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Fandom The Corrupted [Pokemon Gijinka]

Corali looked at the young man as she approached. He seemed somewhat nervous, and he stuttered, too. "Are you alright?" She asked, frowning slightly. She looked around, expecting to see other people nearby. "Are you traveling alone? I don't see anyone else..." These were dangerous times to travel alone. The only reasons she could get away with it was because for one thing, she was a legendary, and for another, she could blend in with the shadows to hide if necessary. She then shook her head. "Never mind. It's not my business, is it? My name is Corali."

@Du Pain
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Antheia winced at the loud crack that was heard, and stepped forward, more, reaching out a hand. She spotted the Skarmory's gaze from the corner of her eye, and she froze, her hand shooting back to her side as she glanced helplessly at her brother for help.

Aero was matching the Skarmory's glare to point, and he reached for his sister's hand and gave her a squeeze to comfort her, his eyes still on the winged gijinka. Antheia blew out a breath and put on a kind smile as she heard the boy ramble about all his skills, finding him a nice change to the angry pokémon they usually found. She was about to speak when she heard the low hiss of the boy's name from the Skarmory's mouth, and she flinched evidently.

C'mon, Annie, you can do it. Vera's voice whispered in her head, and Antheia sighed, and spoke up. "The map, would be good, yes." The relief was genuinex yes, and she squeezed Aero's hand again. Her brother's eyes narrowed on the Skarmory once more, and he told the boy coldly, "Call off your friend." Antheia made an irritated noise at his rudeness, but said nothing more.

Giovonni noticed his follower was no longer on the ground. He just grunted and decided enough of the games. He grabbed one of the trees. "Enough of your crap kid. Either show up or I'll take you down with this here pine." He grunted as he uprooted the large tree and looked toward where he felt the strange presence. It was aggravating having someone tail you. It was cowardly.

Anton blinked a few times, not too sure what to say. He knew that it was dangerous to be alone, but he always figured it wouldn't matter if he stayed in a place he knew well. This was the first time he had encountered anyone on the mountain in a long while, not since his roommate ditched him for who knows what reason. Of course he had seen other people in town, but never at Mount Coronet. Then again, it was a big area...

"I'm Anton," He replied, a little less nervous. This lady, Corali... She seemed nice enough, so there probably wasn't anything to worry about for the moment. Yeah, it was probably his instincts making him worry too much again. "I live around here at the base of the mountain, and um, yeah, I've been by myself for a little while." He explained, not explaining the details as to why he was alone.

"Are you, uh, heading to Hearthome or someplace around there?" Anton asked, knowing that this specific path split, where one way—the more popular way—led to Hearthome, and the other lead to Solaceon.

Kiroshiven said:
Giovonni noticed his follower was no longer on the ground. He just grunted and decided enough of the games. He grabbed one of the trees. "Enough of your crap kid. Either show up or I'll take you down with this here pine." He grunted as he uprooted the large tree and looked toward where he felt the strange presence. It was aggravating having someone tail you. It was cowardly.
"Now now, there's no need for violence right now" The voice came from the tree directly behind the man swinging the tree. A young man jumped down from the branches of the tree, landing gracefully on he underbrush. He looked to be no more than 17 or 18, and he had bright blond hair with a pink streak. "I mean you no harm. I only was following you out of idle curiosity, nothing more" He said as he walked slowly over to the man. His voice was smooth, calm, and collected. "I simply had nothing better to do"
Rhodus said:
"Now now, there's no need for violence right now" The voice came from the tree directly behind the man swinging the tree. A young man jumped down from the branches of the tree, landing gracefully on he underbrush. He looked to be no more than 17 or 18, and he had bright blond hair with a pink streak. "I mean you no harm. I only was following you out of idle curiosity, nothing more" He said as he walked slowly over to the man. His voice was smooth, calm, and collected. "I simply had nothing better to do"
"Well, that's pretty dangerous kid. What if I was a legendary that served Solate? What would you have done then?" The tyrantrum tossed the tree aside kicking up a massive cloud of dust and scaring some of the pidove away. "You'd be dead right now." He chuckled. His bloodlust was still high, but this kid didn't look to be much more than a good scrap. "I highly suggest you run kid. Latias is rumored to be around here and she levels forests better than I do." He laughed loudly at his own stupid joke. "What's your name kid?"

He smiled. "I knew you weren't a legendary. What legendary would be conversing about getting back at Soltae?" He laughed and smiled "No, you're most likely a member of the resistance. High ranking too, going off how sure you are of your ablility. Who am I you ask? I am Ryu Ignatius Haynes: bounty hunter. What might your name be?"
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Rhodus said:
He smiled. "I knew you weren't a legendary. What legendary would be conversing about getting back at Soltae?" He laughed and smiled "No, you're most likely a member of the resistance. High ranking too, going off how sure you are of your ablility. Who am I you ask? I am Ryu Ignatius Haynes: bounty hunter. Who might you be?[/font][/color]"
"Giovonni. No need for last name. Currently a Colonel. No information further. Also, you'd be surprised how some legendaries want to stop Soltae too." He shrugged before looking around. He created enough of a ruckus. If Latias WAS in the area, she should've noticed. However, she may be smart enough to stay away from the big terrifying things that rampaged in the forests at night. He snickered as he looked to Ryu. "A bounty hunter huh? You ain't her lookin fer resistance members are ya?" He cracked his knuckles before pulling out a cigar.
"Uh... where are we?" Alexis wandered out from behind a line of trees, followed by a rather large and battle-scarred arcanine. She looked around, then stared in shock. "Whoa... how didn't I see this before?" She looked over at her pokemon in surprise. In front of her was a huge castle, like she hadn't even seen before. "Well, we're definitely not in Johto anymore, eh, Aellas?" She reached over and pet the arcanine behind the ears. "Should we check it out?" She asked. She knew that it was probably dangerous, but also very curious.


Corali nodded. "Yes, I'm heading to Hearthome City." She smiled somewhat. "I have some- ah, friends there that I haven't seen in a while. I figured I should visit them, see if they're still there." Thinking about them made her think about some of the worst- and best- things that have happened to her since she became a gijinka. "If you like, you can join me, at least for a bit." She offered.

@Du Pain
The blond smiles calmly and shook his head "Nope, I am currently off duty." He pulled out his own cigarette and lit it, taking a drag. "So what brings you out to this neck of the woods?"

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On the eastern side of Eterna City stood the great statue dedicated to the two mighty legendaries Dialga and Palkia. The effigy had somehow remained untouched in the destruction of the city, many simply dismissed it as simply coincidence but some said it was the power of these Gods of creation, that their miraculous abilities kept their symbol safe.

The glass smashed against the face of the statue and broke off the tip from one of the fang-like spikes flanking it's jaw.

"Hmph." A yellow haired Gijinka grunted in satisfaction while picking up the stone chip. "Coincidence it is." Thrusting out a palm towards the statue Nikolai shot a burst of blue electricity into it's face blowing it off down to the top of the neck. "That looks better." Pretending to think he mumbled. "How else can I make this thing fit in with the surroundings a bit better?" Glancing in the direction of his carousing comrades at the bottom of the hill Nikolai's eyes were drawn to a movement in the forest as one of the trees rose above the rest tilting before dropping out of view and sending a cloud of dust and Pidove (shouldn't that be Starly in Sinnoh?).

"Should probably take a look." Huffing he strolled casually back through the city, stopping off to grab another drink on the way. Nikolai found Giovonni talking with an unknown blonde man .

"Something happening boss? I thought you would be getting blitzed until you accidentally finished off knocking down that sorry excuse for a bar."







Giovonni's loud crashing and uprooting of trees had disturbed the Legendary Dragon from her peaceful sleep. She blinked open an eye, her brow furrowed in irritation.
"What kind of moron is messing around at this unholy hour?" She rose from her bed, grabbing her fan as she made her way to the entrance of her temporary base. She'd been leaving these lodgings everywhere she went, though if she could fly it'd make getting from place to place easier. At least she could still levitate. (Idk???)

Swiping open her fan and covering her face in a habit, she glanced down at the forest spread out below, her sharp eyes immediately zeroing in on the dust cloud forming and the terrified shrills of the Pidove.
"Uncultured swines." she murmured, narrowing her eyes to see better in the dark. Iris could just make out the large figure and a smaller one. A gijinka and a human, she supposed.

"Bastards should learn to have respect for sleeping people. I'd bet one of them is from the Resistance, come to hunt me down." she mused to herself. She watched as another figure joined the party, groaning inwardly. Eyeing the targets, she made an arc with her fan, and with terrifying accuracy, she shot ice towards the tree right behind the larger man. The tree froze over within seconds, and Iris looked extremely pleased with herself before going back into her base.

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Obsidian hovered behind Vitani. "What are you doing?" She asked groggily after having just woken up. The pokemon girl was had been up all night trying to find out if going to the resistance was a good idea, but decided against it. Being on Arceus's good side was a priority, not to mention being able to replace the sun if needed, just in-case the resistance tries to use an large scale ice attacks.

(( @Jayden Kisubo ))
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  • Mercury stiffened, rooting herself in place practically. Call her off? She was ready to run forwards and strike. Her arm-wings stretched back, displaying the red blade-like feathers along each arm. Her eyes were still matched with the Shaymin's. It was a look that challenged the other Pokemon, the look of someone ready to battle.

    Suddenly Melvin's arm lifted up, "Snippy, you heard the man. I haven't even introduced you yet! Or me, actually."


    She hissed. The human paused, noticing her fearful gaze. His voice hushed down,

    "Come on, these are the first two people we've seen in months. I want to make a good impression, so please don't ruin this for me."

    Stunned, she dropped her gaze to the ground. Mercury crossed her arms, frowning. At least the other Pokemon had not yet decided to attack. If she was going to trust Melvin's judgement, she would only until one of them actually made a move against them.



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(Pidove was the only bird that immediately came to mind) Giovonni grinned as the ice shards crashed into the tree. "Found you girl. My business is hunting Latias. You two may want to stand a bit further back. I am going to have a chat with her." He looked at the tree and then came up with a rough estimate of where they came from, but sadly nothing too precise. "Latias, I'm coming for you." He dashed off with unbridled excitement as he tore across the forest leaving the other to behind. It wasn't something he really shouldn't do, but his energy was too high to be toned down. He finally reached the area that he guesstimated was where Latias shot from. She is overconfident for a young scrapper. Of course, it will be a problem if I don't get a good hit on her. He grumbled quietly as he tried to figure out where. He decided he'd just let a little frustration out and tore into the largest nearby tree with a dragon claw. "It feels good to really let loose." He threw off his jacket and could feel himself truly getting excited. This was a fight for the ages, ancients and legends duking it out. If only it wasn't Latias though. She would hold the advantage of range and likely not come down unless he gave her a real good reason.

@Rhodus @IG42 @Mayfly
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Anton thought about the pros and cons of going with Corali. He would be going somewhere with an almost complete stranger to meet other strangers, so he'd be uncomfortable... But he'd get to actually see Hearthome again, which he hadn't done in a while, and it probably was about time that he try to be more social.

"Oh, well if I won't be a bother," He started, smiling a bit. "I'd, um, like to accompany you."

Issac flew. Flying was one of the few joys left to him, one of the few things that reminded him of better times, times where there wasn't destruction and chaos at the scale that there was at this time. His mind went back to some of the atrocities he had committed. The homes, families, and places that had been destroyed by the mindless fighting that he had led. He shook his head, bringing his mind back to the present. There was enough horror now that he didn't need to remind himself of past destruction. He noticed up ahead a large column of smoke rising, and nearby there were two villages. Someone could be hurt by that. He angled his flight to bring him down on a bridge between the two, scattering a large crowd of humans that had gathered. A cyndaquil that had been backed into a corner by the mob fled from him, almost running into a Serperior Gijinka standing there. His attention wasn't primarily on that however. He turned to the humans, eyes glowing slightly. "Why are you attacking that Cyndaquil?"

"He set our houses on fire!" One of the humans said loudly.

"So? Your houses are on fire! Fix that first." Issac said. With that his eyes began glowing. The water under the bridge began to ripple, then rise. Issac's Psychic directed a large amount of water to stream into the houses. Steam rose from some of the houses, as the fire began to go out. Some of the houses were too far away to reach with the stream, so, once the houses he could reach were put out, he turned back toward the villagers, a few houses still burning. He had no idea how the villagers would react to this display of power, or their attitudes towards Gijinka, so he was prepared to defend himself from any attack. He also remembered the Cyndaquil and the Serperior Gijinka, and was also prepared to defend them if needed.


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"Some news..." Shiranui echoed the words of his guard. "It all filters down from the top, a mere message to a God becomes a worry to us, just imagine how world-shattering a mere word of mine can be to the masses below." Smiling tightly at the feeling of his own power he strolled towards the stairs leading downward. "Come, I think I have been 'hiding' enough for today" Glancing at Nyrvana's shield as he passed her he said. "Can't you sling that over your back instead of dropping it? It looks painful."

The blond chuckled. This was starting to get interesting. He drew his tanto again, and quickly scaled his way back up to the treetops. He smiled and looked back down at the other resistance member "You should really hurry, else you might not be able to keep up with your boss" He winked and started navigating the treetops again. As He jumped from branch to branch, and followed the charging gijinka, he made sure to maintain a reasonable distance between them. There was no reason for him to get involved, and he didn't want to unless he really had to. He thanked fate that Kai was currently asleep, or else he might have had other ideas. He was interrupted from his thoughts by a voice from his earpiece.

"Delta Three-Nine, G.P.L. data shows you moving rapidly through Eterna Forest. Anything you'd like to report?"

The blond smiled, instantly recognizing the voice as his Coms operator, Yoshiya Kiryūin. The speaker also happened to be his cousin.

"Just checking out a disturbance, Delta naught. It seems that a certain resistance Colonel is after Latias. Can you run the name 'Giovonni' with a tag of resistance Colonel?"

"Certainly. One moment please." Yoshiya's voice went silent, and the blond could hear the sound of rapid typing on a keyboard. While he was waiting, he saw Giovanni reduce a tree to splinters. 'Such a waste' He sighed and shook his head 'I swear, people today have no respect for natural beauty.' A few seconds later, Yoshiya's voice cut back in.

"Well I'm afraid we don't have much in his file. All we've got is that he's a colonel from the resistance. No bounties though, so that's something. Did that give you all you needed?"

"Yes, yes. That much is fine. I was simply curious"

"You need me to send Four-Three or Six-Two your way?"

"Maybe later, but I'm fine for now. I'll radio if I need anything. Delta Three-Nine out."

The blond settled into a vantage point as he prepared to watch the fight.



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"You talking to somebody Delta Sixty-Nine position?" Nikolai called up into the tree having caught the tail end of the conversation, coughing he grunted. "Ugh I hate having to chug. Boss! You can't single handedly fight Latias it's idiotic, don't think I'm here to save your sorry arse!" After waiting a minute while Giovanni ignored him entirely Nikolai groaned in aggravation and threw up a hand casting a light screen around the Colonel. "Maybe being able to survive the first hit will make you stop being suicidal"

@Kiroshiven (Again)


  • @Cellshaded

    She watched the whole spectacle, feeling a twinge of pity for the poor boy, understanding his intentions.

    Putting on a friendly smile, Antheia was about to speak when a warning squeeze from her brother stopped her in her tracks. Vera's voice whispered in her mind,
    Be careful.Antheia let out another laugh to cover up her hesitation, and she grinned. "Soundbyte? I'm Annie, this is... Ro." In an attempt to try and make peace with the Skarmory, she added, "Mercury is a pretty name." She could feel Aero glaring at her for introducing him as "Ro", and ignored it.

    "Might I ask, Soundbyte, what you and your sidekick are doing here in these parts of the lands?" Aero asked tentatively, cautious that they might be Resistance spies. Antheia was always too trusting, these people could lead them to their demise!

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  • "Shiranui, you really irk me. Did i ever tell you that?" She grumbled in itter displeasure at his nonchalant attitude. Yes, he was a legendary, but the legendaries, from what she'd seen, had become less invulnerable. They were susceptible to the affects humans were. A solid punch to the stomach would leave them winded or possibly knowck them unconscious. She merely sighed when he pointed to her shield. "It hurts if its anywhere else Shiranui." She decided to confide in him. "So i will always be a soldier. And im fine with that." She smiled as she thought about her pride as a good soldier. "So, where EXACTLY are we going?"


The blond turned to look at the man as he stated his intention to hire him.

"Very well, but you should know I charge more than most" He said with a sly smile. He slid down the side of the tree, and began to walk behind the man. "Just let me radio my Comms Adviser." He slowed down as to slightly increase the distance between him and the man, and pushed the button on the side of his earpiece.

"Delta Naught, this is Delta Three-Nine, I've just received a job offer from a Resistance Colonel by the name of Giovanni. He wants me to help him capture Latias We got any other contracts on right now?"

"Negative Three-Nine, we currently have no ongoing contracts. You are free to accept his offer. Seems like you've got your work cut out for you."

"That I do, that I do. Thanks for the info. Delta Three-Nine out." The blond turned his headset off. "Good news, my schedule is free for the time being." He said to the man, closing the distance he had put between them. "You have exclusive use of my services. For now"


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Fyre sneered at Kelva and clenched her fists, starting to take a step towards him when Soltae intervened. She was just about to turn away from him when he made the comment about the 'traitor'. With a low growl she threw out her unoccupied hand at him and sent a Searing Shot down it. She glared at him, just barely noticing Soltae take her plate and walk out the door. "I will check on you in a bit Soltae."

@Kiroshiven @AlannaTrebond

Tahl flicked the blood off of his blade and walked into Soltae's room. He looked around the room and raised an eyebrow, noticing that it had changed completely. "Interesting." He muttered the word as he set aside his weapons near the head of the bed. He took his boots off as well as his cloak before laying on the bed, placing the dragon plate under the pillow he had chosen.


Vitani's eyes widened when she heard the voice behind her, but she quickly schooled her features before turning to face the person that had disturbed her peace. "Obsidian...." She just barely got to mutter out the woman's name before a flash of black and blue went past her to tackle the volcarona. "Jade!" She tried to grab her umbreon but only got thin air as the pokemon tackled the gijinka.


Black hair flowed in a circle, following Azrael as she danced in the clearing near her and her sister's hut. She had come out here to get a little bit of peace before walking into Hearthome with Tsura to get supplies. She slowed her movements until she was fully still and sighed. She wiped her forehead and began to walk back to the house. She saw her sister almost spaced and walked up just as she came out of her vision. Azrael put a hand on her shoulder. "What did you see?"


"Yuri, grab the cyndaquil." The male champion of Sinnoh, Alliat, ordered his blazekin into the fray. He followed slowly behind them, keeping an eye on said cyndaquil, whose fire was starting to flare again. He stepped up past the two gijinka just as Yuri took the cyndaquil away from the bridge. "Everyone calm down!" Alliat raised his voice to speak over the yelling villagers, sighing at the mess. "The only way for a cyndaquil this young to cause this is if someone terrified it. Now, who did it?" His voice became hard as he spoke, watching as a hush fell over the villagers, who were beginning to realize who he was.

"We are heading for Mistralton City if you must know." Shiranui replied, entirely unperturbed by her complaint. "If Soltae sees fit to summon us I do not want to allow any of the others to whisper in her ear before I arrive."

Ruminating on Nyrvana's words on being a soldier led to him walking in silence for a short time before speaking again. "There is a saying I came across once, well the human who became half of me did. "Pity the warrior who slays all his foes" it went. Unfortunately somewhat sexist but I'd say it would be otherwise applicable to you. Though I sincerely doubt such a day will come, even within your lifetime."


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