The Corrupted [A Pokemon Gijinka Roleplay] [Inactive]

"Theres a Cave back out the way we came." Bishop said to her "Its were I live. And I'm sure you'll be safe there." He looked at Lotus. "Since you won't let me carry her do you think you can move her there?" He asked the little girl. "I show you the way."
"No, I can fix this." Lotus says, putting her hands on Nikki's leg, an, almost magical, glow coming from her palms. She then straightened the Ninetale's leg and bent it, almost all pain gone from the break.

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"I-I didn't know Shaymin had healing powers...!" Bobby stammered.

Nikki sat up, looking at her leg, and moving it. "Whoa... That's crazy... awesome, thanks Lotus." She smiled.

Can this kid get any better?
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Bishop watched as Lotus healed Nikki's leg and it somewhat didn't surprise him. "Glad that thats all settled now." He said sitting in his spot on the walkway. "But i think we should still head to my place. I can't be the only one who wants to get out of this dark, moist hole in the ground." He got up "Come on ill show you the way there."
The little girl smiles, overwhelmed by happiness at the fact she helped the person she looked up to. Autumn then chipped in. "Yeah, I could use some rest." She yawned.

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"Yeah, sure." Nikki stood, up picking up Lotus and holding her close, ready to follow Bishop off into the darkness... That does not sound good.

Bobby looked at Nikki, then at Lotus. "Hey, thats why we came here in the first place."

"Yeah, to get away from the big city for a few days." Luke said, stepping out of the darkness and over to the group, with his hands behind his back.
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"In that case follow me." He said as he started walking. He channeled his aura powers and began to map out their path. "Left then a right the straight at the crossroad after that." He kept at a slow pace to make sure everyone was behind him, and kept sensing behind him to they were actually following him. He opened his eyes after a while and saw a light up ahead. "There's the exit. Now my little cave house should be up to the left." He said to them "Lets go!" And he picked up the pace.
In Nikki's arms, Lotus didn't really have a choice to follow or not, as long as the tall fox was going, the little Shaymin was fine with whatever exploration as long as no one harmed the Ninetales. Autumn follows, also starting to walk faster as Bishop did.

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Nikki followed Bishop, her expression neutral as she stumbled through the dark. This guy could be leading her to a trap for all she knew, but it didn't matter. She was tired, she needed to get this little one to a safe place, and she needed some sleep too. That was all that mattered at the time.

Meanwhile, Bobby and Luke couldn't stop staring at Nikki and Lotus, confused at the sight.

"This is so weird..."

"I couldn't agree more..."
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The little Shaymin yawned, nuzzling in Nikki's arms until eventually falling asleep.

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Bishop exited the cave that he was leading everyone through. He looked to the right and saw the small blue flag that was outside the cave he lived in. He waved for everyone to follow and he took of towards the cave ignoring the clearly cut path and went along the rocks straight for the cave. He got there first and immediately went and grabbed a bunch of pillows and blankets, which he had bought a long time ago at the Canalave market, and set them on the bed. He figured that the bog couch bed could hold three people at max and he had five other people to house. He pulled the chair from his desk over towards the fire pit and got to work starting a fire for food. Bishop was an ok cook, but not as good as his old friend was and he kinda hoped that one of the people who would be joining him would be a better cook than him. He lit a fire using his flint & steel that he kept in his desk and begun tending to it waiting for everyone to arrive
Autumn arrived at Bishop's house again with the others. "Do you guys mind if I let all my Pokemon out?" She asked the gijinkas.
Nikki looked around the cave. It was actually quite cozy, but she needed a place for the sleeping child. She looked around and found a couch, and immediately claimed it for the little girl, resting her gently on the couch-bed, and covering her up with a blanket from her things. The little girl safely tucked in, she turned and looked around at the others.
"Hmm." Bishop said looking up from the campfire. "I don't mind at all." He turned his attention back towards the fire. "Umm quick question. Anyone an amazing cook here?" He said with a smile "Im an okay one, but if any of you are amazing then you can take over the cooking.
Everyone looked at Bobby, and he looked at the two.


Neither offered a reply.

"...UGH. Fine."

Skarmory and Ninetails high-fived.
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The female trainer releases her Pokemon from their capsules one by one and as follows: a Hydreigon, Blaziken, shiny Crobat, and an Eevee. "Meet my best friends." She says to the gijinkas with a big smile.
"These are my babies: Renegade, Aeris, Celosia, and Cora." Autumn points in the order that she released them in.

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Bobby walked over to the fire and began to tend to it. "You're overcooking the food," he said, adjusting the food articles, "Also, using the wrong part of the fire."
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Looking up, Azrael was shocked to see her sister was correct. She had walked the entire journey without really noticing. "Oh, cool. She looked around and saw the Berry Lady putting up a fresh stock. "Lets go get the Berries first."

Location: Conclave


Tahl smiled at her. "A poke for your thoughts, my dear creator?" Even when they had been corrupted they had shown affection towards each other. He was glad for it because he still loved to touch Soltae.

Location: Soltae's Rooms


Fyre shoot her head and rolled her eyes at Johan. "I really don't think its any business of anyone's what Mistress does in her private time. I'd say I am sorry but we both know that'd be a lie." She shrugged and began to use kick boxing to attack the dummy she'd put up.

Location: Training Room
"In That case why don't i let you do the cooking" He said letting Bobby take over the food. He walked over to his berry stash. "Man I let this get low. Im gonna have to make a run to the market." He walked to the entrance of the cave "Hey guys ill be right back. I gotta restock my berry supply. I forgot to earlier due to a… distraction." He looked at Autumn and smiled "It should only take me a few minutes" And he took off towards the Boat. He hopped on and the Captain set off. Bishop sat down as the Boat sped across the water. Man he was lucky that the Captains ship had a living quarters.

Location: Boat headed to Canalave City


Typical of you" Johan said to the annoying Gijinka "Your form is off." He said leaving the room and entering the hallway. He decided to stroll around the castle to pass the time.

Location: Soltae's Castle: Hallways
"Hmph sorry." Autumn giggled.

The Shaymin turned over, her eyes opening slightly. "Mm- Nikki-sama, is this the Lucario's house we were heading to when I went to sleep?" She inched over to the Ninetales, sitting in her lap and yawning.

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