The Corrupted [A Pokemon Gijinka Roleplay] [Inactive]

She then opens a hole in the grass wall, revealing her cute little face. "Then why did the mean people do it? Why did they hurt my parents so bad so that I can't see them any more?" Tears start running from her eyes as she makes little whimpering noises and the grass wall stars to recede.
"They hurt your parents? Those horrible people!" She exclaimed, knowing this girl's pain entirely. "I never knew my parents. I was taken from them the moment I was born." She said, still not reaching out to the little girl. If this girl would ever come out, she'd come out on her own. "I've never seen my parents."
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"B-but you're a fire type, which means you'll burn me if I come out." The little girl cries, the wall fortifying again.
"Why would I do that? If I wanted to hurt you, I would have by now... I promise, I won't hurt you, or take you anywhere you don't want to go." She said, crossing her heart with her finger, hoping she would believe her good intentions.
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The grass walls begin to recede again, revealing a tiny girl is a satin white dress. Her verdant ankle-length hair shimmering in the sunlight, her gracedia bows a dull pink, revealing that the Shaymin wasn't in the best condition. "Pinkie promise?" She extends her arm up, her little hand folding into a fist with her pinkie up.
"Pinkie promise." She agreed, reaching out her own pinkie and shaking hands with the Shaymin. "What are you doing out here all on your own, Lotus?" She said, concerned for the small child. She didn't look like she was feeling too well. How do you cure a Shaymin? Take her to a field of gracedias, right? ..I could be wrong...
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"These mean people stole me from my parents when i was littler, and they would take off my clothes and hook me up to machines an use my powers to hurt people..." Lotus responded, a slight frown marking her little face. "I escaped and went on this boat that was leaving to get away from the scary people." She added.
"Oh, thats horrible, you poor girl. You must be in so much pain..." She said, beginning to reach out to the poor thing. "That must have hurt so much. I can't possibly imagine what you've been through..." She actually could, but she wouldn't say that to her. That really wouldn't be comforting, would it?
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Bishop sat on a section jutting out of the cliff a little ways down from where Nikki was. He was monitoring the conversation using his Aura powers making sure that the meeting didn't go south. He remained silent as he sat with his eyes closed, and remained out of sight of both of the Gijinka. He smiled. His skills at being a bodyguard finally being used after so long. The conversation made him think "Who could've hurt this girl. Her Aura is sincere and kind, why would anyone want to hurt her?" He gave up the thought and continued to listen in on the conversation.
Nikki wrapped her arms around the little girl and hugged her back. "We should always be nice to someone, unless we have reason to not be. Who knows where they've been, whats happened to them..." She murmured, giving off a low warmth, to try to make the little thing feel better, warm her up. This little thing was surprisingly cold, well no wonder, she's in a cave, and it only made her more protective.
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She smiled, holding the young girl close. And suddenly, she knew she wouldn't anyone hurt this little girl. This girl was hers to protect, and nobody would lay a finger on her without being roasted alive and thrown to the Mightyena/Houndoom/whatever would eat well done meat. She looked down at the small girl and sighed, knowing that now she had to get down from there somehow.
"I know how to get down from here." Lotus says as she extends her arms and opens her hands, her palms turning green again as vines and leaves lace together to form a bridge that led to the ground.

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"I can't walk, Lotus. My leg is broken." She said, smiling at the kind offer, but unable to take it. "I'm afraid we're kind of stuck here unless someone rescue's us... Also, how did you know what I was thinking?" She said, poking Lotus's belly lightly, friendly. She smiled more,
Hearing the conversation Bishop used his telepathy to talk to Nikki "Can you ask her if its ok that i come up?" Bishop Though to her "I might be able to help." He opened his eyes and waited "Oh wait sorry its Bishop. Im right below you at the moment, so yeah… Is it ok with her that i come up there."
"Bishop, get out of my head and get over here." She said, then picked up Lotus and held her close. "It's okay, I won't let anybody hurt you..." She said, nuzzling the little girl, trying to be comforting.
"As You Wish" He thought to her as he stood up and began to climb. He reached the edge of the cliff and pulled himself onto the cliff and sat there. "Hi." He said to the girl "Nikki I'm gonna have to carry you, but theres a tunnel that should take us down to where everyone else is right now." He went to move closer and then realized the little Shaymin Gijinka would probably be scared of him. He knelt down "Do you mind me carrying her? Im a friend, and I can get us out of here." He said to her smiling
"Don't touch her, or me." Lotus says stubbornly as her green eyes glow and vines stretch from the ceiling of the cave they were in, wrapping around Nikki and the little girl, slowly and gently bringing them down to the bottom of waterfall, where Autumn, Bobby, and Luke were.

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"Ow, ow, ow, that's my broken leg!" She cried, then promptly fell back on her butt, leaning against the wall and breathed out. "Owww... a little more warning next time...kay?" She muttered, through clenched teeth, smiling weakly, then gripping her leg some. "Ow...."

Bobby rushed over, worried, but Luke stayed behind, in the shadows. His appearance normally scared small children.
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"well that was worthless." Bishop said as he watched The two go down to the bottom of Falls. "Well time to make my way down" Then he thought of something. If the girl didn't like him it might be better to keep at a distance. Bishop stood back up an jumped to the other side of the cliff, where the side path that led down was located. He started to make his way down until he could see the group. He watched as Bobby made his way towards Nikki and saw Luke and Autumn near the back. Bishop sat down on the path and watched the group.
"Oh, I'm sorry!" She yelps at the fact that she hurt someone when she was only trying to help.

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"No, it's fine, really..." She said, smiling at the poor girl, then she looked up at Bishop and sighed. "Well now what? I can't walk with a broken leg, is there anywhere I can stay around here, on this island? At allll?" She said, with a pained look in her eyes, and a weak smile plastered on.
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