The Corrupted [A Pokemon Gijinka Roleplay] [Inactive]

"Because, I don't want you getting hurt.. it's dangerous, fighting... It's dangerous, even for me. and I'm a teenager." She said, kneeling in front of Lotus. "I don't want my precious little sister to get hurt... Then I'd be sad..."
[QUOTE="Jerico Curtiss]Fyre blinked then shrugged and let the wings near her hips flap silently lifting her off the ground. Agent G was odd but she preferred his company because he was normally pretty quiet. She headed to the castle once again. "Okay, lets go."

with a sudden jolt, he then opened out forming into his human form once more "is this it....agent g wishes to know if where here"
"But I'm a grass type so I fight far away from my enemy. Plus I can heal and you know that." Lotus says stubbornly, pouting.

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Turning around she spotted the Metagross and raised an eyebrow still dancing. "See something interesting." She stopped dancing and looked around, making sure that if anyone looked out from the caves they couldn't see her or the Metagross. She didn't want a fight right now. She walked towards him once she was sure and smiled. Once she got directly in front of him she smiled. "Hello"

Location: Hidden from view on Iron Island


She landed and nodded. "Welcome to the Castle, G. Also, you can just say things in first person. You don't have to talk in third." She didn't want to upset him, but it was a little.... disconcerting.

Location: Castle, Outside
Cyrus looked down at the ground when he was caught but looked up giving her a smile "Yes, I was just looking at the moon its quite lovely tonight...thats all." He said in reply and his smile looked as if he was just doing it for the heck of it not because of any extensive emotion. "But I mean the dancing was pretty nice too."

Location- Iron Island
agent looks at fyre "agent g...does not understand" accesses his super computer brain "third talk about ones self, including there name....e.g. ryan likes cake, ryan likes it aaaalot" he dtored the infomation in his memories.
"But grass types have a lot of weaknesses too... Plus, I really don't want see my little sister hurt... If you were hurt, I'd cry. Like a baby. And thats not a dignified sight." She said, internally begging Lotus to stop so Nikki-like and just... not be so Nikki-like. She didn't want her precious little baby hurt...
"So you're saying I'm not strong?" Lotus whines, her eyes becoming a bit watery. "I don't have any weaknesses, Nikki!"

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Nikki stared at Lotus, and suddenly she realized that seeing this little girl hurt was unbearable. But if she hurt her by protecting her, what good would it do? This kid would probably never listen to her, never really respect her as a big sister. She had promised to protect her, so when things got rough she had someone to protect her. But as long as she thought she could protect herself, she'd never be safe... It made Nikki's head hurt thinking about it... In fact, her head hurt, a LOT. She rubbed her forehead, groaned from the pain, and sat down, holding her head in her hands. "Ahhhh..." She moaned, her eyes closed. "...."
"I'm sorry, okay, I won't fight!" Lotus exclaims in a sad manner, her frowning as she hugs Nikki tightly. "I'll do whatever you say so you won't be sad!"

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"Oh Im sorry what was I suppose to say? That dance was amazing. You have such a gorgeous midsection and your hips down to your feet are very attractive." He said very matter of factly throwing his arms up in the air strutting about.
"Oh... While I like that your so eager to please me, and I would absolutely HATE IT if you got hurt, so please don't fight anyway, but my head just hurts... a lot...." She said, hugging Lotus back, then holding her head again.
A blush formed high on her cheeks she hadnt had anyone put it quite like.... that. "You arent bad looking either." Reaching forward she grabbed his arm and pulled him back up to her spot. She sat down pulling him with her. "Come sit with me. My name is Misaki, but you can call me Azrael."
The Shaymin placed her hands on Nikki's forehead, activating her healing powers with a pinkish glow "I'll make it feel better." She smiled.

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Nikki smiled at Lotus, then scooped her up and hugged her. "Thanks, sweetie. What would I do without you?" She whispered, her eyes near closed. She looked at Lotus, then sighed and rubbed her head more.
"Hey thanks I try to maintain my attractiveness." he said as he sat with her looking into her eyes. He gave her a light smile and spoke in a quiet tone. "Well more than nice to meet you Azrael, my name is Cyrus but I go by Omega." He straightened his back as he sat with her.
Tsura shook her head. "He lost a part of himself that day... didn't he?" Although it was phrased like one, it wasn't actually a question. She could only imagine how she would react if her sister was killed like that... she frowned and sat on the ground, looking around. She didn't miss the fact that she was gone again, but didn't go after her. On nights like this, Tsura found that leaving her alone was a better bet most of the time.

Location: Iron Island
"Yeah, Pretty much." Oliver said to Tsura. He looked at his friend, who was mouthing words to something. Oliver knelt down as put his ear near his friends face "Go figure you're saying that." Oliver said standing back up. "He'll be better in a few minutes." He smiled.

Location: Iron Island

(Postings may be a little slow until thursday. I've got Finals this week and studying is taking up my time.)
"Your head would still hurt without me." Lotus replied with a smile.

(Yeah, so do I, Bishop, and it's SO stressful because I have, like, 4 AP classes)

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She nodded and leaned back onto her arms and looked into the sky. "So why do you work for them?" She didn't look at him but hoped he didn't freak out over the question. "I'm not gonna attack you over it or anything. I'm just curious. Although if you attack my sister or the little one down there I will..." Speaking the warning that needed to be said she laid back on the grass to look at more of the moon and sky.

Location: Iron island. Clearing on top
He closed his eyes but the smile remained on his face as he turned his face toward the ground. "Well, really I don't have that great of an explanation. Really what happened was I was asked to help them and I said sure." He sighed thinking of her situation and her threat to him as he laughed at it out loud. "I don't have a grudge toward them either simply because my life has always been fine. I mean yeah sometimes its had a few ups and downs but for the most part I'm successful and rich...I just don't have anything to complain about."
As she walked through the castle, Soltae came across Fyre and the genosect, Agent G. "Agent G... I assume that you're looking for an assignment of some kind?" She had something that he may be able to help with. He could work with vague information after all....

Location: Soltae's Castle


Tsura looked around suddenly, sensing something... but she wasn't sure what exactly. That was when she noticed that some shadows were moving slightly. She's here...?

Location: Iron Island
yes....agent g is, agent g is good with many things, but agent g is best with hunting....agent g has never missed not once" he spoke in single sentences, like his mouth was glued together.

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