The Corrupted [A Pokemon Gijinka Roleplay] [Inactive]

"Genosect. Also called Agent G." Corali said, looking at the carnivine with an odd expression. As a legendary, and one formerly in Soltae's inner circle, she knew many that worked for her.

Location: Iron Island
the carnivine looks "i will..but promise me youll kill him, please...i begging you"

location iron island

agent g flew to the valley windworks, as he cuppee water drinking some "ahhh that good water"
"If we have the opportunity, we might" Oliver said "but I'm not the type who kills people." Oliver looked at the man "why can't you kill him?"

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Cyrus looked at Oliver before he left to join the group and told him "No, Im not helping him he is no longer a necessary piece to the game...meerly a broken accessory." He said as the professor walked to the scene and Cyrus sighed starting to walk away from the group.
Azrael walked over to Cyrus and pulled him off to the side. "Looks like they've jumped to another subject.... Again. Sorry the whole group seems to have ADD or something..." She rolled her eyes and tilted her head looking at him, still confused.

Location: Iron Island


Tahl walked out of the room, looking like he never went in, and sighed when he saw Arceus fix the genosect's arm. "I guess this means I can't kill him?" He spoke dryly while glaring at the genosect.

Location: Hallway, Soltae's Castle


Ion thought for a minute. "Um.... do they have apple juice?" He didn't really know many drinks....

Location: Pastoria City


Aelliat nodded. "But you still wouldnt look twice at normal people."

Location: connecting bridge


Vitani blushed harder but answered honestly. "Its called blushing... its something you do when embarrassed or around someone you like."

Location: Soltaes library


Fyre heard Agent Gs call and her ears twitched. She wanted to go to him but her job was to see Cyrus back to the castle... are you okay g?

Location: iron island
"If you want him to die so badly, why don't you do it?" Lotus asked the scientist, a look of confusion painted on her face.
"He probably feels like he can't..." Luke said, landing beside Bobby, and crossing his arms across his chest.

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Corali looked around, suddenly disinterested. She saw the umbreon talking to the unknown metagross. She raised an eyebrow, but said nothing.

Tsura rubbed her temples, as if fighting off a headache. She sat down, staring at the sky, since she had nothing to say.

Location: Iron Island


Soltae looked back at Tahl. "Not yet." She said with some amusement. "He's useful." She ran a hand through her hair, frowning at the disarray it was.

Location: Soltae's Castle


Alexis nodded at him, taking a bottle of juice out of the fridge. "So... what brings you here?" She asked with a goofy smile.

Location: Pastoria City


"I wouldn't know." Cathryn told him. "I've yet to meet someone 'normal'."

Location: Connecting Bridge
Johan raised an eyebrow. "And which are you experiencing?" He crossed his arms. "Are You embarrassed or might you be around someone you like?"

Location: Soltae's Castle Library
A single cloud dark cloud rolled over the Iron Island, a black speck on the skyline that shot much faster along than the wind allowed any of the rest. It wasn't the most discrete mode of transportation but it wasn't as if most people made a habit out of looking up at the sky and even if they did most wouldn't expect the truth. If there was anything the old dragon knew how to do it was staying out of people's way. An ironic skill considering what he'd come here to do. Or at least consider.

A shape even darker than the cloud shot out from the nimbus, hurtling straight for the ground as if in freefall. Only half way down did the massive black wings that others might mistake for an elaborate cloak open, his descent slowing significantly and being all but a gentle float down by the time his feet reached the ground. Already he could see and practically hear the activity from the rebel forces. Some faces he knew, some he didn't. Whatever the case he didn't bother approaching them just yet, staying where he was with arms crossed and eyes calculating to see if anyone bothered to acknowledge him from a way's away.

Location: Iron Island
agent g wandered through a forest, still hunting for cyrus but soon he smelt somthing....familier. "oh no..." he zooms towards iron island.
Autumn looks up in the sky to notice something flying in the direction of the island. Her eyes widen as she heads towards Bishop's house to tell them that the bug type was once again arriving. In a couple minutes, she came to the group, a bit confused at the fainted gijinkas. "What happened here?" The Pokémon trainer asked Bobby and Luke. "Wait nevermind that question for now...there's a Genesect heading towards the island again." She said to the Luxray, gazing at Lotus for a brief second in the blue lion's arms.

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Corali looked at the zekrom when he appeared, surprised. "What..." She looked at Agent G when he appeared again, but decided not to bother with him yet. She approached the zekrom quietly, expression guarded. "Its been a while." She stated.

Location: Iron Island
Malen didn't move so much as an inch as he stood there waiting. It wasn't long until he got some sort of attention and he wasn't at all surprised by who finally did choose to approach him. A familiar old face, one of the few he could put a name to. Corali. "I haven't been keeping track," he says, his tone cold but quiet as if trying to keep the conversation private.

Location: Iron Island
Corali lifted a shoulder in a half shrug. "You could say that it is hard for me to forget the last time we were in the same area..." She commented, looking at the group, then nodding to herself. It seemed no one else had noticed--or cared that he was here.

Location: Iron Is land
Lotus averted her gaze from the scientist to another person that had appeared on the island. "B-Bobby? Who's that man dressed in all black?" She asked nervously, pointing to the Zekrom by Corali.
"I have no idea, and I plan to not find out-" He hefted Lotus up, then nodded to the Darkrai, and started off to Bishop's cave. Luke the Skarmory hefted Nikki's unconscious body into his arms, then looked at Oliver, "Ey, niño, grab Bishop, we gotta move these two inside." He said, following Bobby.
"Got It Dude!" Oliver said to Luke "Yo Freaky Dude The Geno-whatever is yours!" Oliver scurried over to Bishop and picked him up "Uh, Why you gotta be so heavy bro?" He started making his way towards the cave when he remembered "Tsura lets get going!"

Location: Iron Island
Bobby kept walking, then put Lotus down on the floor in Bishop's cave, and stepped out of the way as Luke moved to put Nikki down on the floor beside the couch.
Tsura stood when Oliver called her, then looked at Corali with a smirk. "When the guardian arrives, tell him I said sorry about the genosect thing." The darkrai made a face, but before she could respond, she went into the cave.

Location: Iron Island

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