The Corrupted [A Pokemon Gijinka Roleplay] [Inactive]

Corali observed the group, feeling... dread. It was so unexpected, she acted immediately on it. "Get away from him!" She shouted, rushing to the group.

Location: Iron Island
the carnivine tilted head "umm wats with you ghoul girl???" he seemed puzzled, tilting head more like a puppy.

location iron island.
"Dude, your face is weird." Oliver said turning his attention towards the new face "Were you born that way... Or did someone like make it look like that." Oliver tilted his head "I'm sorry it's just hard to talk to you without zoning out looking at... All of... That." He said gesturing to all of the guy.

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Bobby looked up at the Carnivine, holding Lotus close to his person, growling, his lions fangs bared, sharp and ready to chomp into plant flesh.

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ahahah good joke, did you wanna say that standing..oh wait you already are shrimpy" rolls eyes, opening jaw and snaps back laughing.
"Ghoul girl?" Corali repeated, raising an eyebrow at him. He was either brave or stupid to talk to her like that. Luckily for him she wasn't corrupted... anymore.

Location: Iron Island
"You want change in the way the world works?" Zara was a bit surprised the strange man had the same viewpoints as her. She remained in her fighting stance as Bobby was ready like her.

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"Were you here when we were fighting?" Oliver said "Cause I'm pretty sure I blew off that bug dudes arm." Oliver looked strangely at him "And I wasn't joking and... It's like you're trying to prove me rig... How do you open you're mouth like that! It doesn't seem possible?!"

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"But I'm not corrupted, but you seem like you want to hurt me." Lotus spoke up, still curled in the Luxray's arms.
BishopOfKings said:
"Were you here when we were fighting?" Oliver said "Cause I'm pretty sure I blew off that bug dudes arm." Oliver looked strangely at him "And I wasn't joking and... It's like you're trying to prove me rig... How do you open you're mouth like that! It doesn't seem possible?!"
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ahahahaha, well whatever ya little shrimpy midget mini brat..oh im sorry" looks down abit. his vine like cloak waves side to side. 

PlaguedWithInsanity said:
"But I'm not corrupted, but you seem like you want to hurt me." Lotus spoke up, still curled in the Luxray's arms.
i know your not corrupted" he softly pets the shaymen softly, he contined his grinchy smile.
Lotus made the slightest growling noise as she slapped Rootley's hand, offended by the mad scientist. "I'm a big girl, you meanie! And don't touch me!"
Luke was flying up above, his sights locked onto the Carnivine below, his eyes narrowed.

Bobby looked at Lotus, then backed a step away from the Carnivine.
"Well he's, uh, big and scary and he tried to shoot me with his cannons." Lotus said, curling up in Bobby's arms.

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"He's a coward. A legendary trying to hurt innocent people." The Garchomp growled.

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"B-but he asked what he looked like..?" Lotus said to the Luxray, confused at why Bobby didn't want her to give out information.

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"Hey now settle down mister.... Whatever" Oliver said "I don't think your in any position to order us around." Oliver heard the others chime in with descriptions. "Why do you even want to know." Oliver moved closer to the man.

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"If he wants to hurt us, anything could set him off on us... If that guy was his friend or something, and we hurt him, he could try to hurt us..." He mutters..
"Oh, okay." Lotus responded quietly. "I'm sorry, Bobby." She added, frowning.

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