The Corrupted [A Pokemon Gijinka Roleplay] [Inactive]

"TAKE DOWN!" Zara slammed into Agent G as he tried to leave. "I'm not letting you leave so easily! You're going to pay for trying to hurt them!" She growled.
he was knocked to the ground "s...soltae me...please...." cries abit, keeps trying to crawl away " me...i ...dont wanna be alone again....."
"Zara get off him" Ollie said breathing deeply. "Let him go."

Bishop's face grew red "
Umm please don't. Sorry I used to bodyguard, protection is in my genes"
"Fine. But only because I know we're better then him." The Garchomp stepped off the Genescect and glared at him from where he was on the ground.
Skarmory finally stood up, and Bobby growled at G, then held out an arm, trying to stop the Garchomp. "Leave him be... Lets just take care of our own..."

Nikki groaned in pain and ran a hand over her now sticking straight out of her flesh ribs. "Huh..." She mumbled something else inaudible, then moaned again, gritting her teeth as she readied herself to snap the ribs back into place.

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agent g grabbed his arm, trying to attach it. doesnt understand hes damage "what....stay...stay...stay!...stay!!! STAY!!! CANT BE USELESS AGAIN!!!"
Tsura looked at Agent G, pity welling up inside her. She approached slowly, still glowing with psychic power, but this glow was softer. "Return home to your mistress." She said quietly. "Tell her that you tried to capture the shaymin for her, and she will fix your arm." She told him. "The future is clear. If you do this, you will remain in favor...." She frowned, not understanding why she told him this.... but it felt right.
the genesect tilted his head, but nodded shooting off to soltae's castle. shooting like a bullet before stopping at her castle. "s..soltae c..can you help me p...please" lightning sparks off his robotic arm. he looked around for his mistress "s..soltae...soltae"

location soltae's castle
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"Oh sorry I didn't realize I was still on you." Bishop said. His face turning red. He got off of her and sat next to her.

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Slowly, she began to sit up, but didn't get very far before falling back down onto her back and gritting her teeth. "Sh******t... F***..."

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"Oh S***, Nikki" Bishop said to her as she lay there. "Lotus! Nikki needs medical attention!" An as he finished callings out he collapsed.

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Cyrus watched as agent G had attacked them all and sighed bored at the fight. He watched as Agent G's arm was no longer attached to his body. The group spared him and allowed him to fly off. He was perplexed by this finding the situation to overall be fairly interesting. Cyrus stood up on the mountain looking at all of them floating down to the ground around all of them. He sighed again looking at the little girl that this group was putting up a fuss about.

Location- Iron Island around @BishopOfKings
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The Ninetails looked at Bishop, smiled weakly, then up straight at the clouds. "Ugh.... Well. We're both kind of in the sh*ts now, aren't we..."

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"I guess" Bishop said lying on his back. " well I can't move at all... Could be worse." Them Bishops eyes wandered and he saw something "Oh come on! There's More!?"

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Cyrus's eyes rolled and he looked down at the sad looking Lucario child and spoke bored "I suppose if you want to be technical then yes there are more." He stood running his fingers through his hair and staring back at both of them with his dark red eyes.
Tsura sighed, glad that no one questioned her call to give the genosect advice. She abruptly sat down, as if she was exhausted, and she was... mentally. However, there was a small smile on her face, too.

Location: Iron Island


Soltae's 'quiet time' was interrupted by someone screaming her name. She made a low growling sound, then appeared before agent G. She looked a mess-her hair stuck out in odd directions and it looked as if she had rushed to dress. "What is it?" She demanded, eyes glowing red until she noticed his injury. "What happened?" She asked in a still cranky, but less angry tone.

Location: Soltae's Castle
Nikki sighed and sucked in a breath, then hissed it back out again. "Ow, ow, ow, ow..." She murmured, staring up at the sky.

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"There is absolutely no need to be so rude boy, I have done nothing to you but resisted injury." Cyrus looked over at Nikki with a bothered looked on his face and moved toward her. He opened up his side bag reaching his arm inside to grab something out. Still keeping eye contact with them and rummaging through his bag.
"... Ey.... What are you doing?" She started, trying to sit up, but gave up trying and laid back down, staring up at the Metagross through half closed eyes.

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Bishop couldn't see where the Metagross has went, his entire body stuck unmoving on the ground. He felt tired, and couldn't keep awake anymore. Bishop passed out.

Oliver appeared behind the Metagross looking over his shoulder. "Whatcha got in there?"

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Cyrus kept searching in his bag not looking at the person now speaking to him,Oliver, and in a monotone voice said "An emergency response kit...better than anything you people can do with a bunch of squashed up berries." He finally found the kit and pulled in out kneeling beside Nikki. "Unless that is for some reason a problem for you?"
"No problem here." Oliver said sitting down beside the Metagross. "But we do have Lotus and her Magic Healing thingy." He said making jazz hands "plus aren't you like evil or sumthin'?"

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