The Dark, Demented, and Twisted

Sage opened her eyes and got to her feet. "It's because of something that happened in the past, the reason I was sent to this.." She glanced around before countinuing. "" Sage looks at Shade. "I've never actually seen another supernatural, that wasn't the same species as myself. Is that your.. familiar? Or do they call it something different for demons?" She was really curious, as Khal could probably tell. "I haven't introduced myself. I'm Sage Gree-" She stopped in mid-sentence when someone else suddenly appeared.
Khal sends Zaero a message through some shadows, "Thanks for teleporting someone in on my business," in a annoyed tone. He looks at Sage, "Yes, Shade is my familiar. You can call me Khal." He does a mock bow at the new comer, "The guardian of the book I assume? I forgot your name." Khal puts a hand on Shade's muzzle, calming him since he is hissing at the new comer. "Would you like to get out Sage, or would you rather stay in here? Either way I would be interested in the story from your past."
Samyaza smiled at a young girl who sat in a chair across from him, he called to her, "Hey, you, girlie. Care to come here and say hi? You intrigue me slightly. And besides, the others aren't bothering me yet as I thought they would. Perhaps they haven't noticed me yet?" Yaza smiled again at the girl, and beckoned her to him. Half of what he said had more or less been thoughts he said aloud.
A voice called to Samyaza from a lounge chair on the other side of the room. "It has been quite some time, hasn't it Samyaza?" It was Zaero. He was sitting in the other chair, legs crossed, delicately sipping some tea. He placed the tea cup back onto the saucer on the table and slowly opened his striking emerald eyes. He gazed at Samyaza without showing any emotion, his wings spread high above him like towers.
"I'll stay." Sage said looking over at the newcomer. She glaned at Khal. "Mabey some other time." She wondered what they were talking about. In her past she'd read a little about supernaturals but most of those stories were human myths and couldn't be trusted as true or not.
"Oh Zaero! It has been so long, old friend," Yaza spoke, a grin on his face, "But please, just call me Yaza, or maybe Sam. Samyaza is so long. But regardless, you are always such a show-off with those wings of yours." He stretched his own for a moment, only two appearing, then he folded them back behind him. "Its too bad you and your brothers didn't come with when I led the watchers. Being a fallen angel is so much more fun. I am a general of sorts. Did you know some mortals even confuse me as Lucifer? How odd of them. Though, power-wise I am not too too far off from him." He smiled, thinking about 'the good old times' when he left Heaven.
"Yes, well, don't let deary Lucy hear you boasting about your power. He never took kindly to those who were superior to him. Perhaps that's why he never really took a liking to me." said Zaero. He blinked slowly, looking up at Samyaza to see if he understood the implications of what he just said. Then, he flashed a quick grin and resumed drinking his tea.
Amber smiled warmly. Someone who is less likely to set her off. She didn't want to get her hopes up with this one. She would just play it out as is. She stood up and walked over to him wearing her infamous smile. She held out a delicate hand. "Nice to meet you. I'm Amber. You are?" She twirled her hair around showing a softer more playful side. This man was gorgeous. He must of been a type angel. "I'm a forest nymph." She looked around at the others and back to him smiling. She had been smiling so much her cheeks had begun to hurt...
Khal looks at Sage, "You seem...confused. You don't know much about other species do you?" He sits in a chair that he moved to the corner, the shadows seeming to surround him like a blanket. "And we can leave when your good and ready," getting comfy in the chair. "Now, will you tell me the story, or must I be patient for you to trust me more?"
Samyaza shrugged, then continued speaking, "Well, I have begun to not care much what 'dear Lucy' thinks. I have never had the chance to pit my skills against him in battle, so I can only go off of the energy he puts off. Then again, you know him, always a show off. More than you are." He finished speaking rolling his eyes at remembering how much 'Lucy' likes to show off. He looked at the young forest nymph in front of him and smiled, shaking her hand and replying to her, "I am Samyaza, fallen angel who led the descent of angels from Heaven. It is nice to meet you." Samyaza's smile was fake, but a simple forest nymph wouldn't be able to tell the difference. He looked back to Zaero, and smirked, "Say, mister high and powerful, why are you here? I came because I got bored. But, you probably had better things to do. Right?"
Zaero glanced up at the intrusion. He saw that girl, Amber, the nymph. 'How moronic can one be? Greeting a fallen angel is simply beyond imbecilic. Unfortunately, I have business with Samyaza for the time being. That means the temporary removal of this obstacle.' he thought. He gave Amber a brief sidelong glance, but the glance was so condescending and cold that it stopped her in her tracks. Zaero flicked his hand, and Amber flew into a chair in a corner of the room, restrained by invisible chains, unable to speak. He regarded Samyaza and said in a mockingly exasperated voice, "Nymphs these days. What happened to the graceful creatures of the forest? Now, they've become promiscuous little things. Although, I suppose that is what you are all about. However, it was almost comically idiotic of her to interfere in angelic business. After all, not all of us mix business with pleasure, Yaza." He sipped his tea for a few moments. "Michael sent me here to observe. The others, as I am sure you are aware, are combating your master's forces." Zaero made sure to emphasize the word "master" to irk Samyaza. It didn't elicit any facial reactions, but Zaero felt the man's ego growl in protest. Fixing Samyaza with an almost disinterested gaze, he said, "Believe me. Had I been asked to follow Michael to Hell, we wouldn't be speaking in such a lounging manner. On the contrary, I'd almost certainly be standing over your smoking corpse." Suddenly, Zaero chuckled, but his eyes betrayed his serious nature. "But, enough of such things. This was to be a conversation between old friends, right?" he asked innocently, one delicate eyebrow raised in inquiry.
Amber was obviously surprised but really what he had done wasn't all that surprising. He was just throwing his power around. 'Just because baby Jesus sent him here' she thought. She wanted to tell him that she said hi to him because he said hi to her and regardless it was the nice thing to do. All she could do was cross her legs and roll her eyes, remaining as poised as possible. She was frankly offended at the nymph comment. 'I'm the most graceful one here.' She thought. It was also a slap in the face. She tries to be nice and she gets thrown into the corner. 'Maybe it doesn't matter with these people.
Samyaza stared at Amber as she was trapped in the chair, "Well... that wasn't very polite of you. I forgot how barbaric angels can be sometimes. All her and I were doing was talking. Pointless chit-chat." Samyaza pointed a hand at Amber and released the chains, but didn't move her. "Do not be so harsh to one so young Zaero. How was she to know not to talk to angels during business?" He unfurled his wings and brought one around, fiddling with the tip of it while speaking, "Master is such a strong word. I follow him to a point. Often times, he passes that point and I say no. And, Zaero really? You would be standing over my corpse even if I had not attacked? How shameless of you." Samyaza smiled at Zaero and sighed, "Ah, yes, old friends. I suppose so."
Amber was for once genuinely surprised at something. She figured Yaza would have kept her there. "Not all angels are bad I guess." She smiled and giggled at Yaza. "Thank you!" Amber decided not to move she didn't want to miss any of this. She did move to the other side of the room farther from Zearo.
"No, I do not. My father did what he thought was best by keeping me around others like me." Sage looked at Khal. "You'll have to wait then, I don't usually tell my entire past to those that i've just met." She glanced over at Raziel, then back at Khal. "What's this book that you had started speaking of?"
"Well, now that she has been informed, it seems she still intends to listen. May I suggest a compromise. I'll encase us in some cover. I have some important questions for you to answer." said Zaero, dropping all pretense of friendliness. He lowered the now-empty tea cup to its saucer. He then lay both his hands on his lap for a moment, until he carefully raised one hand and snapped, loud and clear. A cube outlined itself in the space surrounding the angel and the fallen angel, not including Amber. The cube began to fill itself in, creating a barrier incapable of being penetrated by someone with weak magic, such as a nymph.
"Ok then Zaero, some nice questions I hope? No violence necessary? I am not done playing here by any means, and, if conflict is reduced, it is better," Samyaza said, reaching out a hand to touch the barrier. His hand passed through without much difficulty, but he knew the nymph couldn't. He sighed and continued speaking, "Well, aren't you all business no fun? Well, get on with it, ask and maybe I will answer. However... what is that thing on your shoulder?" Samyaza pointed to Kiki. Kiki was clinging to his shoulder with a startled expression on her face. Zaero had moved around so much, so fast, and seemed to have forgotten about Kiki.

Outside Marci had calmed down and decided to go back inside, wondering where Kiki was. She looked at a large, clear-ish cube separating the room, and saw Kiki inside. Surprised she walked forward towards it, she could feel the intensity of the power that made it, and touched it out of curiosity and smiled. She couldn't hear anything that was going on inside it, but she could see that a new guy and Zaero were having a conversation. Poor Kiki looked terrified on his shoulder and she frowned.

Not entirely certain what she was doing, she pressed against the wall of the cube and her hands lit up and her eyes glowed. After a moment of pushing furiously, she popped through and fell into the cub, startled. She looked at Zaero with an apologetic smile, her eyes still glowing. Samyaza stared at the girl with curiosity in his eyes, she had broken through Zaero's barrier. Fairly impressive for a mortal.
"This thing would be that witch's familiar. In fact, her demonstration of power was quite fortuitous. I'm sure you're aware that the barrier I created was made to keep the nymph out. Therefore, here passing through wasn't an extraordinary feat. At the same time, for a witch of her age, it was fairly impressive. Even more so, due to the fact that she never received formal training." said Zaero with some interest. "I'm sure you can feel the memory spell on her. You remember Father, don't you. Yes, Father and his rules. A match made in Heaven, so to speak." Zaero smiled softly at his own pun. "But jokes aside, you know as well as I do that I can't remove the spell without consequences. Neither can any other creature, unless it wants an official heavenly order given to me for its end. However, you, having already rebelled, are trapped by no such parameters. Plus, you'll be glad to know, they've started to actually teach new angels how to counter your specific attacks, not that they could match you anyway. But, it is safe to say that your infamy in heaven won't be affected if you removed the memory spell." Zaero uncrossed his legs, dissipated the barrier, and began to slowly and regally walk out of the room. He stopped by Samyaza's chair. He continued to look forward out of the room and whispered something so that only Samyaza could hear. "Do not remove that memory seal. I ask that you modify it. Michael has sent me his will. All I ask of you is that instead of releasing her power, you further repress it. This human government is always monitoring us. Neither you nor I want our stay here to be spoiled by some senseless witch hunt and the ensuing experimentation. In return, your time here, with regards to myself, will be... uneventful." Saying this, Zaero continued out of the room, the door seemingly closing of its own accord, leaving Samyaza to restrain Amber and Kiki and do his work on Marci.
Samyaza sighed as Zaero walked past him. He looked at Amber, who by this time must be quite irritated with the situation. He then looked at Kiki, who was now next to Marci, nuzzling her. Finally his eyes rested on Marci, sensing the memory spell on her. He spoke to Zaero with his mind, Well, this spell is quite powerful. Any clue who did this? I don't really want to repress her powers. Heck, she doesn't know the extent of them yet. She has so much power stored, she could be at the level of an angel. Besides, since when do I follow your orders? Samyaza stood and walked over to Marci, who was still sitting on the floor, quite confused on what had happened. Samyaza put a hand lightly on the side of her face, debating on what to do. Kiki looked at the man and sniffed him, backing away from him afterwords. Isn't a little chaos fun anyways?
Outside the room, Zaero "heard" Samyaza "talk". He responded. 'The spell is powerful, yet not as strong as my brother's spells, or yours, for that matter. In any case, no, I don't have the faintest clue as to who cast the spell. I realize the witch's potential. However, that, in itself, is against nature itself. She was born a witch, but has the power of an angel. Although it is equivalent to a low-class cherub at best, the power is still unsuited to her body. Giving her a new form would unbalance the already precarious nature of the dimensions. I know you enjoy a little chaos, but messing with Lucy's plans means fearing both his retribution, as well as Father's. Even you can't claim to be able to withstand that. For the sake of your own survival, not that I care, repress her powers. Now.' he thought.
Samyaza chuckled, There is no way I am going to repress her powers. She was born like this. Thus it was meant to be. Perhaps she isn't just a simple witch? If you smell her scent, it has an undertone to it. Perhaps I should just do nothing, her powers will open themselves up soon anyhow.Out of curiosity he closed his eyes, his hand still against Marci's face. He poked at the core of her power and yelped loudly, pulling away from her with an annoyed grimace on his face. He 'spoke' again to Zaero, I cannot do what you wish regardless. It seems I misjudged her power. Even I cannot change it. He quickly appeared next to Zaero, rubbing his hand. Even though he hadn't physically touched it, there was a slight burn mark on his hand. "It isn't holy or anything, you know that. Nor is it dark. But it still hurt me. I haven't felt pain for a number of years now... hmph..."
Razeal still felt the evil presence but it seemed he had mistaken Khal for the feeling before he could finish the thought Khal was asking his name.

"Oh im sorry im Razeal nice to meet you finally even though I sense you're a dark creature im sensing no evil designs from you again sorry for the mistake"

He saw Khal with company and he realized he was a third wheel. He looked to the girl and said

"Hi im Razeal if you ever have any questions about anything feel free to ask."

Looking back as he was leaving he left some parting words.

"If you feel a sinister presence of a demon or maybe a fallen angel please let me know I may know this person and if it is who I think we all may be in danger."

at that Reazeal left feeling the presence get stronger as he tracked it.
"Sage, Razeal is the one who holds some book for his...lord." Khal had to spit the word out. "And I understand the caution with people you just meet."

He looks at Razeal, "I never really do anything with dark intentions unless needed. I just did what was natural so I could survive in this world." He shrugs. "Your evil presence is talking with Zaero right now. Amber and Marci are there too." Shadows tell Khal many things.

"So Sage, what shall we talk about?," trying to be polite and kind. "And sometimes, it is safer to stay near those of your own kind. But it can also be harmful."
"Well, that is unfortunate. However, I'm sure that the power was misplaced. You see, in case you didn't know, Father creates the vessels for the spirits. Then, Gabriel guides the spirits into their vessels. Therefore, the vessels are always correct, but Gabriel can, on occasion, mistakenly input the wrong soul, and thereby, the wrong power level. We all know how lackadaisical Gabriel can be on the job sometimes. Although, judging by your hand, I can tell that there is nothing more I can do. Regardless, I'll keep my promise. On a side note, the keeper of the Book of the Universe is around here somewhere. At his level, he won't trouble you. But, a warning, nonetheless. " With that, Zaero continued walking away from Samyaza. Perhaps some time to consider what he'd just heard would help. Either way, Zaero was sure of one thing: If someone didn't release the power within Marci, she'd pass the threshold for safety in a human vessel. She would be smitten, and it were to come to that, Zaero would be tasked with the execution due to his proximity to the target. He grimaced slightly at the thought, then shook it out of his head and continued walking away.

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