The Corrupted [A Pokemon Gijinka Roleplay] [Inactive]

"Maybe. I don't know." Bishop said then he noticed her. "Hey Nikki listen. This is nothing compared to what I've experienced. Try getting curb stomped by 4 people after getting Caesared as they called it." The he eyeballed Lotus. "Is she pretending that I don't exist. And sure she can heal me."

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"I'm fine, sweetheart, really. I'm more worried about Bishop, to be honest..." She said, then looked up at Bishop, smiled weakly, "Heh, right, yeah... Heh..."

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"Okay, I will." Lotus said as she smiled at Nikki, white wings sprouting out of the Shaymin's back. "So you don't have to bend down for me." She added as she flew up onto the Lucario's shoulders.

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Tsura watched the little shaymin, sighing a little. Hopefully one day she will learn to trust one day. She thought, shaking her head.
Nikki watched as Lotus sprouted wings. She immediately noticed the likeness to a cute little angel and started purring again. Damn, this kid was too cute for your own good...

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explosiveKitten said:
Nikki watched as Lotus sprouted wings. She immediately noticed the likeness to a cute little angel and started purring again. Damn, this kid was too cute for your own good...
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techno blast!!!" suddenly a purple laser shot from no where, popping a cloud as it desended to nikki.
Bishop saw the Lazer fly towards Nikki. He flipped Lotus legs off him and ran towards Nikki. Bishop pushed her out of the way and took the full force of the attack and was sent flying backwards down the rocky hill.

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keh...typical reaction...." the insect zoomed like a missle up to bishop puting his cannon nosel, putting it in his mouth. "time to taste death...techno flame!" a red light shines in his mouth as steam escapes through bishops teeth, the cannon still charged.
"WHAT THE-?!" She looked up, only saw a glimpse of the purple beam rushing at her, but it was gone within the next second as Bishop shoved her out of the way, and was sent flying instead. At first she didn't react, shocked speechless, then got up and was running. And before she even had a chance to think, she screeched at a pitch she'd never heard come from herself, and jumped onto the Genesect's shoulders, her legs wrapped around the bug's neck as she thoughtless pounded her fists relentlessly against his head.
gahh ow ow rrr!!!" grabbing nikkies head, he slung her off his head slammjng her to the ground. as the flame drives goes blue "techno douse die...die!!!!" the nosel slowly dribbles about to fire a high pressured water jet.
"DragonPulse" the purple energy surged from his mouth, keeping the flames from traveling any further into his body. He grab the gun and wrench it out of his mouth, but Nikki's attack gave him his chance. "CloseCombat" Bishop let out a barrage of attacks at point blank range to save Nikki. "Ollie!" He shouted to his friend.

Oliver jumped into action "
Sandstorm" and the area became filled with a raging desert storm.
before a chance, his water was stopped by the barrage, going back with each hit as the sand storm ensnares agent g "rrrr AHHHH!!!" shooting the water into the sky he stops and the drive goes yellow "techno thunder!!!" he shot an electrical beam, as it strikes the water it began raining down a thousand electrical rain drops.
Zara saw that Agent G had returned and was fully ready to fight him. She quickly ran outside and grinned with determination on her face. "DIG!" She rapidly dug a hole and began to crawl underground to make her surprise attack.
Nikki was thrown off of agent G's back, landed on her bad side, her broken ribs popping right out of place again. She squealed, and writhed on the ground, getting smashed by the Sandstorm as much as G was.

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Bishop ran as soon as the first electrified droplet hit him. He dashed towards Nikki, and used his body to stop the drops and the Sandstorm from hurting her her. Ollie on the other hand appeared right next to G. "Care to Dance?" Ollie said grabbing his arms and hunched G over so Ollie wouldn't take damage from the drops. "Flamethrower" Ollie opened his mouth and sent a blast of flame at G's face.
agent g panicked, but smirked "techno chill" with that the drive went white, shooting a powerful wave of ice energy cooling the flame, as g skidded back. "rrrr you people aint even gunna give me any experiance fool"
The Skarmory came flying, and rammed into G with his metal beak, then as soon as he felt the first droplets, he went down and crashed into the sand, trying to keep the rain off of himself, "DAAHH, sh*t, sh*t, sh*t!"

Bobby meanwhile charged straight the rain, not even noticing the drops, and jumped on the giant bug, flames pouring from jaws as he bit on the insect.

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Ollie appeared behind G."Experience?! Bro, dis be easy! Steelwing."the bands hanging from Oliver's coat shone as he swung his arms at the Genosects midriff.
Zara found a weak spot and finished digging. She popped up out of the ground behind Agent G. She grinned as he wasn't looking, "Surprise!" She kicked his back and jumped forward. "CRUNCH!" she shouted then used the dark attack on the Genesect's shoulder.
enetering his speed form, he zooms away from the flamming jaws of bobby, the assault from underneath just barley and ollies bands going up high "now for you to all die...." pointing his cannon, he smiles using lock on on lotus "die...." shoots a charged hyper beam to him.
Ollie dashed in front of Lotus. The sandstorm disappearing as his touched the Ground "No hurting children!" Ollie said as he fired his own hyper beam to meet the Genosects.

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Nikki didn't react to Bishop's presence, only laid on the earth and moaned. She hadn't felt pain like this in a while, and did it hurt like a b****. When she finally came around and noticed Bishop over top of her, her got a little red, and she said in a thin voice, "I could say so many jokes right now, but I'm not going to..."

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"You bastard!" Zara shouted. Luckily Ollie was there to protect the young girl as she helped to make sure his hyper beam won over the Genoscect's. "CRUNCH!" She bit him on the shoulder hoping it would distract him from the other attack.
inpudent. LITTLE. F-" with one shot agent g's arm was shot clean off, his cannon was destroyed. "àhhhh!! ahhh dare useless to soltae sama. how i was before..." tries to walk away.
Tsura watched the scene in horror, but when he aimed at Lotus, the normally pacifistic espeon jumped into the battle. "How dare you!" She shouted, body glowing with psychic energy. Faster than anyone had a right to suspect, she threw a shadow ball, intending to force him to change targets. However, when his arm came off, she stopped, staring.

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