The Corrupted [A Pokemon Gijinka Roleplay] [Inactive]

The vines all disintegrate at Bishop's comment, as you could hear bushes rustle from the top of the cliff. It was faint because of the distance, but the Ninetales, Lucario, and Luxray gijinkas had exceptional hearing, so it was evident that something, if not, someone was up there.

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"I have a high pain tolerance...."

Bobby looked up suddenly, stepping out to look up. "Did you hear that?" He looked up, then started to scrabble up the cliff face, with surprising ease.

"He lived on a mountain for many years." Luke said, feeling like he had to explain.
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A squeaking noise came from the cliff side, the tiny green-haired figure running away in fear, away from Bobby.

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"Hey, wait! I just want to talk! Please, come back!" He cried, climbing to the top of the cliff and scrabbling to get up. He reached up and grabbed a stone, pulling himself up and laying there, breathing hard. "Nooo... please, coome back.... Believe me, I'm no threat to you.."
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The childlike figure turned to see Bobby, putting her hands in front of her, her palms glowing green as a wall of vines and grassy substances form, blocking access to the small female.

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"Hey.... Come on, I'm okay. Really. I haven't hurt a fly since I was five, and that was an accident." He said, sitting up and sitting cross-legged, just trying to look like he wasn't a threat. The childlike figure made him it was a human child lost on the island. No, actually that was dumb. The grass powers? This kid was definitely a gijinka.
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She used her powers to break a hole big enough for her head to fit through. "No, grown-up people are meanies!" She stuck her little head through the opening, revealing her little, childlike face.

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"But I'm not a grown up. Me and my friends are far from it- Well, except Luke, he's 19, but he's just a grouchy bird." Bobby said, with a smile. "Besides, if you don't like me, why did you save me?" He asked, staying exactly where he was.
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The little girl opened the hole a bit more, but only enough so she could put her little arms through. "I like to help people 'cause I'm a Shay-No! I'm just a normal grass type!" She says nervously, a bit scared now because she kind of revealed what she Pokémon she was.

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"Awwww, don't be scared, please. I won't hurt you." Thats like the third time I've said that... She obviously doesn't believe me.

"What are you doing in this big cave all by your lonesome? It's dangerous in here."
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"I'm not here by myself, I just got here on a ship because I escaped from the scary people." She says looking at her feet. "And I'm a big girl! I can take care of myself!" She adds stubbornly.

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"Well, obviously-"

"Bobby! What are you doing up there? Get down from there before you hurt yourself!" Nikki's voice shouted up.

"I'm fine, Nikki!" He shouted back turning to look down towards the group.
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"A ship?" Bishop said poking his head up over the cliff edge where Bobby and the girl were. The second Bobby charged up the cliff Bishop followed him, He wasn't sure if the little Luxray could climb all the way up. He pushed his chest up onto the edge so he wouldn't fall. "My friend and I just came over on a boat, and also who are these scary people?" He asked the girl.
"Ahh, more grownups! Don't take me away!" She makes a squealing noise as she closed up the grass wall so she could escape from the people.

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Bobby glared at Bishop. "Seriously."

With a sigh, Nikki tried to stand up, but Luke kept her down. "Nope, you are not climbing up there. Not with a broken leg."

"Exactly, thats why you're going to fly me up there, mister bird."
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(I'm going to incorporate the color-type thing for my gijinka's dialogue, but only when I'm on my computer, so sometimes there will be no colored text because I switch off from rping on my phone and my computer)

Autumn lets out her Hydreigon and joins them on the cliff by flying on the dragon Pokemon's back. "So, what did I miss and what's that huge...grass wall?" She says, confused.
"Sorry. You know you not the bad a cli- WOAH!" He said then slipped down landing on a ledge a little ways down. "Owwch." He put his back on the wall. "Autumn you might as well go back down. the girl doesn't like people." He groaned "That hurt more than it should."
Luke flew Nikki up to the ledge and deposited her on the ledge. "All of you, just get down from here. She's a little girl, of course she's scared!" Nikki said, looking at all the others. "Let me do this, okay?"
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"What are you going to do, burn it down?" Autumn says sardonically, but then facepalms herself as she realized what she had just said. 'She's a Ninetales; of course that's what she was going to do.' Autumn thought to herself, pondering her intelligence at this moment.
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"...Why are you looking at me like that, just-" She sighed and looked at Bobby, pleadingly.

"..UGH, fine.." The Luxray started to climb down the cliff, slowly.
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"...hi. My name is Nikki. Whats yours?" She asked through the net of greens. She didn't know why, but she felt an odd need to make sure this little girl was safe. She had never really been considered "motherly" before, but right now maternal instincts just kind of kicked in.
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"Uhh.. Lotus Dahlia Grace Fleur.." She says in a quiet tone through the grass wall. "Are you going to take me away like the scary people?"

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