The Corrupted [A Pokemon Gijinka Roleplay] [Inactive]

Lotus's eyes opened slightly, her verdant irises slowly focusing on the orange blur of the Ninetales in front of her. "Nikki-sama? What's wrong?"

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The Ninetales clutched at her leg, running her hands over the tooth mark scars on her ankle, and looked up, breathing hard. "....I knew him..." She muttered, looking down at her ankle, at the scars on her flesh, unable to control her breathing, she as shaking, she couldn't pull herself together in this moment. It was that dumb dream again... It was a DREAM.
Lotus's eyes widened. "Who? You knew who?" She asked desperately, gazing over Nikki's leg scar.

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"...What?" She shook her head, looked at Lotus, then sighed and smiled, "Just.. someone I remembered. Go back to sleep... I'll be right by you..."
"No, I'll protect you!" The Shaymin said, nuzzling up to Nikki and putting her arms around the fire type, feeling her warmth. "Who ever it was hurt you, and I'll make sure that never happens again!"

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Nikki smiled and tapped her nose. "I don't need protection, I'm perfectly safe." She said, then laid back down again, taking Lotus with her. "Just get some sleep, little one..."
(lol I just noticed that I forgot to make Lotus put back on her dress; naked Lotus is naked xD let's just pretend that she got re-dressed lololol )

"But the person hurt you, and that's mean!" Lotus said while being lied down and closing her eyes again.

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with a loud thud, agent g landed in the middle of what is the old day care. he clutched a handleful of dirt, cyber eye scanned and found cyrus's foot prints traced on it. "....hmmm..." morphing to his flying form he zoomed off again. agent g during his flight thought and contemplated, who truley deserves to rule.....pokemon...gijinki or....humans.
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Nikki looked at Lotus, then smiled and held the girl close, but did not fall asleep again. She wasn't sure if she wanted to fall asleep again... She didn't want to relive whatever it was that she had forgotten. She didn't know who that man was, but she certainly didn't like how he'd called her "b****" so casually.
As she walked, Alexis kept an eye out for trouble, knowing that there were always some sort of crazy person that might jump out at them, just because they could. However, Aellas perked up suddenly, drawing her attention. "What is it?" She asked, but then the arcanine took off down the road. Confused, Alexis ran after her. Aellas ran up to an unknown pikachu gijinka, tackled him, then proceeded to lick him as if she were a friendly puppy. "Aellas, no!" She shouted, knowing that being tackled by a six-foot something pokemon would make some people nervous. "Get off of him." Aellas looked back at her trainer, then obeyed, a bit reluctantly. "I'm so sorry. She usually doesn't act like that..."

Location: Near Pastoria

@Jerico Curtiss
soon the genesevlct landed once more, his red eye searching for his prey. he walked down a road of pastoria till he saw a serperior lady. " know" he stomps over.

location pastoria
"He'll be ok." Ollie said looking at Bishop "He's already calming down. In like five minutes he'll be up and acting like his natural grumpy old self!" Ollie smiled. "So… Shall we?" Ollie said gesturing to follow him on a walk.

Location: Iron Island

(Sorry for dying all this week. Finals+Fixing up Grandparents house=No free time at all.)
(Okay I kinda forgot about Autumn for a little bit by accident, so let's just say she was out training)

"So, what happened while I was gone?" Autumn appeared out of the bushes to see Ollie and Bishop, unaware of what had just previously occurred.

Location: Iron Island

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(Its OK. We've all been there.))

Tsura smiled and nodded at Oliver. "Alright then." She said. She trusted his judgement in this, otherwise she wouldn't have asked. Despite seeming like he doesn't take much seriously, it was clear that he had a kind heart. Tsura began to walk with him, feeling herself returning to the present as they moved.

Location: Iron Island
the genesect creature once again zooming, he continued looking for his target. he soon arrived at snow point, shivering " its c...c...cold!! a. ..a...ACHOOO!!!!"
The female trainer walks over to the Espeon gijinka that was talking to her friend...and Oliver. "Hello, I'm Autumn, nice to meet you. You're an Espeon hybrid, I presume?"

(Lol sorry if I offend Oliver, he just didn't give the first impression, being a creep and all xD )
Tsura looked at the girl that approached, smiling nicely at her. "Indeed I am. My name is Tsura. You are a trainer, correct?" She asked, tilting her head to the side.

Location: Iron Island
"Yes, and I specialize in quick and offensive Pokemon." Autumn smiled at the Espeon, a small blush growing on her face, very visible because of her pale complexion.
"Ah..." Tsura gave a knowing nod. "The best defense is a good offense?" She asked, intrigued by this trainer. The stratigest in her kind of wanted to see how she battled, but the pacifist in her wouldn't allow herself to ask for a battle.

Location: Iron Island
"Uh, you could say that." Autumn rubbed the back of her neck. "But honestly, I go for Pokémon that can easily sweep in battle, I guess." She ran her fingers through her long, light blonde hair.

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"Instead of trying to explain what kind of Pokemon I like, why don't I just show you?" Autumn adds, releasing her four Pokemon from their capsules. First was a Hydreigon, then a Blaziken and shiny Crobat, her last Pokemon being a little Eevee. "Their names are Renegade, Aeris, Celosia, and Cora." She said, pointing at and naming each Pokemon in the order they were sent out. "I have two more, but right now they are at my training academy, being used as...uh, models, I guess you could call it."
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Fyre had followed Agent G around what seemed like half of the world and finally when they got to snow point she tapped him on the shoulder. "G, we are going the wrong way."
Nikki the Ninetales soon found herself tossing and turning. She refused to sleep, but... She couldn't wake up Lotus. So she instead sat up and got off the couch. She decided she's take a walk, so she stepped out of cave and sat by the ocean, her chin tipped up and her eyes closed, so she could hear the ocean, the waving lapping at the shore, and smell the air. It was peaceful here. That was assured.
Tsura looked at each of the pokemon, nodding to them. "Its nice to meet all of you." She told them. She knew, unlike some, the intelligence that many pokemon had. She would treat them accordingly.

Location: Iron Island
"They may all look scary, well except the Eevee-" Autumn said, her Eevee then puffing out its chest to appear the slightest bit intimidating, making the trainer giggle a little. "But all of my Pokémon are big sweethearts." She went over to her Hydreigon and patted the dragon's head.

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Ion had gotten to the edge of Pastoria before he heard the bark. He looked up and his eyes widened comically as he saw the fire dog coming straight at him. "HE....!!!!!" He was tackled mid-yell and landed hard on the ground. He barely noticed when the girl yelled at the arcanine until he realized he could breathe again. He sat up coughing and stared at the girl. 
She raised an eyebrow at his first sentence. "I am fighting ring champion of Sinnoh... but that doesn't matter if you don't go after them..." She turned and looked at him. "If we meet up again after this then what happens happens. I won't attack you willingly." She was speaking softly.

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