The Corrupted [A Pokemon Gijinka Roleplay] [Inactive]

"Lotus please stop someones coming!" Bishop thought to the girl As he heard the shout coming from behind. Oliver meanwhile was fearing out with the throne rubbing against him. "Haha Bish very funny. Little girl Please stop." Ollie looked at her scared. Bishop focused his attention back towards the cave entrance an formed an Aura Sphere. He made his way to the tunnel. "Stay At The Other End of the Tunnel!" He shouted into the tunnel "Im coming through." He looked back at Nikki and sent her a message "Please calm Lotus down. She's scaring everyone." And Bishop started making his way through the tunnel with his Aura Sphere aimed ahead of him.

Location: Iron Island
"Eeee! Don't let them take me away!" Lotus yelps, the vines and such sinking back into the ground, Oliver falling to the cave floor. The little Shaymin runs over to Nikki, a couple tears falling down her face.
Tsura stopped walking when she was told to, waiting. After a minute, she saw Bishop and held up her hands. "It's okay. It's just me.... I'm not here to hurt anyone, and I'm not here to take anyone away." She said, having heard a little girl shout about being taken. She glanced back to see if her sister was still with her, then looked back at him. The feeling was very strong now. Whatever she was supposed to see or do, she was close to it. Hopefully everyone there would see reason... or at least give her a chance. If she wanted to hurt someone, she wouldn't have called out.

Location: Iron Island
"Don't lie! You're part of the big scary people who want to use me for my powers!" The Shaymin snaps at the new Pokemon.
Bishop saw the girl and nodded. He faded his Aura Sphere and pushed the rock out of the way. "Come on. Head straight. I don't exactly trust you right now. But before you move i have one question. That prayer. Are you working for Arceus?" Bishop asked the girl "Lotus. Please let me handle this." He though at the little girl "I won't let her near you, or Nikki, or anyone else." Oliver meanwhile was taking in deep breaths trying to calm down. "Holy crap! that girl is scary." Oliver thought as he watched the girl revert back to the cute little toddler she was.

Location: Iron Island
Tsura turned and shot a very pointed look at her sister, as if saying 'I told you so.' She turned back to him and shook her head. "No." She told him, frowning. "I don't support the Corrupted Ones." Violence- unless in self-defense- was against her very nature, so how could she bring herself to work for them, even if she wanted to? "It's just a prayer from old times, passed down in our family." She said, then walked, lowering her hands. When she reached the part where the others were, she looked at each of them a moment before looking back at Bishop. "Thank you for allowing me to get this far. I don't think I've introduced myself. I am Tsura."

Location: Iron Island
Bishop nodded at Tsura. "Now state why your here. Please before O- Hello My lovely lady" Ollie interrupted grabbing Tsura by the waist and looked at her with his classic Ollie face. "Arceus must be jealous. Considering she made you more beautiful than she herself ever could be." Bishop facepalmed.

Location: Pure Iron Cave
Azrael stepped up, as the moon was rising outside her gold bands and headdress she wore plus her eyes were glowing lightly. "Oh, so you are what they were talking about...." She murmured lookin at the girl. She had over heard a group talking about something special they had taken. Really, people should know better than to talk in the ruins of Hearthome..... She knelt down and smiled. "the resistance took you from your home didn't they. They stole you and used you didnt they... you poor thing..."

Location: Iron Island Caves


Tahl turned as Soltae walked out and followed her to the cresselia. He stepped up behind her and laid his head on her shoulder speaking softly.
"She has no control over her sleep. She had an accident a few years ago."

Location: Hallway in Soltae's Castle


Fyre touched G's shoulder.
"We could go inside and see if Mistress Soltae has a mission..."

Location: Field of Flowers


Ion turned to Mewtwo and smiled slightly.
"Did you have need of me?"

Location: Kitchens
"Yes, they did..." The Shaymin girl says in a shy voice, still hiding behind Nikki, the Ninetales. Thorned vines then shot out of the ground again, poised at Oliver.

"No, I don't. Not right now, at least." The Mewtwo named Ezekial responded.
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"Uh-" Tsura stared at Oliver, turning an interesting shade of pink. Nobody hit on her. Period. It just didn't happen. "Uh. Thank you... that's very kind." She said awkwardly, slipping out his grip carefully, but not wanting to offend the stranger or hurt his feelings. She looked to her sister and Lotus, watching them interact. "No child should live in fear." She said quietly, looking to Bishop. "I think I understand why I was led here now." She glanced back at Oliver, nervous that he was going to grab her again. He was a bit... friendly. "You might not want to do that to my sister." She warned.

Location: Iron Island


Soltae sighed at the young lady when she didn't wake, then reverted back to her normal typing. "Well, then. I guess we'll just have someone put her where she isn't in the way." She commented with a slight frown. "Unless you have an idea."

Location: Soltae's Castle (Hallway outside kitchen)
Cyrus was walking about the caves of the Iron Island looking for new materials that he could possibly use. For awhile now he had heard a lot of noise about the cave but chose to ignore it considering it didn't particularly pertain to him. After a bit he started to walk out to go back to his home when he thought he saw a group of people outside the caves opening. He stayed inside peering at what he thought was people from around the corner. He had just hoped that they hadn't heard or seen anything of him as he tried to quiet his breathing. Quickly he made a hasty escape to another exit on the opposite side of the cave. Cyrus ran to the middle of the cave constantly taking looks behind him until reaching the center. Once there he saw for sure people now and attempted to make his way around them with them caring.

Location: Iron Island
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"My name is Misaki, child. I heard those people talking about you where I live. I won't hurt you, dear. I promise that." She smiled, deciding to introduce herself as her real name since it was less.... death-related. She kept her full attention on the child that she could barely see behind a ninetales. She thought children were the gifts of the earth and should never be harmed. She however looked up when the question about her prayer was asked and scowled. "It is a prayer when going into the unknown that has been used by the Romani tribes of Sinnoh and most others for thousands of years. I will not abandon my traditions because you don't like the new Arceus. It is a prayer to the Mother Arceus. Who our creator was before the curse." She held her head up high and stared at the Lucario. She was serious about her traditions and wouldn't change them just because everyone else forgot them.

Location: Iron Island Caves


Tahl sighed and picked the cresselia up, turning to Soltae. "She will have to sleep until she wakes up. She does already have a room here, Soltae. I suggest we take her to it."

Location: Hallway, Soltae's Castle


Ion nodded. "Would you like something to eat while you are here?"

Location: Kitchens
Nikki looked up tiredly at the Umbreon gijinka, then pulled Lotus closer to her, protectively holding onto the little girl. While she looked weak and tired, she still wouldn't hesitate to protect the little Shaymin. She remained laying down however; her tired, achey bones complained at the slightest movement.
"Why didn't you punish them then?" Lotus gave a sad face to the Umbreon.

"No thanks, Ion." Ezekial responded.
Ion tilted his head slightly in acknowledgement. "Do you wish for me to stay here when you leave, Ezekial?" He stood to grab his food from the chef. He had gotten spinach ravioli with a cream sauce and garlic bread.
Bishop mentally sent a message to Tsura "He won't try. Considering you didn't turn him down, he'll stay attached to you" Bishop formed a Bone Rush in his hands. "This is a precaution Tsura, something seems off." Oliver meanwhile was in a whole different world. "Oh My God! She didn't reject me! Im totally I'm love right now. HAHA!!!!!!" Ollie started spinning and then fell down and lay looking up at the ceiling.

Location: Iron Island: Pure Iron Cave


Johan nodded and let Tahl take the Cresselia "
Oh! Mistress!" Johan said remembering something "I believe Agent G was wandering around the outside grounds. He may have moved on, but I felt you needed to be informed that he is around and about again."

Location: Outside the Kitchen: Soltae's Castle
"You can go where ever you feel like." Ezekial says, leaving the room in a cool, layed-back manner.

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"Misaki… She's still the same person. I tend to think the curse amplifies the negative parts of a persons personality." He walked over to her with his Bone Rush still in his hand, which was now being held tighter. "If It affected her so much as to cause her to destroy an entire town without caring for the people living there, Then She Must Have Been Pretty Messed Up Before The Curse Came About!" Bishop was shouting now. "IF YOU WERE IN HEARTHOME WHEN SHE LEVELED THE PLACE YOU WOULD UNDERSTAND WHY I HATE HER GUTS!"

Location: Iron Island
"Bishop! Stop yelling please!" Lotus yells, tears running down her face. "She's being nice so why do you have to be mean?"

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Bobby stared at Nikki, his tail lashing back and forth. The trio had had a long, tough trip, and it had done the most damage to Nikki. She'd done most of the fighting as he had... run from battle. and Luke had to chase after him. Suddenly his expression became sad. He was the worst friend anyone could have. He ran when his friends needed him... He sighed, his ears pressing back against his head, and his tail hanging limp, laying on the floor.
Cyrus heard yelling coming from one of the people and stopped in his spot until it became quiet again. He continued on his way trying to make it safely to the other side of the cave still. To make sure his steps wouldn't make any noises he started hovering.

Location- Iron Island
The Skarmory appeared out of nowhere right beside the Metagross, swinging down from the ceiling, his wings folded over his arms like a bat.

"...Hola, mi amigo." He said.
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Bishop still had rage in his eyes. He'd never forget what he saw in Hearthome. "Im Going back to my cave. Get through with whatever you need." Bishop stared hatefully at Misaki and went through the tunnel. Oliver woke from his daydream at watched Bishop Head back through the tunnel. He walked to the tunnel entrance. "I'll try to calm him down." And Oliver went through the tunnel after Bishop

Location: Iron Island
She walked up to the Lucario before he could leave and spoke simply looking at the Lucario. "I was there." Was her response to the last of his tirade. Her face went completely blank and her voice changed slightly. "Arceus is only bad because a curse from a distraught ninetails got messed up in all of the emotions. Look at that little girl. Does she looked corrupted to you? Because EVERY legendary was at one point and time in the past 50 years corrupted. Every single last one. And really its not anyone's fault. It was a series of circumstances that lead to it. And besides, I know how to break the curse. Azrael and Tsura were saved at the destruction of Hearthome by Darkrai. When she saved them her corruption was ended. Then and there." She was speaking monotone, no emotion going through her voice as she she stood and looked down her nose at the Lucario. She put a hand lightly on his should. "It is not the person that makes things bad. It is the Corruption. All ninetales know this as well from what I've heard. We can not judge Arceus's real nature based on this corruption, as it did not start within her, it was forced onto her. Look all around you at the world. A person with hate and destruction as their only things cannot create this. They cannot create that amazing little girl over there. They could not have created you or your friends or my sister. Because they wouldn't know how to make amazing things. They would just know how to make chaos and ugly things. We have all lost something since this began. From the ninetales who cast the curse to that little girl." She let her hand slip off of his shoulder and she walked away from the group, suddenly tired and needing the moonlight on her skin. She wasn't a psychic type like her sister but once in a blue moon it was like she would be taken over by another person. She would just randomly change completely and talk of things she shouldn't know. It mad her disoriented and tired when it was over. "Tsura, I will be back." With that she went to the surface and stood in a clearing on top of Iron Island. She took a deep breath and raised her head to the moon, the gold on her glowing almost blindingly now and she closed her eyes. Thinking about it she realized that it was the second full moon of the month, a rare occurrence, and that this always had happened on one. After just a minute like that she passed out, falling on to the ground hard.

Location: On top of Iron Island
Lotus follows the Umbreon outside. "Misaki..?" Lotus says, moving the dark type around by her shoulders in an attempt to wake her.

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