The Corrupted [A Pokemon Gijinka Roleplay] [Inactive]

"HEY STOP!" Bishop said as he watched the Ninetails run by him. "ExtremeSpeed" and Bishop shot forwards past the Skarmory and catching up to the Ninetails before his ExtremeSpeed wore off "yo-you gotta st-stop. There's a-a Waterfall up ahead." He said breathing heavily. He still hadn't recovered from the battle he had earlier.

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"whoa! WHOA!"

Ninetails only sped up when she heard that, and somehow found herself tumbling into a massive waterfall. Screaming, the pretty Ninetails fell, limbs flailing, and soon disappeared from sight.

Luke flew to the edge of the the waterfall, then dived down.
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The Blaziken sped across the abyss until right under Bobby, the Luxray falling in his arms, as the fire bird swiftly landed on to the other side of the cliff, the blue lion gijinka unharmed.
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Bishop slowed down when he reached the falls. He watched as The Blaziken caught the Luxray and then watched as The Ninetails disappeared. "Crap." He said looking around. He spotted a small path running down alongside the Waterfall. He sprinted down it and summoned his aura powers. There was a cave on the other side of the waterfall about 20 yards down from where the nine tails is. "I got this, ExtremeSpeed" Bishop shot down the walkway along the falls until he was a little below the Ninetails. It was pitch black, but Bishop could see clearly through the Aura around him. He put all his strength into his legs and kicked off the wall towards the Ninetails and towards the Cave. He crashed into the Gijinka and grabbed onto her as they went flying into the Waterfall. Bishop hit the ground with the girl in his arms and lets go. He rolls into the wall with a thump with the Gijinka rolling into him a second later. He let out a painful gasp and laid on the floor. "Light…. light up the cave for your friend" he said with a weak voice.
The Ninetails gave off a massive amount of steam; She was soaked. "How... am I supposed to? I can't... concentrate on anything.. right now... My leg hurts.... like a b****... Oooooh, I think it's broken..." She leaned against the wall, gasping for breath. " saved me.... Thank you...."

Bobby meanwhile was having a panic attack. "OH GOD! NO! Nonononono oh god, NIKKI!" He struggled, trying to dive off after her. "Ohhhh, noooo...." He looked close to tears..
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Bishop sat up and immediately felt something in his back pop. "AHHHH That's not suppose to be there." He said slowly standing up. "And your welcome" Bishop closed his eyes and used his Aura powers. He opened them a few seconds later "there's a tunnel up ahead that will bring us back to the side where your friend is." He said walking over and offering a hand to the girl "Here let's get you up there."

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"Yeah, uhh... I don't know if I can..." She muttered trying to stand. "I think my leg is broken... Oh, yeah, that's bone sticking out of the flesh, ohhh... That hurts." She sat back down again, promptly. She muttered something bitter about mortality, and ran a hand through her white-blonde hair. "This is great... I can't believe this..."
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Out of nowhere, a wall of vines and leaves formed above the rocky bottom of the abyss, festooned around every section of rock. It made it's way down the two cliff-sides, covering the bottom and protecting Bobby from falling to the ground, almost like a huge, leafy net. The Luxray's body fell into the grass net, it slowly giving way and disintegrating to let him gently onto the ground where Nikki and Bishop were.

Location: cave in Iron Island

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"Bobby?" Nikki looked up, and was immediately tackled by the Luxray.



"Oh.. that sucks."

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"Umm..." Was all Bishop could muster after seeing the Luxray tackle the Ninetails "It may be a little late for formalities" Bishop said moving over towards them "but my names Bish-" he tried to say before his ankle buckled and he fell to the ground "ahhhhh." Bishop said sitting up and rubbing his ankle.

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( xD I love how nobody is wondering about the huge grass net that just formed above them)

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Tsura turned at the sound of her sister's voice, startled out of her vision despite its softness. "I was searching." She said, tilting her head to the side, frowning slightly. "Well... it will rain tomorrow." She told her, some annoyance in her voice. She also had been checking up on the war, but she had no real news to share.

Location: Ruins of Hearthome City


At the news of the Ressistances movements, Soltae raised an eyebrow. "Well, that is interesting." She said, currently deciding her messenger's fate. She hated bad news.... something that was well known among her messengers. Then, a servant scurried into the throne room, looking panicked. He told her of a man that had slaughtered guards and servants while going towards her quarters. Without a word, she used Extremespeed and headed towards her rooms, intent on finding who would dare destroy her possessions. Then, when she reached her room, she saw a familiar person on her bed....

@Jerico Curtiss
"I'm.. Nikki."

"I'm Bobby, nice to met you Bis." The Luxray said, waving happily as he pulled some cloth bandages out of his pocket and started to wrap up Nikki's leg. "Something really weird just happened, I was falling down here, then this grass sprang up out of nowhere. It was weird, but it protected me from going SPLAT."

Location: Who f***ing cares, my leg is broken.
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The female trainer finally appeared at the scene, it taking her so long because she lacked Pokémon abilities and frankly, didn't feel like jumping down a cliff. She raised her arm with Pokéball in hand as a blue light appeared from the center, encasing the Blaziken in its red and white capsule. "Are you guys alright?" She asked, concerned. "Is anything broken?"

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Azrael raised an eyebrow at Tsura and nodded. "I see. Well we should get the store ready in case we can't get out for a while. And that means a trip to Concalave."

Location: Hearthome


Tahl didn't open his eyes as he heard Soltae walk in the room. After all this time he still knew her walk.... "Hello, love." He spoke softly and smiled, his eyes still closed.

Location: Soltae's Castle- Soltae's bedroom


Fyre watched Arceus walk back out of the room and sighed in annoyance. "Well then..." She walked into the hall and went to the training room.

Location: Soltae's Castle- Training Room
"Yep. I hate dark caves..."

"We know."

Luke flew down to Nikki, worried about his friend's safety. He looked her over and sighed. "Broken leg, thats a serious break... We can't possiby cart her around like this."
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"Its Bishop. I just tripped." He said to Bobby "And what are you talking about?" He said looking up "What the?" Bishop took in the sight above him. A net of vines hung above him giving off a strange Aura. "Ive never seen anything like that before." He said ignoring everyone as he stared at the vines.


Johan entered through the front gates of Soltae's palace, returning from Unova with the Flame plate in hand. He knew where he was headed, The throne room. He walked to the door the led to the Throne room and entered. He found the room empty, and he decided the next best place to find her would be the training room. He made his way through the castle and to the Training room which he promptly entered. His expression immediately went to stone upon seeing Fyre. "
Great. You're here." He said closing the door behind him. "I had a feeling that you'd be around here somewhere." He walked towards the Victini who was always a nuisance to him with the Flame plate under his arms. "How about you be a good little brat and tell me where i may find Soltae. I believe she will be… delighted with what i have found" He said to the Gijinka with a hateful glare on his face.

Location: Soltae's Castle- Training Room

@Jerico Curtiss
The trainer kneels, examining the fox's break. "It may be a bad time for introductions, but I'm Autumn Michelle." She said as she took the lower and upper part off Nikki's leg and looking her straight in the eyes. "This will hurt, definitely, so brace yourself." She said as she rapidly jerked the break, snapping the bone back in place so it didn't stick out.

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Tsura nodded. "That may be wise." She frowned and tilted her head to the side. "I think something interesting may happen there..." She said, then raised a shoulder in a half-shrug. "Just a hunch, though."

Location: Ruins of Hearthome City


"Jackass." Soltae glared and grabbed the nearest thing on her shelf, which was right next to her- a candleabrum- and threw it. "Where the hell have you been?" She demanded.

Location: Soltae's Castle (Private quarters)
Azrael rolled her eyes at her sister's words. "Uh Huh. Just a hunch." With that she began walking.

Location: On the road heading to Conclave.


Tahl held up a hand and the candelabrum stopped before it hit him. Opening his eyes he looked at her sharply and spoke in a low voice. "I have been recovering since you left me in the ruins, my dear."

Location: Soltae's Room


Fyre snarled at the Dragon Type and growled out her words. "Like I would tell you."

Location: Training Room
Hearing Autumn snap The Ninetails's leg back into place brought himself back into reality. "uhhh. That sound hhhh" He said shuttering at the sound. He stood up and stumbled, but he regained his balance. "Guys none of us can do that right?" He said pointing up at the vines. "Cause from what i can tell none of us are Grass types."

Location: Bottom of a Waterfall inside Iron Island


Johan walked up to Fyre and patted her head. "Why is it that you're always pissing me off!" He said shoving her back into the wall "You really annoy me. " He grabbed her collar and held her against the wall. "Now tell me Soltae is or your little life fire will be snuffed out for good."

Location: Training Room
Tsura shrugged, not about to give away her 'mysterious psychic secrets', as some people called them, quickly catching up to her sister and walking alongside her. She didn't say a word, instead choosing to walk in comfortable silence.

Location: Road to Canalave


At his words, Soltae's expression softened slightly. "I..." She seemed about to express some sort of regret, but then suddenly scowled, as if she couldn't stop herself. "Recovering for fifteen years, Tahl?" She crossed her arms over her chest. "I don't know why you couldn't have just returned here to recover, where it's safest." Safest was relatively speaking, but still. Besides, only a fool would hurt Tahl in her own castle.

Location: Soltae's Castle (Private quarters)
Walking with her sister, Azrael began organizing the mental list she had of things they needed to get for the shop. She almost didn't realize they had arrived a couple of hours later.

Location: Conclave City.


Tahl shook his head and reached out to touch Soltae's cheek, smiling just slightly. "I was hit by something that should have killed me. Someone saved me and left me in my cave. I didn't even wake up for a few years. And after that it took me this long to get up to strength to make this journey, Soltae. I am sorry I couldn't get here sooner." He stretched the truth so he didn't have to actually lie and stroked her cheek.

Location: Soltae's Room.


She laughed almost manically. "Go on and kill me. It'd just be another body in your closet wouldn't it?" It was said with a bitterness that she felt keenly when even looking at the two Dragon siblings who looked so much like their father. She hated them because of the loss of her friend. Her head snapped up at the thought and she smiled twistedly. "I wouldn't tell you where my Mistress was even if you did try to kill me. And you know it would just put you on her bad side." With this she brought her arms up between his and pushed them out into his elbows, knocking off his grip on her. She walked off to the other side of the room and set up some training dummies. "And plus, mistress is a very busy woman and doesn't have the time to talk at the moment." She had a feeling that she knew who it was that had distracted Soltae, after all there were only a few people that could walk onto the floor that her rooms were on. And two of them were in this room.

Location: Training Room
Johan laughed "I guess you're right." He said throwing Fyre onto the floor. "So what might be keeping her attention at the moment anyways?" He said putting his hands in his pockets and leaning on the wall. "Im sure that you, a very valuable servant of our Mistress, must know what is taking up her time."

Location: Training Room
Tsura smiled at her twin when they arrived. "We're here." She half sang, linking her hands behind her back as she walked.

Location: Canalave City


Soltae leaned into Tahl's hand, a clear sign that she missed him, even if she didn't say so. The old Soltae probably would have, but now... expressing such feelings felt like a weakness. "...And here I thought you died..." She said, frowning slightly and shaking her head. She didn't regret her rage that day- not one bit- but yet.... something about it didn't sit right with her....

Location: Soltae's Castle (Private Quarters)

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