The Dark, Demented, and Twisted

Marci stood up after dropped, a little irked about being dropped in the first place. He made a slip about judgement and she sighed looking around at the others and deciding to cover for him, "Zaero, you really don't like the darker creatures do you? Talking about absolving and making threats... you are making people confused. I think you have heard too many stories." She looked at the newest girl, "Hello Raven, I am Marci. And as Zaero said, I think we should do something fun. Ease some tension. Do they have any board games here? Or maybe billiards?"
"Well, if it is your wish to play billiards, then..." Zaero crashed through the roof, again causing a gust of wind that shook the house and leaving golden-white feathers behind. A few seconds later, he was back... except now, he was holding a billiards table in one hand, complete with balls, and cues, and a stack of board games that was so tall it must have been defying the laws of physics in the other hand.
After Marci stands up, Khal appears next to her and asks, "Are you okay? It was not all that nice of him to drop you." Looking around at the group in the room,he says, "As to board games and billiards, i'm not sure that many people in here trust each other enough to try. I am not even sure if we have any games here." Khal shakes his head, slightly agitating Shade who hisses. "But if we did happen to share stories, we may be able to remove a bit of the tension and maybe trust each other more," he says as he pets Shade's scaly snout to calm him.

As he finishes speaking, Zaero appears with a billiards table after making a bigger mess. "Well I guess we do have a game now," Khal laughs a bit, "And i'm glad i'm not the one who has to clean up after him." Shakes his head at the dust on his clothes and he brushes it off with his hand.
Amber had become tired of sitting in an empty living room. She could hear other voices and a door shut. She was nervous to meet new people and to be here in the first place. She stood up and the nervousness caused her legs to shake like a baby deer. She walked down hallways. "Hello? Anyone here?" She continued to walk until she found what seemed to be the bedroom's. She walked far down the hallway to a room with an open door. It was empty so she figured it was ok to be hers. She entered, finding a simple room. She did not bring anything with her so there was no unpacking. Was there even food here?

She closed the door and left. She closed it so no one would go in. She walked back down the hall and to a new part of the house. She came to a room with an assortment of other creatures. She was relieved. "Hi. I'm Amber." She slowly walked into the room smiling to everyone, and catching her antler on the wall. Oops.
Setting down the billiards table, Zaero said, "There was a slight miscalculation on my part. Breaking out of this house and its force field required... a bigger show than I thought. So, if guards come running down the halls and bursting into this room, no one is to panic." Zaero noticed looks of apprehension, and he decided to quell that emotion then and there. Such feelings would only acts as hindrances. "I said, no one is to panic. Is that understood?" he asked. His voice was one of absolute authority, his tone indicating that any who disobey would be severely reprimanded.
Khal rolls his eyes. "Why didnt you just check the basement or other rooms for the table? We probly have one somewhere," he asks Zaero as he feeds on the little bit of negative feelings that was brought up by the hybrid's statement. Khal then looks at the table and says to the group, "Whose gonna play first?" As he waits for the answer, he turns to the new comer and greets her, "Hello Amber."
Zaero responded to Khal, "There was another table. However, unfortunately, it was crushed by the falling floor boards caused by the earlier explosion." Turing to the one known as Amber, he stared directly into her eyes and said, "It is my pleasure, Amber." He disregarded any feelings of discomfort from the others, and he continued to stare intensely into Amber's eyes. This was perhaps the first time his face had show emotion, definitely the first time during his stay at the house.
Khal looks around at the mess and is now able to pick out the shapes of some billiard balls, sticks, and the triangle. "Ah so there was. Ever think of making a much less destructive enterance, or is this the only choice?," he asks to Zaero's back before h realizes that Zaero is lost in Amber's eyes. "Hmm, what is going on here?," Khal asks himself, intrigued by the effect she has on him although she has just arrived, "This may become quite interesting from this point on."
Amber couldn't help but to turn red. She looked to the side trying to cover her embarrassment. She wasn't her self. What was with her? Did this guy like her? Amber smiled a tad. She was never looked at as an object of beauty. But humans don't really like girls with antlers either so ya. Would she like it here? "Hi... it is also my pleasure." She gathered her composure and sat up, looking back at him. She couldn't look away. It was kind of haunting.

She broke the tension and her gaze and turned to the others. "So what are your names?" She crossed her legs and smiled at everyone. "Ive never played billards. Is it fun?" She sort of liked how she could change the mood of a room and turn heads. At the same time she couldn't tell if it was negative or positive attention.
Mumbling something that sounded suspiciously like "... when I was as young as all of you, doors hadn't been invented...", Zaero continued to gaze into Amber's eyes. A moment later, his face returned to its passive state, his eyes losing their intensity and freezing back into the the emotionless orbs they were before. "That will be all. I have gotten what I need." Zaero turned around, spreading his wings as he did so. However, now, unlike the earlier occurrances, he also began to glow a bright white that increased in intensity with each passing second. However, a voice that was loud boomed down from the ceiling, almost as if Heaven itself were speaking. "Not now, Zaero. Your time there is not finished. I will call you back when it is time, my dearest brother." The voice faded away, but the reverberations continued to echo around the room. The voice was unearthly, as if it was perfectly attuned to nature yet separate from it all. Zaero folded his wings back, his glow diminishing back down to the small aura he constantly emitted. "Damn, Michael. Why must you treat me so. The most mundane of jobs, while my other brothers fight the glorious fight in His name. Well, I always trust you, I suppose..." he mumbled. He stared straight up at the ceiling, lost in thought.
Marci moved nearer to Khal as everything was going on, Kiki following her closely, floating by her head. When the voice rang out, Marci nodded and mumbled to Kiki, "Ah... that is what he was lying about. Well, no denying it now." She looked at him and sighed, then looked around, making sure no asylum workers were around. She looked back to him and Kiki spoke this time, "Zaero, why not you tell them now what you are? Marci and I know. You smell of what you are... But that's just me." She licked her paw and perched on Marci's shoulder.
Amber grew a concerned look on her face. "What he really is? What's that?" Her heart sunk. She hoped that this man would have nothing to hide. It's depressing to know that someone stares at you dreamily for the first time and then someone calls that person out. "What is he?" She stood up and went over to Marco and Kiki. "I'm Amber. You are?"

She went over to the billards table. "Isn't this also called pool?" She asked excitedly. "Someone play with me! Well... someone teach my how to play. Don't you hit the balls into the corner things?" Amber grabbed a stick. "Come on... I don't bite... often." She laughed. "We can get to know each other over pool! We're going to be here for a while I'm sure!"
Skit had waited outside in his bunny form outside his and Rin's room for a while,he never planned on going to see what was up in the other room.He planned on just pretending to until it was okay to say he had waited long enough and then go back to sleep since that's what they normally always did.Him and Rin never spoke or messed with anyone else here,they didn't want to since they really didn't like people.After about ten minutes Skit slipped back into the room and hopped up on the bed,staring at Rin who had already fell asleep with his face buried into the pillow and his arms wrapped around it.Skit hopped up into Rin's back and curled into a ball,falling asleep in no time.
Khal smiles at Zaero as the voice speaks and he watches Marci move a little closer to him. "Guess the secret is out now, my avian friend, wouldn't you say?," he asks with a bit of mirth. Khal then looks over at Marci as Amber moves to the billiard table. "What do you plan on doing now Marci?," Khal asks.

Waiting for an answer, he watches the people in the room, wondering who will step up to play pool with Amber. He also laughs at the comments that Amber is making in hopes to make some friends with the people in the room.

At same time, he keeps an eye on the statue that is Zaero. "How long do you plan to stay there?," Khal asks.
"There is no secret!" Zaero said without emotion. He then left the room. However, instead of flying, the others watched as pure darkness enveloped Zaero. A bright flash of light was emitted, and when the light dimmed, Zaero was gone.
Ambers head cocked to the side. "That boy puzzles me. What's up with him? Someone tell me! Someone finally stares at me with a bit of interest and the guy turns out to be on the stranger side!" She shook her head and smiled. She had let that go to her head and she knew it. "Seriously though, I'd love to get to know you all. Tell me about yourselves. Ill start. My name is Amber Audaudry, I'm a forest nymph, I'm way to thin, have antlers, and humans hate me! See how easy that was? Who's next?" She take her stick and randomly hits a ball on the table. Sadly it wasn't the white ball, she didn't hit it right, and it didn't go into the pocket.

She frowned. "I'm not to good at this." She hoped up on the side of the table and looked at everyone. Is there anyone else here I don't know about? Do we have assigned rooms? Sorry I have so many questions. I'm usually more reserved. In fact... why are we all here!?"
Marci looked at where Zaero was, "Rage quit much...?" She said jokingly, a little worried if they had actually bothered him. "Well... I guess there is no secret then... He made it well enough known." Marci sighed and walked even closer to Khal, "To answer your question, I don't know. What are you anyways?" She tilted her head and looked at him, curious, but her mind was all over the place. Kiki looked at Amber and mewed, floating over to her and resting on her head.
"I am a shadow demon," he answers, loud enough that Amber can hear too. To demonstrate, Khal's eyes turn pitch black, his wings reveal themselves, and shadows seem to radiate off of his body. Almost as soon as it happened, he turns back to normal. "And I would have to say that he is not one to used to having emotions or not getting what he wants in the end," Khal muses out loud. Khal then focuses on Marci completely as Shade jumps onto her shoulder. "Seems my familiar has taken a liking to you. He NEVER goes on someone else's shoulder," he informs her.
"He is a demon." said Zaero directly into Marci's ear. "I have decided that I won't tell you my secret. However, you may each ask me a question, other than what am I, and I will answer truthfully. Any one of you may begin." His face remained motionless, his stony demeanor revealing nothing. He waited for the first question.
Once again Rin was woke up by noise coming from nest door,he growled when he shot up again and sent Skit flipping off into the floor again since now he was still in bunny form.He landed hard on his butt but was too tired to care as he flopped forward on his stomach on the floor and fell asleep again,Rin on the other hand got out of bed and only having black cargo jeans on he swung his door open very irritated at the time.He stepped out and looked around,what was with all this noise?After he swung the door open Skit had woken up again and letting out a small sigh he hopped up and went to Rin,hopping up onto his shoulder and looked around as well.
Marci jumped, "You disappear and reappear a lot! It isn't very nice to do that to people. I know he is a demon, he just said so. As for a question, how about what is your brother?" Marci smirked, petting Shade. "That isn't asking what you​ are."
"Yes I am a demon. But I don't hide what I am from people, especially one that I think could be friends or I will be living with for a long time," Khal says in reply to Zaero.

To Amber he says, "Room 213 is where I live in this place."
Marci rolled her eyes, "Well played, though, it doesn't matter to me. Kiki and I already know what you are, you made it really obvious. Plus, Kiki can smell it, just like she could smell demon on Khal. You feel like you need to hide it, yet we are probably some of the few who wouldn't care." She looked down and thought for a moment, then turned to face him, "I won't blurt it out though if you aren't ok with it."

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