The Corrupted [A Pokemon Gijinka Roleplay] [Inactive]

Bishop couldn't get out of the way fast enough. He was hit by the Air slash but not entirely. Getting away with a little damage. "Heh Not bad" He said readying himself for another attack "ExtremeSpeed" He though and zipped quickly behind The Crobat and jumped up to get on its level " NOW CLOSE COMBAT!" He shouted as he dove towards the pokemon his hands glowing blue ready for the attack he was about to use.
The Crobat was fast, but not fast enough to dodge an Close Combat used after an ExtremeSpeed. Celosia was hit with the high-powered punches, but was barely phased. 'Zen Headbutt!' While the Lucario was right in front of the bat, the area in front of her forehead formed into a blue orb of psychic energy, as she was about to ram into the airborne gijninka. The jackal he had nowhere to run and no way to escape, as he was in the poison bat's battlefield now.
Bishop noticed the Crobat power up a ZenHeadbutt "S***... wait" Bishop said realizing something. He opened his mouth "DragonPulse!" He felt the draconic energy surge from inside him as he fired the pulse at the Crobat.
'Push through it!' The Crobat rams into the Lucario's head with incredible headbutting force entwined with strong psychic energy.
Wincing Bishop fell down to earth "Ahhhh that hurt" Bishop said getting up and holding his head "Well then" He was breathing deeply. "why did it have to be a Crobat" He mumbled to himself "AuraSphere" He shot another ball of energy at the Crobat "I need to think of something fast" Bishop though to himself as he let loose a second AuraSphere.
'Dodge, then Air Slash.' Taking advantage of her speed, Celosia quickly moved out of the way, then whipped up more air sickles with her strong, pink wings.
Bishop tried to guard from the attack, but he was to slow. He took the attack at full force and hit the ground hard. He was breathing deeply from the fight. "DoubleTeam" He split himself into five copies and they all sprinted at The Crobat. They jumped and readied a Close Combat attack which was aimed right at the Crobat.
The Crobat was hit at all angles, knocking her down. Now starting to breath heavily, Celosia knew that to win the fierce battle, the shiny bat had to go all out with her attacks to win. 'Air Slash' The Crobat whipped up blade-like winds, heading straight towards the Lucario hybrid. 'Now that he can't see you from the gusts, finish it with a Zen Headbutt after the Air Slash!' The Crobat again created an orb of energy on her forehead as she barreled towards the opponent, while making sure top stay behind the white gusts.
Bishop smiled and closed his eyes and focused his aura powers. "There you are." "AuraSphere ExtremeSpeed DoubleTeam" He fired the Ball of blue energy into the Gusts and straight towards the Crobat. Meanwhile the two copies of him charged around the gusts and straight for the Crobat's Sides each readying a Close Combat, While the original Bishop fired Aura Spheres into the Gusts. "You think you can hide? Don't even try."
The Crobat used her peripheral vision and shot up a couple feet to avoid the attacks, flying until directly over the Lucario gijinka, then diving straight down, a few feet away from ramming into the jackal.
Bishop was braced for the attack readying and AuraSphere in his hands. When the Crobat crashed into him the Sphere exploded upon bothe of them.
Celosia had hit the ground hard, hurt severely by the unexpected explosion of her attack. She managed to get up, flying weakly.
Bishop stood up breathing heavily and that last attack had used too much energy and now he was tired. "*cough* Not… Half… Bad…" He summoned another Aura Sphere "lets finish this." And he charged the Crobat
'Zen Headbutt! Do it with every last bit of energy you can!' The Crobat readies another psychic headbutt, the blue orb appearing above her forehead as she barrels at the opponent.
Bishop held out his hand pushing everything he had into the attack and collided with the Crobat. The resulting explosion launched him backwards
Celosia had collapsed from the attack, fainting. Autumn rushed over to her Crobat, picking her up and absorbing her back into her Pokeball. "Good job, you did great." She whispered to her fallen companion, who was resting in its capsule.
Bishop sat up a little ways away from were the explosion happened. He got up and limped over to Autumn "that was most definitely *cough* a tie" he said walking to a tree and leaning on it. "Not... Bad. Not bad at all."

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"Hehe thanks." Autumn smiles, pulling out a Full Restore from her bag. "My Hydreigon and Blaziken both would have definitely destroyed you, especially my the Blaziken." She pressed her index and middle finger on the lever, spraying the green liquid onto the Lucario's wounds. "This will sting, by the way." She adds.
Bishop winced as the medicine was applied. "A little forewarning would have been lovely." He said clearly in pain. "And who said that I wasn't holding back. I could probably crush your team!" He said with a smile.

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"Hehe, you're welcome." She giggled, smiling at the gijinka. "And no way would you have won!" She smirked, putting the medicine bottle away after cleaning and healing Bishop's wounds.
"I would too have won. I didn't even use all six of my moves!" Bishop said to her still smiling "your crazy to think that I would lose to a Blaziken!"

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"So where to next, Mister Over-confidence?" Autumn picks up her Eevee, Cora, who had been watching the battle the entire time.
"Probably back to Cana- No I've gotta get home" Bishop said to the trainer "gotta make sure everything's still in one piece."

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"And where's that? You are in no shape to use ExtremeSpeed to get to wherever that is." Autumn had a concerned look on her face as she let out her Hydreigon from its Pokeball. "You're going to ride on my Hydreigon whether you like it or not." She said sternly.
"Iron island. And no I'm flying on it." He said walking back towards Canalave "I'm great friends with the harbormaster back in Canalave and he'd get crazy worried if I didn't show up tonight." He said as he kept walking "Seriously why would I ride a pokemon. It's like if a human rode around on another human. It's weird!"

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