The Corrupted [A Pokemon Gijinka Roleplay] [Inactive]

She looked at the girl and spoke very bluntly. "Child, he will probably tell Arceus you are here. and since you aren't corrupted you are a target for her."

Location: Iron Island. Bishops home
Bishop was still lost in rage. Another Aura Sphere began to build in his hand. All of his hate being put into the attack. Ollie noticed, but was to far away "BISHOP STOP!" Bishop ignored Ollie and pulled his arm back ready to throw his Sphere.

Location: Iron Island
Cyrus turned around staring at the one forming an aura sphere and raising his chin pridefully with an emotionless face. After a moment or two of the stare he turned around quickly sped off hovering above the water. He continued on his way at a steady pace until he eventually made it to Soltae's castle. Landing he cracked his neck looking up at the sky and sighed as he entered through the gates and into the castle.
Lotus's eyes widened as she squirmed out of Azrael's grasp, seeing what Bishop was doing. "Bishop!" She screamed, making huge vines, covered in large thorns, shoot out of the ground, heading for the Lucario.

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With a nervous feeling, Tsura ran out after Bishop. He was so lost in his hate that she began to fear for him. "Bishop, no!" She shouted, holding out a hand towards him, trying to still him with Psychic. She had no interest in hurting him- or letting someone that could hurt Lotus get away- but at this point, she felt that Bishop was a danger to everyone. She saw Lotus' attack head for him and changed her tactic, instead choosing to lift him with her power.

Location: Iron Island
Bishop felt himself being raised upwards sending his Aura Sphere way off target. "I Cant Let Him Get Away! He Needs To Suf- Signal Beam." The multi colored beam hit Bishop hard as Ollie made his way towards where his friend had landed, away from Lotus' attack. Ollie Picked up His friend by the collar. "I Swear Bishop! You Never Let ANYTHING Get Through Your Thick Skull!" Ollie Yelled at his friend. "Your non going back into that void that you were in when your brother Died." Bishop crumbled in Ollies grasp "Everyone follow me!" Ollie said as he carried Bishop towards the small stone Bishop had been at before. It didn't take very long to get there. Ollie set Bishop down by the stone and waited for everyone to gather around the stone.

Location: Iron Island
Nikki picked up Lotus and cooed to her that it would be okay, and followed Ollie and Bishop. She felt her heart go out to the poor Lucario. Then again. She couldn't sympathize. She never had a family to lose. So she really couldn't do much. But she would talk to him anyway.

Location: Iron Island
Tsura sighed, relived that she picked him up in time, then followed wordlessly. What could she say? She couldn't think of anything, so she would just listen.

Location: Iron Island
The vines were sucked back into the ground as the Shaymin was grabbed by Nikki. "Nikki! I was just trying to grab Bishop with the vines!" She struggled in the Ninetales's arms, but since she lacked the strength to escape the fox's grasp, she stopped, finding it no use to fight.

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"Tahl." Cyrus would shout out as he roamed about the castle in search of his leader. He turned his head side to side as he roamed down hallways and couldn't figure out where to find her. For some reason he couldn't forget the tears of the little shaymin girl and stopped for a moment as he thought staring blankly at the ground.

Location-Soltae's Castle
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"Lotus, honey, he's safe, don't worry. See?" She pointed at the sad Lucario, "He's fine... on the outside.." She said, staring at Bishop oddly, then shaking her head and sighing. She stood near Luke and watched Ollie and Bishop.
Lotus runs up to Bishop, giving him a tight hug. "This is so you can feel better!" She smiles, looking up at the Lucario.

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The cargo port city of Sinnoh had it's latest robbery put to a stop by a Garchomp. The locals went out to see her but she left as soon as the criminals were knocked out. She jumped to the top of a building and grinned down at the scene a short distance away from her. "No need for me to stick around there and be praised. I already know how awesome that was." She jumped onto another building and looked down at the ports of the city. She began talking to herself again, "Maybe I ought to travel again...rebellion and all needs me ya know?" She landed smoothly on the ground and went to find a boat ride.

Location Canalave City (I think I'll wait to post for Celene again.)
((Think I may be done for tonight. Might finally post Corali or Tsura, but otherwise I'm probably not going to post again until tomorrow. Just so everyone knows now...))
"This spot right here marked by the stone... Is the final resting point of Bishops brother." Ollie pointed to the stone. On it was a name. King "his brother sacrificed himself to save a mother after her kids had made it too safety. The woman made it out... King was swallowed up by the attack." Ollie watched as Lotus hugged his friend "he after came to this island and lashed out at anyone who came near. I brought him to the Pure Iron Cave, where he calmed down. He's been living with the knowledge that Arceus was the one who took his brother away. And while I understand his beliefs I still think Arceus isn't to blame." Ollie looked to everyone, but singled out Nikki amongst the crowd "In his rage he spoke to me telepathically. He said he would protect everyone... Especially Lotus and Nikki." Ollie turned to see Bishop put his arms around Lotus in a caring manner accepting the hug. "Now you know the truth... Please stay by him... No matter how stupid he acts." Ollie smiled for the last part.

Location: Iron Island: Kings Grave
"I will protect him with my life!" Lotus vows. "I'm a big girl so I can do it!"

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Azrael stayed inside the cave but stood at the entrance to listen. When she heard the whole thing she nodded to herself. It was a relief that someone close to Bishop had a better grip on the situation. She turned and went back up to the top of the island to be under the moon, the glow of her gold and eyes once again very bright.
"I wonder what that group is doing still." Cyrus question himself as he looked up at the ceiling and made his way to leave the castle once again. He had packed his bag with a few things and started hovering again to return to the island he had just escaped. He hovered there as fast as he could landing on the base of the island and looked at the top of the mountain thinking he had seen something. Cyrus continued to stare making sure of his suspicions.

Location- Iron Island
Standing there Azrael began to image the sound of the violins and drums from the Romani camps at night. Slowly she began to dance in almost a belly dance. It wasn't meant to be one put it was a traditional Romani dance. She closed her eyes and followed the music in her mind and the steps she still remembered.

Location: Top of Iron Island
[QUOTE="Jerico Curtiss]Azrael stepped up, as the moon was rising outside her gold bands and headdress she wore plus her eyes were glowing lightly. "Oh, so you are what they were talking about...." She murmured lookin at the girl. She had over heard a group talking about something special they had taken. Really, people should know better than to talk in the ruins of Hearthome..... She knelt down and smiled. "the resistance took you from your home didn't they. They stole you and used you didnt they... you poor thing..."
Location: Iron Island Caves


Tahl turned as Soltae walked out and followed her to the cresselia. He stepped up behind her and laid his head on her shoulder speaking softly.
"She has no control over her sleep. She had an accident a few years ago."

Location: Hallway in Soltae's Castle


Fyre touched G's shoulder.
"We could go inside and see if Mistress Soltae has a mission..."

Location: Field of Flowers


Ion turned to Mewtwo and smiled slightly.
"Did you have need of me?"

Location: Kitchens

the intectoid turned "agent g finds this.....good, very well let agent g see mistress soltae" he morphs into his flying mode once more, ready to get going.
Fyre blinked then shrugged and let the wings near her hips flap silently lifting her off the ground. Agent G was odd but she preferred his company because he was normally pretty quiet. She headed to the castle once again. "Okay, lets go."
"Ah-nooo, Lotuuuus please don't, I'd really feel better if you didn't..." Nikki piped in. The kid was powerful, sure but... Noooo, eight year old girl? Noooo.... I'd rather not risk that.
"Why not? I'm a big girl and I want to help Bishop!" Lotus asks Nikki with a little smile.

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Cyrus now stared up at the top of the Iron Island when he saw the girl basically belly dancing on top. His jaw dropped and struggled with himself to stop staring. He shook his head to snap back into reality and looked around to see if he saw any other people. He walked around the island until he was behind the girl who stood on top. He scratched his head and sighed "Why do I always forget my camera?" He questioned himself.

Location- Iron Island

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