The Corrupted [A Pokemon Gijinka Roleplay] [Inactive]

"Stop lying!" Lotus screamed, the thorned vines wrapping tightly around the both of them.
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agent g looks "thats ok...i dont feel it but that p**** will" rootley glared "i see ...well....sunny day" shoots a ball of light up, the points at agent g solar beam, g was sent out of the vines.
Zara growled at the two as G freed himself from the vines he was trapped in. The Garchomp unsheathed her claws and stepped forward. "What are you two even doing here?!" She asked.

Location: Iron Island

Decided to use tapatalk on my ipod instead of the browser right now yay
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BishopOfKings said:
"Yeah and how the heck did you get a new arm!" Oliver asked jogging up behind Zara
Location: Iron Island

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my mother rebuilt my arm..and that monster you call resistance must be killed" by mother he was refering to soltae, he rubbed his cannon.

rootley slithered off quickly.
"Isn't resistance something you do? Not a thing?" Oliver said puzzled "Anyways I'm only fightin' yah because you're trespassin' on my friends Island." Oliver crossed his arms "Now would you kindly leave?"

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agent g glares "no amount of land belongs to one...this this this planet!!! BELONGS TO NO SINGLE BEING!!!" he hated things owned, borrowed is fine and used to gain somthing is ok. he however hated owned, it meant that it had no free will.
Zara scowled at Agent G as he answered Oliver. The two men had hurt Lotus and they had no right to fight where her group has been. "That doesn't matter! Just leave! We don't need your violence here!" The Garchomp snapped.

Location: Iron Island
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Wondering what was taking Oliver so long, Tsura went outside. "What..." She frowned, walking over to them. "Everyone, stop now." She told them in a tone she didn't normally use. She looked to the genosect, hoping that he would remember that it was she that told him to see Soltae. "You don't have to act like this."

Location: Iron Island
Bael looked over and sighed. He walked up behind agent G and picked him up by the back of the neck, much like you would a cat. "You are disturbing a friendly gathering. Please kindly leave."
with a swift reaction, he twirled hitting him with the gun nosel then pointing it about to fire a chill drive, but saw tsura and he stopped. "you....again..." he did not know why he stopped, but he did.
Bael raised an eyebrow when the genosect hit him. It didn't hurt at all. Maybe that was just his metal skeleton talking but he didn't care. "Ow?" It came out as a question as he grabbed the genosect again
the genesect tried to free his grasp pulling a funny chibi face. "let me go let me go let me go" he punched him over and over, thats when he saw a street lamp going crazy. "what the...."

from afar a tall male in blue released blue crackles of lightning, as his power cable like hair style waved. "yawn....will you be quiet please...your ruining my charge nap"
Zara watched as the Genosect was repeatedly punching Bael. The scene so far had been rather confusing for her and made her unsure of what to do. Suddenly another male showed up releasing lightning. The Garchomp raised an eyebrow at them and continued watching to see what else could happen.

Location: Iron Island
suddenly the lightning male put a hand on both of them. "please be quiet" the genesect looked confused before releasing what this creature was. "o..oh crap!!" the genesect pulled back and flew off.

location lesving iron island

then the thunder male looked lazily at zara "well....bonjour miss..." the male skipped over abit tooo close "whats your name" his face almost touching hers.

location iron island
"Well." Oliver said appearing beside Bael "This used to be an old Mining Island. So when the mine closed down the people of Canalave Town decided to make it a Training ground. The started development and then gave up. They started with the lighting. And that my mysterious friend is how that is there." Oliver finished with a bow.

(@Jerico Curtiss did you respond to Johan yet?)

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BishopOfKings said:
"Well." Oliver said appearing beside Bael "This used to be an old Mining Island. So when the mine closed down the people of Canalave Town decided to make it a Training ground. The started development and then gave up. They started with the lighting. And that my mysterious friend is how that is there." Oliver finished with a bow.
(@Jerico Curtiss did you respond to Johan yet?)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk your...strange for a gijinki...." his face literally invading the lucarios personal space, he then hugged him. "huuug..." he accidently fell asleep, the thing is when he sleeps he electrocutes anything he cuddles.
"Right back at yo- and you are aslEEEEEPPPP!!!!" Oliver said suddenly getting shocked. He wriggled out of his grasp. "Not fun"

(@the\-lich Wrong Gijinka. Bishop is the Lucario and he's paralyzed in the cave. Oliver is a Flygon)

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(soz but wait wouldnt flygon b immune to me..or we goin by anime rules)

the elektross eventually awoke " rude of migae valt...pleasure too meet you the by you all aint seen a cute pink pokemkn with a gem on her head right"
"Pink Pokemon with a gem on her mean an Espeon?" Zara responded to the stranger. So far he had a rather strange behavior she wasn't sure whether or not she liked.
(Don't care really Ollie deserves to receive a little pain every once in awhile)

Oliver was shaking off the shock. "If you're talking Gijinka, then I guess Tsura fits the bill." The he stopped. "Why are you asking?" He said wonder what migae was after.

Location: Iron Island

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At the appearance of all the new gijinka, Lotus quickly ran behind Zara, seeking protection. "Don't let them hurt me, Zara!"

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ahhh..tsura...yes...mmmm skin like a delicate glass with beautiful eyes" he dreamed of kissing tsura, giggling like a child.

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