The Dark, Demented, and Twisted

Amber giggled as Kiki landed on her head. "The antlers make a good seat, yes?" Amber crosses her legs again a peers at everyone. "Why must you all be so secretive. Maybe its just because I'm a light happy forest nymph but you all are so dismal. No ones shared anything yet! I would really live it if someone taught me how to play pool."

Amber hoped off the table slowly walking to zaero. Her long eerie legs crossing as she inches toward him. She was an inch from his face. She squinted and grinned. "What are you hiding? Why were you staring at me like that earlier?" She lifted her long finger up to her mouth and pondered at him. "Its not nice to keep secrets." Her voice had become eerie. The sensual nymph was coming out of her.
Khal shakes his head at Amber. "I guess all my sharing has been completely ignored. Then again, she seems to be rather occupied with Zaero," he thinks, rather bemused. "Hey Zaero, you might as well tell Amber everything. She doesn't seem the type to let go of her goal once she sets out for it. And right now that seems finding things out about you my avian friend," Khal says to his polar opposite. He smiles big as he watches her try to seduce him to reveal all his secrets. Khal then turns away and focuses on Marci again. "So, what shall we do or talk about?," he asks her.
"I am an angel. Nothing more, nothing less." he stated plainly. Zaero saw Kiki hiss, but his glare sent the message, 'I didn't lie, I simply didn't tell the whole truth. Hopefully, no one else saw Kiki's little incident.
Khal notices the hiss but does not act on it, just keeps it for later use. "I don't forget much my avian friend," he mumbles to himself.
"Close enough," Kiki said after she hissed at his half-lie. Marci nodded at Zaero in agreement. "Well, that's what I would have said. It is close enough for me," Marci said, shruging. Kiki floated back to Marci and she pet the familiar to calm her down.
Ambers sensual feel dissipates and turns into anger. Her hands go to her hips and her eyes are now daggers. "I'm not sure what the big deal is.... just tell me!" She realized that her anger will get her no where. Her mood softens but she still has an iron grip. "Could you at least tell me why you looked at me like that!? Why are men so difficult! Especially the creepy mythical creatures..."

Amber slowly turned around and walked back to the table, exaggerating her long legs and hip movement. She reached the table sat back on it and glared at him. "If you don't want yo tell me...fine. just expect a living hell for the rest of your stay with lovely me..."
For the first time, Zaero felt enraged. His carefully created mask broke, and behind its pieces lay the wrath of an angel. "Do not mock my, nymph. Your "seduction" is useless to me. I am Zaero, Archangel of the Lord, Second In Command of Heaven's Army, and the embodiment of The Divine Wrath of God. Michael, my brother, sent me here to observe you, and only that. I have the power to free you, but I won't. I could give you enough power to overthrow the humans, but I won't. That is not His will, it is not Michael's will, and thus, it is not my will. I have not come to create bonds with you, nor am I remotely interested by any of you. My brothers, Gabriel, Raphael, the other angels... Michael is commanding them against dear brother Lucifer's forces. And me... the archangel second only to Michael himself... I was told to report here and observe?!?" He said that last line with a frightening sneer. "I adore Michael, and I would follow him to the Hell and back, just as I have millions of times. But do not confuse yourselves, mortals. I do this not for you, but for Michael." With those lines, Zaero proceeded to the lone chair facing the fire place, steepled his fingers, and resumed his icy facade, staring intensely into the flames.
Valentina's eyes slowly opened as two strong hands wrapped around her arms, dragging her out of the black car.

"Come on, butterfly girl.." One of the men snapped when she stumbled a bit in her tracks. Fear flooded into her gaze, holding her breath as if she were afraid they were going to hurt her for breathing.

"Please.. Let go of me.. You're hurting my arms." She murmured in a soft tone, trying to tug her arm away. The hands on her arms suddenly tightened even more, and she cringed in pain.

"Shut it." The man growled to her, stepping into the dark house that lay ahead.

The men holding her arms slammed her against the wall in the hallway, making her shiver in pain.

"Hope you can find your room okay. Stupid brat." They snarled to her, chuckling to themselves as they left her alone in the hallway. She rubbed her arms, standing up on shaky legs and making sure the delicate wings on her back were not damaged.

Once she saw that they weren't broken at all, she took slow steps down the hallway, looking in each direction to see if someone could help her. She saw a group of people chatting with each other, but she quickly looked down. There was a dark bruise on her shoulder from where she had been slammed into the wall, and she winced when she prodded it gently.

She stared at the group for a moment, her blue eyes studying them carefully. When one of them glanced at her, she immediately looked away.

"Um.. Excuse me?.." She asked them in a shy voice, her blue eyes looking a little bit nervous.

"I'm a little lost.. The people who took me here didn't really tell me where to go." She touched the bruise on her shoulder, wincing again.
Marci smirked at Zaero's outburst, "Wow, stony faced man has emotions. But, seriously, was that so hard to admit? Archangel Zaero. Has a nice ring to it, it really does." She walked up to where he sat, speaking quieter so it was more to him than anyone else, "Your brother Micheal, he sounds like a smart guy, a nice guy. I can only guess you look up to him. Don't you think there is a good reason you are here? Somehow, I don't think your brother would be so mean as to bore you purposefully." Marci smiled softly at Zaero after she was done speaking, waiting for some response.

Kiki floated over to the new girl and stayed, hovering in front of her. "I'm Kiki, and I am not too surprised they weren't nice to you," Kiki said, smiling. Kiki wondered for a moment if the fact a floating, talking, cat-thing was talking to her would bother the girl.
Zaero responded with a simple "Hn." He continued to look into the fire. Suddenly, he turned to face Marci. His faces was inches away, and he was staring deep into her eyes. He took her hand and put it on his hear, and he put his hand on hers. "Do you feel the beat of your hear? I have no heartbeat. I have a gentle thrum in my body, a signal of the presence of my Grace, given to me by the Lord. He created us all to be guardians, and now fighters, for the good of all creation. Emotions, feelings... these are all phenomena of the heart. Tell me, why do experience these when I don't have a heart?" he said, all the while leaning closer until he was centimeters away from Marci's lips.
Khal justs shrugs at being ignored and decides it is time to go for a walk. "Good bye to you all. See you later," he says as he boys. In the next moment, shadows surround his body and when they clear, Khal is gone. He reappears in one of the hallways of the house, where he notices someone sticking his head out of a doorway. "Well hello there Rin, I thought you would have been sleeping." Khal walks up to Rin as he waits for a response.
Raziel was pushed along the corridor the guard snarled at him "Move faster book boy" The guard shoved again laughing, Raziel was not impressed having the knowledge of the book of the secrets of the universe was helpful at making thugs look dumb. Raziel looked back at him once they stopped next to a girl with butterflies all around her and said to the guard. "Well at least im not a grown man who wets the bed " at that the guard scowled and left before giving a final shove

He looked at the girl who just asked a question and said "Hi im Raziel even though I have never been here before I know the room you're looking for my book here has all the secrets of the universe so that little tidbit I can help with shall I show you there?"

Raziel smiled and held his hand out to shake her hand holding his book in the other. He decided he would introduce himself to the rest of the group after showing her the room besides he could feel her fear and nervousness and he always hated to feel other peoples negative emotions in his head so more often then not he helped people out and he rather liked being the good samaritan.
Marci froze and felt the thrum Zaero talked about. She felt like she was going to explode when he got close to her lips, but forced herself to stay focused on his eyes, which she looked into as she spoke, "He created man in his image... He probably did the same with angels, just... with some differences. Emotions don't come from the heart though, they come from the soul. He created you, so, why question it? And why fight against your emotions? Why hide them?" Marci's voice got quieter and quieter as she continued speaking, staring into his eyes the whole time.
Valentina looked towards the boy that now stood behind her, watching him hold his hand out to her.

"I'm Valentina.. It's nice to meet you, Raziel." She murmured, stretching out her arm and shaking his hand slowly. A faint blush appeared on her cheeks, and she spread her long butterfly wings behind her as a sign of nervousness. Seeing that her wings were suddenly out instead of folded neatly behind her back, she looked down in embarrassment. Quickly, she folded her wings behind her and let go of Raziel's hand.

"Yes.. I'm afraid the I can't find my room.. The people who took me in here weren't nice enough to show me." She said in a soft tone, flashing him a small smile. She looked behind her at the group, sighing, and than looking back to him with curious blue eyes.

A golden butterfly landed on his nose, and she quickly shooed it away.

"Sorry.. They like to follow me around." She said, the golden antennae on her head twitching. She was a bit surprised Raziel hadn't noticed she was part butterfly yet.
Suddenly, Zaero leaned back. "There is one who know the answer to that question. And he is close at hand!" he exclaimed. In a blink, he was gone, leaving a slight rustling of the wind as the sign of his passage. He reappeared next to Raziel. "Raziel, what are you doing her?!?" he exclaimed with perhaps the first genuine smile of his in a long time. When Michael had taken Zaero under his tutelage, Zaero had studied with Raziel. They had become great friends, but they'd been separated for many millenia due to Michael's plans for Zaero and Raziel's duties as Keeper of the Book of the Universe.
Amber couldn't help but to raise eyebrows. She felt like the only sane one except for the cute little butterfly girl who just walked in. Amber would say hi to her later. She had other things to deal with. She just flat out glared at zearo. "Its funny how much you talk of the lord and divine power when you cant stop gazing into women's eyes. Not very God like." She chuckled. She didn't want to deal with the emotionless divine right. She walked up to the butterfly girl and book boy. "Hello. I'm Amber." She nodded and proceded to her room.

On the way she noticed Rin. He was the one closing the doors. Maybe him and his master were some what sane. She made a mental note to talk to them once they were out and about. Amber decided to go out back with the permission of the gard. The fresh air was nice. The gardens were even better. Nature, where she belonged.
Raziel raised his eyebrow at Zaero once he appeared before him demanding to know how he got here.

"Well archangel Zaero you know I spend most of my time on earth giving ideas to help better mankind well the government caught on and trapt me demanding the book and as you know I was given this book by the lord himself no way can this holy tome be touched by mortals so they confined me here untill I give it up so I will be here a while."

Raziel had remembered Zaero although they were more aquanted then friend since Zaero studied war briefly with him and Raziel never liked to reveal secrets concerning war but the lord and archangel Micheal commanded so he gladly revealed the knowedge. Raziel smiled and ask Zaero

"Why would you agree to do such a mission Zaero I would think archangel Micheal would send a subordinate instead of an Archangel but I promise to keep you're secret."

at that he looked to Valentina and smiled

"Ready to see your room there is no need to be scared here nobody is out to get you."
"Well, you know Michael. Always has a grand plan. I swear, Father must created him with an extra something. Anyway, I was sent to observe. The others are fighting dear Lucy and his army. Once I'm done with my assignment, I'm reporting back to Heaven, and then it's straight to Hell for me. I can drop you off. Just as soon as Michael gives the go ahead." He paused. "Yeah... so, basically, we're going to be here a while." he said with a chuckle. "Let me accompany you and this young lady. I... had to relieve a little tension before, so it's best I stay out of the others' ways for a little while."
Marci came over to where Zaero was now, an annoyed smile on her face. Kiki came up and sat on Marci's head as Marci walked. "Hello there you two," she said with a smile, "All these new faces in such a short time. I hope we can all be friends with each other." She looked at the butterfly girl with a soft, knowing look, wanting to comfort the girl.
Valentina looked up once Zaero and Marci came over. Shyness crept into her mind, and she took a step back. She bumped into someone from behind, and she looked up. A guard stood behind her, a blank expression on his face.

"Valentina Jacobs. You're coming with me." He said sternly, grabbing the arm that had a bruise on it and dragging her down the hallway. She suddenly ripped her arm away, widening her eyes when she realized what she had done. The guard whipped around, staring her down angrily.

"I highly recommend you don't refuse." He snapped, grabbing her arm again, but she didn't let him.

"No.." She murmured quietly.

Immediately, the man rose a hand, and slapped her hard across the face. She stood completely still, the sting from the slap causing her eyes to widen. She wasn't expecting that at all. He grabbed her arm again, and this time, she didn't refuse. She looked behind her at Raziel, Marci, and Zaero, a miserable look in her gaze.

"I'm sorry.." She mouthed to them as the guard dragged her around the corner and opened a door with metal bars. It almost looked like a prison.

Forcefully, he shoved her in, causing her to collapse to her hands and knees.

"You're staying in this cell for a while. You are to dangerous to be hanging around with others." He spat to her, marching away down the hallway.

She stood up slowly, walking towards the door and wrapping her hands around the bars.

"Why is this happening to me?" She murmured quietly, staring outside the bars at the empty wall in front of her.
Zaero watched with amusement. He didn't want to fight the guard, for the guard's own sake, but he decided to help the girl since she seemed so scared. He followed the guards, manipulating the light to mask his presence. Once the guard had left, he walked up to the metal doors and lazily ripped it off with one hand. "Really, you'd think they'd account for the strength of angels since they put one in here." he said with fake exasperation.
"Please.. Don't help me.." She murmured, backing away from the door. She sat down on the cold stone floor, hugging her knees to her chest and being careful not to damage her wings. She didn't want anybody to get hurt because of her.

"The guard is right.. I deserve to be locked up." She said in a soft tone, holding out a finger and watching a beautiful golden butterfly land on it. After a few moments, the butterfly flew away, landing on the floor next to her.

She glanced up to Zaero, quickly looking down as her shyness got the best of her.

"I'm alright.. Really." She whispered in a reassuring tone, her hand sliding onto her cheek where the guard had slapped her. It still stung pretty badly..

Sighing, she leaned her head against the wall behind her, staring up at the dark ceiling. She still regretted what she had done to her parents.. Hurting them like that. She could still remember the looks on the faces when she grabbed a rusty cleaver out of the kitchen and began walking towards them. They were terrified.. And it was all her fault.
Raziel smiled at Marci she was sweet and had a kind disposition it felt good in his empathic mind like eating sugary candy he stopped and faced her. "Hi im Razeal nice to meet you and don't worry we should all get along fine I am a different sort of angel then Zaero guardians of knowledge like myself are not warriors so you will find out we are much different warriors spend millenia disciplining themselves to surpress human emotion while angels like myself are encouraged to feel humanity's emotional up's and down's"

At the same time he talked to Marci he telepathically sent to zaero "Don't worry about taking me home im where I need to be I can reach you anytime this way and don't be so eager to leave you may have a purpose that you don't yet know about the father works in mysterious way's even to me".

Razeal looked to Marci and asked "How about the four of us take her to her room we can talk about angels and such you probably have many questions and even though im much younger and less wisened then Zaeros here I am the man with the knowledge." But before Razeal could finish the guard came and took Valentina and roughed her up Razeal sent telepathically to Zaeros not to harm the man "It's Valentina's cross to bear for now" Razeal could not help but scowl at the guard he really did not have to hit her like that.
"I went through the trouble of flexing my fingers to open this cage, and you don't want to be saved? I suppose that is your prerogative, not mine. At the very least allow me to heal you." He knelt down and lightly brushed his hand over the part of Valentina's cheek that had been hit by the guard, emitting a warm white light. "There. You are now free to wallow in you self-pity without added pain. You're welcome." Zaero picked up the metal door and put it back into its slot. Since he had broken the hinges, he grabbed the sides of the door frame and mashed them together with the sides of the actual door. The metal moved like putty under his divine strength.
Marci nodded at Raziel, "That is nice to know, I can't tell what Zaero is ever thinking. One moment very close, the next disappears. It can be... fun," Marci spoke with annoyance still in her voice. She watched as the guard took Valentina, and winced as the girl's cheek was struck. "Poor girl..." She said softly, looking back at Raziel. Kiki had floated over to him and was on his shoulder, nuzzling his face. "Wow... Kiki likes you a lot," Marci said, giggling a little as Kiki purred. Kiki was oblivious to what was going on around her, she just really liked this man's vibe.

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