The Corrupted [A Pokemon Gijinka Roleplay] [Inactive]

Bael sighed "i remember when we only worried about humans" he shook his head. He reached into a pocket and pulled out a few potions, a paralyze heal and a small tub of cream. "Put the cream on open wounds, it prevents infections. You know about the others I assume. I had just wanted to heal them." He handed all the medicine to the flygon and walked towards the grave of Bishops brother. "Corali, Zara, come here."

Location: iron island
Oliver took the medicine and ran back to the cave. He entered out of breath and he collapsed next to his friend. He pulled out the Paralyz Heal and began to spray it onto his friend. When he was done he gave a sigh of relief. Bishops body relaxed and Oliver stood back up. "He should wake up soon." He said to everyone. "Let me know when. I'm gonna keep a eye on the weirdos outside." He walked out if the cave and watched as they walked over to Kings Grave.

Location: Iron Island

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Zara looked over to Bael and nodded. The Garchomp was wondering what it was he wanted them for as she followed behind Corali over to him.

Location: Iron Island
Bael smiled at Zara as she joined them. "I have apparently been gone for too long from the Resistance eyes if nobody recognizes me, Corali." He seemed to be inspecting the girl in front of him. "When did you join the resistance, Zara?" He tilted his head as he watched her.

Location: Iron Island


Azrael looked to her sister and frowned before nodding. "Lets go up top." She turned and began walking back to what seemed to be 'her' clearing now.

Location: Iron Island


Fyre woke up and groaned, rubbing the back of her head. "Son of a...." She looked around and saw the espeon and umbreon coming towards her. She jumped into the air and returned to the Castle.

Location: Soltae's Castle


Vitani grinned. "Yeah its the biggest library ever. I have trouble sometimes still find somethings." She stood up and hesitantly reached for his hand. With her other one she pointed to the shelves closest to the doors. "Thats where the history books are. the next two shelves are pokemon moves and types. the next ones are on evolution and then theres Myths and Legends, then back here is Soltae's hidden stash of fiction books." She rolled her eyes. "Theres everything from romance to Mysteries back here. I never expected it from her."
Tsura waited until they got to Azriel's clearing, then sat with a sigh. "This is bad." She said, rubbing her temples. She looked back up at her sister. "I caught a psychic trying to look in on us..."

Location: Iron Island
"Wait, OLIVER! ..." The Ninetales sighed and stared at the ceiling, then rested her head on the floor.

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Oliver heard Nikki from outside the cave. He leaned his head back to look into the cave. "What?"

Location: Iron Island


Johan took Vitani's hand as she began to talk. "That's quite interesting." He said "Soltae never struck me as a romantic type... Well not until before I came here, really."

Location: Soltae's Castle Library

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Cyrus stood watching all of the scenes go down it was over whelming, the amount of things happening at once. Confused as to what to do he simply looked around and sat down staring at people displeased with the chaos of the situation.
Zara raised her eyebrow and gave a short thought to the answer, "Not too long ago actually! I think it was about a year or two." She said trying to recall when she officially joined them.

Location: Iron Island
Bael nodded. "I see. Well it is good to finally meet you Zara. My name is Baelque. But you can call me Bael for short." He smiled at her wondering if the name would ring any bells

location: iron island


Vitani grinned impishly. "She didn't strike me as one either until I came in here. " she looked up at Johan"do you like to read?"

location: Soltaes library


Azrael stared at her sister for a second then ran her hand through her hair. "Mother's Wrath, can nothing go our way? Do you know who it was"

location: iron island
Tsura looked away at her sister's question. "I... have a hunch." She said quietly. The presence had been familiar... but she hoped that she was wrong. Not that it was often.

Location: Iron Island

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