The Corrupted [A Pokemon Gijinka Roleplay] [Inactive]

Alexis looked at the pikachu, apologetic and a little embarrassed. He's staring. Great. "Look, I'm really sorry." She said, glancing at her arcanine, who was panting and wagging her tail at him. "What's gotten into you?" She asked the pokemon. She was usually calmer than that. Instead of giving a reasonable awnser, Aellas simply barked.

Location: Near Pastoria 
Cathryn walked across the bridge that connected two smaller towns. Underneath ran a wide river, although she wasn't worried about that. She noticed that the crowd was quite large, and that worried her. She knew wild Pokémon used the bridge as well. Sure enough, she heard a fearful cry of a pokemon. She turned, intent on throwing a human into the water if she got an excuse. However, what she saw froze her to the spot. A cyndaquil backed away from the humans, flame on its back burning brightly. Beyond even that was fire.

Location: Connecting Bridge

@Jerico Curtiss
[QUOTE="Jerico Curtiss]Fyre had followed Agent G around what seemed like half of the world and finally when they got to snow point she tapped him on the shoulder. "G, we are going the wrong way."

we ...we...we are" shivers badley, sneezing over and over. "l..lets go the right way then...w..w...which i-" falls over passing out, was in a bad snowstorm.
Tahl walked out of the Cresselia's room and went back to find Soltae. He stood a ways away from her and dropped the shields on the dragon plate he had in his robes.

Location: Field


Fyre saw G fall and ran towards him "Shit! stupid stupid! Idiot!" She looked around then sighed and closed her eyes. She used her 'sight' that all psychic types had to find the nearest shelter, which happened to be a cave. She growled looking at G and picked him up, struggling under his weight. She slowly made her way to the cave. It looked like a place someone had camped in before. There was firewood against a wall that she grabbed. She used searing shot on it before leaning against a wall of the cave. She halfway dragged Agent G over to her and wrapped him up in her arms. She knew she made plenty of body heat and wasn't going to be affected by getting him warm again.

Location: Cave at Snow Point


"Arceus Incarnate! That was bloody scary!" Ion stared at the pokemon as she barked. "Oh no, not again you don't!" He just wasn't use to pokemon jumping him. It was a never before occurence and it didn't help that he knew the arcanine just said she wanted to do it again.

Location: Outside Pastoria


Aelliat walked down the path in front of him, his Blaziken out to enjoy the sun. They heard screaming and ran in the direction of the bridge up ahead. He stopped when he saw the scene. The bridge was on fire. Everyone was running off of it except a gijinka and a cyndaquil that were in the middle. They both seemed frozen at the fire. "Yuri! Go grab them!" As he gave the order his Blazekin was already through the flames closest to them. He watched in relief as Yuri grabbed the girl and the pokemon before heading back over to him. Aelliat grabbed the girl from his pokemon and put her on the ground a great ways away from the fire. "Hey, are you okay!" He didn't notice the cyndaquil come over and nudge the girl.

Location: Connecting Bridge
Alexis sighed at her Arcanine. "If you're going to misbehave and scare people, you're going to your poke ball." She warned. Aellas gave a huff and sat, lowering her head. It was as close to an apology as they would get.

Location: Near Pastoria


As soon as she gave her orders, the two took off. Soltae sighed then took a look around. It was already a chaotic day. However, something caught her attention. It was another plate, its signal clear as day to her. And it was close. She followed the signal, but not for long. It clearly originated from Tahl.

Location: Soltae's Castle


Cathyrn stood frozen, rooted to her spot by her pyrophobia. Then before she could get away, she was grabbed by a blaziken and brought to a human. She didn't even process what was said. "Get away!" She instinctively pushed him away, half in the memory of the fire that killed her mother and brother.

Location: Connecting Bridge
agent g warmed up slowly, his steel body however made it really hard to warm up quickly however, and most insects dont live in snowy climates.
Smiling at her he walked to Soltae and pulled out the Dragon Plate. "You were in such a rush earlier I didn't get to give this to you." He handed her the Plate with a flourish.

Location: Field


Fyre kept 'feeding' him her warmth and rubbed his upper arms to try to speed the process. "Come on G. Don't let a snow storm kill you. You're way better than that."

Location: Cave at Snow Point


Ion finally looked at the Trainer again and stood up. "That certainly is a way to greet people around here..." He spoke calmly and with a smirk.

Location: Outside Pastoria


Aelliat steadied himself after being pushed and looked at her like she was insane. "Are you crazy!? I just saved your lives." He looked at her then glanced down at the cyndaquil which was now cowering by the gijinka's feet.

Location: Connecting Bridge
Soltae stared at the plate for a moment, then took it. Two plates in one day.... a rare thing to happen. "You and your shenanigans." She said, shaking her head, addressing the fact that he hid the plate's signal from her without actually saying so.

Location: Soltae's Castle


Alexis turned a little pink, embarrassed. "Yeah, you could say that." Aellas looked up again and wagged her tail. "Sorry about that..."

Location: Pastoria


Cathryn stared at the trainer, then at the bridge, then looked at the two pokemon. She saw the cyndaquil at her feet and shivered. She liked pokemon, but it was a fire type... she looked at the human and frowned. "Isn't that nice. Despite what you may think however, I would have been fine." She said, tugging at the ends of her sleeves.

Location: Connecting Bridge
Off in the distance, an eevee named May hopped over a log and peeked out at the glittering shore. She then spotted the ninetales gijinka, and yipped at the huge Pokemon behind her. With a crunch, a Chesnaught with the name of Miko made his way behind the small Pokemon, holding in his arms, a small girl with what was before red hair, now brown as it was covered in dirt and grime.

The girl was still breathing, however, it was labored. Something had attacked her. Eevee then cautiously made her way to the Gijinka and nudged her softly, looking back up at her injured trainer.

(My notifications have been whack. I was never notified by the rp starting)
[QUOTE="Jerico Curtiss]Smiling at her he walked to Soltae and pulled out the Dragon Plate. "You were in such a rush earlier I didn't get to give this to you." He handed her the Plate with a flourish.
Location: Field


Fyre kept 'feeding' him her warmth and rubbed his upper arms to try to speed the process. "Come on G. Don't let a snow storm kill you. You're way better than that."

Location: Cave at Snow Point


Ion finally looked at the Trainer again and stood up. "That certainly is a way to greet people around here..." He spoke calmly and with a smirk.

Location: Outside Pastoria


Aelliat steadied himself after being pushed and looked at her like she was insane. "Are you crazy!? I just saved your lives." He looked at her then glanced down at the cyndaquil which was now cowering by the gijinka's feet.

Location: Connecting Bridge

soon g awoke with a sudden gasp, then head his head "ow..i hurt all over...uhh...why are you hugging me...." tilts head cutley, red eyes shine abit.
Fyre jumped slightly when G spoke. She blushed slightly and hoped the firelight kept it from being seen easily. "Um.... To warm you up easier. I'll stop if you want me to." She talked quietly


(I just spent 5 minutes just staring at your guy dancing. I don't even know why. xD )
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[QUOTE="Jerico Curtiss]Fyre jumped slightly when G spoke. She blushed slightly and hoped the firelight kept it from being seen easily. "Um.... To warm you up easier. I'll stop if you want me to." She talked quietly

(I just spent 5 minutes just staring at your guy dancing. I don't even know why. xD )

(ghiraheim does that :÷3)

agent g looked before snuggling up " like. uhh a bug in a rug..." he entered flight form to make him smaller.
( made me forget all about posting)

Chuckling, Fyre held him closer and yawned slightly but shook herlsef awake. "Thats good. As long as youre okay with it" she mumbled
"Soltae is pleased with you. She normally doesnt go directly to someone to give them an assignment. So thats something. Lets just wait out this snow storm and then we'll go get Cyrus okay?" She smiled at him and stroked the top of his head.
o...ok" he was finally cured of his talking, now agent g felt more belong. he yawned softly before standing. his cannon loaded with the flame drive. "yeaaa techno flame!!!" shoots a fire storm, incinerating the blizard cloud.
Tsura smiled at the eevee. "I'm sure you'll be like your teammates in no time." She said to encourage the Pokemon. She then reached out to pet the pokemon, but then stopped suddenly, her arm half-extended. Her head shot up, turning towards the sky as if she could see something there. Then, as suddenly as she stilled, she collapsed.
Nikki sighed after some time and stood up, stretching her arms and legs, then turned and walked back towards the cave. When she saw Bishop sitting by himself, she felt compelled to go over there and...

"Hey... You okay?" The Ninetails asked, walking over to the grieving Lucario.

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"Woah wait!" Autumn exclaimed at the fallen gijinka as she rushed over to her, kneeling down to rest the girl's head on her knees. 'Does this happen often?' The female trainer thought to herself, trying to make Tsura as comfortable as she could.

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"Holy S*** Tsura!" Oliver said kneeling next to Tsura. "Autumn i think we need to get her back to Bishop's cave. I'll Carry her."

Location: Iron Island


Bishop zoned back to reality when he heard Nikki's voice. "
Umm… Yeah I'm fine." Bishop looked back at the grave. He had just been reliving the first thing that He and King had done when they became Gijinka. "Just… reliving happy memories…"

Location: Iron Island
Zara reached Iron Island in a short amount of time thanks to a boat ride from one of the city's locals. She decided to go to find some treasure or even something useful for the rebellion. Or maybe I'm just bored... She considered that another possibility. She came across the island's main cave and headed inside. "HEY-O!" She shouted. It echoed through the cave and she grinned.

Location Iron Island

Celene's dream this time was much worse. She was alone on an island. She began to walk as the island became darker and darker. She couldn't see anything ahead of her yet she kept going. It felt endless. Then suddenly, a bright light appeared and a dark figure carrying throwing knives was standing in front of her. "W-what are you doing here?" She asked it.

The figure revealed itself to be a Gijinka with sharp teeth and piercing yellow eyes.
"We're starting a revolution!"

The dream ended and she found herself alone in her room. One of the others must've left her there. She got up and looked around to see if anyone was nearby.

Location: Celene's room
Oliver put his arms under Tsura and picked her up and quickly made his way to Bishop's Cave. When Oliver Got to the Cave he set Tsura down "Lotus, Somethings Wrong with Tsura… you think you could do your nature stuff on her." He said to her. He turned his head at the sound of someone calling. There was nobody there. "Must've come from another cave"

Location: Bishop's Cave


Johan watched as Tahl revealed that he had the Dragon Plate. He decided that he was no longer needed here and walked passed the two gijinka. He nodded to both of them as he passed and started towards the room he had in the castle.

Location: Soltae's Castle: Hallways
"Huh... Mind if I join you?" She sat down on the ground next to him and crossed her legs, and stared off into the distance.

"... You're lucky to have happy memories." She said.

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"Lotu- Oh" Oliver said turning to see Lotus Sleeping. "Well then…"

Location: Iron Island: Bishop's Cave


Are you telling me that you've never experienced a happy memory at all?" He asked the ninetails. "What was your life like before you came here?"

Location: iron Island
"Violence. Bloodshed. Death." She said, solemnly and with an undertone of bitterness. "I was bred to kill. And kill I did. It was kill or be killed where I grew up..." She muttered. "I never had a family to lose..."

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