The Corrupted [A Pokemon Gijinka Roleplay] [Inactive]

"Oliver, why is he saying those weird things about Tsura?" Lotus asked, somewhat confused.

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Zara eyed the new Gijinka feeling suspicion and confusion towards him. Once Lotus hid behind her the Garchomp nodded, "Don't worry I won't let him...though I agree it is pretty weird for him to talk about her like that..." She said tilting her head at the stranger.
Tsura watched the new gijinka carefully, thrown off by how he was talking. She stood next to Oliver, frowning. Just who is he...?
Azrael peeked over hearing her sisters bame and frowned. She walked up behind the electric type. "She might not, but i do" she then slapped him upside the back of the head.

Location: iron island

Bael nodded. "Interesting, are there hurt people here?"

Location: iron island

Vitanis eyes widened as Johan kissed her but she didnt pull back. When the kiss broke she pit her hand to her lips and stared at him. "Wow...."

Location: library, soltaes castle
"Well we have two who are hurt back up in my friends cave." Oliver said to the new Gijinka. "Why might you wish to know?"

Location: Iron Island


"Don't say anything about this." Johan said to the girl "I hope I wasn't too direct.

Location: Soltae's Castle: Library

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Vitani shook her head smiling, her hair coming over her shoulder to land in her eyes. "Nope. Not too direct at all."

Location: library, soltaes castle.

(Sorry about the wait, ive been distracted here recently)
Soltae walked through the castle, distracted by her own thoughts as she entered a room that only a very select few could enter. There wasn't much there and it almost looked like a cell. There was a metal table, a chair, and a pile of blankets in the corner. The view out the windows, despite being slightly blocked by bars, displayed nearly all of Sinnoh. At the table sat a Xatu, whose green hair had greyed slightly with stress and age. She approached him, and without so much as a hello, spoke. "Show me the shaymin."

The gijinka chuckled. "A favour, 'goddess'?" He shook his head, but then his arms were pulled hard. He looked down at the chain that linked his hands together, which Soltae had yanked.

"Remember that you're alive merely because you're useful... and that can easily be rectified."

The Xatu sighed, cupping his hands together. An orb of light appeared in them, and on that orb, images...

Location: Soltae's Castle


Tsura frowned, generally feeling.... uncomfortable. That was when she felt.... something. It was hard for her to describe it, but then she rememberedthe kind man that trained her in the skills a psychic needed. It's second sight! She realized, then closed her eyes, focusing on blocking it if she could. She was sure somehow that it wasn't friendly....

Location: Iron Island
the elektross reacted "i sense a disturbence in the electrical frilds" his belly grumbles, as he rubs the back of his head "ahaha sorry im kinda hungry"
"No, Oliver! Don't let him go near Nikki! He's probably going to take her and Bishop away!" Lotus cried out to the Flygon.

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Slowly... The Ninetales woke up.

And immediately noticed Lotus missing.

"...Lotus?" She looked around, then began to struggle to get up. She had to find Lotus! Why would that kid ever leave her? "Lotus!"
Lotus' neck turned to the side quickly as she heard her name from Bishop's house, it being from Nikki. She quickly ran to the cave, opening the door and entering. "Nikki? I'm sorry had to leave because Zara was sad and then some bad people came to the island looking for you and Bishop." She confessed, obviously disappointed in herself, staring at her feet. "And that's why I'm here" Autumn spoke, sitting with her Hydreigon.

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"Lotus!" Oliver called after her. "Uh you just love breaking your own rules." Oliver looked at Bael "Why do you want to see them?"

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"Again, I'm here. That little Shaymin of yours told me to watch over you while she was gone." Autumn added, crossing her arms because she was being somewhat ignored.

"I'm sorry Nikki, it's just that Zara was sad and I wanted to fix it." Lotus frowned, returning the embrace.

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Soltae leaned forward, staring at the orb as images of a group appeared. She only recognized two-Corali and Lotus. "It seems that she has made friends...." She had been wondering how Agent G actually lost his arm. Now it made some sense. Suddenly, the images on the orb went black. Soltae looked up at the Xatu, glaring, when she noticed his expression. It was fear. "What happened?" She demanded.

The Xatu shook his head. "I was... blocked. Whoever it was is more powerfu-"

Soltae stood once more, having sat down to see the images. "Who was it?" If it was someone more powerful, she wanted them on her side.

Location: Iron Island


Tsura sighed when the feeling dissapeared. She looked at her sister, letting only her see her worry. "We need to talk."

Location: Iron Island
"Just don't run off..." She muttered, her eyes barely open. No doubt she was aching and pained, she simply refused to complain. Not in front of Lotus.... "Where is everyone...?"
"Outside with some scary people that came." Lotus responded, sitting next to the Ninetales.

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(Bwahah! I forgot about Johan!)

Johan smiled for the first time in awhile "Good. Im glad" He looked around the library "This place is huge… Mind showing me around?"

Location: Soltae's Castle Library
the elektross panicked "wh..what ...." he wondered where everyone went but eventually slept again. "zzz"

suddenly agent g zoomed in landing "hi mum" he smiled scuttlling abit, sitting by her throne yawning.

location soltaes castle
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