to try though."
Amber sighed. "You don't have to..." she sat up breaking the film of shadows. "I want to make sure that my first love is ready. If your trying your not ready. Its fine though. I'm a nymph. We never stay in dedicated relationships for long." She kissed him on the cheek. She pulled away and smiled at him. She then sighed and slouched a bit again. "What was I thinking? Your to good to be true. And on

the first day?" She shook her head. She knew he wouldn't be crushed. He didn't seem to like her all over him and God was he awkward.

Amber shook her head and headed for the house. She slipped through the back door and went straight to her room. She stripped down to her under cloths and crawled under the blankets. She fell asleep almost instantly. The day had to many events.
She leaves too fast for him to stop her. "Damn, that ended badly." He makes some shadows into an rose made of unmelting ice which he then teleports onto her pillow. He sighs at his insecurity, "I'm just too new at this...I didn't know what to do," Khal mutters to the shadows and trees. "I said try cause I never done this before...and now she left."

He appears in his room and just lets himself become a bunch of shadows that fall to the floor and disappear in many directions. Shade sits on his perch and just watches everything happen, understanding because of the connection he has with Khal.
Amber had fallen into a deep sleep when she felt a cold presence in front of her. She opened her eyes to find a rose made of complete ice. She reached out a hand to see if it would melt. It did not. She knew who it was from. She picked it up and smiled. "Aww... its amazing." Amber realized she had a one time chance here. She put the rose back on her pillow and quickly threw on shorts and a t shirt. Amber darted out of her room. She ran down to Khals room.

Amber banged on the door. "Khal! Please. I was stupid. Take me back! I want you!" She waited helplessly outside his door. She prayed she hadn't screwed her first chance at love up. Khal was very nice and good looking. If it didn't work out then fine but she wanted someone now.
Shade makes his little squeaking sound which causes all of the shadows to come back together. Khal's body is reformed and he looks at the door then at Shade, "Should I?" Shade gives him the evil eye and flicks his head at the door. Khal smiles a bit and goes to open the door. "Hello there," he says as he pulls her into the room with his wings. "Liked my present to you?" Khal is trying his best to show his feeling, but being what he is makes it difficult. He hopes Amber would understand.
(O my gosh.... >.> I wasn't gone that long was I >.< Sorry)

Samyaza walked back to Marci who was still in the front room. He could feel all the turmoil going on elsewhere, but chose to ignore it. At the same time Marci could tell something was very wrong and had a scared expression as she looked at Samyaza. Kiki was growling, very very uncomfortable with the energy around. Samyaza just sighed and sat in a chair nearby, looking at Marci, "What are you, little girl?" He pointed a finger at her, beckoning her towards him. She obliged and went towards him. He cocked his head to the side and looked her over, "A mere mortal, yet so powerful. I wonder if you actually age. Hell, I wonder what you actually are." Marci frowned at the man and looked down, petting Kiki in her arms, trying to calm her.
Amber was so happy she almost cried. She buried her face in his chest, giving a tight hug. She looked up at him. "So... your off the market. Not many devils can say that." She giggled. She went up on her tip toes and gently pulled him in to kiss her. Her first kiss. It was simply riveting. A shock came through her body. It was as if it was a seal that connected her to him and him to her. Like a chemical that made her long for him. That must be why a first kiss is so important. Amber looked at him in the eye with a feel of seriousness and sensuality. She hugged him again and then jumped onto his bed. "Can I sleep here tonight? Is your little creature ok with that?"
The evil Zaero felt the presence of a fallen angel. "Ah, my old friend, Samyaza. We haven't played in while. I think I shall visit him." said the new Zaero, attempting to get used to controlling a body after a few eons had passed. He sat down in the same chair as Zaero had when he first spoke to Samyaza. "How are you today, Samyaza?" he asked. However, as anyone could tell, his personality was completely different. Now, he was much more playful, fun-loving, sociable, and flirtatious. However, as only Samyaza knew, there was a dark undertone. Not that Samyaza was opposed to that. On the contrary, he liked Zaero better this way.

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