The Corrupted [A Pokemon Gijinka Roleplay] [Inactive]

"Hmm, interesting." The female trainer picked berries also, starting with a Sitrus tree. "My name's Autumn Michelle, by the way." She introduced herself with a smile and kept working.

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"Bishop." He said hearing her name. "That all the questions you have for me Autumn?" He asked moving to a Lum berry tree.

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"Uh, actually, will you have a battle with me?" Autumn asked shyly.

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"What!?" Bishop said as she asked to battle him. "Where'd that idea come from?" He was shocked. She acted like it was a normal thing to her, but it felt weird to Bishop. "Maybe I guess" he said finally. "Let's get these berries back to Canalave first then we'll see about battling." He picked up the bag and held it open to her so she could put the berries she had in it.

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"I just wanted to see how a hybrid would perform in battle, like how they would act...but if you don't want to, it's alright..." Autumn said disappointed, pouring the berries, the ones she had collected in her arms, into the bag that the Lucario had. "Err, do you want my Pokemon to take there rather than walking? I have two that can fly." She asked, hoping to help him.

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"No its alright" Bishop said "Its just been awhile since I've had an actual Pokemon battle" He tied the bag up an threw it over his shoulder. "and about flying there ill pass, but you can fly on ahead." He looked at her "Plus It would feel weird riding a pokemon considering I used to be one." He started walking towards the forest "Plus it should only take me a minute to get back there." He said stopping and turned back to her "Not like I want the people back in Canalave to wait."
"But you need to surf or fly to get there, because there's kind of a water mass in between the two cities." Autumn informed the gijinka, releasing both her Hydreigon and a shiny Crobat from their Pokéballs. "Come on, it's fine. My Pokemon will love you." She smiled, patting the back of her Crobat, signaling for Bishop to get on the pink bat.

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"Ive made this trip multiple times." he said to her denying the ride "Ill meet you there" He said jogging into the woods. He made it back to the road leaving the trainer behind. He turned a shouted into the forest "Ill Meet You There!!" He turned towards Jubilife, closed his eyes, took a deep breath "ExtremeSpeed" His eyes snapped open and he shot forward running towards Canalave. He reached route 218 quickly and continued into the route. He ran onto the water and continued across it and into Canalave City. He slowed to a stop and turned around. He looked up in the sky and searched for the trainers Hydreigon and Crobat on the horizon.

Location: Canalave City
"Well that works." Autumn says to her Pokémon, astounded by the gijinka's speed as she mounts her Hydreigon and rises into the sky. "Celosia, spread out your wings, I bet they must be stuff, folded up in your Pokéball." She says to her shiny Crobat as her Hydreigon flies off in the direction of Canalave.

Location: Canalave City

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Bishop saw Autumn flying in and he wave at her to get her attention. He then walked to the City Market and dropped off the berries to the woman who ran the berry shop. He took a Sitrus berry from the bag waved good bye to her and went back outside to wait for the incoming trainer. He ate his berry as he watched the Trainer riding on her Hydreigon with her Shiny Crobat behind her.
The Hydreigon landed, wind swirling under where the Pokémon had stopped, a couple feet above the ground Autumn had then jumped off the Pokemon, landing on the ground. Her shiny Crobat came seconds after.

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He saw her land and wave her over. "This way." Bishop turned and started walking towards the bridge. He waved his hand and a guy by the bridge ran into the controls and lowered the bridge. "Theres a good place to have a battle a little ways away from the City." He said starting across the bridge "Lets go."
Bishop made his way through the forest and stepped into the battle area. "Alright we're here Autumn." Bishop said turning around "Pick your pokemon of choice and we can begin."

Location: Field a little ways away from Canalave City
"First, how about you meet my Pokémon?" Autumn asked, releasing 2 more creatures from their capsules: a Blaziken and an Eevee. The small, brown fox Pokémon jumps into Autumn's arms. "You've met these two-" She points at the Hydreigon and shiny Crobat. "Their names are Renegade and Celosia- like the pink flower, since she's that color." She says, introducing the two Pokémon starting with the dark dragon. "Then Aeris-" The Blaziken stood with a stern expression. "And finally Cora, my Eevee." Autumn pokes the Eevee's nose as it snuggles into her arms.

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"Hmm" Bishop said looking the team over "Not a bad team, so which one will you be using in the battle" He asked her putting his hands in the pockets of his jacket.
"Not Aeris for obvious reasons, or Cora because she isn't really that well trained yet..." Autumn pondered, trying to make the fight fair. "And you don't really like Renegade..." She frowned.

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"Alright, and just to make it more fair, no Mega evolving, okay?" Autumn asked sternly, returning all Pokemon but her Crobat and Eevee. "Cora needs to watch, if that's alright." She added, her shiny Crobat hovering in front of her. "Come on Celosia, I have faith in you." She whispers to the bat Pokemon.
"Mega Evolution? Nah I done need anything like that to fight." He said readying himself "Alright begin" He said then he quickly raised his hand "Aura Sphere" The second he finished saying it a Blue ball of pure Aura was shot at the Crobat.
The Crobat fluttered its wings quickly to raise its body to avoid the attack. "Oh, just so you know, I know how to communicate with my Pokemon without speech, as it was something we had to study and master at my academy, so I won't be saying any attacks" The blonde trainer smirked as her eyes darted to the Crobat. 'Air Slash' The bat flapped its wings rapidly towards the jackal gijinka, making large, thin white disks of wind shoot at him.
"ExtremeSpeed " Bishop thought as he dashed away from the attack "Ok then. If you won't say any attacks. then neither will I." Bishop stood up straight "Double Team" Bishops body appeared to split into four copies. "Lets see if you can find the real me" They all said in unison.
Bishop smiled from the bushes. His trick was working. The four clones continued to make there way foreword each one dodging some of the attack. The real Bishop hidden in the bushes raised his hand "Aura Sphere" He thought as he fired another ball of blue energy at the Crobat.
The Crobat rose into the air to dodge the clones, but rose its pink ears to rustling in the bushes besides the battle field. She looked over too late, however, and was struck by the Aura Sphere. Autumn gasped at first, but remembered that fighting type moves weren't very effective to a poison and flying type. 'Air Slash again.' The Crobat flapped its wings again to send off more air sickles towards the decoys, some slicing up the bushes in which the Lucario was hiding.

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