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Fandom The Corrupted [Pokemon Gijinka]

Corali smiled back to the clefable. "I'm sure that it'll be fine. I'm happy to have company." She gestured to the direction of Hearthome. "Let's go." She said, starting to walk. After a couple of minutes, she figured that they should talk about... well, something. "Have you lived here long?"

@Du Pain


Cathryn took several steps back, trying to suppress the fear that came along with the fire. It had killed two of her family members, after all, so of course she'd be nervous. Suddenly, a young man in blue appeared, put out the fire, and yelled at the humans almost all at once. However, a blaziken jumped forward, grabbed the cyndiquil, and jumped away. Not quite sure what to do, she backed away when the pokemon's trainer appeared.

@Jayden Kisubo



Tusra turned when someone placed a hand on her shoulder and smiled at her. "I think you'll be happy. We'll be having guests soon. Care to guess who?" She asked, raising an eyebrow and smirking impishly.

  • @Kiroshiven[/URL] @AlannaTrebond

    Tahl flicked the blood off of his blade and walked into Soltae's room. He looked around the room and raised an eyebrow, noticing that it had changed completely. "Interesting." He muttered the word as he set aside his weapons near the head of the bed. He took his boots off as well as his cloak before laying on the bed, placing the dragon plate under the pillow he had chosen.


    Vitani's eyes widened when she heard the voice behind her, but she quickly schooled her features before turning to face the person that had disturbed her peace. "Obsidian...." She just barely got to mutter out the woman's name before a flash of black and blue went past her to tackle the volcarona. "Jade!" She tried to grab her umbreon but only got thin air as the pokemon tackled the gijinka.


    Black hair flowed in a circle, following Azrael as she danced in the clearing near her and her sister's hut. She had come out here to get a little bit of peace before walking into Hearthome with Tsura to get supplies. She slowed her movements until she was fully still and sighed. She wiped her forehead and began to walk back to the house. She saw her sister almost spaced and walked up just as she came out of her vision. Azrael put a hand on her shoulder. "What did you see?"


    "Yuri, grab the cyndaquil." The male champion of Sinnoh, Alliat, ordered his blazekin into the fray. He followed slowly behind them, keeping an eye on said cyndaquil, whose fire was starting to flare again. He stepped up past the two gijinka just as Yuri took the cyndaquil away from the bridge. "Everyone calm down!" Alliat raised his voice to speak over the yelling villagers, sighing at the mess. "The only way for a cyndaquil this young to cause this is if someone terrified it. Now, who did it?" His voice became hard as he spoke, watching as a hush fell over the villagers, who were beginning to realize who he was.

    "I apologize my lady." Kelva wasn't unfazed by the searing shot that just laded square in his chest. It hurt like hell, but his duty was to obey his mistress. He clutched the burn for a moment and then bowed to Soltae. "Should we accompany you? If it's Latios, I would like to be there to give him proper punishment for his leaving." Kelva detested the idea that someone could just blindly defect from the justice that Soltae aptly put upon the rotten humans. He turned to Fyre. "Not a bad hit furball." He smirked and pet her head before starting past her. With a swift turn he went into a quick Iron Head style headbutt. It wouldn't hurt her too bad, but it would give her a headache. "That's for the searing shot." He huffed as he awaited Soltae's response.

Obsidian's light weight body easily fell to the ground as she was hit by the small dark type "Get off me!" Obsidian screamed with anger, annoyance, and just a little bit of pain as her eyes started glowing purple and the small Umbreon lifted of her and flew across the room. Obsidian flew upwards, ready to bathe the room in flames until she was hit with common sense and stopped herself.

@Jayden Kisubo
(It's a light screen)

Refusing to be rushed Nikolai walked behind Giovonni as his mood worsened.
"Much as I hate your guts I'd rather not watch them get strewn all over the forest sir." Looking over at the new hire he said. "Hope you're open to alternative forms of payment, dragging a war chest with us isn't our highest priority, just so you know bandit."

Looking toward the source of Latias' attacks he idly toyed with the Manectite that hung around his neck, he'd decided that using it would attract too much attention right now but he wanted to make sure it was still handy.



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