The Corrupted [A Pokemon Gijinka Roleplay] [Inactive]

Vitani blushed and glared at him. "Yes, I normally do. But since this is what happens when I get out of there Maybe I should just go back." She turned and began looking for the book she had just had. It was a really old text on evolution that was one of a kind and very interesting.

Location: Hallway in the Castle

(Heh. I kinda wanna ship these two)
Johan sighed and kicked the book that had fallen next to him over to her. "I'm guessing that that is what your scrambling around for." He looked at the trainer, then at the book "why are you reading about evolution?" He asked. He had nothing better to do. "You're a trainer, shouldn't you know everything about it?

Location: Hallway in Soltae's Castle

(You can if you want. I'm not usually one to argue over shipping... Or handling for that matter.)
Scoffing, Vitani bent down and grabbed the book. "No one really knows anything about evolution. We knew it happens. Thats about it. This book is a study of when it happens to certain pokemon and speculated reasons as to why." She put the book in her bag before looking up at him.

Location: Hallway in Soltae's Castle

(Okie then. ^.^)
"Like what?" He asked "Since I am a legendary I don't really know anything about evolution." He looked at the trainer. As much as he disliked humans, the ones who help the legendaries always made Johan feel like people were finally accepting there fate. "You care to share what you've read with me." He said moving a little closer to the trainer.

Location: Hallway in Soltae's Castle

(I just thought of something. She might break his curse if she becomes precious to him.)
She tilted her head slightly and smiled. He seemed interested. "Well, the pokemon that can evolve always do so at the exact time that they were born. Almost all of them evolve when they reach ten years old if they have more than one evolution. Those that only have one, evolve when they reach 20. And with gijinka, it has been noticed that they will evolve if angered enough. Its impossible with pokemon for some reason though..." She trailed off as she thought about it. It was a fascinating subject.

Location: Hallway in Soltae's Castle.

(Wouldn't that be fun...)
he scanned out for cyrus "cyrus isnt here....none of you can help...there for ..." he then place his douse drive in his cannon pointing at them all. "techno douse...." the cannon nosel went blue as it shot a high pressured water cannon.

(everyone does lol bishop)
"I won't let you!" Tsura shouted, intent on making sure what she saw in her vision didn't come true. She held out her hand and her entire body began to glow with psychic power. She attempted to pick up agent g to force him to miss, but not to hurt him.
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the genesect struggled before he then used lock on. a dot appeared on her forehead, as a red mark formed on the cannon. "fire!!!" the cannon shot up to the sky, but zoomed back down attempting to hit the espeon.
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"TSURA!" Oliver shouted. He sprinted over and tackled The Espeon out of the way of the attack. "You ok?" He asked rolling off of her. "Pretty sure its hostile… You need help?"

Location: Iron Island


Johan put his hand up to his face in a thinking way. "
That's interesting… anything else?" Johan was surprised how interested he had become in the topic. This was unlike him. Usually he would have just brushed the topic off, but the evolution of certain pokemon made him want to know more.

Location: Hallway in Soltae's Castle
"Hey!" The Autumn yelled, releasing a Blaziken and a Hydreigon from their capsules. "To get to her, you'll have to go through me!"
Zara giggled and was almost there to poke the gensect before it rose up and began to attack. It shot a canon hitting the espeon near her. There was no way she was backing down from a fight now. She was now backed up by a Blaziken and Hydreigon. "If it's a fight you want then I'll give it to ya! Garchomps are pseudo-legendaries for a reason ya know!" She snarled showing her sharp teeth.
"And Blazikens and Hydreigons are Ubers!" Autumn added to what the Garchomp had said, giving the dragon hybrid a smile.

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The Ninetails was behind the Genesect before anyone could even react. The creme colored top she was wearing was turning red- she may have been more injured then she had given away. She looked at the Genesect, watching it from behind. She growled deep in her throat.

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"No, Nikki, stop. We can handle this." Autumn but her arm in front of the Ninetales to prevent her from fighting.
Tsura looked at Oliver, then at the scene in front of her. "We can't let this happen. The damage he'll cause...." Tsura closed her eyes. Then she looked at the scene again, this time her expression calculating and giving little away. They needed a strategy. We can't just fight and hope he goes away. And there's that girl to think of, too...
the genesect tilted head "why cant we be friends, points using lock on on nikki, tsura and bishop firing a tri beam thats splits off in all directions.
"Aeris! Rock Slide, now!" Autumn commanded her Blaziken, the fire chicken making rocks fall from the cliff above them, knocking all the beams off target. "Aeris, Blaze Kick! Renegade, use Earth Power!" The Blaziken charged at the Genesect and jumped, his leg flaming, going down in mechanical bug Pokémon. The Hydreigon then made hot rocks shoot out of the ground, aimed in the Genesect's direction.

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Nikki growls and springs forward, jumping at the Genesect and blowing a wicked Flamethrower into his face, then jumped on his back and continued her fiery onslaught.

Luke above the scene watched Nikki pounce, and winced. "Ooooo, Genesect is steel and Bug, that's gonna hurt...."

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Oliver smiled. It had been awhile since he had been in a good battle. "Here Ill Help." He said jumping up and sliding next to the Genesect "FlameThrower" He opened his mouth and let the flames bellow towards the Genesects legs.
Fyre backed up enough to stand beside G and told him calmy "Agent G, stand down. We were told to retrieve Cyrus, not fight a group of idiots. Plus they wont be much of a challenge if you werent playing with them." She glanced at him then scanned the area. They were going to have to fly away.
The little Shaymin woke up to noise of fighting. She rose her arms above her head in a stretch and rubbed her neck, seeing as it felt way better already from Nikki's cream. Her eyes then widened as she realized the Ninetales wasn't there in the cave with her. "Nikki? Nikki?" She called out inside the cave, tears pricking at her eyes at the thought that either something happened to the fox, or she had just plain left the little girl. She walked outside, intent on knowing what all the flashing lights and loud noises were, and to find Nikki. The first thing she saw was a huge fight...and Nikki. "Nikki!" She cried out.

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The Ninetails jaws snapped shut, the flames choked off, and now momentarily distracted. "Lotus...?" The fire-type said, her fiery attacks choked off with this distraction.

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Still groggy from waking, the little Shaymin yawned, trying to understand what was happening around her. "Why are you guys fighting?" She asked Nikki.

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agent g looked nodding "your right...i need to fight seriously.." he stood up, from the attacks dusting himself off. " are all boring....i wish to know wheres cyrus, so if you dont know...YOULL HAVE TO TRY HARDER!!!!" he roars so loud he released powerful soundwaves.
The sound waves hurt Tsura's sensitive ears. She groaned, putting her hands over her ears. She knew exactly where the metagross was. However, she was unwilling to give him away as long as he was with her sister.

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