The Corrupted [A Pokemon Gijinka Roleplay] [Inactive]

Celene was asleep on her home island. Her sleep had been sudden as it typically was during the current time of day on the island. She twitched and awoke on the grass near her crescent shaped body of water. She had another dream about the man she had met years ago. It was rather happy as she saw him along with his wife at Iron Island oddly enough. She stood up and headed down to where she could see the ocean. She felt like she needed to do something or go somewhere. But as usual it was hard for her to remember at first.

Location: Fullmoon island. (Should I have her show up at Soltae's Castle?)
Nikki looked at Oliver oddly, then said, "...Hi. I'm Nikki." She said.

Bobby personally stared at Oliver, growling deep in his throat, glaring daggers at him.
The Shaymin walks over to Bobby and pulls at his shirt to get his attention. "Don't worry. I'll hurt him if he touches Mommy." She says in a sweet voice.
[QUOTE="Jerico Curtiss]She sighed silently and projected her voice into his mind. "What are you hunting for today, G?" She stood behind him, relaxed but kept herself ready just in case.
Location: Giant Feild

agent g knows not, infact agent g has no official target.....agent g is believing that agent g is experiencing.....bordem?" the mechanical insect shoots off towards the distance, trying to find a worthy opponent. his red metal coating glistened in the sun.
Soltae looked at the mewtwo when he appeared, looking unamused as she took another bite of her apple. She chewed slowly, and after a minute, answered simply. "I was simply remarking at the fact that you two weren't together. Perhaps you have no further use of him?" She asked, giving a cold smile. She enjoyed this game. After all, the mewtwo couldn't hope to defeat her in her own territory... especially since she grew stronger by the day, and since she got another plate today. "My offer still stands." She said, looking at the pikachu clone. She had once offered to make him her own 'employee', but he had refused... it was a generous offer, too. However, his unwavering loyalty meant that he wouldn't ever accept it... and if he did, Soltae would be extremely suspicious. Still, she liked to mention it to annoy him.

Location: Soltae's Castle (Kitchen)


"Well, then..." Alexis looked at her Arcanine, who tilted her head to the side. "What now?" She looked around. Nobody was around, and the few people that had been previously had hidden from her. She sighed, putting her hands on her hips. I'm not going to get anywhere here. She thought, looking around. The people of Sinnoh were more suspicious than those of Johto... Alexis scowled. "Maybe we should try somewhere else."

Location: Pastoria City
"It's not like he's my pet or servant, Miss Arceus." The Mewtwo emphasized, glancing at the clone Pokémon.

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Azrael snorted at her sisters words. "Yeah, we're a threat..." normally when her sister knew something they went to help, but here someone thought they were a threat.... she shook her head and walked towards the caves.

Location: Iron Island Caves

Tahl waited outside the door, just listening while Ion rolled his eyes at the animosity. He didnt think that it was a good idea to be the opposition when it came to Soltae but.... "I already help while we're here as a Watcher. Thats is all i will do. You know this Miss Soltae"

Location: kitchens

Fyre snuck behind Agent G as he moved but stopped and blinked at his words. "You are bored?" She said still speaking in his mind

Location: Giant feild
Nikki looked at Lotus, then started purring again. "Mommy? ....purrrrrrr...." She smiled huge and picked the kid up again, hugging her, the purring getting louder slowly.

"I didn't think foxes purred.." Luke said, his head tilted to the side.

"Me neither..." Bobby said, standing in the same position as Luke was.
Oliver leaned close to his friend "You got some weird friends here Bishop. He whispered to his friend. "Yeah, And they could probably beat you at anything." "Dude! A Rock could be me at anything well except sleeping and hitting of the ladies." Ollie said with a smile "No i think a rock would have better luck." Bishop said walking over towards the rest of the group. "Owch. Bro what i ever do to yah to deserve dis." Ollie said walking over to join Bishop

Location: Iron Island: Pure Iron Cave
agent g reforms as his human form, he pulled out a strange red cartridge. then slotted it in the gun. "agent g...analyzing the word bordem....a lack of interest or lack of emotional, mental or physical likeness...saving to mind bank"

researching for all grass pokemon in the area" his eye bleeps several times "life forms scanned, 2002 wild grass types, 20 captured...scanning...scanning"

location: field of flowers, near valley wind works
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"Oh, sorry right..." She put the little girl back down, and sighed, rubbing her head, then wandered off. This little girl is calling me "Mommy" now? What have I gotten myself into? She found herself wandering to the back corner of the room, where she sat with her back against the wall.
Lotus goes up to Bishop and pulls at his shirt too, giving Oliver a sight glare. "Bishop? Why does the Flygon keep talking to Nikki and Autumn with those weird faces? And talking to Autumn about her eyes?" She asks the Lucario, wondering why Oliver would be hitting on them.

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Celene snapped her fingers remembering where she was going to go to, "Soltae's castle! That's where some of the others should be..." She teleported and arrived at its main hall.

She looked around to see if there were any other legendaries to be seen. They must be in another room. She headed towards the kitchen area but felt herself get groggy again. Oh no again already? For a long time now Celene had lost control of her sleeping habits. She fell down causing a big THUD on the floor and laid asleep where she was standing.

Location: Soltae's Castle (Hallway near kitchen)
"Umm…how to explain this…" Bishop said scratching his head "Lets just say." Ollie said slinging his arm around Bishop "That i loves me the ladies!" "Ollie. your in my bubble." "Sorry bro." Ollie unslung his arm and stepped back. "Yeah… He tends to try to get girls to like him." "Try?! I Succeed!" "8,769" "Yo Hush up Bout dat bro!" Bishop laughed at Ollies comment

Location: Pure Iron Cave


Johan got bored of watching Fyre through the window and decided to walk around a bit more. Johan heard his stomach growl. "
Ah, it seems I'm famished. Lets see what i can find in the kitchen." Johan made his way towards the kitchen and noticed a Cresselia Gijinka passed out on the floor. He was tempted to leave her be and just head into the kitchen, but instead he kicked her lightly. "if you can hear me. you should probably move. Mistress Soltae would hate to find someone passed out on her floor."

Location: Soltae's Castle: Hallway outside Kitchen
"Well I don't think it's working because I don't like him." Lotus says in her little voice.

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"Well I'm sorry." Ollie said bending down. "Your a little young… also your really not my Ty-" Before Ollie could finish his sentence Bishop smacked him a crossed the face, knocking him don't onto the floor. "Bro what the heck was dat for!?" "Remember what i said about the girl being able to kick your a**?" Ollie nodded "Well right now its like you're trying to get your butt handed to you." "Your just sayin' dat so you could get close to the Ninetails babe. I know you likes her." Ollie said with a big smile. Bishop looked at Lotus "You have ten seconds, do whatever you want but don't kill him." At that Ollie got up and started sprinting towards the other end of the cave.

Location: Iron Island: Pure Iron Cave


Johan continued to look at the passed out gijinka. "
Did you hear me?!" He said kicking her again a little harder "Mistress Soltae doesn't like slackers!"

Location: Soltae's Castle: Hallway outside the Kitchen

"Aww he's running away." Lotus says with a frown, her green eyes glowing, making a grass wall appear in front of Oliver, thus blocking him from escaping. "What are you trying to do with Mommy?" She asks as she starts to walk towards the Flygon.
Feeling sudden inspiration, Tsura facepalmed. "Of course. I could just track him." She said, shaking her head at herself. Somehow, she knew that the lucario she had been talking to had something to do with her odd feeling. She changed her focus, using her power to try to find out where he went. "Come on, it's this way." She told her sister, walking off in the direction that she felt was best to go in.

Location: Iron Island

((lol, Who knew Tsura was a stalker?))


Soltae lifted a shoulder in a half shrug. She honestly didn't care what they thought of her... although the second they decided to attack, she would destroy them. "No, he isn't your servant, obviously. However, he does feel loyalty to his creator. I wonder where he got that." She remarked, then left the room, tired of her present company. As she left, she saw Johan kicking a sleeping Cresselia. Soltae raised an eyebrow. "Well, I don't get to see this everyday."

Location: Soltae's Castle (outside kitchen)
"AHHH!" Oliver screamed upon seeing the wall form in front of him. he turned around and got on his knees "I wasn't going to do nothin' with her! Please don't hurt me i beg you. PLEASE!" Bishop couldn't help laugh at Oliver. He then used telepathy to speak to Lotus in her mind. "Keep the act up. Scare him and don't injure him to much."

Location: Iron Island: Pure Iron Cave


Bwah! M-Mistress Soltae!" Johan said startled upon her sudden appearance. He put his hands together and bowed his head. "I am sorry for causing a disturbance." He raised his head "I just found her passed out here in the hallway when i passed by." he said gesturing to the Sleeping gijinka.

Location: Soltae's Castle: Hallway outside Kitchen
"Aww, why can't I hurt him? You're no fun, Bishop!" Lotus replies to the Lucario, raising her hands-her palms now green- and sticking them out in front of her. Big, beefy, thorny vines started to appear from the ground, a few shooting themselves at Oliver, their intent to wrap around him.
"Never said you couldn't. Just don't injure him to much. He's a pain when he's injured." Bishop said watching Ollie have a panic attack over the vines inching closer. "Please Please PLEASE Don't Hurt Me! Ill Do Anything You Want!!" Ollie shouted "And there's another reason why harming him is a bad idea. How can he serve you if he's hurt." Bishop thought to Lotus chuckling.

Location: Iron Island: Pure Iron Cave
A vine wraps around Oliver, their thorns ripping through his shirt and cutting his skin . "See Bishop? This is why the bad people took me." Lotus says with a frown.
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Upon hearing screams, Tsura sped up. She ran though the tunnels until she found one that branched off, and it seemed that a bolder was recently pushed out of the way of it. She followed the screams, frowning. "Is everyone all right?" She called out, hoping that someone would answer. Her nature demanded that she go help, regardless, but still... she'd feel better if someone responded.

Location: Iron Island


Soltae raised an eyebrow. "Strange." She commented, looking at the girl on the floor. She waved her hand in front of her, and every plate she currently had in her possession appeared. She seemed to think for a minute, before touching a blue one, the splash plate. The other plates then vanished. Only her eyes- now the same color as her plate- changed, reflecting her current type. "Let's see if this will wake her up." She said, waving her hand once more, water then appearing and splashing the young woman. She could have done a lot worse, honestly, but Soltae was in a good mood today, so decided to be nice.

Location: Soltae's Castle (Outside of kitchen)
"Lotus.... Stop..." Nikki murmured, from her laying down position, she looked extremely tired. Her many beautiful tails spread around her, and her eyes dull and glossy. She was staring at Oliver and Lotus, looking groggy, like she had just been sleeping. "...Please... I'm really tired..."

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