The Dark, Demented, and Twisted

"His lord..? You mean..." Sage trailed off, her eyes widening slightly as the realization hit her. "HIM? As in The Lord?" She glanced back at where Razeal left. "H-he's.. an... Angel..?" If possible, her eyes widened even more. "He's the Razeal ? The keeper of all the secrets of the u-universe?" She finially looked back at Khal. "Are there o-other Angels here?"
"Yes that it is. We currently have an archangel and a fallen angel, who are currently facing off down in the lounge I believe," Khal shrugs. "They arn't all that special in my opinion. Powerful yes, special no." He just looks at Sage as she deals with this new information. Shade is nuzzling up against Khal's neck, feeling his annoyance and tenseness. "Between the three of them here, I like Razeal best. He doesn't act like he is all that. He knows we all have our place." Khal actually respects the book keeper.
Razeal made it to the lounge his eyes widened the fallen angel Samayaza. A creature that knew a lot about the world and a master of hiding his true power. Razeal stayed to the background his mind racing wondering what to do now. The only solace Razeal took from this was that he had not yet been noticed. He moved around the room till he was by amber and spoke in low tones.

"So what have they been talking about im Razeal by the way nice to meet you"

Razeal leaned back against the wall Razeal was realizing this nice dream in the asylum might become a nightmare.
Amber was too mad to care. She just crossed her legs, crossed her arms, and gritted her teeth. "Sometimes I wish I was creature of power not beauty. I hate being weak and unimportant. I do like being pretty though." She sighed. Looked into the force field at the ever so important conversation. "I'm going to go sharpen my horns.." she stormed out with a pout.

Once in her room she let down her poised graceful gard. "I hate it here!! And these people! She rammed her antlers into the bed putting numerous holes in it. She then proceeded to rip trim off the wall and snapping it over her antlers. She threw self onto the bed and held her head. "Calm down amber...calm...calm... calm down." She kept saying this until she was in a whisper. She lay and breathed in, out, in, and out. She stared at the ceiling. Was she going crazy? She felt bad that she left Razael. He seemed nice. She would say hi later.
"They are special." Sage said in awe. Without conciously realizing it, she added. "My father was a preist. He'd give anything to meet a real life angel.." She was mainly talking to herself but she said it loud enough for Khal to hear.
Khal sends some shadows into Amber's room. "You feeling ok? You releasing a lot of negative energy...," he speaks through the shadows. Khal is feeding on the energy slightly, but is still worried bout her well-being.

Back in Sage's room, he looks at Sage. "You may want to close your mouth, your drooling." Khal sighs. "Angels may be special, but they act like such stuck up kids that they ruin their....'perfection'." Khal begins to think that only Shade may be his friend, thanks to the angels being here too.
Amber had been holding her head and closing her eyes when she got the messeges through the shadows. She was kind of freaked out. She didn't know how it worked. She opened her eyes and her eyes were wide. It took her a while to find out what was going on. She sat ul and sighed. "Oh its you. Hi! Can you here me? How does this work!? Anyway... I'm ok... I guess. Zearo is such a... yeah! The other angels is quitenice though." She felt better that someone cared.
"Just speak and I will hear it through my shadows. It useful for keeping up on the activities around the house." Some shadows in her room form a fake Khal so it much more sane to speak. "Zaero does very little to earn people's friendship and respect. But you should still be wary of fallen angels, and that is coming from a demon." Fake Khal sits next to Amber.
Sage crossed her arms, a flash of anger sparking in her eyes. "Whatever. Mabey if you were an angel you'd feel differently."
(After this I'm getting off! Tired as hizzle. Lol)

Amber looked over at the fake person. "Why hello!" She said laughing. She wondered if she could hug him. "Your nice you know that?" She sighed. "I just wish people understood me better... how am I going to deal with these people? " she smiled. "Am I over reacting?" She answered her own question. "Sure I'm not..." she layer back and closed her eyes. "Can I have a hug?"
Khal holds up his hands in surrender, "I'm not here to fight you Sage. It just my opinion. Zaero after all has not really earned my respect. I only respect the keeper." He sighs and stares at the ground.

Fake Khal looks a little bewildered, "I don't know if a hug is possible, no one ever has asked or tried." Small smile, "And how I deal with them is I toy with them, or try to make friends and cheer them up." He looks at Amber, "I guess you could try to hug. I'll try to make shadows as solid as possible," the shadows seem to become less immaterial as the voice speaks.
Sage kept her arms crossed, the spark of anger fading a little but not completly. "Fine, let's talk about something other than angels then." She had no idea who Zaero was but could only assume he was one of the two angels she'd met here so far.
Razeal stood there a while wondering what just happened so he followed the girl after a few minutes of listening to the others in the lounge He went to the door he thought she went to the room he stood in front of and knocked lightly.

"Hi it's me Razeal....Hey listen im sorry if I had offended you if you're up to it we could talk."

razeal felt dumb if she was that mad at him she won't open up at all.
"What you want to talk about then?," he looks at her, trying to disspell the tension. He grabs a handful of shadows from behind him and starts to form them into something as he waits for her choice of subject.
Sage frowned slightly. She'd hoped that he would pick a subject to talk about. "Hmm.. Why are you here?"
"Do you mean here at the house? The mortals fear me so they put me in here. If you mean here in your room, then the answer is I am probably one of the most open people in this house. I don't want trouble, I just want some possible friends and to survive. " He makes the shadows into a vase and then the shadows turn into ice. Khal smiles, "Havn't done that type of transformation in a while."
Sage gave him a small smile. "I meant the house, but i'll keep that in mind." She watched the shadow as Khal manipulated it. "If you don't mind me asking, what else can you do?" She asked referring to the extent of his powers.
"In truth, I don't know actually. I usually don't use my powers past the most mundane parts." Khal looks at the vase. "Like I said, I only try to survive." He walks more to the middle of the room. Shadows are drawn towards me, wings appear from my back, eyes glow red. When it is done, Khal looks taller and much more evil. "This is what they fear. But it not what I live as," he returns to normal and sits back down.
Sage watched Khal as he changed and then went back to normal. "It's not that bad.." She muttered. In a louder voice, she said. "So, tell me about some of the others that are here, since you seem to have been here for a pretty long time."
"Marci is the witch with her own familiar, Rin and his companion I don't know much about, Zaero the archangel, you met the book keeper, we have a fallen angel I have not yet met, Angel the nymph. And I believe a butterfly girl." Khal smiles, "If you really want to know about them, I suggest you come out and come meet them. Most of them would be kind. Although you know my opinion about the angels."
Sage glanced out the door and looked up and down the hallway. "I guess i'll give 'meeting them' a shot." She looked back at Khal. "See you around, Khal." And with that she slipped out the door and bounded down the hallway in search of the others.

(I'll be leaving now, since it's around 1am my time)
"Good luck Sage." He disappears into shadows and replaces the fake Khal in Amber's room. "Now you can get a hug Amber," He laughs.
Zaero was prowling the hallways. Suddenly, there was a agonizing pain in Zaero's head. 'No, not now!' he thought. It seemed it would be happening anyway. He needed to warn somebody. Now.
Amber had heard the knock on the door. It was Razeal. She was going to answer the door but when she stood up, the real Khal was now in the room. She giggled and ran io to him, wrapping her delicate frame around his neck. She loved hugs. She rested her head on his chest feeling his pulse. After a second, she ofter her head and smiled at him. "Thank you..." she went to the door now. "Hi! Your the person from the lounge right?" She held her hand out. "I'm amber." She looked back to Khal. It probably looked weird for her to have a boy in her room and another one knocking. "We should go somewhere else." She looked at Khal. "Where would you like to go?"
Zaero stumbled through the hallways, his six wings destroying the corridors and walls. He fell down in front of Amber, Razeal, and Khal. "Razeal... It is happening. You know what to do." he said in a trembling voice. Then, the agony began again.

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