The Corrupted [A Pokemon Gijinka Roleplay] [Inactive]

Zara heard the others and followed in behind the them to Bishop's cave. She decided to remain standing next to the others.

Location: Iron Island

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Oliver set Bishop down against the wall and the ran towards the back of the cave. He came back with two blankets and set the out. He moved Bishop onto one of the blankets. "Move Nikki onto the other blanket. Bobby can you help Bishop. I think he's very paralyzed."

Location: Iron Island
Malen was silent for a moment, almost as if he was preemptively aware that the rest of the resistance forces were about to get up and get moving to a nearby cave. He watched them go on their way, even setting eyes on one who spoke to the Darkrai for a moment before he glanced back at her, locking his eyes on hers. The best he could given her condition. "Your eye looks better than when I last saw it," he says, his icy tone sounding odd making small talk.

Location: Iron Island
Tajl looked up and smiled back at Soltae. He kissed her then started walking away. "Well my dear, i have to get back to my shenanigans ill be back soon." He got outside and took to the air. Masking his signature completely, he began his transformation in appearance. He pulled his hair back and his eyes shifted to a violet color. He lastly took his signature cloak and turn it inside out and pushed it over his shoulders so his gray and purple pants suit showed. This was how he did both parts and he knew with these changes he was unrecognizable as Tahl.

Now as the persona Bael, he flew to Iron island and landed in the clearing behind Fyre. He shot a psychic at the back of her head making her crumple to the ground. Now 'alone' he looked down over the group, knowing he was unsensable.

Location: Iron Island

(Tahl will now be referred to as Bael until he is back with Soltae)
Corali blinked, surprised, although maybe she shouldn't be. "Yes... well..." A hand touched her face automatically, but then caught herself and brought it down. "...It's had some time to heal as best it could." She shrugged. Yes, she was half-blind, but she was over it. Sort of.

Tsura observed, then looked at Oliver, not wanting to be a spectator. "Is there any way I can help?"

Location: Iron Island
Melan didn't tear his gaze away, hardly even blinking as she shrugged off her the injury. He knew it was a touchy subject and while he wasn't one to try and be a source of comfort it also wasn't a bold faced lie either. It had healed up quite nicely compared to how it'd been once upon a time. He finally breaks his sight away from her to glance towards where everyone else had gone, speaking after a few stiff seconds. "Looks like all of you are managing to stay pretty strong out here despite the odds."

Location: Iron Island
Bael walked down towards the two other legendaries and spoke softly in a more lilting accent than normal. "Corali" He smiled, then glanced at the genosect that was a short distance away. His eyes narrowed breifly then he smiled coldly. "I don't like Corrupted around me, shoo."

Location: Iron Island


Vitani looked away and bit her bottom lip, being human she wasn't actually corrupted and she still had all of her thoughts. She didn't know whether to lie to the reshiram or tell the truth. "I.... Why don't you take a guess." She spoke softly. Vitani really didn't want to be rejected.

Location: Library in Soltae's Castle


Ion took the juice from her and smiled slightly. "Thanks..." He thought about her question but just shrugged. "I just needed to get out for a bit."

Location: Pastoria Center


Aelliat raised an eyebrow at her comment. "You've never met anyone normal? that seems highly unlikely."

Location: Connecting Bridge
"Yeah." Oliver said. "We might need some Cheri Berries. There should be some in a bag back in the cave to the left of the desk." Oliver went back to checking Bishop "Bobby I Ain't good with this stuff, so help!"

Location: Iron Island


I would say both." Johan said starting to walk around Vitani "You're embarrassed because you're being visited by someone in a place where you don't expect company, thus you aren't sure how to please a guest." He stopped in front of her. "And Judging that you are making me guess, You turned away from me, and that you included "Being around someone you like" as an option." He put his hand under her chin and gently raised her face so he could look at it. "You obviously have feelings for me. You don't need to hide it."

Location: Soltae's Castle Library
Vitani looked at him, suprise across her face. "I... I never know how the legendaries will react when I speak. So I just didn't want you to get angry or freak out...." She spoke softly. She smiled nervously. "Really? I don't have to hid it? does that mean..." She really wasn't good at this kind of thing, she'd never even had a boyfriend or a crush!

Location: Soltae's Library
At that comment, Corali raised an eyebrow. "Perhaps." This wasn't even the resistance... she pushed the thought aside. When Bael showed up, she covered her mouth with her hand to hide her smile. It was too ironic...

Tsura nodded and went to get the bag.

Location: Iron Island


Alexis nodded. "Understandable." She said, taking several berries and a knife, chopping them with speed. "Sometimes you gotta get away from a bit, huh?"

Location: Pastoria


Cathryn shrugged. "Normal is a lie, you know." She said simply. "This is ironic coming from you." She told him, pulling her hand from his grip. "You're loud and flashy yourself."

Location: Connecting Bridge
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"Im rarely the type to freak out" Johan said to her "And anger only comes when Fyre is involved." He looked at the girl. Her eyes were shining hopefully, and she was nervous. "Why am I acting like this?!" He thought to himself "Ive never felt this way towards any gijinka, and here I am attracted by a human! Maybe… Maybe I should just let this happen." Johan looked back into her eyes. "Well You don't have to hide it around me, but I'm not sure how Soltae would feel about this. Especially with what I'm about to do." He gently raised her head up and kissed her.

Location: Soltae's Castle: Library
with a swing of his cannon he kjocked the plant to the ground. "any last words mulch!!" the genesect charged his cannon slowly, as the carnivine was ready to accept his fate.

location iron island.
As Tsura went to get the bag of berries, Oliver made sure everyone was in the cave. "Where's Misaki?" He whispered to himself. He got up and went to the opening of the cave. He spotted Misaki a little ways away with Cyrus. "Great. Now back to Bi-" the he saw the Genesect. "Looks like freaky dudes gonna get creamed." He mumbled. "...Rrrrr, curse this Island." He said to himself. He moved away from the cave and positioned himself in the bugs blind spot. "HyperBeam" he whispered, and he fired the laser at the Bug.

Location: Iron Island

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Wings sprouted out of the Shaymin's back as she hovered over Nikki. "Is she going to be alright?" She asked in a hopeful yet afraid manner.

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Bobby was already in rubber gloves, snapping Nikki's ribs back into place, flinching at every snap, creak, or groan. "I sure hope so... I've never seen Nikki act so thoughtlessly. I mean, I know she's rash, but, not that crazy that she'll just jump into action when she's already injured... I mean, normally she plans her win before she attacks..." The Luxray sighed and stood up, slipping his gloves off and looking at the bloody latex before shuddering and throwing them into the nearest trash can.
"But I told her to stop hurting herself and fighting." Lotus responded, lowering herself to the ground by Nikki's side. "I thought she liked me...because if she did, she would listen to me."

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"Fighting is Nikki's way of life, Lotus. She certainly isn't any pacifist. She was just brought up that way." He said, digging through his bag looking for more supplies.
"What does that p-word mean?" Lotus asked, confused. "And what do you mean? Like, she was forced to fight?"

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"A pacifist is someone that prefers to talk things out rather then fight. And for the second question, yes, she was forced to fight."
"Oh, alright." Lotus says, frowning. She glances over to the Ninetales, saddened at her way of life.

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Bobby slowly peeled Nikki's shirt off, and wrapped her midsection in bandages. He wasn't in the slightest phased by the fact that she was in just a bra, as per he'd had to do this plenty of times. When he was finished, he slowly pulled her shirt back onto her body, then put a pillow under her head.
Tsura brought over the berries, looking at Nikki. She was honestly more worried for her than Bishop. She had seen plenty of injuries before, but few so serious. However, Bobby seemed to have it covered.

Location: Iron Island
After a bit, Autumn slowly opened the door, entering Bishop's cave after a long bit of pondering at the cliff. She came in, her Hydreigon soon following. "How's Nikki doing?" She asked Bobby, setting her dark trainer bag down on a table.

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"She'll be fine, I believe. Just give it time, and if she tries to stand up when she comes to, don't let her. She'll probably just rip out her stitches." He stood up, then looked at Lotus. "Now, I am trusting YOU, Lotus, to watch Nikki and tell me when she wakes up. Can I put my trust in you?"
Lotus looks up at Bobby, being entrusted with something so big like watching the Ninetales. She then puffed out her chest and smiled at Bobby. "Yes, of course!" The Pokémon trainer then kneeled down to the Shaymin. "I'll help you of you would like." She offered in a friendly manner.

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