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Fantasy The Crystal Empire (Always Open)

Kilala is speechless....she don't know what to say....a sudden confession.....her heart staty to beat so fast as her face have gotten redder. "Valor.....I......I......" She going to tell him as she suddenly got a call from one of the maid.

"Hey, Miss Kilala, we need you to go back and finishes you're work!!" she said.

"C-Coming...." She look back at him. " I gotta go...." She quickly left.
The General still remained in his bored expression,

"You know those are meant to be the King's best men? I have led untrained recruits with better skill than what they seem to have."

The General would run his right hand down the armrest of the throne as he sighs,

"Yes, I wish to speak with you. Please feel free to take a seat."

@Alaster Von Grim
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Valor sign "are u going to come back?" He ask as he face her direction on were she was going as he sign. Maybe it was a bad idea on telling hsr his true feeling and what if she dont love him back and never come back?. He just hope she will.

Samiel vanished and the room darkened as the guards were dragged into the shadows

"As I thought you are a traitor"

Samiels voice echoed from every corner of the room

"Your loyal to that egotistical false king valori"

Kilala didn't hear him saying as she went baxk to work.

That night, she laying on her bed, thinking about Valor feelings. "Valor.....do you really love me?" She say that as she signs.

@Astaroth Suzumiya
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Valor was walking outside the palace Garden as he sign and lean into rhe grass "i love her but i dont know what to do nor how to impress her at something she like. His shadow told him to guve her flowers "but there are so many different flower in the whole univers and how would i know if she like it." He said as he face the sky and use his magic to make some fireflys light the garden.

The General would close his eyes, "Oh Gods be you are annoying... When are you going to sit down?"

The General would open his eyes to find the room darkened and would cringe,

"You know it would sort of help both of us if you were to not kill the newly appointed Lionsguard. I know they may not have the armour but they are apparently meant to be good soldiers."

@Alaster Von Grim
Astaroth Suzumiya]Valor was walking outside the palace Garden as he sign and lean into rhe grass "i love her but i dont know what to do nor how to impress her at something she like. His shadow told him to guve her flowers "but there are so many different flower in the whole univers and how would i know if she like it." He said as he face the sky and use his magic to make some fireflys light the garden. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/21680-jessbeth/ said:
As Kilala is about to close her eyes, when she see a little firefly light on her nose. Surprisingly to see it as she thought of taking it outside. Wakling with bare foot and headed to th the palace garden, she let the firefly go.
Samiel appeared siting on the table with his legs crossed

"Make this quick boy, there's a beautiful woman I'd like to get back to"

He said as the room brightened showing the guards knocked out but still alive

The General would smile,

"Oh trust me, I could not waste your time more than you are wasting mine. I assume you want the Queen to lead this Empire after the assassination of King Valori, no? I also trust your love is well-founded in her. Quite the coincidence that, would you not say? Remember, you are in my Citadel, and you are a guest at best. Get off my House's table."

Two Lionsguard would watch and listen to their exchange from the gallery on top of the fireplace at the back of the room behind the throne. The throne would be elevated and further back from the main dark oak table, which would stretch across the hall to accommodate for at least twenty-one others.

@Alaster Von Grim
"We could be in a back alley for all I care"

Samiel said as he spread his luxurious black wings

"If you think you can intimate or order me around you are sorely mistaken, tell me what you want or shut your insignificant mouth and I'll be on my way"

He said as he smiled peacefully

The General would sit up, staring into Samiel's eyes,

"If you believe I brought you here to intimidate you, then you are more of a child than I. If you think for a moment that I would not have ears in my family's long established Citadel then you are a fool; Even with the benefit of the doubt that you merely find this all to be some big joke, a ploy to you, then why would I ever give my support to a future King who cares not for its people more so than his own entertainment? You are making yourself sound like a psychopath - and perhaps you are one. In which case, if you agree to this then you may go, however the Queen cares for her subjects, and I care for my Empire. Do you think you can come here and treat our lives as nothing? How would that improve anything from our current plight?! If I am destined to be but a footnote in history, then I shall be the footnote that will remain unrecorded in my deeds of caring for this Empire to make sure psychopaths like you do not have power over this my home and these my brothers."

@Alaster Von Grim

((brb dinner))
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