The Corrupted [A Pokemon Gijinka Roleplay] [Inactive]

"Why is he being such a meanie, Nikki?" Lotus said as she covered her ears.

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"Dude! Not Cool!" Oliver said as he covered his ears. He focused on the ground around the Genesect. He removed one of his hands from his ear. And held it out towards the Genesect "StoneEdge." He focused on the rocks below he Genesect and made them shoot upwards diagonally.
The shadow of King's grave shifted. Tsura saw it, but just barely. No! Too dangerous! She spoke through telepathy to the being that she knew was there. However, it was too late.

A woman with stark white hair appeared from the shadows, almost as if she had always been there. "That's enough!" She shouted, the darkrai using dark void on agent g. Corali looked to the genosect with her one good eye.

Location: Iron Island
Fyre hissed at the woman. "So you show your face finally, Corali." Her eyes flashed bright red and she whispered" heat wave" the burst of heat coming out on all sides of her in a circle. she then grabbed G by the arm and shot straight up in the air. Looking down on the island she saw a familiar body ontop of the hill. Pointing to it with her other hand "G, look, theres Cyrus" 
"Well, of course no legendary has been proven to evolve..." Vitani though fpr a minute, he brow scrunching cutely. "Certain pokemon dont need to have life training to evolve. They use the stones. There are rare cases where one that has evolved using a stone will devolve if they were forced to use the stone. And in that book there is a rumor that the dog legendaries were created by ho oh when he tried to revive a vaporeon, flareon, and jolteon. They speculate that if that is the case then maybe ho oh forced an evolution within those three that went beyond their breeds." She looked up, her eyes shining. "Its all so interesting, sometimes i wish i could be a pokemon to see what things happen to them!" She leaned against the wall, smiling. "Sorry, im rambling"

Location: Hallways of Soltaes Castle
"Its fine with me. " Johan said to the girl "I think the Evolution works like you humans when you…umm" Johan snapped his fingers trying to think of the word he was looking for. "Ah! It's like you humans when you go through the thing you call Puberty, Only it happens all at one." Johan stopped and though to himself. "Am I really talking about this kind of topic?! Am i actually enjoying this?! This is so unlike me." Johan stared at the trainer

Location: Hallways of Soltae's Castle


Oliver was knocked back by the sudden rush of heat. "
Man That was Ho-- What the?" Oliver noticed the woman who had materialized from the graves shadow. "Hey Bishop! Since When Do You Have So Many Women Visit Your Island!" Oliver a second after was hit in the face by a low powered Aura Sphere. "I deserved that." Oliver said lying on his back. Bishop only shook his head at his friend. "Who Might you be?" Bishop Asked the weird woman.

Location: Iron Island
agent g shook his head, eyes getting very fuzzy. "nn..what did she do..wait" he brings up infomation, then zoomed down to a tree, he leaned against it "c. ..crap need a lum berry" he weakly tried to grab one, but the mission kept him going to the point of almost passing out. "almost..j..just" opens his insectoid mouth, taking the berry swallowing hard.
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Corali turned to the lucario, surprised. She had been so intent on stopping her fellow ledgendaries, she didn't notice the others. She frowned slightly, then bowed her head in acknowledgement. "My name is Corali. I didn't wish you all to be hurt needlessly." She said, explaining why she got involved

"Are you okay?" Tsura asked, going to Oliver's side in concern.

Location: Iron Island

No harm done

" Bishop said to the woman "

why are you here?


Oliver sat up rubbing the back of his head "

Yeah I'm fine... I did kinda ask for that.

" He smiled at Tsura. The Espeon had been nice to him ever since he hit on here a little while ago.

Location: Iron Island

(I'm kinda thinking of Shipping Oliver and Tsura)
(Yes. I support this idea.)

Corali looked to the grave, then back at Bishop. "I heard that this was the resting place of one of Soltae's victims. I... I wished to see for myself." She said quietly. It was not simple sightseeing. Although her face gave away nothing, she felt guilt for serving Soltae.

Tsura smiled, sitting next to him on the ground. She touched the back if his head, feeling for any cracks or bumps. "I appreciate what you did." She said, meeting his eyes. "When the genosect attacked."

Location: Iron Island
"Yeah." Bishop said looking at his brothers grave "My brother sacrificed himself to save others..." Bishop looked up at the woman. He saw the face of guilt on the gijinkas face. "You're a Legendary aren't you? But your not like the others... You're like Lotus."

Oliver blushed. "Oh it was nothing." He said to her. "I just kinda just acted on instinct." He put his hand down, and quickly moved it after his fingers touched her hand. He turned red in the face and he looked down. He was embarrassed. He had hit on millions of other girls, but this one, this girl he actually had feelings for. "Umm.. I... Uh" he was stuttering "I just didn't want you to get hurt... I didn't want him to hurt anyone, especially someone I lo-" Oliver words just stopped. He couldn't speak.

Location: Iron Island

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Corali looked at him, just a bit nervous. "Yes." She said with a small nod. "I am also known as Darkrai..." She tilted her head to the side at the mention of Lotus. "I suppose... I managed to break free of my curse..."

Tsura blushed slightly at his words. She gave him a soft smile and took his hand, a little nervous. "We all have something to protect. I... I am glad to be one of the ones you wish to keep safe..." She trailed off, not sure how to continue.

Location: Iron Island
"What's wrong" Bishop asked the woman. "Your Aura shifted towards nervousness." He looked at her his eyes scanning her, looking for signs of her change in aura.

Oliver's face turned bright red when Tsura took his hand. "I-It's nothing. I just-I." Oliver exhaled "I've hit on a lot of girls in my life, but..." He looked at Tsura "You're the first that ive actually developed feelings for. I think I l-l-lo-" he couldn't say it. He was nervous, so nervous he couldn't talk.

Location: Iron Island

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Corali looked at the Lucario. "Usually when I reveal my species, a mob appears." She said, looking around. "Most people think that dark means evil." She said, eyes taking a distant look as she remembered the many times that it had happened. She then shook her head.

Tsura looked at Oliver and then looked away, but then looked back at him. She squeezed his hand gently. "It's alright. I think I feel the same way you do." She told him. Of course, she didn't really have much to compare it to, but that was beside the point.

Location: Iron Island
Ninetails covered her ears at the soundwave, and growled at G, then looked at Lotus, and back at G, then ran towards Lotus and scooped her up, ignoring the twang of pain in her ribs, and she leaned against a rock cliff. Her top was getting bloodier, she kept that covered up.

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"Nikki? Why do all this big mean people keep coming?" The little Shaymin pulled herself closer to the Ninetales.

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Vitani smiled and her eyes went wide at his idea. "Oh! that actually makes sense. Most pokemon can't even have babies until they evolve!" She pulled out a notebook from her bag and wrote the idea down. "oh yea, I'm not sure if we've been properly introduced since I, as you put it, never leave the library. I'm Vitani Drakon." She held out her hand and smiled at him.


Location: Hallway in Soltae's Castle


Tahl smirked at her "How about you give me a kiss and we'll see what happens from there?"


Location: Somewhere in the Castle


Ion raised an eyebrow at the trainer. "Oh, and how would you do that?"


Location: Pastoria City


Aelliat tuned around when the vines touch him. "Whoa, you could've just said you didn't want me to leave." He stayed where he was for a few seconds then walked back towards the girl. reaching out he touched her cheek lightly. "Ya know, you are fairly pretty, if you'd take the glare off your face. So how bout it?"


Location: Connecting Bridge


Azrael heard the sounds of fighting below her and her sisters shout. She turned to look that way and only saw flames. "Oh shit.... I'm sorry, I have to go back now." She spoke softly to Cyrus and darted in close to him to lay a kiss on his cheek. Smiling she started to run off and called over her shoulder. "Lets meet up again here soon, K?" With that she went down to the others.

"Prayers to the mother! What happened here!?" She looked around and saw almost everyone hurt. She grabbed her bag from inside the cave and began handing out rawst berries and sitris berries to everyone. She got to Nikki and took one look at her before pulling out a medical kit. "I don't have alot of knowledge but if you pull your shirt up I can help some." She was already mashing up a few berries into a paste and getting some bandages out of the kit.

Location: Iron Island.




Location: Iron Island
"No! Don't touch my Nikki!" Lotus hugged the Ninetales tight. "Wait, Nikki? You're hurt?" The little Shaymin went wide-eyed as she felt the crimson liquid start to seep through the fox Pokémon's shirt. "Nikki! Why didn't you tell me you were hurt?" Lotus exclaimed.

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Soltae gave him a smile. "I suppose I can do that." She said, taking the edge of his cloak in her hands and giving a slight tug so that he'd lean towards her, then kissed him as soon as he was close enough.

Location: Soltae's Castle


Alexis' smile faded for a second, but then it was back."I have no idea!" She announced, not even embarrassed. "Since you've been inconvenienced by this, let me know if you need anything, and I can get it done."

Location: Near Pastoria


The look of rage on her face had been replaced with surprise. "What?" Her face turned red, although she was unsure if it was because she was embarrassed, or mad. She took a deep breath, determined to control her temper this time, but only because he saved her-- as much as she didn't want to admit it. Slowly, the vines released him, and carefully, she took the cyndaquil from his hands, setting it gently on the floor. Then, with the speed only a gijinka could muster, she swung her fist right into his face.

Location: Connecting Bridge
"What....?" She started, then looking down at herself. Sure enough, those broken ribs were poking out through her shirt, and it was getting bloodier by the minute. She stared, not really concerned. "Meh, I'm fine."

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"Nikki! You're hurt really badly!" The little Shaymin cries out. "You are not fine!"

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"Oh please, it's just a few broken ribs. I've dealt with worse. I would be really bad if I was still by the rock, unconscious. I could have gotten a concussion." She put Lotus down and turned away, looking at the broken ribs, pulled her shirt up and looked at them further, then slapped them. With a sickening snap the three broken ribs snapped back into place, though the Ninetails doubled over and let out a thin wailing, but straightened up again in no time.

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Bishop looked at the legendary "The only people on the island are us, so i doubt a mob will for-" Then Bishop heard a sickening pop. He turned to see Nikki snapping her own broken ribs back into place "Nikki! Is Having ribs sticking out of you a common thing!" Bishop shuddered at what just happened.

Oliver upon hearing Tsura's sister let go of her hand. He Liked Tsura, but her sister kinda scared him "
Oh. Um nothing but a few legendaries appearing and stuff."

Location: Iron Island
"Honestly? Yes. Yes it is..." She said, with a straight face, showing she was completely serious.

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Azrael sighed and handed the berry mix she had made to Lotus. "If you can get her to put this on the wound it'll help heal the skin and stop the bleeding and bruising. It also will help with the pain." She knew better than to try herself. She had been just like the ninetales once. She never wanted medical attention, until one day she had woke up and found out she had an infection that put her close to death. She turned to Bishop and waved back at the girl. "Try to get her to use the medicine. Even if she's use to it she could get really sick if its not tended to." With that she walked up to the Darkrai and hugged her tightly.

Location: Iron Island


Tahl smiled and kissed Soltae back before picking her up. "Much more comfortable" He muttered at her, talking about his height. He pulled away and looked around. "This probably isn't a good place for this, goddess."

Location: Soltae's Castle


Ion shrugged. "Name's Ion by the way." His ears twitched in embarrassment. He was normally really good on his manners....

Location: Pastoria


"Hey!" was all Aelliat could say before he was punched. He landed on his butt and rubbed his cheek, wincing. "That was not called for.... I was paying you a compliment, woman!" He growled out his words and stood back up.

Location: Connecting Bridge
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"Nikki!" Lotus whined, obviously pained at the sickening noises the Ninetales had just made, making her tear up a little. "Why won't you let me help you? It's not fine like say it is! What am I going to do when you get hurt so badly that I can't ever see you again?" The tears started to run down the Shaymin's face, the little girl making the whining noises that came with crying.

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