The Corrupted [A Pokemon Gijinka Roleplay] [Inactive]

"Did she just call you Nikki-sama?"

"You two shut up! Yep, this is it." She said with a smile, walking over to her and sitting beside her, smiling.

Bobby kept to his fire, working the coals.
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"Well she's older than me and I like her lots, so Nikki-sama is right." The Shaymin smiles, forming her body into a little ball in the Ninetales's arms.

"Aww, that's adorable." Autumn adds.
Nikki's face started to get red, and she held the little girl in her arms, practically overloading from the cute. A faint sound like purring came from the tall fire-type, as she looked at the little girl, she couldn't stop smiling. 
(Well, I'm off for the night. It's late. 'NIght, ya'll.)
"Nikki-sama, why are you all blushie?" Lotus asked, poking at her red cheeks and smiling at the Ninetales as she hugged her.

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Tsura shrugged and followed along, letting her sister handle this part of the business. She wasn't a good haggler, anyway.... now, if someone wanted a reading, that would be another story. Her gaze slipped towards Iron Island more than once, which caused her to frown slightly. Now something is happening there. She thought. Obviously the powers that be wanted them to go there.... After a few minutes, a nagging feeling filled her. "Sister." She started, touching Azrael's arm. "Would you like to go train in a bit, since we're close already?" She asked. It would only be a short ferry ride to Iron Island.

Location: Canalave City


Soltae rolled her eyes. "You never change." She said, although her tone didn't say that it was a bad thing.

Location: Soltae's Castle (Private quarters)
Azrael had just finished buying the Berries when Tsura spoke. She looked up and noticed the look on her sister's face. "Okay. Lets go train." She agreed automatically and turned towards the ferry. She got on and helped her sister onto it.

Location: Ferry to Iron Island


Tahl smiled and pulled her onto the bed to hold her. "Would you really be okay if I did?"

Location: Soltae's Rooms


Growling, Fyre hit the bag even harder with a round house kick and slammed and locked the doors to the training room with her Psychic powers. Then she let her rage loose and lifted everything in the room off the floor as the objects began spinning around. "Stupid, bloody murderer. How dare he talk to me!?" She screamed in frustration.

Location: Training Room
Bishop arrived at Canalave and stepped off the boat. He waved to the Captain telling him through telepathy that he'd be back shortly. Bishop watched as strangely dressed girls got onto the boat. "they look weird… eh i gotta hurry". He quickly sent the Boat captain a message via telepathy to come back and pick him up after he had ferried the Weird girls across to where ever they were going. He continued walking. He crossed the bridge and made his way to The Market. "Okay Berry store, Berry store, where is the Berry store." He said as he strolled along the various stores. He saw the Berry store and went over and looked over the stock, picking out what he wanted from the store.

Location: Canalave City


Johan laughed upon hearing Fyre's shouts from inside the room. As much as the gijinka annoyed him, it gave him great pleasure to piss the little brat off. "I might as well re-familiarize myself with the castle… ill start in the great hall." Johan made his way through the castle stopping every once in awhile to incinerate a few guards along the way to pass the time. He made his way into the Great hall. "This place is just as it was when i left… except" He looked around and walked over to a spot in the Hall. "Im pretty sure that i had made a beautiful mosaic out of ash right here… *sigh* I guess Soltae thought that it didn't match the scenery. Oh well" He continued to wander around the Great Hall in Soltae's Castle

Location: Soltae's Castle: Great Hall
When they were on the ferry, Tsura sighed, as if relieved when the nagging feeling eased. As soon as she sat down, she 'heard' the message that the boy sent the capitan. She smiled sweetly at him and convinced him to simply wait until he came back to leave. She then closed her eyes a moment to see if she could 'see' anything else. After a minute, she shook her head and looked over at her sister. "Something is there. I'm not sure what... but there are some sort of workings there." She said quietly, not sure how else to put it. It was strange for her to not know at least a little more specific information...

Location: Canalave City (Ferry)


For a minute, Soltae said nothing, as if she were seriously thinking on his words. Even before she made the gijinka, he was the constant in her life- his loyalty even more unwavering than Palkia and Dialga's, who she considered her own children. "I..." she stopped before she actually started before sitting up, fast as a bolt. She sensed a plate, she knew it- they were a part of her. "We'll continue this discussion later..." She said, her tone clearly saying that she had been fully distracted. Of course, her missing plates were a point of obsession for Soltae. She left her room, tracking the plate though the castle like a growlithe may track a smell. Eventually, she came to the great hall.

Location: Soltae's Castle (Great Hall)

Bishop purchased the berries he'd needed and payed the kind woman at the Berry store. He started making his way back to the docks and was beginning to cross the bridge. "I was only at the market for ten minutes… Did he ever leave?" Bishop though as he made his way across the bridge. When he reached the docks he was surprised. He saw the two girls who had gotten on the boat earlier still on the boat. He began to send a message to the Captain, but then he noticed why the girls looked so strange. They were Gijinka. Still puzzled Bishop got onto the boat and sat next to the girl dressed in pink. He sent the Captain a telepathic message saying that they were clear to go. The boat moved forward, passing under the drawbridge. He looked down at his feet before asking the girl in pink "Just what exactly are yo going to Iron island for?"

Location: Boat heading to Iron Island


Johan turned upon feeling a presence behind him. He smiled "
Ah. My Lord." He said bowing "I believe you might be looking for this." He walked up to Soltae and extended the Flame Plate, which he had been holding on to. "Your Flame Plate my Lord." He said handing the red Plate to her.

Location Soltae's Castle: Great Hall
Tsura turned to the gijinka when he returned, giving no indication that she had been talking about things she shouldn't know yet. She gave him a small smile. "Training, for one thing. If my sister gets out of shape, I'd be very put out." She said, mostly joking. "But..." She paused, tilting her head to the side, considering if she should say anything more, then decided that it wouldn't hurt. It was widely known that she could know the future, anyway. "Well, I sense things at times. Something tells me that I need to be there." She told him.

Location: Ferry to Iron Island


Soltae's eyes lit up when Johan handed the plate to her, but otherwise made no expression. It remained in her hands for a moment, but then vanished, becoming part of her body once more. She nodded and gave a small smile, pleased. "You return another fraction of my power to me." She said to him. "Well done." She nodded at him, then tilted her head to the side. "You've been gone a long time, Johan. What else have you been doing?" She asked, part curiosity and part hoping he had some insight on what had happened to a few of the ledgendaries who dissappeared.... like the traitorous darkrai...

Location: Soltae's Castle (Great Hall)
Bishop Looked at the girl "Sense things? Like what?" The girl was strange. She looked like a fortune teller, maybe she actually could see the future… But could she be trusted. He decided not to tell the girl about Lotus, and he hoped that they would head into the caves, rather than follow him to his home.

Location: Ferry to Iron Island


Your welcome my Lord. And i am terribly sorry for being away for so long." he said to her pleased with what he had be able to accomplish "I had a little problem in Unova. The people there were getting out of hand. The resistance seems to be acting up. I had to end some of the resistance leaders in Unova in order to keep the people there calm and still loyal to you." Johan looked at his master "One of the leaders i executed broke before he died. The resistance is trying to seal away the plates. They were going to start with the one that I had just given to you." Johan crossed his arms. "If your asking if I know about the disappearing legendaries, I'm sorry i don't have any idea about that. And My Lord if you were to think that I would conspire against you, Just remember that i respect you far to much to ever even think about betraying you."

Location: Soltae's Castle: Great Hall

Tsura smiled. "It's not much different than your ability to see auras. You are a lucario, correct?" She nodded to herself. "Well, I'm psychic. People like me... well, our powers tend to work in different ways. I have visions.... usually. Either I can search for them, or they just come to me, if the need is great enough." She remembered a little after she first evolved, she had a vision about arceus- she pushed aside that thought. "Occasionally I just get feelings." Why was she being so honest? It was, simply put, in her nature. She didn't see a reason not to tell him- it wasn't a secret. However, she didn't mention that she was sometimes extremely vulnerable when receiving such visions. She gave a small shrug. She never considered herself good at explaining her power, but one would know it if they saw it. "What about you? Don't you get feelings sometimes?"

Location: Ferry to Iron Island


Soltae crossed her arms. "I'm not surprised." She said response when he told her about the plot to seal away her plates. In their place, she would do the same. Maybe. "Good work in Unnova. Crippling it will distract them for a while." She said with a small nod. Distracting them would give her more time to plant spies... or attack. She looked at him when he mentioned the traitors, then shook her head. "Your loyalty is not in question. If you wanted to work against me, you wouldn't have brought me the plate in the first place, or even mentioned them." She told him. Logically, it made sense. "I only wish to rid myself of any traitors that may have been around." Even before becoming a gijinka, she was well-known for her wrath towards traitors. She shook her head slightly. "But perhaps now isn't the time to discuss this." She said, turning and walking towards the kitchens. She was suddenly hungry. She didn't say so to Johan, but he was free to come along if he wanted. Otherwise, he could consider himself dismissed.

Location: Soltae's Castle (Walking to kitchen)

((Even an evil creator/destroyer gets hungry.))
"Only when i feel changes of heart. It shows in the persons aura." He said to the girl "I sometimes work as a bodyguard for people, so i get a lot of experience using it." He looked at her. Her Aura was kind and truthful, and not in anyway trying to deceive him. "Im Bishop." He said to her with a slight smile on his face.


Johan nodded upon hearing Soltae's comment. He watched her as she walked away towards the kitchen. He turned back the way he'd come and walked away. He still felt like exploring the Castle again. He stopped by the Training room to listen in. No surprise. Fyre was still having one of her moments. He laughed to himself as he continued to make his way around the castle.

Location: Soltae's Castle: Hallways
"No reason... You're just too cute for me..." She said, tapping her nose with her finger, then moving down and tickling her belly. "Right? Who's the cutest little Shaymin I know? Who is it?" She smiled, tickling her till she got an answer.

Luke and Bobby looked at each other again, beyond confused.
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Lotus squirms around, laughing and giggling. "S-stop it!" She manages through her laughter and flailing movements.

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"Alright," she said, grabbing the girl and lifting her up, into her arms, "But I will get that answer! Someday... But for now, you need to get some sleep, little missy. And so do I." She said, with a huge yawn, her eyelids suddenly heavy. She laid down, holding onto Lotus and stretching out on the couch...
"Says the one who was asleep just a few minutes ago.... And I am. unless you trust the other people here to not hurt you." She said, gesturing around. Honestly she knew they wouldn't, but she just was clinging to this small child, suddenly feeling like this kid was her own baby, and she just didn't want to have her out of her sight.
Lotus squeaks at Nikki's comment. "Nooo, protect meee" She snuggles into the Ninetale's arms.

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"Alright." She held her close, then closed her eyes and was soon asleep, her body giving off warmth and she slept contently.

Bobby started to serve food to the others, having finished cooking.
Lotus had also started to fall asleep, not even needing a blanket because of Nikki's emanating warmth.

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Bishop noticed the boat pulling up to the harbor at Iron Island. He stood up and got off quickly. "It was nice to meet you." He said quickly running off towards the cave where everyone was. "Guys we might have a problem." He said running into the cave. "There were to Gijinka on the boat that i came across on. One of them said that she felt like she needed to come here." He set the bag down by the fire. "I think she was talking about Lotus."

Location: Iron Island: Bishop's Cave
Autumn's eyes widened. "What? Well she isn't getting to her!" She says protectively.

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"WHAT." Nikki shouted, suddenly all kinds of awake. "NO."

"Well... We have to go, then! Do something!" Bobby said, looking at the others, especially Nikki, who was clutching Lotus to her like her life depended on it. Nikki would not lose that child.
Lotus's eyes open slightly. "What's happening? Why is everyone yelling?" She asks.

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