The Corrupted [A Pokemon Gijinka Roleplay] [Inactive]

"Well technically, you're a hybrid, so you're kind of both. I'm just concerned, alright?" Autumn followed the Lucario gijinka, a frown crawling up her face.
"Your forgetting that I was a pokemon once" he said stepping out of the woods. He looked at the harbormaster and used his telepathy "I'm ready to head back" he thought to the man, And he nodded. Bishop stepped onto the boat "let's go we should be heading out in about 2 minutes"

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Autumn gulps at the boat, a decent sized one, too. 'Why a boat? Of all the methods of transportation!" She screamed inside her head, following the gijinka onto the small ship.

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"What's wrong? You look scared" He said looking out at the sea they were about to enter. "The oceans amazing!" And as he said that the boat lurched forewarn and sped out of the Harbor. Bishop sat down on one of the seats on the deck and watched the waves.

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"Heh, I'm f-fine. I'm not scared; what gave you that c-crazy idea?" Autumn stammered, taking a seat in the center of the boat, away from any windows in the water vehicle.
Bishop smiled as she watched Autumn shake. It had only been a few hours but he'd kinda gotten used to her company. "Well give it a few minutes and we'll be there." He said as he watched his home get closer

Location: on a Boat heading to Iron Island

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"Hmm, Cora's okay with the ocean, apparently." Autumn smiles, her Eevee in her arms. "Maybe she'd make a good Vaporeon?" She says in a low voice, petting the fox Pokemon's soft, brown fur.
Bishop watched as the port to Iron Island appeared. He got up and made his way towards the offloading spot. "Come on Autumn!" He shouted hurrying off the boat to his home. He quickly jogged up the hill and into a cave only stopping to wave at Autumn to hurry. He headed in and jumped onto the sofa bed he had. The cave was set up like a house. There was a bed that doubled as a sofa, a desk, a fridge with an assortment of berries and poffins, and a great view. He laid on the bed looking at the ceiling of the cave which he called home and relaxed.

Location: Iron Island

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Autumn quickly got off the boat and followed Bishop, a bit seasick if I might add. "Nice place you got here." She smiled, plopping down next to him, relieved to finally be on solid ground again, rather than wobbly, seemingly unstable and lacking balance, boat floor on top of water. Her Eevee sat on her lap and yawned, pushing her haunches down and laying her head on Autumn's knees.

Location: Iron Island
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"Where are we."

"Iron Island in Sinnoh. Fifteenth time I've said that."

"No. You've had us walking around in circles for hours. Aren't these Steelix tunnels?"

"Uhhh.." The Luxray suddenly looked up and around. "Umm... uhhh..."

"Oh for f***s sake, you got us lost in a f***ing cave?"




The Skarmory and Ninetails groaned in unison.

Location = Somewhere on Iron Island... Nobody knows, really.
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Autumn's Eevee's ears perked up, her hearing the Skarmory's and Ninetails's arguing. "Cora? What's wrong?" The fox Pokémon jumps off of the female trainer's lap, running out Bishop's cave door. Autumn jumps up and follows her Pokémon. "Bishop, I'll be back!" She said while following the Eevee. They ended up in another cave, so the trainer let out her Blaziken to shed some light in the dark cavern.

Location: Iron Island


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The three gijinka all moaned at the sudden light and looked at the source of the light.

"Human." Nikki said.

"With a Blaziken!" Bobby shouted, wringing his hands nervously. "That thing looks mean..."

"We can-" Luke started

"SCATTER!" Bobby squealed and started to run away.


"Aren't we supposed to be incognito or something?" Luke pointed out.

"...Scatter." Ninetails and Skarmory split apart running in different directions, Skarmory disappearing into the darkness above, and Ninetails crawling up a wall and disappearing into the darkest corner of the room.
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Bishop heard chatter outside and got up to follow Autumn. "What's going out here?" He said walking out of the cave. He noticed the tail of a Luxray go around a corner. He looked to Autumn. "I'll go see what's going on with him" Bishop jumped out of the cave and ran towards where he saw the tail disappear

Location: Iron Island

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"Alright. Cora, there's others here, get into my arms." The female trainer said, picking up her Eevee. "Aeris, help me look for the source." The blonde said to her Blaziken, following the noise.

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"I'm out." A flash of steel and the sing of the metal feathers on Luke's back were the only sign of the Skarmory fleeing after the Lucario. "Have fun with Blaziken."

"Pfft... I've met a chicken fiercer then this thing." The voice came from a corner. "By the way, it was dead."

The Luxray was running down the tunnels at top speed, sometimes tripping over small things on the floor, but he always got back up and ran on. "OH GOD, WHY!"
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Bishop continued running though the tunnels after the Luxray. "D*** I'm losing him." He said turning a corner. He breathed in and the ends of his bandana raised up. He focused his aura powers to find the person he was chasing. He searched ahead and found him, A Luxray Gijinka. "Crap not that way that leads too..." He said before he sensed another being behind him. He quickly spun around a launched an Aura Sphere at the person following him.

Location: tunnels inside Iron Island

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The female trainer and her Blaziken continued on through the cavern, only to see a gijinka that they had caught up with. "Uh, hello?" She says cautiously, unaware of what the tall figure was because of the lack of lighting in the cave.

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The Aura Sphere shot through the tunnel and disappeared, briefly lighting up a figure clinging to the ceiling, then it was dark again. Pure dark. Then the glow of Luke's yellow eyes pierced the darkness, and then he lunged. His steely claws latched onto the Lucario's shoulder's and knocked him down. Then the Skarmory was gone again.

Ninetails looked at the two, then hissed and scrabbled backwards, as if to flee.
The trainer's Blaziken's wrists flared with flames, allowing the blonde female to visualize what the figure was above them. "Why are you running from us? We won't hurt you." She gave a saddened look, as if almost pleading for the gijinkas not to flee from her.

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"OI!" Bishop said getting back on his feet. He focused his Aura powers and found the Skamory Gijinka "Don't run! I ain't bad!" He said continuing to run towards where the Luxray disappeared to "Your friend is on trouble!"

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"Thats what they ALL say. All they ever want is our head on a stake, just leave us alone!" She hissed, then skittered in the direction of Bobby.

"The only trouble he's in, is with you!" Luke shouted, then bashed the Lucario on the head with is wing, and flew of in front of him, after Bobby.
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"Really? I'm a trainer with 4 great Pokemon that I love!" The Pokemon trainer says loudly, obviously offended. "Tell me why I would ever think to do that?" Anger laced her voice, almost screaming at the Ninetales.
"Grr you don't understand!!" He shouted catching back up to the Skarmory Gijinka. "I live here! I know this place like the back of my hand." He turned a corner following the Gijinka "I can still sense him ahead. HE'S RUNNING TOWARDS A GIANT WATERFALL!"

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"Wait- what?" Luke turned suddenly, shocked.

Nikki continued to run straight past Lucario and Skarmory, following her best friend's scent. "BOBBY!"

The Skarmory wailed, "NIKKI! STOP!" And off he went, singing down the tunnel.
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"Aeris! Use the speed of your Brave Bird to catch the gijinka heading towards the waterfall at the end of the cave!" The trainer commands her Blaziken, as the tall fire bird sped through the cave like a bullet, his body glowing blue.

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