The Corrupted [A Pokemon Gijinka Roleplay] [Inactive]

Fyre snarled at herself as she stayed above the island. She kept a careful eye on Cyrus and hoped Agent G got back to the Castle okay.

Location: Iron Island, Flying above it


Tahl heard shouting from the floor below them and growled opening his eyes. "I will kill them..."

Location: Soltae's Bedroom


"will you stay this time?" she spoke softly and looked up at the Darkrai. Azrael looked up at Cyrus' voice and sighed in an annoyed way. She really didn't want to fight today. She glanced at Corali "Can't we just all go home and stay away from fighting each other like this?" She hoped that He didn't attack anyone....

Location: Iron Island


Ion backed away when the trainer gestured to him, she had almost touched him and it wasn't a good idea in the rain. He smiled sheepishly at her and began to follow her.

Location: Pastoria City


Vitani glanced up at Johan when he entered and smiled slightly. "Hello.... Jade, NO!" She cried out as her Umbreon took it upon himself to say hi and body slam himself into Johan.

Location: Soltaes Library


Grinning, Aelliat shook his head at the surperior. "Would you have looked at me twice if I had?" He layed back on the grass and sighed.

Location: Connecting Bridge
Zara was still standing as the Metagross arrived to their group. She glared at him, unsure of his intentions. The Garchomp decided it was best to be ready in case if he tried anything to harm someone.
"I don't even care, as long as my ribs are in my body and nothing has been tainted.... And please try to not make it painful... You know, never mind. I'm about to pass out anyway... Night, y'all....."


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"Oh you are so correct she does but I knew that her species had a SORT of healing capability before I met any of you." Cyrus sighed still talking like he was bored and pulled out a syringe stabing it into a bottle taking up the liquid by pulling up the pump. "However, her capabilities should only reach toward pollution of sorts along the lines of poisons and such." He took her arm inserting the needle into the underside of her forearm and injected the fluid as she passed out. "That should stop any pain...and Im not evil nor am I particularly good I just like being on the winning side. Why am I helping you? Because if all of a game systems programs and parts are not functioning and are needed it not as fun anymore." He cut open the area above her broken ribs with a scalpel and hooked her skin out of the way. Cyrus brought out some material that looked similar in color anyways to bone placed some on each rib, sticking his hands in to move them back into place making sure they would seal. After this he sewed up the wound and wrapped it, taking off his gloves and putting on a new pair. He stood back up with his bag and out of the corner of his eye saw Fyre in the sky. "Now...other questions?"
"Yeah Just one." Oliver said with his hands in his pockets. "Is this valuable or something?" He said pulling out something out of one of his pockets. "It was in your bag and it looked out of place." Oliver smiled .

Location: Iron Island


"I just can't escape any sort of annoyance." Johan said moving the Umbreon off of him. "Thanks for the greeting" Johan said sarcastically to the pokemon. Johan began to pick up the charred books that had fallen onto the floor when he was tackled.

Location: Soltae's Caslte Library
Cyrus looked down at the ground and sighed "Dang...okay yes its valuable so just don't press any of the buttons on the capsule covering." He said staring at Oliver as he held it in his hands every once in awhile looking at the sky for Fyre.
Corali sighed. "I wish I could stay out of the fighting... but I can't." She paused, looking at the umbreon seriously. "If no one makes the first step, there will be no end to the fighting."

Location: Iron Island


Alexis led Ion to the pokemon center of Pastoria. She looked at him, smiling slightly. "This alright with you?" She asked, shaking her head to get the water out.

Location: Pastoria City (pokemon center)


Cathryn glared, her face turning a dark red. "You're an idiot." She told him, then decided to get up.

Location: Connecting Bridge
Picking up the Umbreon she glared at it and put it back with her other pokemon in the corner. "I'm sorry about that. He doesn't know how to say hi normally... He didn't mean anything by it." She said it all in one breath and then stopped, blushing in embarrassment.

Location: Soltae's Library


Fyre dropped down and landed above the group in the clearing Cyrus and the Umbreon had vacated earlier. She looked down at them and narrowed her eyes, wondering why Cyrus was helping them.

Location: Iron Island


Azrael smiled weakly at Corali.
" I know... I just wish it wasn't so..." She kept her eyes on Cyrus as she talked. She was confused as to what he was doing.

Location: Iron Island


Ion looked around and shrugged.
"Sure. Do they have something to drink here?" He looked around confused since he'd never been in a Center before.

Location: Pastoria City, Pokemon Center


Aelliat grabbed her hand to keep her from running off.
"I mean it, would you have?" He looked up at her with a serious expression for the first time since he showed up. "Now a days, to be noticed by anyone you have to be different, flashy, loud. Its annoying."

Location Connecting Bridge
TamaraWolf said:
Tsura sighed, glad that no one questioned her call to give the genosect advice. She abruptly sat down, as if she was exhausted, and she was... mentally. However, there was a small smile on her face, too.
Location: Iron Island


Soltae's 'quiet time' was interrupted by someone screaming her name. She made a low growling sound, then appeared before agent G. She looked a mess-her hair stuck out in odd directions and it looked as if she had rushed to dress. "What is it?" She demanded, eyes glowing red until she noticed his injury. "What happened?" She asked in a still cranky, but less angry tone.

Location: Soltae's Castle
"i..i was trying to capture shaymen but got damaged now im useless...again..." he cries abit , holding his arm as it limped abit.
"Its fine" Johan said picking up the last book and placing them on a table. He stood up and dusted himself off. "I believe i deserved it… After all i rarely come in here" He looked at the girl. "Are you okay? You're face is red."

Location: Soltae's Castle: Library


Oh Then here." Oliver said tossing the thing to Cyrus. "When i see an open container of any sort i tend to have a peek… and sometimes take a few things." He put on a smile. "Sorry… Hey Are you gonna help Bishop too?"

Location: Iron Island
Corali kept her eye on the metagross, just in case. He seemed to be honest in his intent to help, at least.

Tsura, however, was too tired to care. She sat cross-legged, head in her hands as she blinked sleepily. She had used quite a bit of power, and it was wearing her out.

Location: Iron Island


Alexis smiled. "Yep. Come on, I'll show you." She said, leading him to the kitchen that was free to use. "What are you wanting?"

Location: Pastoria City (Pokemon Center)


Cathryn stared at the trainer, a little surprised. It was a flash of honesty that she didn't expect. "I'm not interested in flashiness." She said bluntly. "If people show off, they're usually hiding something."

Location: Connecting Bridge


Soltae looked at the genosect, considering. "A shaymin...?" She nodded to herself, approaching him. "You called at a bad time. But..." She paused. "I'll let it go this time." She told him, then used her power to restore his arm to full strength. Simply put, she was angry, but Agent G was useful.

Location: Soltae's Castle useful again...right mum...I MEAN soltae i hmm.." he became sheltered, the day he was found he saw soltae as like a mother. i mean she was she created all pokemon, so thats a type of mother. embarresed his red amour went redder.
Soltae was surprised at the gijinka's words at first, but then she smiled with pleasure. She took his head in her hands, almost gently. "That's right." She said to him. "You are useful, more so than most of my creations..." She told him, manipulating him a bit.

Location: Soltae's Castle
TamaraWolf said:
Soltae was surprised at the gijinka's words at first, but then she smiled with pleasure. She took his head in her hands, almost gently. "That's right." She said to him. "You are useful, more so than most of my creations..." She told him, manipulating him a bit.
Location: Soltae's Castle
with that he smiled, feeling useful again as he closed his eyes. "is that true..soltae sama...." he looked into her eyes softly, like a child, innocent and pure
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The Shaymin's first, and usual reaction, for that matter, to this scene would be to help Nikki, but since the legendaries were still present, the small grass type quickly ran over to the nearest source of protection that she was familiar with, that happening to be Bishop. "Please don't let them hurt me or take me away!" She cried out as she hid behind the Lucario, shaking in fear because of the Genesect's attempts to attack the little girl.
"Ummm, Lotus?" Bobby walked over to her, "Bishop is kind of unconscious. He can't protect you."

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The Shaymin's first, and usual reaction, for that matter, to this scene would be to help Nikki, but since the legendaries were still present, the small grass type quickly ran over to the nearest source of protection that she was familiar with, that happening to be Bobby. "Please don't let them hurt me or take me away!" She cried out as she hid behind the Luxray, shaking in fear because of the Genesect's attempts to attack the little girl.


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The Luxray looked at the little Shaymin, then picked her up, ever so slightly honored that she suddenly trusted him. "Hey, it's uhh... It's okay. We won't let anyone hurt you..."

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suddenly a tall, creepy shady green male strolls over "hello little for some candy~~" his smiles grew like the grinch during a fiendish plan, he examined the shaymen popped to reality "o...we have company~"
"They did, which was horrible, but they never will... We won't let them, right everyone?" He said, looking about at the others that had fought the Genesect.

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Zara nodded and gave Lotus a smile of sincerity. She never allowed harm towards the innocent despite her reckless attitude. The Garchomp suddenly saw a disturbing Gijinka arrive. Immediately she showed her sharp teeth and stood in a fighting stance towards him.

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Tsura got up, momentarily setting aside how tired she was, and walked over to her. "You've been through so much... but trust us when we say we'll protect you." She looked at the carnivine, momentarily confused. "Who are you?"

Location: Iron Island
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[QUOTE="Lunar-Eclipse]Zara nodded and gave Lotus a smile of sincerity. She never allowed harm towards the innocent. The Garchomp suddenly saw a disturbing Gijinka arrive. Immediately she showed her sharp teeth and stood in a fighting stance towards him.
Decided to use tapatalk on my ipod instead of the browser right now yay

hay hay, listen cutey i wont hurt him with the resistence, im professer lucious rootley" he passes a sickly green lollipop "its apple and liiime" he looked at shaymem "dont b scared im a nice guy"

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