The Dark, Demented, and Twisted

Raziel laughed and pet the familiar the animal was cute and was no harm to him he had known for a while that familiars this detailed and permanent were an indication that the witch who summomned it was powerful indeed. However if Marci was as strong a magic user as he thought she hid it well or she might have forgotten. Raziel was a bit foggy he would have to reread the witch chapters again to learn more about Marci but she seemed sweet enough so why not be a friend? Raziel looked to Marci.

"Well it's true animals like me they like most angel's but I think they now they are safe with me you know animals are much more emotional then people since the way they communicate is limited in comparisan to us so I enjoy the feeling of a happy animal's emotions it's like the first sip of a new can of soda or something like that. By the way I get what you mean about Zaeros but many archangels are that way it's just the accidental destruction of roofs and walls are his trademark did you know in heaven there is a group of angels whose sole job is to fix buildings Zaeros has lept from on his way to a battle. Makes you wonder how such a powerful angel never used a door before he makes his own entrance."

Razeal was enjoying the feelings Marci put off happiness and kindness that he had not seen in a while in this world and he missed the feeling more people should be so happy he thought to himself.
Kiki purred at being pet then decided to speak, sitting on his shoulder, "So, my name is Kiki. Ever met a talking cat-thing before? I am the only one I know." Marci smiled at Kiki then looked at Raziel to speak, "That's actually really funny. Poor angels, and poor buildings! I don't know much about myself, besides that I am a witch. Elemental mostly, its my best ability. So... what exactly do you do?"
Being surprised is not a feeling Razeal gets often but thats exactly what he felt when kiki spoke to him. he smiled at the familiar

"No I can't say I have ever met a talking cat-thing and if there were more then one I might have noticed this information sooner but that being said it's nice to make you're aquantence kiki"

Razeal processed the information elemental magic huh? I thought those kind of witches were a dying breed. Razeal raised his book proudly told Marci.

"I am a prince angel keeper of thrones and guardian of the secrets of te universe this hefty blue book holds all knowledge known and yet to be discovered I know many peoples hopes and dreams because of this book and I have to decide which people discover new cures for dieseases and the newest invention people need or giving an artist the picture to draw to make a masterpiece. Or it can be simple things like finding where someone left their keys or how to make a baby laugh it's all here and my telepathy and empathy helps me judge who gets what knowledge"

saying it may seem like he loved this job but there was a few drawbacks to having all the secrets in the palm of his hand.
Valentina winced a bit when Zaero healed her, not expecting that at all. She thought he was just going to leave her like this.

Her blue eyes watched curiously as he put the door back on, and than walked away. Slowly, she stood up and padded towards the door, her wings spreading behind her. She swiftly kicked the door, making the bolts on it shatter. Even though she may looked fragile, she was pretty strong.

She lifted the door away, and threw it behind her, wincing at the loud noise it made. She walked out of the room, staring after Zaero to see if he had noticed she was out of the room. It didn't seem like he did, so she padded back around the corner, walking back towards Marci and Raziel.

She flashed them a shy smile, and than quickly looked down.

"I think I found my room.." She said to Raziel, trying not to interrupt there conversation. Once she noticed she had interrupted, she blushed a bit in embarrassment.

Zaero smirked mildly when Valentina broke out of her metal cage. "It's about time you got out. Really, that quality of metal could be broken by any mortal with any amount of reals strength. I suppose Raziel is right, I mean, how can he not be. We should go to someone's room and answer any questions we have. It would be easier that way."
Rin had found a quiet spot and he just sat on the ground where he was,not caring about anything else as long as it was quiet.Skit had fallen asleep on his shoulder as he walked and somehow didn't fall off the whole way.Rin crossed his arms as he leaned up against a wall and looked up,so much noise now a days it drove him nuts.He wondered what he will do later,he had no idea.Anything could happen so he just pushed that question aside and closed his eyes,once again falling asleep leaning against the wall.
Marci nodded, then spoke, "Well, whose room? Does it matter whose for that matter?" Kiki looked at Marci as she said this but stayed on Raziel's shoulder. Marci continued, "Speaking of your book though, out of curiousity, does it have anything on me? If so, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to, I am just curious." She went closer to Raziel's side and looked up at him for his opinion on what to do, and what his answer would be.
Valentina sighed, looking at the floor.

"I don't think I'm roomed with anyone.." She murmured, her blue eyes sparkling sadly. She saw Marci and Raziel chatting away, and she decided to leave them alone. She flashed them a sad look before wandering off, not bothering to say bye to the two of them.

Irritation poured into her, and she crossed her arms over her chest.

"That was annoying.." She muttered, trying not to get to angry. If she were to ever get infuriated, she would completely go insane. She would probably murder the guards if they got in her way. Sighing, she continued to walk down the hallway, wanting to explore the house.

After about 15 minutes, she had seen the whole house. She leaned against a dark wall behind her, staring at her feet. Truthfully, she didn't deserve to be here at all. It was just that one little incident that made her go here.

Shame showed in her bright blue eyes as she glanced at the floor.

"I'm sorry.." She murmured to no one in particular, a tear slipping down her cheek.
"You know, crying won't make them come back." Zaero said plainly, revealing himself from the shadows in which he had been hiding. "There are only a few beings capable of bringing someone back from the dead, and you're not one of them. Besides, even if you asked them, they most likely wouldn't do it." he said while moving to lean next to her on the wall. He tucked his wings behind his back and fell into place next to her.
Razeal noticed that upset Valentina leave and when Zaero left to he could put two and two together maybe a little tough love will break her from her funk. either way she was in good and wise hands so while that conversation was going on Razeal answered the question.

"Well of course there was information on you however I have to be very careful of what I reveal to any person concerning themselves or another person I hope you understand that if you have questions I might choose not to answer I hope you don't get offended"

Razeal was just a bit nervous with her so close not many people got close to Razeal because they felt exposed to him and him being still young being around her so closely made him a bit nervous but he liked it so he gave her a nervous smile
Marci frowned when Valentina left, and thought to herself, 'Did I upset her somehow?' She shook off that feeling and looked back at Raziel, who now had Kiki floating in front of him, pawing lightly at his nose. Kiki spoke again quietly, "Mister, why do you seem so uncomfortable?" Marci giggled at Kiki and Raziel, looking at him and speaking, "Well, I understand, I won't get offended. I was just wondering if it had anything about what I can do besides elemental stuff. Elemental is my natural ability." She stopped ant thought for a moment, then grabbed Raziel's hand and pulled him towards the back door, "Come on, I want to go outside." Once she got to the door she opened it and gasped, surprised, an insanely huge yard was outside, complete with a labyrinth, garden, open spaces, and a lot more.
Valentina jumped a little bit when Zaero appeared, making her immediately wipe the tear away. Her blue eyes looked up and stared at him for a moment, wondering why he had been hiding in the first place.

"I don't want them back from the dead.. They would only hurt me." She murmured, wincing a little bit as she remembered her father beating her with a broken beer bottle. She let out a long sigh, rubbing her arms slowly.

"I just wish I could take back what I did." She said in a more softer voice. Another tear appeared in her eyes, but she quickly wiped it away. A golden butterfly flew over to Zaero, fluttering in front of his face for a moment. It flew back to Valentina, landing on her finger gently.

"I know I probably shouldn't ask this.. But.. Why are you here? You seem to nice to be locked up in this asylum.." She said quietly, turning her gaze away from the glowing butterfly on her fingertip. She had always been curious about Zaero. She could see he was an angel of some sort, but she never knew why he was here.

Her golden wings spread out behind her, and she made sure the wings brushed against nothing. Her wings were very fragile, and could break easily. That's why she's always careful not to ruin them.
Razeals mind raced when kiki almost exposed his embarassment and even more embarrassing was when Marci pulled him oustside he almost forgot how alone they were when he saw the magnificent backyard. He remembered her question and flipped through the pages hurredly and nervously his mind racing the answers seemed to escape him. Untill he found her it was a picture of Marci soon in the future she was very pretty no beautiful and aparently she had great new powers and her elemental powers expanded further.

"Yes it seems as if you do get more powers I think you will be pleased with them just promise me you use them for good okay."

Razeal realized he was still holding her hand and was surprised how much he liked it.
Zaero answered without looking at her. "I am an archangel, second in command to Michael. My brother... he took me under his wing, no pun intended, and nurtured me. However, although he is great and mighty, he sent me here simply to observe while he commanded our other brothers in battle." A moment later, he continued, "For that, I am angry at him. But, perhaps an even more potent feeling, I am confused. Confused as to his plans, confused as to my purpose, and confused as to why my proximity to you creatures causing me to feel emotions such as confusion in the first place."
"Cool! I promise. I don't see why I wouldn't," Marci said, squeezing Raziel's hand before turning to him more, "Want to see what I can do?" Marci smiled big, she wanted to impress this nice angel. Kiki moved to the top of Raziel's head and laid there, purring. Marci giggled at her, and Kiki stuck out her tongue, saying, "What? I am comfortable up here. And he smells good." Kiki could sense things about people, but didn't often share them, in that way, Kiki was a lot like Raziel, and thusly, Kiki liked him.
Two men led Sage to her room. She didn't say a word or fight back against the men, since that would only make matters worse. She simply glanced around her, studying her surroundings. One of them roughly pushed her forward when she'd started lagging behind, almost making Sage fall forward. They shoved her inside her room and slammed the door, leaving her. "Looks like i'm alone.." Sage muttered, sighing.
Razeal laughed with kiki making his hair a bed it made him feel happy that the familiar liked him and his empathic mind told him that Marci did too this felt too good to be true even in heaven he was a loner since even angels had secrets and they felt they could not trust him. he could not help but be jealous of others who had friends and he had no luck untill now. he looked at her and smiled.

"Sure show me you're power Marci"

He moved closer to her smiling broadly thinking that maybe being sent here wwas not such a bad thing after all if he could see Marci more often and even though she would eventually have to move from her perch he liked kiki too. He just hoped he would not mess this up he was beginning to feel emotions that he thought he would never feel. But soon he felt another presence one alone and sad.

"You know Marci I think the house has another resident"
Kiki hopped down from Razeal's head into Marci's arms. Marci stayed close-ish to Razeal and said, "Ok. I will show you a little, then we can go see this new person." Marci decided to show him her control over light and dark as elements. Kiki hopped up on her shoulder, and made sure to help her focus. Marci closed her eyes for a moment, then opened them, staring at her hands. In one hand, a large ball of pure light appeared, in the other, pure darkness. She dropped her hands and the balls stayed floating, she looked up at Razeal and smiled, her eyes glowing. Focusing back on the balls she made them merge together, forming them into a yin-yang symbol. The symbol started spinning, and spun until the two orbs separated again. She made the orbs float to Razeal, offering them to him.
Zaero noticed Valentina's need to be alone. He decided to leave human emotions to the humans, and perhaps Razeal. "If you decide to speak, you have my permission to speak to me." he said to Valentina before he flew of to Razeal. He saw Marci demonstrating her powers and decided to play a trick on them. Razeal would probably recognize the powers of an archangel, but Marci wouldn't. He saw the orbs being offered to Razeal. He used his mind to direct the ball of light to hit Razeal squarely in the face, and not that gently mind you. He made the ball of darkness chase Kiki. Zaero felt Marci's magic try to wrestle with his mind for control of the balls. 'Ha, she's nowhere near strong enough to stop me. But, she is unusually powerful for a witch. Interesting.' He filed that thought away for a private conversation with Razeal. For now, he was having fun with Marci's balls.
Kiki hissed at the ball of darkness that began chasing her and it instantly disappeared, the other, however, still struck Razeal in the face. Marci, who had no clue what was going on, didn't have time to react, and any resistance was just natural. She stared in horror as the ball of light hit Razeal then dissipated. Immediately she started apologizing, "Oh my gosh! I am so sorry, I swear that wasn't me!" Kiki knew who had done it and glared directly at Zaero from afar. Kiki wasn't good at telepathic communication, but none the less she directed a thought to Zaero, Ha. Ha. Very funny. I DO hope you know that Marci here didn't really try to stop you. If she had, she might have maintained control a little longer, archangel or not. She has a talking familiar, do you really believe her to be so weak? Kiki huffed and regained her perch on top of Marci's head, curling into a ball. It was obvious the small animal was not amused.
Zaero reasoned if Kiki could send him a message, he could send one to Kiki. 'I know that she is powerful, abnormally so. I will be speaking Razeal about that. However, even at her full potential, there is only so much she could do against me, powerful witch or not. I was given complete mastery over light and darkness by the Lord himself, second only to... Michael.' He projected that last part with a twinge of jealousy. It wasn't menacing jealousy so much as the envy that occurs when you look up to someone and want to be recognized as their equal.
Kiki got the message, and sent another back in return, most familiars could speak telepathically, but not speak. Which is why she was a bit rusty at it. Well yes, Kiki began, not bothering to look at Zaero, You are an archangel after all. I understand that. I am just saying, do not underestimate her. Out of the blue, Kiki added, curious, Hey, can Razeal hear this coversation too? Or just us? I know Marci can't, it isn't directed at her. Kiki sighed and looked down at the still perplexed Marci, Kiki absolutely loved the girl, but, as of late she was a bit clueless. ​Hey, Zaero, know anything about memory loss?
'No, I elevated the frequency of this telepathic communication past his threshold. If it wasn't me doing this, you would have fried up in seconds. And to answer your other question, I do. How do you think angels remove knowledge of their presence from the minds of humans.' he sent back to Kiki.
Kiki's face twitched in annoyance, Ok. Then, can you maybe help Marci? She doesn't remember her past. I would say it was just amnesia, but it isn't something normal like that. Oh, and in that case, I am happy none of us here are normal humans. Kiki twitched her long fluffy tail and turned to look at Zaero. Not disturbing Marci, Kiki jumped off of her head and padded over to Zaero, then floated up to sit on his shoulder. "Oh, and, just to say, I don't think I would have fried up. But, thank you for your concern. Marci though, I don't know why and I don't know how, but she forgot her life. And you can probably sense it on her if you focus, whatever did it, it wasn't of the light."
"Yes, I can feel faint traces of a darker power on her. By the way, my power works on creatures other than humans. However, I don't have the authority to use it on anyone but the humans. Michael has the final say since Father never really concerns himself with small things like the minds of you creatures. I could, however, remove malicious memory spells from Marci's mind without Michael's permission. That is what you are asking, correct?" he said to the creature.

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